Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Sept. 7, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 7, 2018

Finally, it is a new day in Salem, and “yesterday” was the wedding, etc.)Sonny is asleep on sofa when mom comes in, wakes him up. They talk about him going to hospital, returning home as Will wanted him to do so, Will getting memory back, both wanting to be together, not wanting to hurt Paul. More of the same. He rejects her offer to cook breakfast, so she bids adieu, loves him, etc.

At the cop shop, Bonnie is clearly waiting for someone, but it isn’t Maggie, who arrives to give Bonnie a hard time over what she did to Lucas. Bonnie is loudly claiming she is sorry, she is no longer that person, she apologizes to Maggie, wants to make amends to everyone. She blames Anjelica, claiming she was the one who orchestrated it all, Maggie says Bonnie was an accessory. Bonnie finally says if Maggie would get Lucas to come see her, she will apologize in person, face to face. Maggie leaves, Bonnie paces, looking out the window at times, complaining “where are you, what is taking you so long”. Guard comes in, Bonnie says she is not trying to escape, asks if guard has cell phone to borrow for a minute. No. guard closes door, Bonnie continues impatiently pacing, asking “where are you” aloud.

Brady w/Belle, glad they are there. Paul out of surgery, doing o.k. Dad would want Paul not to be alone. Brady wants to go check on Eve, Belle will stay. Lots of insurance papers to go thru. He leaves, she stands bedside, starts talking to Paul, how brave he was, but this is all Sami’s fault. She shows up, Mom is shot, Paul is out a window trying to save her, all because of Sami’s selfish, reckless behavior. She is signing or initialing papers as she talks, comes across one…stops, reads.

Out in the waiting area, Lucas & Chloe arrive, get updates from Will. Chloe gets a call from Julie again, is exasperated as she goes to take the call. Will talks with his dad, and in a rather round about way, by mentioning some camping trip they went on with Sami, has Lucas aware his memory has returned. Lucas is delighted, hugs, so happy. They talk of Sonny….of Paul, with Will making it clear he remembers how much he loved Sonny……..and in the present tense. Lucas advises him not to keep this from Paul, better to be honest. Has been there, deep down he knew Adrienne still loved Justin, and if he had been honest with himself, would have realized it was not Adrienne, but Bonnie. Better to be honest up front, will be hard on Paul at first, but he will deal with it better.

John is at Marlena’s bedside, won’t leave her. Eric comes in, no change. She is on ventilator, John says he has b een praying since this happened, but is starting to think perhaps God is not listening to him. Eric says yes, he is. John is holding Marlena’s hand, reaches his hand to Eric, saying he thinks maybe God will hear Eric better than him. Eric begins a prayer,….Heavenly Father…..

Maggie arrives at hospital, tells Lucas about talking to Bonnie, and her request to for Lucas to come see her. Chloe offers to go with him, nope, won’t take long, he will go it alone. Brief kiss, he is gone. Brady comes into Marlena’s room, he & Eric both urging John to get a shower, change clothes, use the on-call room. John declines, will not leave Marlena, he needs to stay with her, wants to see her open her beautiful eyes. Eric promises to stay, John finally agrees to go, Brady leaves with him. Eric takes Marlena’s hand, kisses it, starts to cry.

Will comes to Paul’s room, Belle glad to see him, no change. Will wants to stay with Paul, Belle hides the paper she was reading, and says she wants to go see her mother, leaves. Will sits by Paul’s side, grateful for how he saved his mother, he talks a bit, Paul’s eyes flicker open, where am I? Will explains, Paul’s memories are hazy, says he feels like he may have gone out a window. They talk just a bit, Paul remembers Will had something important to tell him. Will hedges, will tell him later, but Paul insists he is fine, tell him now. Will tells of getting his memory back. Happened at wedding, suddenly. Paul says is that why you left. Yes.

Lucas arrives to see Bonnie, who clearly was expecting to see someone else. She asks Lucas to forgive her, he notes that part of his recovery is forgiving those who harmed him, so yes, he forgives her. She is glad because she needs him to help her. He doesn’t think so, just because he forgave her doesn’t mean he would help her with anything. Why should he? Because you would be helping the mother of your child! Cue shocked look on Lucas’s face.

Paul note that Will evidently remembers his life with Sonny. Will says yes he did. Paul asks “what does that mean for us”

Belle asks Eric to go check when the specialist will be there, he leaves, she sits by Marlena’s side, says there are so many things we should have talked about, never did. Eric returns, the specialist was delayed. He looks at his mother, lucky Val was able to get to her in time. The specialist will be here, and the doctors will do all they can to keep her alive. Belle is crying, hands him the paper, saying, no, we can’t let them do that.
Gotta say Drake Hogestyn (John) is not just knocking it out of the park, he is doing it with bases loaded. All thru this storyline, he has been fabulous, and today is no exception. No, I did not describe his emotions, or quote much of his dialogue, but trust me, WOW!
And I am going to give some kudos to the actors who have to remain so still, eyes closed, in hospital beds, while family, friends, medical folks, etc. talk around the beds, touching them, etc.
Has been there, deep down he knew Adrienne still loved Justin, and if he had been honest with himself, would have realized it was not Adrienne, but Bonnie. Better to be honest up front, will be hard on Paul at first, but he will deal with it better.
These beats are long overdue, but well played.

Lucas and Will's scenes were fantastic.

I'm not sure what people want Will to do. String Paul along? He accepted that Will could get his memory back and that that could end their relationship. Honesty is the best policy.

I wonder whose baby Bonnie will borrow for this scam? Meanwhile how many of today's actors were on contract? We're still experiencing scattered appearances and blocks focused on one story set.
Thanks, Poirot.

Besides, being a new day it's also parent/child day in Salem.

I'm glad Will told Paul he had his memory back before all of Salem found out.

Poor Paul. He fell out of a window, knows Will has his memory back and that Will
remembers his life with Sonny. Can it get any worse for him? It's Salem.

Are we suppose to believe Bonnie had Lucas' baby?

I guess no one gets free service at the hospital anymore because Belle was looking
at insurance
forms. We're going to have to wait until next week to see what else she found.
Great acting by all today. I appreciated John, Eric, Belle, Will, Paul the most.
Scenes with John and Eric by Marlena’s bedside were heartbreaking.
Paul waking up and talking to Will were good scenes as well. He is such a good man. I get that Will has his memory back and that he remembers his love for Sonny. I just wish he gave as much value to the love he and Paul share. In my opinion Paul is a much better man. I like Will and Paul together. Just because he remembers his life with Sonny, why does it mean he is no longer in love with Paul. I really dislike how the writers have Will not being in love with Paul anymore just because his memories are back.
Um, actually, yeah. It's been longer than that. They slept together in August, 2017; it is now September, 2018. She would have had the baby in May, 2018.

In real time yes, but in "Salem time", hard to say, where it took a over a week to show what happened in just 2 days in Salem.

Guess since there's a baby out there, yes, it's been at least 9 months. LOL
I'm not sure what people want Will to do. String Paul along? He accepted that Will could get his memory back and that that could end their relationship. Honesty is the best policy.

I cannot imagine a worse way to break the news to Paul than to go into his hospital room and tell him there. Yes, he should tell him, but couldn't he check with Paul's doctor as to the impact might be on telling him now, and when the right time might be. Will shouldn't make that decision himself.
Insurance? Now there's a word you rarely hear on the soaps.
Who would ever mention insurance when nobody ever has to pay for medical care?
Especially since Mimi couldn't have children after the abortion. But we all know in soapland that infertility is rarely permanent.
Just like death.

On other subjects, the viewers were treated to yet another reason why Belle should go back to law school. Living wills with do-not-resuscitate clauses only apply to cases where the patient is hopeless and/or brain dead, not to gunshot victims like Marlena who are having a difficult recovery.

As for Bonnie's alleged pregnancy, somebody should tell her that a pregnancy won't get her out of prison. In England during the nineteenth century, pregnancy would save a condemned woman from the gallows, but it wouldn't get her out prison.
On other subjects, the viewers were treated to yet another reason why Belle should go back to law school. Living wills with do-not-resuscitate clauses only apply to cases where the patient is hopeless and/or brain dead, not to gunshot victims like Marlena who are having a difficult recovery.
So in addition to being a pointless plot cul-de-sac with no dramatic impact, this is also implausible? Leave it to Days! LOL
Just like death.
We're still experiencing scattered appearances and blocks focused on one story set.

I've talked about this extensively but the lack of balance is my biggest pet peeve right now. I'm glad we are starting to see other characters and stories pop up again. Nothing against John, Marlena and their offspring because I love that they are front and center but too much of a good thing can get stale too.

Especially since Mimi couldn't have children after the abortion. But we all know in soapland that infertility is rarely permanent.

Bonnie has Patrick, Mimi and Connor. I thought she mentioned a grandchild a few weeks ago. I bet the baby will be her grandchild.

I was beyond annoyed that Chloe didn't get to share scenes with Belle and/or Brady