Days of Our Lives - Friday, April 28, 2023

Hall Monitor Posted about Kate's callback on the fishing boat
Wow, the account that likes everything likes something! LOL
just comes across as contrived and silly to me
Gee, and the show is usually so well-plotted, originally executed, and thoughtfully planned!!!

How nice, Chelsea can give birth to her own cousin!!! ♥♥♥
Nurse Angela comes in to comfort Hope, it'll all be alright in the end. Hope will never give up, they have true love, Angela agrees, more of the same conversation about their history and Angela encouraging her. Hope crawls on the bed and lays against Bo's chest, teary-eyed. Angela goes away after telling Hope to hold on until the sand finishes pouring down the great hourglass. Bo's eyes flicker and his hand slightly moves.
Bo will wake up when Days is cancelled. LOL