Days of Our Lives - Friday, Aug. 2, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, Aug. 2, 2013

To say the show today is not the most interesting is being nice. I apologize, but I just am tired of obnoxious young people, confrontations, and ...well....O.K.
Chad gives Cameron a hard time about why Cameron called him in. Chad thinks it was to take him away from Abby, and Cam has a hard time getting Chad to shut up long enough to tell him that this is serious, his CT scan showed a problem, which he at first is reluctant to divulge...but finally divulges it could be a brain tumor, and he should see a specialist. Chad is taken aback, wants his file, will get his own specialist, and warns Cameron not to tell any one. Abigail, his father, brother. He leaves with the file, is pondering, Abby comes along, and more or less gets the brush off from Chad. Next he is calling a specialist, being told there is a 3 month wait, but he flaunts his DiMera name, and gets a faster appointment.

Replay of JJ calling Theresa to tell her he has the stuff she wanted. She is more interested in Dr. Jonas, who is inside the Pub, puts JJ off. He is annoyed, picks up his backpack, turns and bumps into Nicole, who tells him to watch where he is going. He drops the tube of coke, swiftly picks it up, is about to leave, but she recognizes him as Jen's son. She asks what he has in his hand, he avoids, he learns she is Nicole, and now gets into a nasty hassle with Nicole because of the accusation Nicole had made against Jen back when she lost her baby. He manages to slip the tube into his pocket. She notes that Jen is a nice person, has forgiven her, but JJ claims he never would. She says he is nothing like his mother, he says he is like his father. She doubts that because she knew his dad, and he would never talk to someone the way JJ is talking to her. He retorts that if his dad was around when she tried to blame his mom, he would have used words Nicole never heard of before. She again talks of his mom being so nice, but maybe I should call her and tell her to check your pockets when you get home. She walks off.

Eric is on the phone with Daniel's detective, who thinks he is getting close to discovering the answers to Eric's illness. He hangs up, Father Matt comes in. Eric lets him know the bishop decided to let him stay at St. Lukes. Father Matt is glad of that, says that everyone knows Sami's troubles have nothing to do with Eric. Now Father Eric confides that he suspects one of the commuicants in the parish might have feelings for him, doesn't know what to do. Father Matt says he has always felt one confront their problems head on. Just then Eric gets a text, has to take care of it. Father Matt says fine, will finish talk later.

Theresa enters the Pub, sits down with Daniel, and just blathers away, all about being alone, no one to talk to, hate being in a restaurant alone, yada, yada, Daniel gets a call or text, she goes to get them more coffee, Eric arrives, joins Daniel. She watches, finally decides she might as well join them. They are earnestly discussing the e-mails they got from the detective. She finally decides to come over to the table, greets ERic, a bit of chat about family. The guys are clearly not giving her the time of day, she goes off to the side. Daniel notes his friend found traces of blood on the floor, makes up some excuse as to why the hospital found nothing when Eric was brought in about time having elapsed, but does mention an injection perhaps, a drug. Eric gets a call, Theresa once again tries to flirt up Dr. Jonas, who pays no attention to her, too busy with his phone. She mentions going back to the hospital together, he says go ahead, he will be a while. She pretends to have a pain in her back, Daniel doesn't even glance up her way, as she tries to say how it hurts when she does this (wiggling her hips). He says without looking at her, then don't do that. LOLOL She leaves, goes outside, calls JJ to meet her with the stuff.
He does, he pulls out the tube, and ....looks like the cover came loose or something, as it is nearly empty, with the powder being in his pocket. He is ticked, cost a lot of money. She thinks he should get a better supplier.

Anne Milbauer is giving Jennifer a really rough time about Theresa not coming down. I mean she is in her face, and not only about the pampered Theresa, but Jennifer herself. Jen manages to hold her temper, finally telling Anne that her problem with Theresa should be addressed with her, just as Brady arrives. Anne leaves, Jen needs a break, Brady suggests a walk, and they go back to Jen's house.

Kristen has called Dan's detective, not saying who she is, wanting to see him. He is busy. She asks if he is in his office, when he says yes, she says o.k., hangs up, grabs a suit bag and her purse, is dashing out, and there is Brady. He wants to see her, knows he said they would go slow, but he wants her to know he loves her. She is trying to dash off to work, claiming she might have a client lunch meeting, so in case wants to dress appropriately. He wants her to not go to work, she insists, but will make it short and sweet.

At Jen's place he is telling her how when all the bad stuff went down between him and Kristen, Jen was the only one telling him he was wrong, and Kristen did care about him, and was right. He says he loves Kristen, told her so just a while ago. and while all seems fine, he has this nagging feeling that there is something she is not telling him. He knows her so well, and there just is something there. Jen says that Kristen is her friend, but she has to say, that if Brady has a feeling that Kristen is keeping something from him, she probably is.

And over at the detective's office, the exasperated man is listening to a woman with a sort of southern/western accent (sorry, don't want to offend anyone, who may disagree. Sounds like perhaps Kentucky/Tennessee) who is moaning about her cheatin husband and wanting help nailing him. This is Kristen, in her Susan Banks get up, fake teeth, long black hair with bangs. The man says he is not that kind of detective, dealing mostly in forensics, and is going to give her the names of a couple of private eyes, goes to a file cabinet, and she stands up, manages first to spill coffee all over the papers on the desk (the forensic evidence from Eric's hotel room), and then she bumbles all over, trying to mop up, knocking over other items on the desk, talking of getting tissues from her purse, but some bottle of something comes out, adding to the mess. He yells at her, telling her to leave, but there, out in the hall is Daniel & Eric. She panics, no escape door. She claims she has to go to the bathroom, he points to one, she grabs her purse and that bottle and goes inside, locking the door. Now he is pounding on the door, asking why she locked it, wanting her to come out. Daniel & Eric come in, wondering what the blazes is going on.
They are shown the papers, are told all the evidence is ruined.
How could that happen?
"Ask her" he says, nodding towards the door. Inside, Kristen stands with arms outstretched, back against the door, looking around, and trying to figure out what to do now.
Thank you, Poirot.

Kristen at the investigator's office was SOOOOOOO lame. In fact all of Kristen's scenes today were just plain snooze worthy for me.

Oh geez, I have to add Jennifer to that, too. Only Anne added anything interesting to her scenes. I was rooting her on when she told off Jennifer.

JJ needed a gazillion Gibbs' (from NCIS) head slaps today when he was talking to Nicole. Nicole deserves a medal for not destroying the little twerp. I would've gone off on him a lot worse than she finally did.

So on top of a druggy and a work slacker, Theresa is also a stalker. I couldn't believe she told JJ she was on a date when she was trailing Dr Dan. She probably would've said they were engaged if he had walked back to the hospital with her.
Sheesh, forgot about Adrienne blubbering away on Abby's shoulder about how her husband and son won't forgive her. She came to see Jen who has left for work. So abby got the sad story, and the vehement explanation of how Sonny was wrong to not disclose having seen the video, it was against the law, and Adrienne was only trying to protect him, yada, yada, sob, sob. I can imagine how guilty Abby was getting.
So Jen Jen has a nasty confrontation in which Anne literally tells it like it is, that is, that little miss perfect Horton is not working, and what's Jen's answer ? Oh, yeah ! Have a friend show up and leave with him after working what ? 5 minutes ? Yeah, Jennifer is really a brilliant woman, and a character I want to root for. :sarcasm:

As far as the rest is concerned :

Kristen : Can this get any stupider ? :rolleyes:

JJ : What can you expect, really ? Jen Jen still has not, oh, I don't know, talked to her son !!!! :beat:

Theresa and her flirting with Daniel : :zzz:

Abigail looked more pathetic than ever, chasing after her two men. :rolleyes:

Eric : Wake up, dude ! You've been hanging around with Brady too much.

Daniel, Eric and the investigator : Oh, for heaven's sake, just take down the freaking door ! You're three strong men, go ahead. But nooooo. Kristen will have time to jump out the window before anything else happens. :mad:
I can sorta see JJ's contempt for Nicole but I agree with red, I still wanted Nicole to slap him upside the head for some of his remarks to her. Oooh, how I wish she had seen the cocaine he had! I was actually laughing when he accidentally spilled it when trying to give it to Theresa. LOL. What an idiot. Speaking of idiots, Theresa obviously can't take a hint. Dr. Dan is not interested. You swinging your fanny in his face got no reaction whatsoever. How appalling.

Kristen is very irritating. The only way I would have wanted to see the Susan getup is to have scenes with EJ. This whole thing at the investigator's office was ridiculous. Seeing how important that case was, I would think he would have packed all that evidence up and put it away prior to meeting with an outsider in his office. Gimme a break.

I thought Jennifer looked nice today. I'm sure some will think her dress was too short or tight but heck, if I had that body, I'd wear that too. Nicole's dress was very unflattering in my opinion. The top part looked too shlumpy...does that make sense? LOL. And in other wardrobe malfunctions, can they please not have these women wear see-through shirts (like Kristen) or hang so low (Abigail) you can see their bra?? I just don't need to see that.
Thanks for the summary. I found this to be another boring episode. Kristen's antics were just plain ridiculous, and everything else was a real snoozefest. I did like Nicole telling off JJ, but nothing really stood out about this episode except that we got a break from the 'golden couple'.
Great recap, Poirot, and I agree that the show was quite dull. I wanted to slap a few people today: Chad, for being so damn stubborn and not wanting to listen to Cameron, then using the DiMera name to get what he wanted; JJ, for being such an obnoxious brat and talking like that to Nicole (but loved Nicole giving it right back); and I mostly wanted to slap Jen, because Anne, evil as she is, was 100% right about two things...the on-and-off relationship with Danie (boudoir to office) and Jen's not taking the role of supervisor and caring more about where Theresa was, especially since she was "all up in her grill" before. Anne might be a lot of things, but she is in HR and has every right to expect that supervisors are supervising and that new employees are correctly processed and doing their jobs. I STILL don't get how Jen can just come and go as she pleases, spending what seems to be most of the work day any place EXCEPT the hospital. This entitlement bothers me like crazy. I think Dr Dan might be the first man that Theresa failed to entice. If she lets JJ know that Dr. Dan is "the man" she was referring to, he will eat that info up with a spoon and make sure his mother knows ASAP. I feel Kristen was foolish to go the Susan Banks route again. She surely could have tried another disguise. It looks like she is trapped in that bathroom, no window to escape from. I think she will, somehow, still get out of this one. It would be way too quick for this part of the storyline to end. Had she worn that short black wig she wore to the hotel, that might have triggered flashbacks for Eric. The forensics investigator was way too patient with her and foolish to leave a file open on his desk, but then again, this is not real life, it's a soap opera. :D

The Writer: WAS there a window in that bathroom? I got the impression there wasn't, or Kristen would have been escaping instead of trying to bar the door.:confused:
I can't help my self I crack up at "ACE VENTURA" How original of days to name him that!! ( I know his name is not Ace but really? ) And If I go to the restroom at some office I Lock the door too!!
I also loved Dr Dan brushing off Theresa