Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 28, 2016

There are probably many newer viewers who have no idea that Julie has a son and grandson.
The latter of whom left town as a mid-twentysomething 25 years ago!! Heck his grandkid could show up in Salem and I'd not bat an eyelash!
I'm sorry. John and Steve should have sniffed out Orpheus in 5 seconds.
The more I think about this, the angrier it makes me. An exciting story can't be exciting when the lead characters have to be dumbed down to make it work.
Here's the thing about Blood Money...first off, almost all money of the extremely wealthy is built off of others' labour. Where did Hope's "good" money (which I assume came from her mother's predeceased husband, Mr Olson) come from? Secondly, why not take those millions and do something good with them? This has always bothered me on every TV show ever.... I'm sorry. John and Steve should have sniffed out Orpheus in 5 seconds.
Agree about Victor's proposed trust fund. Is Hope kidding? There's plenty of good Teen Ciara could have done with the old grouch's "dirty money," although I rather suspect that the first thing she'd do is revisit the Baron's jewelry counter. As for John and Steve failing to recognize Orpheus in a Salem second, it just doesn't wash. The magician scene was creative, but when it comes to realism, it doesn't stand up to even even cursory inspection. On other fronts why wasn't the deputy mayor giving awards to those who actually captured/killed the members of the Orpheus Gang -- Chad and Andre (Clyde), John and Steve (Orpheus), and Deimos (Xander) (yes, this is a fraud, but nobody knows that yet)? As for the Hope/Rafe police station public display of extreme affection, it's another manifestation of the utter lack of professionalism in the Salme P.D. Would Sgt. Joe Friday or Kojak ever have done anything like that? Finally, Ghost Stefano must be smiling over Andre's latest move. What better way to get revenge on his "bad cop" and her accessory after the fact.
I agree, the trust fund money is not where I would choose to take a moral stand, in a society that is awash in immorality. I wonder why a tv show would pick that out as an issue. Also, it doesn't set right with me that Hope has lived her life with a comfortable trust fund cushion but she would ask her daughter to give hers up.

So, this is probably a dumb question, but was the magician actually Orpheous or was it someone he hired? I thought it was him and it made sense that it was him, but I couldn't tell for sure. If it was him, I would have expected the people right there in the room with him could have seen his face better than I could on my tv. I was wondering about it the whole time. Why wouldn't they have recognized him? Based on some of the disguises Salemites have used in the past, I guess it doesn't take much to fool them.
WOW, I was surprised to hear Claire call Hope "Gran", to her face.

She already called her "Gran" to her face a couple weeks ago when she reconciled with Hope at station after her kidnapping. I'm glad they had her do it again.

the angrier it makes me. An exciting story can't be exciting when the lead characters have to be dumbed down to

Same here. Why didn't they question whether it was Orpheus as on as the body was reported missing? Out of character for all involved and I don't like it. The magic show was a joke too. In one scene he sounded just like Orpheus and then in the next one he had a British accent.

The trust fund conversation was completely out of nowhere and pointless. And it doesn't work for me if Shawn, Chelsea and Claire aren't getting mentioned as well. No way Victor would just set up for Ciara and not the others. It doesn't mean they'd accept it but he would attempt it.

I think Ciara in a cop uniform was foreshadowing. I was also annoyed about the discussion Hope had with her about how proud Bo would have been. What about Shawn? I'm sorry but this is just not a realistic way to speak when there are siblings.

The Ciara/Claire stuff was also sudden but I didn't hate it. We knew Ciara had been jealous but Claire has been noticeably absent this week until now so that hasn't helped the dynamic here. I liked that Hope and others noticed something as wrong too. And I liked that Hope didn't automatically defend Ciara. Though Claire should have been spoken to about her "your daughter" comment.

I think Valerie is hiding something or someone.

Nice to get a David Banning mention.

Give me a break about a fundraiser for Abby and no Chad, Jennifer, JJ (understandable), Gabi, Sonny, Adrienne, Lucas. All about Hope yet again. Even storylines or plot points about other people all point to Hope. Even all the compliments today all for Hope. It's the Hope show indeed with no end in sight. She was on 4/5 episodes this week, pretty much dominating every show she was in.

I cannot do the summary next Friday as I'll be traveling. I have to check my schedule for Mon-Wed. But I really can't do all 3 days. Perhaps some of us could divide and conquer since I know we have a few folks who are able to watch the show live.
I found Claire and Ciara tedious, and I had wondered why Ciara was perma-attached to Theo again at the hospital, but not that much.

Otherwise I loved this episode. Classic cheesy soap goodness. Fancy dress costumes, a schlocky magician who happens to be the baddie, Andre dressing up as himself for Halloween and chittering about manically, then Hope getting thrown under a bus at her own awards ceremony.

Chad should have been at the party, he had a costume for Thomas so why weren't they there? JJ's in hospital and Jennifer is with him, so they are excused, but Chad should be there.

Even when I'm not a week behind I don't see the episodes until someone rips the NBC online copy for YouTube since I'm in Australia, by the time I recapped for you guys it'd be too late.
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