Days of Our Lives - Fri. May 7, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, May 7, 2010
Episode #11,330 Taped 3/10 Director – Herb Stein

For a Friday episode during sweeps month, rather slow moving show today. Melanie comes onto the floor, spots Nathan & Stephanie being totally unprofessional, as they kiss and carry on. She is so distracted by the spectacle, she doesn’t notice Maxine come up behind her, glad to see her. Maxine sends her to get some info from a new patient named Rae, a homeless woman. In the room, we see, of course, that Rae is the bag lady who found Stephanie’s pills, and is now fingering them, putting them back in her bag when Mel walks in. Evidently Rae has a problem with her foot, been bothering her for a few days, and in case we were not paying attention, the camera zooms in on that pill container with Stephanie’s name emblazoned on the front a few times. Melanie says she has to check her bag of stuff, finds two pill containers, Rae says she gets headaches sometimes and takes whatever she can find. Melanie doesn’t think the pills in this container would be much good for a headache….unless perhaps she did not want to get pregnant. Rae smiles, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend, just thought the container was pretty and she could put something else in it. Here comes Dr. Horton to take Rae for treatment, and look, Stephanie is with him. Rae asks if she is a nurse…..nope, just there to get things started for social services. (Gee, wasn’t she in the P.R. office?? Guess she wears a lot of hats at Salem Hospital). Nathan leaves with Rae, Melanie stops Stephanie, shows her the pills. Stephanie claims to have lost them, must have fallen out of her purse. Yeah, right into the trash basket at the pier. Melanie says trying to trick Nathan by having him father her baby is not right. Stephanie denies it, none of Mel’s business. Nathan comes in, Melanie leaves.

In Brady’s room, Victor is visiting, Brady is feeling better, has had a lot of company, not getting much rest. Victor promises whoever did this will pay, talks of the person choosing rich and powerful men, and now putting their mark on Brady. He wants them all to get together and work with Salem PD to zero in on the mugger. Maggie comes in (gosh she looks so beautiful) small talk. Now Melanie pops in to get vitals, Victor & Maggie leave, with Maggie asking Victor to drive her home, she wants to talk to him.
Melanie takes his pulse, is fine, Brady is gonna live, smiles as he says he is relieved, but Melanie goes for a big hug, she was so worried about him. Brady can see something is bugging Melanie, she tells him about Stephanie & the pills, he strongly advises her not to get involved in another couple’s business, something he learned the hard way. She leaves. Now Stephanie pops in…for all of about 30 seconds. She asks why Brady is looking at her so oddly, guesses immediately Melanie has told him something about her, he only says Melanie is very concerned, Stephanie says her good-byes, will be back again.
Melanie find Nathan taking a break in the doctor’s lounge. Sits down next to him, and you can see her wrestling with herself as to telling Nathan or not.

At DiMansion, Sami is telling a rather surprised EJ that he kissed her, after the mugging, he was trying to get up, she was trying to keep him still. He is apologetic, can’t remember, but sorry if he was out of line. She assures him it was nothing. They go back and forth about it, finally agreeing that all is cool between them, Sami is no longer uncomfortable about staying there, since they got the big elephant out of the room, or at least off in the corner. She wonders if there is room for them all, being the elephant is so big, EJ grins, says Fatha has a preserve out back. Now EJ talks of going for a swim, something about his shoulder, and Lexie telling him he has to do 100 laps…or she is sending him to a therapist. He invites Sami, who declines, saying it is May, cold. EJ proclaims the water, tho, is 80°. She is not going to put on a bathing suit in front of everyone, he says why not, she is beautiful. Yada, yada. Johnny comes running in, wanting to go swimming, EJ scoops him up as Sami protests that he cannot go in the pool, Daddy has a bad shoulder. EJ laughs, cuz that means Mommy is going to have to come and supervise.
And so later, they all come back in the room, dripping wet, Sami sending Johnny up to get dry clothes from Mary. EJ gives her a robe as she is shivering a bit. (Sami has a big towel around the waist and a halter top). Barechested EJ goes to put a robe on himself, complains about that shoulder, talks of needing a massage, Sami offers to help get the knot out…….seems she went to massage school at some point (I don’t seem to remember that!!!) but never completed the course, there was an incident of some kind. She laughs. EJ complains she is hurting him, and now he knows how she really feels about him. He laughs, making her stop. She figures she was being to hard, and begins to knead the muscle again, he says it feels better, She is behind him, he turns, and their faces grow closer.

Maggie & Victor arrive at her place, she thanks him, saying Philip had driven her to the hospital, usually she drives herself. She tells Victor she is sorry for the strained relations between him & Philip, could see as Victor was with Brady how much his family means to him, and if he likes, she will try to help him mend fences with Philip and with Melanie. Victor thanks her, it means a lot. She has given him a cup of coffee, her hand begins shaking as she is putting the pot down, Victor gets concerned, Maggie says she is fine, but then slumps down unconscious in Victor’s arms.

And now let’s go to wherever South Sea spa Anna & Calliope are enjoying themselves, and tune back into Anna deciding to tell all to her good friend. We get only bits and pieces, and I guarantee you, to hear Calliope repeating the “condensed” version of Anna’s tale of woe is just too much. Anna starts with her happy life with Tony, being out of town when Stefano phone her with the news Tony was gone, how Anna left Salem after giving Stefano a piece of her mind, but taking nothing. Only later deciding she would get her share of Tony’s inheritance and brags of hitting the DiMeras for ransom. Then comes the story of little Miss Sydney, (Calliope mistakenly thinks this is Stefano’s wife, lol) Anna raves about this darling baby, explains the birth, Nicole, the switch, Both ladies are getting a bit tipsy, sipping on their umbrella drinks, as Anna goes on and on about how she figures EJ still cares about Sami. Calliope finally says she has to go, a hair appt. and leaves.
When she gets back to Rafe, she is done, through, etc. but he tells her no. She figures he has the info he needs, she cannot do any more with her good friend. Rafe reminds her that Anna kidnapped a baby…..that is horrible. Calliope agrees, cannot believe Anna would do that, and Rafe definitely agrees to that. Tells Calliope he thinks she was working with someone, that somebody else thought this scheme up, that Anna herself would not do this. He talks of being patriotic, loving their country, wanting justice, etc. Knows Calliope feels the same way, urges her to return. Ah, she does, claiming her roots can wait, her friend is more important. She goes on about it being 2 decades since they saw each other, Anna talks of what a relief it was to get all that off her chest. Calliope figures there is more, can’t believe Anna really kidnapped a child, urging her to tell all, wondering who put her up to it. Anna draws back, asking Calliope what is with so many questions, it’s almost as if you are grilling me.

I say bring on victor and maggie could be intresting. how cute would it be to have victor/maggie and philip/melanie? maybe they can have a double date LOL.

I also think stephanie will be the one to find out about the Philip/Chloe fling. and even though she doesn't want to lose nathan she will end up telling melanie somehow just to humiliate and hurt her.

I know melanie wants to be a good friend to nathan, but brady's right she really should just stay out of it.

great writeup
I can remember hating Melanie when Max & Stephanie were in Europe looking for Mealine. She was such a brat then. Boy have the roles reversed here. I am all love to Melanie & want Stephanie to be brought down a few notches.
Not sure that Melanie should be the one to tell Nathan....but I do hope Stephanie gets busted!!

EJ & Sami....I am so torn on this relationship. I mean for all the reasons everyone has already said...Sami should run, run, run. But at the same time...I love these actors together. They light up the screen in my opinion. And Sami has done just as much in her past as EJ has done. So I am torn.

Poor Calliope...she does not want to be in this situation!! Anna might be catching on.
I agree I want stephanie busted, but I dont think I want melanie to be the one to do it.
There is no way I want this thread to get hi-jacked into another area, but tho Sami has definitely done some things in her past, definitely not as much as EJ, no where near....and........NOPE. That is all. End of it. Back to the summary...:back:

Stephanie does snatch the pill box away from Melanie, so Mel no longer has any "evidence".
There is no way I want this thread to get hi-jacked into another area, but tho Sami has definitely done some things in her past, definitely not as much as EJ, no where near....and........NOPE. That is all. End of it. Back to the summary...:back:

I understand you're concern about the thread developing into another topic, but I have to agree with you, Sami has also sincerely tried to make changes in life. It's sad to see that her self esteem has dropped so low yet again.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. So looking forward to the Anna scenes love have Ms Jones back.
Oh how did Mel allow Stephanie to to take the pills back. I so wanted Mel to out her.
I hope Stephanie throws the pills out again. I want her to get caught (pregnant) by BLAH Nathan. They truly deserve each other. Neither one has any personality. Sure did like the original Stephanie better than this one.
Stephanie kept trying to grab them away from Melanie who at first was successful in not letting her.......but then Stephanie just swooped in. LOL

I am getting a kick out of Calliope and all her different big earrings. For being the same day, I think there has been 3 or 4 different pairs. LOLOL
Are we sure it is May?

I am all for Stephanie trapping Nathan, it at least is more of a story than kissing all the time. These two bore me to tears, but at least Stephanie is scheming. What does Nathan do again?

Maggie and Victor...EEEEEEE

thanks for the write up!
Calliope & her earrings .... at least they're 'keeping' that part of the character ... Her kooky earrings were her 'trademark'. :)
Maggie & Victor sound awfully sweet, but it sounds too fast. Not that their moving too fast, meaning she is just recently widowed I hope they don't move it on that fast.

Rafe/Caliope/& Anna This is good go Rafe & Caliope go! So she confesses to the kidnapping and mentions EJ's name.

EJ & Sami, I could just gag. I wonder how much more lies & manipulation will be done to this woman by the end of June?
There is no way I want this thread to get hi-jacked into another area, but tho Sami has definitely done some things in her past, definitely not as much as EJ, no where near....and........NOPE. That is all. End of it. Back to the summary...:back:

Stephanie does snatch the pill box away from Melanie, so Mel no longer has any "evidence".

Sorry...didn't realize I had hijacked it by mentioning what came to my mind. I apologize & wont let it happen again. :(
Rafe/Caliope/& Anna This is good go Rafe & Caliope go! So she confesses to the kidnapping and mentions EJ's name.

EJ & Sami, I could just gag. I wonder how much more lies & manipulation will be done to this woman by the end of June?

It really is becoming painful to watch.:(
I hope Stephanie throws the pills out again. I want her to get caught (pregnant) by BLAH Nathan. They truly deserve each other. Neither one has any personality. Sure did like the original Stephanie better than this one.

You have to know that Steph is going to be pregnant, why else this story line? Another pregnancy I see on the horizon is Chloe by Philip - that will stir up a lot of issues.
I Want Stephanie AND EJ to go DOWN

I want Stephanie AND EJ to go DOWN. I want Anna caught and for her to spill her guts to Calliope and bye bye to both EJ AND Anna. Wishful thinking???????????

I want Stephanie to get caught BEFORE she gets pregnant with Nathan's child. Despite some who feel he has no personality, he is sincere and not a schmuck like Stephanie. He doesn't deserve a witch like her.

I would still like to see Melanie wind up with Nathan since they do love each other and Philip was a weak second to Mel.

I still don't like Philip and even more so now that he slept with Chloe! He is a spoiled brat and has no integrity. If he had integrity, he would never have slept with Chloe regardless of what he THOUGHT was going on. And if Chloe had integrity she wouldn't have slept with Philip regardless of what she thought was happening with Carly and Dr. Daniel. Why can't Daniel put two and two together now and figure out that Vivian was the one behind the whole thing and why. Is he drinking the Salem Stupid Juice too??????

We know Sami is drinking the Salem Stupid Juice again and she needs a swift kick in the butt by Roman who has to knock some sense into her.
Sorry...didn't realize I had hijacked it by mentioning what came to my mind. I apologize & wont let it happen again. :(

You didn't hijack anything. I think Poirot meant she didn't want this thread to become all about one thing because she was about to speak on something that is a hot button topic for many posters. It was like a precautionary post (or at least that is how I saw it after I looked back again).
You only posted in reference to what is happening on the show, so I don't see how it can be seen as off topic. Therefore, definitely not a hijack regardless. :)

Thanks for the summary Poirot! I am definitely looking forward to Friday's show. :)