Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sept. 6, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 6, 2019

Eric is outside the open door, thanking an officer (we do not see), car door slams, he comes inside, back to Nicole. They exchange more loving conversation, he talks of last time he saw her, Brady pulling him away, bldg. exploding, his promise to keep Holly safe. Is she safe, Holly comes around the corner, Eric so happy to see her. He hugs her, says how much he missed her and her mommy, how he is now taking them home. Eventually, Nicole takes Holly to her room, she goes to sleep, (like all Salem kids, no matter time of day, what is going on, instant sleep).

Brady is offering Ciara a job at Titan, executive training, only best and brightest, yada yada. Ciara wonders what Grampa will say, Brady says his decision, but knows he will be o.k. Ciara is not stupid, and quickly realizes that Grampa Vic doesn't like her boyfriend, gonna be strings. She starts asking Brady about Kristen, her disguise, whether he got close, and yep, Brady slept with her, did not she was not Nicole. Ciara laughs, since he had previously slept with both, but still could not tell. She thinks he still has some feelings for Kristen, and despite his brain telling him no, he wishes he could have another chance. Brady doesn't deny this. Ciara has proved there is something to the choices they make, Brady promises he won't give her any static about Ben, she says will go over and consider his offer.

Ben comes to, tied to a chair, facing Victor. The upshot is, he wants Ben to break it off with Ciara, Ben refuses, he loves her, knows she loves him, would never hurt her. Vic warns he will lose his life, nods to Xander, who wraps a tie around Ben's neck, squeezing it tight. He lets go, Ben still refuses, doesn't think they will really kill him. Vic is not messing around, tells Xander to go at it. Xander pulls the tie tight again, Ben struggling, but he loosens, takes the tie off, tells Vic he told Sarah he wanted to be a better person, he doesn't mind roughing someone up, but won't kill anyone.

Earlier, Sarah came down to living room, hi to Victor, pours some tea. Vic comments she looks a bit green around the gills. Flashback to her checking her calendar, etc. She goes to hospital, gets a tray of stuff, into some room, gonna take a blood sample from herself. Wraps the rubber tie around her arm, Kayla comes in, what are you doing. Sarah talks of just wanting to check, make sure she hasn't picked up some bug there at hospital. (how could she, she never sees a patient, lol). Kayla offers to do blood draw, does so, Sarah will take it to lab herself. She starts to leave, stops, and confesses to Kayla she thinks she might be pregnant. Kayla offers to help, goes to lab, manages to get the results lickety split.

Vivian holds the gun on Kate, spitting venom at her over Kate shooting her. Kate tries to wiggle out of it, but Viv is enjoying herself. Kate offers to run DiMera together with Viv, the same offer Viv had made to Kate just before Kate shot her. Viv seems to consider it, but no dice. Viv has Kate standing in front of what appears to be a grave, tho metal sides. Kate can't believe she plans on burying her alive. Viv says who said anything about alive. Bang. Kate falls backwards into the hole. Viv has a satisfied look on her face.

Nicole talks about knowing Kristen's goal was Brady, the mask, looking exactly like her. She wonders if Kristen succeeded. Eric says they got close, she asks if intimate, Yes. She doesn't understand why he then did not know. Eric assures her, if it had been him, he would have known. They hug, he wants to get her & Holly back home where they belong. However, before they get back to Salem, he wants Nicole to know, that....he did get close to someone else. She nods.

Viv comes back to the grave area, muttering about Kate thinking she would bury her alive, as she shovels dirt into the open grave.

Ciara call Ben, he was to meet her for lunch. Where is he? You won't believe what my family is up to.

Vic thinks Xander is just pathetic, takes the tie, and starts to strangle Ben. Brady walks in, what the blazes do you think you are doing?

Kayla has given the lab results to Sarah, has not looked at them, Sarah wants to open it alone. Kayla leaves, Sarah opens, reads. Oh, my God! I am pregnant.
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Attn: Dr. Dumb-bell - did you know that you didn't have to attempt to misappropriate hospital equipment to draw your own blood for a pregnancy test? You could, actually, just pee on a stick! If it is positive, then you can confirm it, but an initial home test would be enough to let you know.

I can't believe that Vic is going to attempt to strangle a young, strong man (although it sounds like he has been put through a tough time with all of the near strangling he has had).

Yesterday, we saw Kate and Vivian in a public place - where did she find a big open grave in the middle of town or did she hold Belinda on her and walk her through town to the graveyard where an open grave was conveniently waiting?

As dumb as these stories are, at least they seem to be moving.

Thanks for the summary. Have a great weekend.
tells Vic he told Sarah he wanted to be a better person, he doesn't mind roughing someone up, but won't kill anyone.
While we weren't looking, Xander and Sarah became the actual rootable couple. While the cameras were focused on Ben and Ciara and his "redemption," there was actually lightning in a bottle down the road.
(how could she, she never sees a patient, lol)
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: I was actually floored when she had to arrange her schedule yesterday, since we never see her with an actual patient.
Oh, my God! I am pregnant.
Paging daddy Xander. Or are we to believe Salem's pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy at 2 days post conception?
I figured that would've been dragged out for days.
I'll be truly surprised if we're really done with Kate for good. That would be a twist.
I have to say I was surprised Eric didn't say to Nicole, wait a minute let me check, as he tried to rip off her hair and face! They are lovely together. I was never a huge Eric/Nicole fan. I didn't feel they were meant to be. I always liked her with Brady. How cute is Holly?!! And she spoke and was so cute. I am so happy that they finally gave Nicole a baby!!

Poor Ben. But it is good to see Victor doing something!

Ugh, Sarah is pregnant. I am hoping they don't the typical soap crap and make it Eric's when he and Nicole are reconciling. Please let it be Xander's!! I love that Eric is going to confess about Sarah. Yeah, I've been seeing this woman for like a week who left her husband of two weeks who just so happened to be my other brother Rex. Typical Salem stuff!!
...we never see [Sarah] with an actual patient.
She probably does a lot of things we don't see her do. I'll bet she goes to the bathroom, blows her nose, takes a shower….. If they showed everything in real time, we would really be bored.

I am hoping they don't the typical soap crap and make it Eric's when he and Nicole are reconciling.
C'mon, macgyverswife, :) that was why they had them flapping the sheets. Nicole will never catch a break in Salem, just like Lucas.
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Beware of hospitals: Germphobic Vic probably thinks that if the Black Death ever reappears its source will be traced to University Hospital.

Road to nowhere: Ciara is right to be skeptical about working for Titan. Past history shows that most people who get hired are doomed to be fired by Victor sooner or later.

The best people: Brady wants the best employees at Titan? It's highly doubtful that graduates of the Harvard Business School are beating the doors down to get hired there. Even graduates of the low-status Salem University B-School are probably advised to avoid the place.

The learning curve: What can Ciara learn from Brady: how to recover from addictions, all about choosing the wrong love interest, and how not to notice that you're sleeping with a person who's wearing a rubber mask?

The irony of it all: Xander is trying to improve himself so he'll be worthy of Sarah while Victor Is regressing to the worst days of his long-ago criminal youth. It might have made for a good scene if it had been Maggie, not Brady, who had walked to find her grouchy cuddle-bear about to strangle poor Ben.

Call Bayview: Yesterday, I said that Viv belonged in Bayview. I'll double down on that after today's nonsense. And If the place is short of beds, they ought to discharge Claire or Jordan to make room for Stefan Zero's demented mother.
Thanks, Poirot.

Ciara seemed smart today wondering why Brady was offering her a job.

Enjoy Ciara and Brady's conversation about Kristen.

Somehow Vivian and Kate walked from the park to the cemetery. Didn't
anyone see them?

I laughed when Ben called Victor gramps.

Nice seeing Holly today.

I don't understand Sarah telling Kayla it can't be Rex's baby. Didn't he leave
about three weeks ago? Does this mean we won't have a "who's the daddy"

What will Nicole say when Eric tells her about Sarah? Will Nicole
think it's over between her and Eric?
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I don't understand Sarah telling Kayla it can't be Rex's baby. Didn't he leave
about three weeks ago? Does this mean we won't have a "who's the daddy"
Meanwhile, in Salem time, Sarah and Eric had sex "last week", so how in the world could she think it was Eric's baby and not Rex's??
Made me laugh....executive training??? Since when? Brady, Sonny, Philip,....Sami back some years, Gabi, Chad.....instant execs.....
I still remember when Sami was turned down for a job as a dog washer. Soon after that, she was head of a multi-national, multi-billionaire company. Some of us got it; some ain't.

Does this mean we won't have a "who's the daddy"
TPTB would never miss an opportunity to regale us with yet another "Who's the Daddy" storyline. in the world could [Sarah] think it was Eric's baby and not Rex's??
Wishful thinking??