Days of Our Lives - Fri. Oct. 1, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, October 1, 2010
Episode #11,430 Taped 7/30 Director Albert Alarr

Opening scenes are closing scenes from Thursday. EJ has told Stefano he does not have amnesia, that he remembers everything, Stefano asks if he knows who shot him. Yes, he does, he remembers it all. And then EJ admits he shot himself. Stefano is taken aback, EJ begins to describe how his world came crashing down, how he was drinking and drinking more, went to the table got the gun, went up to Samantha’s room, whiskey glass in hand. He put the gun up to his temple, finger on trigger, and then passed out, not wanting to know what would come next. He talks of losing Sami, his children, embarrassing his family and himself. Stefano listens, then tells him that his scenario is impossible. Yes, folks, it seems there was no powder residue on EJ’s fingers, the doctors claim the trajectory of the bullet indicates it could not have been self inflicted….and the gun was no where to be found, still is missing. EJ is trying to comprehend this information, then decides it had to be Nicole. No, sez Stefano, could not be, as she was under FBI guard, and could not have slipped out without them seeing her.
No, no, Stefano decides it was an inside job, entirely too coincidental that this happened the night it was revealed that it was EJ who took Sydney, it had to be either Sami or Will. Now Stefano discards Will as a suspect, no fingerprints on the table, etc. (wait a sec, didn’t EJ just say he took the gun out himself???). Stefano goes on that it had to be Sami, then describes how she even tried again when EJ was in a coma. This startles EJ, but Stefano goes on about Sami being designated by EJ as the person to make health decisions if he is incapable. EJ nods, and Stefano continues on…Sami ordered them to pull the plug (conveniently leaving out the part where the docs advised this, including Lexie, and Sami was reluctant). EJ is soaking it all in.

Melanie is sitting at her laptop with Maggie, showing her all the cool features of the house she & Philip found, just 2 blocks away. Philip comes in, seems someone else upped their offer, and no one even came back to Philip for a counter offer. Melanie is indignant, wants to go trounce that offer, and leaves with Philip. Maggie wonders how this house is on the market for 8 months, and suddenly in a bidding war. Almost as if someone didn’t want them to have the house. And over at Victor’s, he is on the phone with a real estate agent, ordering a closing immediately. He hangs up, grins at his one upmanship over Philip & Melanie. These two sit in the Pub, complaining how this is the 2nd house that they lost this way, almost as if someone doesn’t want them to find a house.
Victor comes to visit “Philip & Melanie”, Maggie says they aren’t home, invites him in to wait. They sort of joust back & forth with their words, when Philip & Melanie return with their news. Victor gets a call he takes outside, Phil, Melanie & Maggie confer, all agreeing among themselves Victor has been at work in the real estate market. They figure it is all Maggie’s fault, Victor doesn’t want them moving as they are the excuse he has to come over and see her. Melanie gets a bright idea, telling Phil they should move in with Victor, talks Phil into it, calls out the door to Victor to come in, they have a surprise. LOL, as he gets the news, and there is Melanie, cheery, smiling, happy, telling Victor how alone he is in that big house, so they are gonna be company. He leaves to give a heads up to Henderson, Melanie comments to Maggie & Phil that Victor doesn’t seem to like cheery, and he is going to get a lot of it. LOLOL

Nicole is trying to convince Brady to let Vivian out, they go back and forth, sideways and all around discussing it, with comments from Vivian (they don’t hear her, but she can hear them). Brady does say how well equipped the sarcophagus is, air, water, and “all the necessities necessary for life in the crypt”. He describes how well planned it was, and Vivian did it all, finally telling Nicole how it was meant for Maggie Horton. Nicole is shocked at that, but Brady assures her that Vivian’s plan was to keep Maggie there. Nicole says something about having the upper hand with him for a change, but not sure what she is going to do. As they talk he brings up them getting closer at one point, even perhaps almost having a chance together, even if it was for only one night. And now he indicates perhaps, via Vivian, it was meant to be after all. He moves in, kisses Nicole, who slaps him. She is angry, slaps him again, goes to leave, stops. Vivian is gloating, but soon changes expression, as Nicole turns, goes back to Brady, kisses him, ripping his shirt apart in the front. Vivian is exclaiming, oh, no, and shutting her eyes. LOL

Sami & Rafe are cuddling in the apartment, having the conversation about getting married ASAP. Sami is surprised, Rafe shows her what he found out about Green Mountain Lodge, how perfect it would be, they could go, take the kids, get married and no one would have to know. Sami is pensive, (yep, another flashback of her shooting EJ)Rafe can see something is bothering her, but she won’t tell him. She can’t, not this. He tries to reassure her that nothing she tells him would make him stop loving her, that he cannot protect her or the kids without knowing, but Sami is adamant, Rafe pulls back, agrees he should not be pressing her, he is sorry. A knock at the door, there is Roman, giving them a heads up he is going to question EJ. Sami tells him EJ rememembers nothing, Roman is aware of that, but is going anyway.
Over at the hospital, he walks into EJ’s room, greets the “gentlemen” and says he is there to question EJ about what happened.

And back at the apartment, Sami finally appears to decide to tell Rafe what is bothering her. She stands in front of him…”I know who shot EJ”.

it's interesting that Nicole slaps Brady, the one person who has always been there for her. Many people have expressed their disgust over EJ's manhandling of her.......and now Nicole shows her true colors by giving as good as she gets. I literally LOATHE her.

And how like Stefano to leave out the pertinent details that don't support his revenge.
Thanks Poirot!!

And back at the apartment, Sami finally appears to decide to tell Rafe what is bothering her. She stands in front of him…”I know who shot EJ”.

I predict it will be a "daydreaming" scene. :(
I think Nicole slaps Brady because he is trying to use her to cover the stuff with Vivian. She is also angry at him for what he has done, which is so out of character for him.
I think I would have done the same thing as Nicole did. She slapped him because she knew he was trying to use sex to get her to comply with what he wanted. He was using her. Sounds like she ends up falling for it anyway.
Please let Sami come clean and it not be a daydream. I really,really,really want her to be honest with Rafe. I don't want her entering another relationship with all the lies. Rafe has proven, time and time again that he will always protect her. Nicole and Brady sounds like comic relief. I love how the Dimeras have convienient truth and memory loss. EJ remembers everything and Stefano only tells part of the story.

Thanks for the write-up. It is great as always
Thanks for the summary Poirot. Looking foreward to seeing this. I bet Vivian is a card with her remarks. Just love her in the coffin. I am so hoping that Sami tells Rafe the truth. She needs to come clean and Rafe can help her. He sure has shown that he is there for her.
Of all the men in Sami's life, Rafe is the one that knows her like a book, lets her figure it out too. She will come clean with him, she has to.

Welcome Back Barb.
As should be pretty clear from all my comments I only care about one side of the show...the Kiriakis side...and the Maggie/Victor and Phil/Mel stuff sounds too cute. I see Maggie/Victor as "Phil/Mel the golden years" - both couples are very similar, although most people will not admit it.

Thanks for the write up.
As should be pretty clear from all my comments I only care about one side of the show...the Kiriakis side...and the Maggie/Victor and Phil/Mel stuff sounds too cute. I see Maggie/Victor as "Phil/Mel the golden years" - both couples are very similar, although most people will not admit it.

Thanks for the write up.
I so agree with you slyn. thankyou very much for the great write up barb. and welcome home. I hope you had a wonderful vacation.
I see the similarities between Maggie/Victor Melanie/Philip. At first I did not like Melanie and Philip together, but they are really cute so are Maggie and Victor.
Victor/Maggie scenes are such a delight, too. Victor is alone, hanging up on the real estate agent, happy he accomplished the buy. He comments to himself he may even make a profit when the market improves........then scowls a bit, cuz he "feels guilty". And says, darn you Maggie. LOLOL
In her kitchen he says something about her influencing him, and she says, being silly, I suppose if I told you to go to .......Crete??....and stand on your head, you would do it, huh. He replies that standing on your head stops you from losing your hair. I cracked up.
It was a great show. Loved the Brady, Nicole, and Viv scenes. LOL when Nicole goes back and opens Brady's shirt and they start going at it. Viv is NO NO NO I can see you. Anxious to see what EJ tells Roman about the shooting. They are wondering what would hurt Sami more. Her going to jail or Will.
ARGH! There are so many things I want to say but can't because this is not in the Crystal Ball. LOL

IMO, Nicole slapped Brady because she knows that he was just using her feelings for him to get her to either 'forget' or 'not say anything' about Vivian being in the Sarcophagus.
Mind you, by the sounds of it, she couldn't help herself with turning back to him. I really hope they dont let Brady continue to 'use' her as I have always felt that Brady was the one for her. Every man in her life has used her.

I understand that he has turned to dark Brady, which I LOVE very much, but I really hope they don't make this relationship they develop as a result of this, into an awful one.

PS Have I mentioned how much I LOVE dark Brady?
it doesn't matter 'why' she slapped him, just as it doesn't matter why EJ used to manhandle her. You just shouldn't get physical with people, period. Man or woman. Same rules apply.
Putting hands on someone is not okay. I cannot compare Nicole to EJ. EJ uses his physical force to intimidate and harm. Nicole was responding to being emotionally and psychologically abused. She has had enough of that all her life, and never expected to be "used" by Brady. She was standing up for herself in that moment. That's all. Self defense, if you want to call it that. She was not trying to intimidate or harm. NO comparison to EJ, who is deliberately cruel, physically and psychologically abusive to many...and repeatedly!
Just let me say here that Nicole did not slap him hard at all.....and I think perhaps you would have had to hear all of the conversation between them before you debate it being justified or not.

Nicole loves Brady, knows she messed up big time with him. But right then, she was first desperately trying to make him realize he could not continue to keep Vivian in that coffin...but as he revealed more & more of Viv's plans, Nicole was beginning to understand why he did what he did.
She did not expect the kiss, Brady surprised her...(and if I had not rewound my tape back to the beginning I would go and rewatch to tell you in more detail what they said). However, I really don't have the time anyway. She started to walk away, stopped turned back and went right into making out with him.

And I do think it matters, matters a great deal how EJ manhandled Nicole, and the why of a woman defending herself, or retaliating against being someone taking physical advantage of her.
self-defense against a kiss? That certainly wouldn't hold up in a court of law!
Oh, but indeed it would. I have seen reports of men arrested for doing just that.