Days of Our Lives - Friday, December 2, 2022


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Dec 30, 2012
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Sonny is playing a video game. Shirtless Alex gets in front of the screen asking for advice on which shirt to wear. Sonny isn't happy he is interrupting it, but Alex has another date with Stephanie that he just has to get right. Leo says he should wear neither of them, go shirtless if he wants someone to be putty in his hands. "Who invited this hornball?" Alex asks, but Leo came himself with something to show Alex. Sonny is back to playing his game but looks over tentatively.

Alex wants Leo to leave. Leo opens a tablet with something that'll blow Alex's mind. Apparently Leo gave Alex a presentation to be his assistant, Alex can't believe he would ask after everything he did to Sonny. Sonny admits they're working it out, funny scenes. Alex already has an assistant, Leo insists that he can help him with his wardrobe, Alex leaves to go on his date.

Leo and Sonny talk about his unemployment, Sonny continues the game, apparently Leo has to take a job at a burger place. He is about to leave, Sonny pauses his game and offers Leo a job as his own assistant. Leo is shocked about all of this given what he did to Sonny. Sonny forgives him, even if he hasn't forgotten, Leo is very touched, Sonny has a huge heart. He asks about the optics, Sonny doesn't care what people think, they have a PR team, Leo is worried about Will and Victor's opinions.

Sonny realizes Victor would fire him for this and they'd both be out of a job, Leo thanks him anyway, Sonny will help him comb through job postings. Leo won't be a Christmas elf because although he looks good in tights, he hates kids. He refuses to go back to Basic Black as well. Sonny tells him to go for book illustrator, Sonny says Leo has a talent with art. He agrees he will try it.

Stephanie and Chad are in the office writing something about Chanel's predicament. They finish proofreading as Stephanie talks about her upcoming date with Alex. Abe calls Stephanie, she is just about to send the statement out. Stephanie tells Chad that Paulina was arrested as Abe hangs up. They can't believe everything that family is going through, decide to make a new statement. They're working on it, Chad asks about her growing closer with Alex, she admits they did Thanksgiving together. Chad is happy for her that Alex turned out to be a good guy.

They keep working but Chad asks about her date with Alex. She calls Alex (see below) and asks for a raincheck because of a work crisis. He agrees. Stephanie doesn't like the idea of this statement, Chad says they can do it in the morning but she wants to start over now to dominate the narrative, offers to do it by herself. Chad refuses, Jack is with the kids but this is important and they can finish it faster together. Alex walks in with food as Chad hugs Stephanie.

John and Marlena are sitting with Rachel in the square talking about Christmas. Marlena is happy for Eric, her Christmas wish is for a new grand baby. John is also happy for Eric but the situation is complicated. Rachel finishes her Santa list, at the top of the list is a dream house for "Grammy Mar-Mar doll," and Marlena says she can just call her grandma. Rachel says Kristen told her that she likes being called "Grammy Mar-Mar. "Mommy's confused," Marlena tells her (LOL). She also wants a real pony and, most of all, Kristen to marry Brady.

Rachel decides to be flower girl, but Marlena says Santa can't deliver a wedding. "Why not, he's delivering a grand baby for you?" John calls her Grammy Mar-Mar and Marlena makes a funny face. Evidently Kristen told her that they'll get married and John and Marlena try letting her down easy. They insist no matter what, Rachel is loved. She walks away, John and Marlena talk about Kristen being manipulative as Marlena wonders if Kristen maybe was right. They decide to stop Kristen before she can fool Brady into marrying her, but how?

Eric knocks on Jada's door to check on her but there is no answer. He says he is there for her if she needs anything, in case she is listening inside, and walks away. Downstairs, a customer named Hank tells Eric that his bartender pulled a disappearing act. He gives Hank a scotch on the house, the customer says he really needs it after the day he had. Eric looks at the bottle, saying he totally understands. Later Eric is cleaning up but looks again at the bottle and flashing back to his conversation with Nicole. He pours himself a glass but Alex comes in, offers to take it off him since Eric "doesn't drink anymore."

Alex raves about the photoshoot, how they need to do another one, but he won't let Eric get a word in. Alex says people online are raving and calling them "Ericole" and Eric blows up at him, yelling to "shut the hell up" as a waitress stares in the background. "Dude, what is your problem?" Alex asks. Eric insists he is a photographer, not a model. Alex says he can go over his head since Nicole and Brady are in charge, Eric threatens to quit, Alex is shocked and asks what is happening and if they hooked up.

Eric says the photoshoot won't happen when Alex keeps pressing. Alex finally gets it and decides to wait elsewhere, but not before telling Eric that he has some rage issues for someone who used to be a priest. Eric pours another glass for himself, but goes to sit away from it. Later he looks at it, puts his jacket on and hesitates but ultimately downs the drink and leaves as Alex watches (see above).

Nicole is drinking at the bar. "Hey stranger," says EJ as he touches her shoulder. Nicole gives her condolences about Susan, meant to call sooner, and EJ appreciates it. He says he believes she's truly upset about Eric, given that he ran into Rafe the other day and they talked. He asks to sit as Nicole says it is a long story. Later, Nicole told him everything, and EJ thinks it is ridiculous that Eric blames Nicole for the abortion. Nicole wonders if she wanted this deep down, and EJ tells her that ultimately it was Jada's choice.

EJ tells Nicole that things are heated and Eric will calm down. Nicole thinks she crossed a line and there's no going back, EJ can relate, they are drinking. He talks about how he crossed a line and his mom died, and off-screen fills Nicole in on what happened. They both blame themselves for what happened after talking about how nuts Ava is. EJ and Nicole say they both have a tendency to be their own worst enemies and self-destruct. How did they still manage not to learn better?

EJ offers to buy another round but she has to get going back to the office to sleep, since she moved out of Rafe's and things with Eric are bad. Holly is staying with Maggie, but Nicole won't stay with Victor. EJ tells her to stay at the mansion with him. Nicole isn't drunk, won't be going home with EJ. He wasn't suggesting anything naughty but has many guest bedrooms. Nicole ultimately decides to go with him as he can use the company. But she is tipsy and stumbling when they get up, EJ helps her and they laugh as Eric walks in and they all see each other.

Brady walks in on what appears to be Susan holding Marlena's doll. He is shocked and she talks about Elvis a bit. "Susan" says she is one tough cookie, Brady asks if Marlena knows. He offers to call but "Susan" says she is busy in all likelihood. She tries stopping him but eventually it turns out that it's Kristen in disguise. Brady is flabbergasted. She wanted to see if she could pull it off still, evidently was going to visit EJ dressed this way. Brady can't believe this, she admits she sided with Gabi over him and is on the outs, thought she could console him as Susan.

Brady says she cannot do this because it is cruel, and EJ would see right through it. Kristen thought it would be merciful after her chat with Tony, she would appear as a vision of Susan to tell EJ it wasn't his fault. Brady seems to have liked the plan, it is surprisingly compassionate since he just fired her. She insists even she isn't totally evil, Brady reminds her about the Chloe situation. Brady still thinks this Susan plan won't end well, Kristen talks of preying on Susan all these years and won't have a chance to apologize to her and thank her for everything Susan did for her. Kristen will miss her, starts crying and Brady hugs her as John and Marlena walk in with Rachel.

Brady says they were reminiscing about Susan. They talk about dinner, John will read a bedtime story to Rachel, the two leave with Brady. Kristen says she knows Marlena will bore her with another tedious lecture. Marlena won't lecture but they do need to talk. Upstairs, Brady has put Rachel to bed as John tells him he is worried that Brady has grown too close to Kristen. Brady won't fall for her again.

Downstairs, Marlena tells Kristen she knows she's filling Rachel's head with ideas that she will marry Brady, is setting Rachel up for disappointment. Kristen thinks it'll happen, Marlena warns her, to no avail. John calls Marlena up to help with the bedtime story. Kristen is alone, thinking her schemes will work just like tonight. She wasn't actually gonna visit EJ, but had to get Brady to see her in another light. It worked like a charm.
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I hate that the show seems to be setting up Eric to drink again, setting up the possibility of Leo with Sonny (just :sick:), and is seemingly going down the path of Brady being fooled by Kristen a decade after she first did it! Is there really nothing else the writers can come up with that's more entertaining?

Nicole & EJ were the best part of the show. I may be biased, but it just goes to show how they're so much better together than apart or with other people. He just understands her way better than Eric ever has, or will, in my opinion.

Alex and the Marlena/Rachel/John scenes were funny. Chad and Stephanie were filler today.
Oh, Thank you Days D....gotta say it was a suprise, a really nice one, to come here this a.m. and find this already here. Appreciate it.
Well, he isn't called Re-Ron for no reason. I guess telling same story with a slight twist perhaps, is this writer's idea of "new", "different".
Thanks you, DaysD!

I will post more comments later, but before I forget, wanted to add: Here we go again with housing. We previously discussed Sarah and Xander living like bums in that motel.

Now we have Nicole, a well-paid executive, saying she is homeless and returning to DiMansion, where we all know she will accidentally walk into EJ's room where he is going to be half dressed or not dressed at all.

Why do Salemites who can afford their own place end up at the pub or Salem Inn or their office, when they can certainly find their own apartment or house? Holly can't stay at K-Mansion forever, and Nicole is not seeing her a lot since she won't go there for all the reasons we know.

Same thing with Brady. He is an executive, why can't he get an apartment instead of staying at John and Marlena's? He can't bring Kristen and Rachel to K-Mansion for the same reason Nicole can't go there, so why not get his own place?

Why, I'll tell you why: da plot!
Perhaps there is a housing shortage in Salem? Used to be all these wealthy mansion owners had enough rooms to house their kids, but as those kids became adults, with their own mindset, the wealthy parents got ticked off that their adult children had minds of their own, did not always agree their parent's way or thoughts were what they felt was right, and so parent said adios kid, you are on your own. Thus, the available housing went kaput quickly, and we got floaters. (Translation, Days doesn't have enough $$$ for more sets).

(As an aside, there is a housing shortage in my town....because of pandemic, building materials in short supply, houses weren't built, repaired, etc. And people were forced to stay in motels until they were able to either build, or some home unexpectedly came on the market. Heck, we are trying to get siding for a water damaged garage, and it is taking forever. Life!!!)
That truly was awful seeing Kristen as Susan. She keeps stooping lower and lower. Poor Rachel, she is doomed.

Wonder when the gals will start to feel poorly again and need that second dose. Maybe that will be a 2023 story line?

Do we think that Eric will go on a bender after seeing Nicole with EJ, and that is when he is hauled into jail? The writing is on the wall!
Wonder when the gals will start to feel poorly again and need that second dose
I bet that will be our Christmas story...... with the women dying visiting heaven and then the Christmas miracle they are saved by the wonderful generous Kristen......

I really used to like Eric and Nicole..... then they married and Eric abandoned everything.... while I still like the actor... I can't believe he signed up for another year of sanctimonious garbage that ReRon thinks is amazing story telling..... wonder when he will be going back to "Africa"

link to show where in Africa he can go....Thanks DaysD for the write up
Seriously Brady didn't immediately think it was Kristen dressed as Susan. He is being really an idiot and probably will marry the absolutely horrible Kristen! I know I keep harping on this but I want Rachel to not be her child!

Did Stephanie really not see Paulina's arrest for the cover up coming?

I like Alex to Leo: that's a hard no! No, it's a regular no!!:rotfl:

I love Robert Scott Wilson (Alex) but Alex was super annoying with Eric who is annoying enough by himself. Really, he's not an alcoholic? I thought he was but seriously going down this road again? :beat:

Seriously these writers cannot come up with anything new ever!!!!!
It isn’t only housing that seems to be in short supply in Salem. Lawyers Justin and Belle have no offices and for all the viewers know, the Spectator is run out of Jack’s basement.

Yesterday, there were suggestions that Nicole would be better off with Xander than Eric. Today, it seems that EJ might be a better choice for her. Is this a trend? Could it be that Nicole would be better off with anyone other than the sourpuss?

Alex thinks that shots of Mr. Gloom-and-Doom in a speedo would be just the thing to revive Bella? He should guess again. If he wants his moribund magazine to make a stunning revival, he needs photos of Xander in speedos. Copies would be flying off the shelves.

Pity poor John. Brady just can’t break free of the Kritter. Perhaps, in addition to his replacement heart, he needs a new brain.

Finally, why did Eric have to bring his gloomy persona to Julie’s place? It would have made for a good scene if he had been thrown out because he was scaring the other customers.
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Thanks, DaysD.

Has Salem been turned upside down? Sonny wants to help Leo. Kristen dressing up as Susan.

It was Alex's turn to go topless today.

Alex had an interesting conversation with Eric with doing another cover for Bella magazine. He
even mentioned the couple's combo name used on the internet.

John and Marlena discussed stopping Kristen. There's only way to do that. Kill her forever and
not have her come back.

Someone needs to talk to Rachel soon about Kristen.

I'm glad Marlena told Kristen to cool it with Rachel. Poor kid.

Hopefully, Brady won't be falling for anymore of Kristen's tricks.

John said his "That's a fact" today.
Where is Jeannie T with her poker when you need one? Or Kate with her special recipes?
This is a great idea, and it would be so easy to work into da plot. Jeannie T. brings Tatertot for a visit. She argues with the Kritter and in the heat of battle wields her trusty poker. Melinda declares the Krittercide to be an accidental death, Abe gives her the key to the city, and the old I’m-with-Jack crowd carries her around the the Town Square in triumph, Bella magazine declares Jeannie T. Salem’s woman of the year, and she returns to the West Coast in glory.