Days of Our Lives - Friday, December 23, 2022


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Chad at the gravesite with flowers for Abigail. He whispers Merry Christmas and talks to her about how hard it is to wake up every day without her. Jennifer shows up and hugs Chad. They talk about missing Abigail and his relationship with Stephanie.

Gwen setting table in a dress from a 1980 prom, on the phone with "Matty" talking about how she did a favor for Xander and he owes her one. Thomas heard and wants to know why Xander owes her? What did she do? Gwen lies that she helped Xander pick out Sarah's Christmas gift, but it's a secret and he can't tell anyone. Pinky Promise! Jack overheard the pinky promise, wants to know what they are conspiring about. He laughs and takes Thomas into other room with the kids.

Sarah in a skimpy red jumper thing that isn't flattering to her at all (but it looks better than Gwen's 1980 prom dress) with Xander in their motel room. She gives Xander an early gift. It's his ornament for the Horton tree. He doesn't feel worthy. She begins to share some of the sins of the supposed saints in the Horton tree. Maggie shows up to help encourage Xander.

Julie and Doug are sitting in the living room of the Horton house. Julie talks about how much she misses Eli and the kids. They walk in and surprise her. Carver is sound asleep in Eli's arms, Jules is in stroller to start with, later in Eli's arms. Eli talks about how hard it is without Lani. Valerie helps but she is no substitute for their mother. Jack and Charlotte walk in, Eli, all kids and Jack go upstairs to see playroom. Jules starts crying so they rush (off the set to mama's arms probably, lol. Watching, it was as though it was Charlotte scared her haha, they are all so cute)

Sarah arrives at Horton house and goes upstairs. She sees Thomas who tells her about missing his mommy and then tells her the "big secret" that Gwen helped Xander pick out her Christmas gift. Oops.

Now, all are downstairs: Doug, Julie, Chad, Charlotte, Thomas, Eli, Carver, Jules, Xander, Sarah, Maggie, Jack and Jennifer. Julie asks Doug to sing, so he starts singing "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" and soon everybody joins in. They begin to hang ornaments and enjoy donuts. The camera shows the following ornaments: Tom, Alice, Hope, Bo, Bo II, Ben, Maggie, Eli, Carver, Jules, Lani, Mackenzie, Sarah, Xander, Alice (Allie), and Henry. Gwen looks on to the tradition with an annoyed look. Chad is shown in front of the tree with his arms around Thomas and Charlotte in a hug.

Doug and Julie alone again after party is over. Doug says that Julie outdid herself. She lifted everyone's spirits. He can't wait to spend Christmas with her, his love. They kiss.

Gwen is shown alone with the tree. She holds up Xander's ornament and sighs "at least someone is having a Merry Christmas".

Lights out later that night, Jack is texting. Jennifer walks in and asks who? He says it's Maggie, he wanted to make sure she got home ok. He then asks if the kids are all asleep. Jennifer says yes, all are dreaming of Christmas and St. Nicholas, even Eli who was worn out from traveling with 2 small children. Jennifer thinks they should head to bed, too. Jack says he has other plans. She retorts, "In a house full of people?!" and smiles as he jokes "well I know I can be quiet." He pulls her in close to kiss her but JJ calls and interrupts. He wishes them a Merry Christmas.

Sarah and Xander are in bed talking about the day. He gives her a gift. She retorts "oh, the one Gwen helped you pick out?" He looks surprised. She says "Thomas told me all about it. How now you owe Gwen one." He then plays along and claims she was there in the square and could see how clueless he was so yes she helped. She opens the gift to a sexy lingerie item and looks really annoyed that Gwen was shopping for lingerie with him.

Chad is shown alone with the Horton tree. He talks to Abigail about how proud she'd be of him staying strong for the kids. He bought them gifts to be from her, things he think she'd want for them. How he hopes it helps. We then hear Abby's voice "I'm sure they did." Chad looks up and the angel from the tree is missing. He turns around and Abigail is dressed as the angel, standing there. She tells him "Death cannot even keep our love apart." She also tells him to find joy again and to look for her in their kids' faces. Then she vanishes, and he turns around to find the angel back on the tree. He whispers, "Merry Christmas, my love."
So we also heard from Julie that we won't be seeing Belle and Shawn as they are in Africa that small town with Claire. Ben, Ciara and Bo II are sailing some seas can't remember, don't care. Did she mention Will?

I too wondered where Gwen dug up that dress, it was ah.... something. At least it covered her bits. a job Sarah's dress barely did.... The kids were so cute.

I thought it a bit cruel of Julie to say she had a say in whether or not Gwen ever gets an ornament.... they seem to give them away so freely.... I did enjoy Xander's hesitance to accept the ornament. But it appears this could be the only year it gets hung on the tree.

Thanks DaysLady for the write up
Did she mention Will?
Nope. No mention of anybody bringing Arianna, either. Julie did make a very brief mention of Allie and how she and Julie were doing the dessert (Alice's doughnuts - when she was snarking at Gwen in the dining room about Gwen's British dessert), but Allie and Henry weren't there, although there was a brief glimpse of their ornaments on the tree.

Julie also noted that Gwen was freeloading at the house and asked what her reason was. Gwen made mention of how she loves her dad and Jennifer is his wife, and she's glad Jennifer is doing well now. She also drops an inconvenient truth on Julie about thanks to Gwen, Jennifer isn't in jail for being high while driving, hitting Gwen and leaving the scene of the accident. Julie is stunned into silence on that one and doesn't seem to believe it. Gwen tells Julie to ask Jack and Jennifer if she doesn't believe her. Then Julie makes her crack about how Gwen will never get an ornament on the Horton tree and flounces off to the living room.
My Days was all garbled. I could only see the picture by using the fast forward. So I appreciate the write-up. Those sleeves like Gwen had on are all over the place. So it isn't some weird thing she dug up. Horton Christmases just aren't the same.
Salem Grinch: Julie is a strong candidate for dumping all over Gwen and her pudding, but so is Sarah for getting an attitude after hearing Gwen helped pick out her gift.

Christmas Cheer: It’s a good thing nobody pressed Xander on what he was smiling about. He couldn’t really say that it was because Ava was in Bayview and his role as Mr. Clown would stay a dirty secret.

Not So Perfect Hortons: When Sarah was airing the Horton dirty linen, she should gave included homicidal Lani, the wanted fugitive Jeremy, and Bo Brady’s partner in crime, Hope.

Well-Deserved Praise: When Maggie was singing Xander’s praises, she should have mentioned his greatest feat — saving her life when she attempted suicide.

Dress Code: None of the Horton men really dressed up for today’s event, meaning that Xander would have really stood out in his formal kilt outfit. (He can wear his towel if the Hortons have a Fourth of July pool and Brady Burgers party.)
Sarah's outfit has convinced me of what I though before and it's that the actresses pick out their own wardrobe. That red thing was ridiculous and not something you wear to a family Christmas. Or maybe I'm nuts. To me there was always a line on what I might wear out to a bar with friends and what I'd wear to a family dinner. And I've never been all that proacative. Of course when I've watched wedding dress shows I've often been stunned at what woman will have hanging out while their Dad walks them down the aisle, so I guess in my early fifties I'm severely out of touch.
Thanks, DaysLady.

It was interesting to hear Sarah tell Xander the Horton history. I'm surprised he didn't know
a lot of it before.

It was nice to see the kids today.

Poor Xander. Thomas told Sarah a secret and now Sarah things Gwen helped with the gift buying.

Interesting to learn Hope is teaching kids how to skate.

Great seeing Doug and Julie today.
Belle and Shawn as they are in Africa
Wow, Belle's logging lots of frequent flier miles this week.

Re-Ron likes to trot out history for its own sake, but it was well served with current story, for once. +2 points

Julie remains unlikable, +2 points.

Lots of Hortons and a few explanations, +4 points.

Let's see if he can overcome the deficit and pull a positive score by the new year.
Since he's calling from somewhere in Africa, wouldn't it be the 26th already?
Naw.... Africa is just a hop skip and a jump away...... since today is the 24th as it was Christmas Eve it could possibly be the 24th or 23rd or New Year's Eve where ever JJ is hanging out now....

Wonder if Theo will call when we visit the Carver household.....
In the world of Salem, it could be the 4th of July where JJ is. :rotfl:

Speaking of, I noticed they used a bit of snow to obscure the year of Abby's death on her headstone today. Remember due to the now forgotten time jump, it's 2023 in Salem.

Thomas is a nosey little boy! None of your business what favor she did him! And then he has a big mouth too!

I really like Cady McClain (Jennifer) but not as Jennifer. I miss Melissa Reeves (original Jennifer).

Yeah Sarah you probably need a sweater wearing a halter dress on Christmas eve!

I must be the only one not devastated Abigail is dead. I never thought she and Chad were soul mates so ghost Abigail does not for me. I am sorry her children lost their mother. But I don't miss her.