Days of our Lives - Friday August 5, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
First off, I’ve been on vacation for two weeks, am still on vacation but at a location with wifi. I’ve read the summaries, but haven’t seen the show. So some of this might be things you know because you’ve seen them I haven’t. With that said on to Friday’s summary.

Maggie bursts into Alex’s room asking him to join her and Victor for dinner. But Alex is doing adult business with a woman.

Johnny drops in on Chanel but she’s gone.

Henry has fallen asleep Chanel and Allie are kissy kissy

Xander and Sarah are breaking into Gwen’s apartment/hotel room. They are looking for something and leaving their fingerprints everywhere. They find a Sarah mask in her room, Gwen puts the key in the door, PANIC


Gwen walks in gets the mask says God I’ve got to get rid of this thing and leaves.

Xander and Sarah follow Gwen, Gwen says the mask must disappear so no one knows what I did.

Chanel and Allie talk, it’s contrived and forced. A flashback of the choice Chanel made. After a promise of making a night out of being just them, because remember Henry is sleeping, there is a knock on the door. It’s Lucas, and Allie is not looking happy

Johnny and Paulina bemoaning the fact Chanel picked Allie. Paulina pushes alcohol as it will fix everything. Johnny and Paulina team up to get Chanel back with Johnny.

Maggie is very embarrassed about walking in and they talk about sheet thread count. Laura/Lisa leaves, she’s an art teacher at the college. Alex is scummy, and shirtless

Allie wants to know what Lucas is doing knocking on her door. Lucas is out on bail. Allie is self righteous and annoying. Chanel leaves, telling Allie to get together with her dad and talk. Try to work this out. Lucas offers to leave.

Johnny and Paulina, blah blah blah about changing lovers.

Victor is upset that Alex snuck a woman into his room and then had his way with her. Victor is morally outraged, and Maggie calls him on it. Alex calls Maggie “Aunt Mag”. Victor is quite blunt with Alex.

Sarah and Xander stand around talking while Gwen is dumping the mask. Into the lowest garbage bin ever, Gwen tosses the mask away. Gwen returns to her room. Leo appears.

Xander is adorable with his comments on the dumpster. Sarah climbs in and disappears.

Paulina and Johnny continue the conversation. Chanel walks in, does she overhear them? Chanel wants to know what they were talking about. Yes, she did overhear the conversation. Chanel reacts as you’d think, I hate both of you and stomps off.

Lucas came to tell Allie things about how he didn’t kill Auntie Abigail. Allie snaps there. Lucas tells Allie about seeing Sarah. He begs Allie to believe him.

Xander is so prissy about the garbage bin. The mask isn’t in the bin.

Gwen doesn’t want company, Leo is saying he’s family not company. He wants some wine and they will dine. Leo has the Sarah mask. He’s going to marry Xander and enjoy the honeymoon. Leo saw the entire thing. Leo spills some beans

Xander believes Sarah missed the mask so he jumps in.

Victor thinks Alex wants to work with Sonny. Apparently Alex is there for some nefarious reason. Victor and Alex are buds

Lucas and Allie. Allie doesn’t believe Lucas killed Abigail. But she will not forgive him for kidnapping her mommy.

Chanel and Paulina wearing clashing prints argue in an alleyway.

Alex removes his glasses, wants to know what Unc wants. Sonny being in charge, he has too much of his mother in him. Sonny doesn’t have the killer instinct. But given Alex’s mother, Alex is the one who purchased the company that Victor wanted, not Gabi.

Lucas and Allie trash Kate briefly. Allie was so happy her mom and dad getting married again. A dream come true.

Paulina tries to explain why the boy is the better choice. Paulina brings race into this argument.

Xander and Sarah stand over the dumpster. They can’t go to the cops without the mask.

Leo and Gwen talk about the evening. Missing time at the prison, the mask. Leo wants to know what happened that night.

Alex and Victor discuss Alex purchasing the company. Alex plans on flipping the company back to Titan. (is he really a poor man’s Xander?) This is a corporate take over story that Days does so well.

Paulina wanted the boy because Paulina wanted lots of grandkids, the white picket fence. Paulina and Chanel make up.

Will Allie and Lucas make up? We spend time talking about how badly Allie thinks Lucas treated her mother. (Wonder what Sydney thinks?)

Sarah talks sense into Xander about going to the cops,

Leo and Gwen fight over the mask, Leo leaves. No new information has come out of their meeting. Gwen looks at the mask.

Xander and Sarah have showered together to clean up after their dumpster dive.

Alex doesn’t want Sonny to know why he is in town. Alex will be a fixer for the company working under Sonny, but reporting to Victor only.

Paulina returns and tells Johnny they will not be working together to bring down Allie and Chanel.

Lucas calls his attorney and changes his plea from innocent to guilty.
Good job, Robin, thank you!

Gwen made a foolish mistake just tossing the mask in the dumpster; as is, not bothering to wrap it in something first. Had Leo not retrieved, it Sarah and Xander would surely have done so. Burning rubber or latex, is dangerous and difficult, so that was not an alternative. Throwing it in the river would have been a bad move, too. She is being so cagey, even with Leo, about the events of the murder night. I hope we get to see this play out before some of us won't be watching on Peacock. Unfair.

Could have done without Alex's antics. Not impressed by him at all.

Victor saying that Alex 'had his way with her" is so 1950's, but typical Victor.
I officially hate Allie and Chanel as a couple. I hate any couple that includes Allie. She's so immature. So is Johnny. The correct choice was none of the above. Chanel could wait it all out and fall for Alex or something.

Paulina bringing up race is another inconsistency from the writers. There's no way brash, in-your-face Paulina would ever say, "Don't do that because race makes it harder." Even if it's true (which it is, but that's not a discussion for this board). She'd say, "You show them you can do and be anything."

The more they stretch this out, the more I'm sure Gwen didn't kill Abigail, but we're running out of reasonable suspects. Maybe Harold did it.
Oh, dear, did not think it could get worse.......and it did! So....Gabi was going to buy this company for way more money that she should, so Alex bought it first, at the better price, figured to flip it back to Titan. And Victor figures he is so smart & clever, so now Alex will supposedly be working under Sonny, but will be reporting baCK to Victor. Hmm, and no one said "tangled webs and all that comes with it".

Chanel/Allie are boring beyond belief, too bad they have been paired up so quickly.

And now Lucas is gonna plead guilty to kidnapping Sami just so Allie will think well of him? Wonder why Allie never confronted her mother for actually hooking up continually with the man who raped her, for ignoring her children to pursue EJ, even marrying him, then cheating on him with Lucas, Allie's father. And Allie herself for not understanding her father was hoping her mother would give up on EJ, after finding what he did with others, (why he kidnapped her) only to have her mother running over to EJ immediately, despite all he had done to her and her family.

And then stupid Xander & Sarah, not taking that mask with them to their hiding place. Sheesh!

And most of all.......the mask is buried in a GARBAGE DUMPSTER, which is a wonderful one, with no germs, bacteria (despite the smell) so no problem putting the Sarah mask which had been buried there, on one's face upon retrieval. Ahh, addition to the money tree, they have instant germ free, never even have to wear rubber gloves when poking around somewhere...bare hands are fine.
Leo: He was still wearing his awful sweater. Why hasn't some Salemite with fashion sense set fire to it?

Lucas: He chose to risk a long prison sentence to please his foolish daughter? Kate better step in now.

Allie: She had her shorts in a knot because Lucas locked up a "human being." Doesn't she know this is Sami she's talking about?

Little Johnny & Paulina: Like typical Salemites, they discussed their plotting in public. All the sense these two have would fit in a thimble.

Xander: His female admirers probably wish that he'd go dumpster diving every day if it means they'll get a chance to see him in his famous towel.

Gwen: She actually hid her mask in a Salem dumpster. She might as well have left in on a table in the Town Square.
This was a ridiculous end to a bland and moronic week. Thanks for the write-up so I didn't have to see this drivel. Seriously, if I see Xander and Sarah, Chanel and Allie, or Paulina hog our screens anymore next week, I will pull my hair out!
robin, thanks so much for doing the summary during your vacation. You got benefit with Xander in a towel.

When Paulina was talking to Chanel about babies, I thought that Johnny, since he's Allie's twin,
could help with them having children. Would he do that if asked?

Alex needs to keep his glasses on so we can forget he used to Ben.

What a bummer, Gwen threw the mask away and Leo took it out of the dumpster. What will she
do with it?
Doesn't she know this is Sami she's talking about?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
There's no way brash, in-your-face Paulina would ever say, "Don't do that because race makes it harder."
Agree! And Ron can not and should not try any more social stories - he simply cannot handle them, as he's shown repeatedly!

Alex is a waste. I think I'd rather watch Ben/Alex/Robert Scott Wilson try another round of Shakespeare before trying to play a corporate killer. And as Finchel said, why can't Alex and Sonny be happy as brothers? Honestly, why does Sonny want Titan... oh right, because Re-Ron only looks back 1 year or 20 years to get his story ideas.