Days of Our Lives - Fri., September 23, 2022


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Nov 2, 2012
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Jada arrives at the Basic Black office and calls Nicole Mrs. Hernandez. Nicole calls Jada Detective Hunter. They both insist the other call them by their first name and exchange fake pleasantries. Jada is looking for Eric because they swapped phones on accident. Nicole asks if the phones got mixed up while they were in bed and is obviously annoyed at the idea.

Brady gets back to his room at the Salem Inn. He and Chloe celebrate his signing the papers to have full custody of Rachel. He doesn't know how the judge ended up ruling in his favor, and Chloe tells him that she does.

Rafe interrogates an incredulous Craig about where he was September 1 and June 10 when Sonny was attacked and Abigail was murdered. Craig is offended by the accusation because he's a doctor who swore to do no harm.

Replay of Chad and Nancy talking about the vanilla cologne and then Clyde looking through the window at Sonny in his hospital bed remembering being in his office. Only this time, Clyde's memory goes all the way to swinging the knife at Sonny's back. We don't see the stab itself or Sonny collapsing, but it certainly looks like he's the guy.

(spinning hourglass)

Chloe tells Brady about giving the video to the judge and explains that she didn't want Kristen to know because she wants to avoid her revenge or her turning Rachel against them. They hug and kiss and are about to get it on when they're interrupted by Nancy. She tells them she and Clyde are marrying today. Chloe doesn't understand why she's in a rush.

Jada and Nicole snipe at each other in a repetitive, drawn out conversation. Jada accuses Nicole of being way too involved with her ex's sex life and questions why Nicole thinks Eric needs protection from her. She also accuses Nicole of lying about the job offer. How does Nicole think all this makes Jada feel? Before she can respond, Eric comes in and senses the obvious tension. He and Jada switch phones. Jada gives Eric a kiss on the cheek and gives Nicole a smug look as she leaves. Eric questions Nicole about why she and Jada appear at odds.

Chad puts two and two together about Clyde being nearby when he saw Craig. Nancy tells him that Clyde went to the hospital for the drug test. Chad takes off.

Clyde tells Will he's at the hospital for a drug test. Will reminds him of how Clyde once tried to shiv him in prison and ended up stabbing Ben. Clyde claims to be reforming himself and tells Will to take care of his husband. He has to go because he's getting married to Nancy at City Hall.

Craig seems like he can let Rafe know where he was on September 1. He's not sure about June, but he'll have his secretary provide that information. He leaves, shaken by the accusations. He arrives at the hotel as Nancy is telling Chloe and Brady about their plans. He's not sure he can celebrate because he's been accused of murder. Nancy says everyone's practically been accused, just like Clyde, but like Clyde, once you show your alibi everything will be fine. Can't they just celebrate her day with her? Craig agrees. They have a sweet, friendly moment, and Nancy leaves. Chloe says you can't possibly think this is a good idea, but Craig wants Nancy to be happy. Chloe wants Craig to help stop the wedding.

At the hospital, Chicken Little Chad has yet another accusation. He tells Will that he thinks it's Clyde and tells him about the vanilla smell and his conversation with Nancy. They go into Sonny's room and ask him if he remembers seeing Clyde. He doesn't at first, but thinks hard and then remembers seeing Clyde's reflection in the glass of a painting in the office. They discuss Clyde's alibi for Abigail's murder and question how that could be since the knife used in Sonny's attack was the murder weapon. Chad leaves, saying he's going to go tell the police what they've discovered and convince them to look into Clyde.

Nicole admits to Eric that she lied to Rafe about the job offer to cover up for visiting Eric to discuss dreaming about him. Eric says he has to quit because the job offer was insincere to cover up a lie. She begs him to stay. They really need someone because Kristen has run off so many staff. Eric will stay as long as Nicole is honest with Rafe. They end up confessing that their dreams about one another weren't about sloppy joes or a singing telegram. They were sex dreams. They are both way too awkward about the completely normal thing of two ex-married people having a single sex dream about each other. They exchange inappropriate, longing looks, and I want to throw something at my TV.

Clyde is walking through the square in a suit and fussing his boutonniere. He pricks his finger on a pin and bleeds a little bit. Nancy comes out of the hotel and is worried about the groom seeing her before the wedding. Clyde says they've already seen each other, and they won't have bad luck. He passed his drug screen and is ready to get married.

Jada arrives at the police station, and Rafe tells her that he now thinks Leo could be innocent. They talk about Craig, and later, Jada is going back over Clyde's statement and the video footage showing he was at the docks fishing at the time of Abigail's murder. The time stamp has been altered. Sudden reversal! He doesn't actually have an alibi.

Sonny is worried Clyde could come back to finish the job. Will assures him that he'll be there to watch out for him and that Clyde is setting up Leo, so as long as Leo is in custody, he's unlikely to attack him. Plus, Chad is going to talk to the police.

But Chad isn't with the police. He's at the DiMera mansion getting a gun out of the safe with a look on his face like he's going to go crash another wedding.
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Now I'm even more convinced that this is Alamain's revenge for stopping him. He hired Clyde to get to Ben and Ciara to murder Abigail to get to Chad and (try to) murder Sonny to get to both Sonny and Will, and he framed Leo to get to...well, Leo.

It's the only thing they all have in common.
Oh boy

Well, thanks for the summary. Any day with Will and Sonny is a win in my book. But my goodness, Chad has gone overboard. This has got to end already, lest it become as tiresome as the devil's stay in Salem.

Nicole and Eric are bland and boring. Poor Jada--such a new character relegated to a mere spectator. I'm sure Marlena, John, Roman, Kayla, and Patch all know how that feels. The only difference is that they're vets and she's a newbie, but newbies with this little actual storyline never seem to last long on the show, now do they?

Chloe & Brady were the best part of the soap, as has been the case lately. I just feel bad for Nancy, knowing the inevitable and quite frankly ridiculously-unnecessary pain she's likely to go through next week. And why on Earth is Craig even in Salem? It's not like he's really contributing anything to the plot if he's innocent. I hope they give him a real storyline if he is to remain in town.
Lord Sebastian Alamain was in Beyond Salem (the first one, which was about a sapphire missing from the Alamainian Peacock figurine). I don't think it was ever made clear how he was related to Vivian, Lawrence and Nicky.

Here he is with Shane and the peacock figurine in Alamainia.

Great job, TinaY!

Jada was spot on calling Nicole out on her jealousy. Nicole's character has been ruined. They should have let her and Eric have their happy ending and not send him to Africa right after they got married. There are many people who are affected by this mess, especially Rafe, and it will not end well. Another affair is sure to happen. Doesn't anyone learn from their past mistakes? Apparently not.

The heat is on. Will Chad get to Clyde before the wedding? Don't want Chad to go to prison for murder, but also don't want Clyde to marry Nancy. Chad is not even thinking about what will happen to the kids if he succeeds in his plan. I feel bad for Thomas and Charlotte. No mother, their father is too busy playing vigilante to pay attention to them and will go to prison if he kills Clyde, and Grandma Jennifer is a train wreck.

If Kristen finds out about what Chloe did with the surveillance footage, Chloe is a dead woman walking.
So what do we quess is the reason for Clyde and his stuck finger? And was the blood from Abigail never cleaned off the knife since it was bloody when he walked in. I still think it isn't Clyde or it's both Nancy and Clyde. Or Clyde working for Shin?

Why I'm being hopeful that this will be something interesting is beyond me.
Thanks, Tina.

I thought it was strange Clyde pricked his finger. Does that mean bad luck for a marriage?

I'm glad Chloe and Brady mentioned Rachel was at school.

Will Kristen figure out how she lost the case? Didn't she know the room has a camera?

Nancy told Chad he can get the vanilla scent at Barron's.

Wow, someone at the Salem PD figured out the alibi Clyde had was faked. Did Clyde fix the video
or did someone else do it?

Poor Rafe. He figured out after half of Salem already knows who might have killed Abigail.

Nancy was spot on when she talked about how many people the Salem PD arrest and none of
them are guilty :)

They shouldn't mention dates on the show. Rafe asked Craig for an alibi for Sept 1 when Sonny
got stabbed. Sept 1 was over 20 days ago.
Nancy and Craig looked cozy today. Something still seems off with Craig, but I guess he's not the killer. I would feel sorry for Nancy about the Clyde thing, but he's been out of prison for about ten minutes. He's admitted to dealing a few drugs (truth: he was a drug kingpin who murdered EJ) and all kinds of misdeeds. If she's going to get engaged and married to a lifelong felon at the drop of a hat, she has to expect some chaos.

The pricked finger did seem important somehow.
But why would the viewers expect that anything be researched..... as a convicted felon several times over his dna is already in the they won't need this pin *bleep* but they did seem to obsess over it with a tight camera shot and all.....
I'm wondering if the finger *bleep* thing is to wrongly lead us to Clyde. I could see it swinging back to Craig or even Leo's ex. We don't really know he's in Canada

I find it hard to believe a criminal like Clyde wouldn't wash his knife off from an earlier murder.
Jada: She's a perfect fit for the Salem P.D. She seems to spend more time exploring other people's love lives than catching criminals. (Note that it was Rafe who compelled her review the evidence supporting Clyde's alibi.)

Clyde: If he ends up being the Abigail's killer and Sonny's assailant, this will rank high on the list of Re-Ron's contrived plots. Clyde was a Poplar Bluff drug dealer, not some Salem murderer. What happened, did he reach his expiration date when Ben left town? In any case, pity poor Baby Bo. When he's older, how will he react when he's told why his parents never take him to see Grandpa Bo and Granny Hope, Grandpa Clyde and Granny Weston, and Aunt Jordan.

Susan: Salemites being so obsessed with their dreams could be an opportunity for her. She could come back to town and help the distressed locals interpret their dreams, especially the ones with sexual content.
I could still see it as Shin too since he was my first weird choice. The foreshadowing was probably right there when he showed us he wasn't a great guy. I don't think we've ever seen him interact with Leo there's still potential for them to have a past. Maybe next week we see them run into each other after Clyde is arrested and they start introducing a connection.
They are killing me the way they are writing Nicole. She would never say all that garbage to Jada! Give up on Nicole and Eric! They were together but he would rather be in Africa. Obviously he has gotten over the need to help people but he blew it with Nicole so stop it!!

Wow so seriously it is gonna be Clyde Weston. How original!! I liked it being Craig Wesley a lot more! At least it would have been shocking!