Days of Our Lives, Friday, December 3, 2021


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Nov 2, 2012
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Open (Possession Day)
At the hospital, Abe runs into Paulina. He tries to leave without speaking to her, but she stops him and says he ought to know better.

Eli gets a call at the police station from John, who wants an update on finding Marlena. John reminds Eli that Mar-Devil is a shapeshifter and warns him she could look like anybody. Eli has a hard time understanding and wonders how he's going to bring a possessed Marlena in. Should he douse her with holy water?

Cut to the cabin where someone is banging on the door. Mar-Devil stops Ben and Ciara from opening it. Ciara looks out the window and sees a hiker. They open the door finally, over Mar-Devil's protests, and it's a guy with a creepy look on his face.

Replay of Brady talking to Tate on the phone, then getting conked on the head. The camera pans up to Philip holding a crowbar. After he's already done the damage, he nervously looks around to see if anyone saw.

(Spinning hourglass)

Chloe is at the mansion, leaving Philip another voicemail and wondering where he is because she has dinner. Cut back to Philip outside the pub. He listens to the voicemail and calls Chloe "a cheating (rhymes with witch)." Somehow Philip hoists a knocked-out Brady and drags him off.

The hiker asks for water, and Ciara invites him in. The hiker tells a story about coming to the woods every year for a spiritual retreat and how he ended up not being able to fill up his canteen at the river because it's been desecrated. Thank Heaven for good Samaritans. He introduces himself as Gabriel and ends up sharing that his mother named him after the archangel. He and Mar-Devil eye each other until Ciara invites Gabriel to stay for lunch.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Philip finally returns with a story about going to get Chloe a present. She notes he smells like manure, and he says that's part of his gift. Part of the gift is also in his trunk. (Brady? It's creepy.) He wants to take her to take care of their tree. He'll show her a night she'll never forget.

At the hospital, John tears off his monitoring equipment to get out of bed when Steve arrives and puts him back in bed. They argue, and Steve insists he hydrate and rest. He tells John how Johnny helped him figure out that they were in the crypt.

Paulina badgers Abe about listening to her and giving her another chance, telling him about Marlena's possession and how that explains her behavior at the wedding. Abe says, of course, lies come straight from the devil and gives her a look before running off. Paulina follows him to a private waiting area. She asks him to sit so she can say what she has to say. Abe gives her one minute and tells her to fast forward to the things he hasn't heard before.

Paulina repeats the same story about deciding it was kinder to let them live in lies vs telling the truth. She brings up that John told her that Lexie had her share of shenanigans. Abe gets angry and tells her not to talk about Lexie, who was the love of his life. Paulina gives a big speech, rehashing her bad relationship, and how much she loves Abe. She asks him if he thinks it would have been better if Lani weren't in his life. To which Abe says, of course not. Overall, it's a pretty lame speech, the point of which is muddled because it starts with Paulina trying to get a second chance and then shifts into asking him not to turn his back on Lani. He assures her by telling her about his talk with Lani. He also confesses that just like he can't let go of his love for Lani, he still loves Paulina. She looks hopeful even as he then tells her he can't put his heart at risk again. Paulina thinks they can work on their trust issues (eye roll) and begs. She'll wait for him forever. He tells her he has to go. (Does anyone at all care if these two are together?)

At her apartment, Lani talks to Tamara on the phone. She understands why Tamara made all the choices that she did. She gets the why behind all the lies in her head but not in her heart. Lani cries with her mother and then hangs up as Eli comes home. He comforts Lani, and they sit on the couch as tells him about talking to her mother. Then she stops asked where the twins are. Eli left them with Allie, who volunteered to babysit. So Lani launches back into being upset because she was the one to spread the lies to Abe. They go back and forth until Lani mentions that she saw Kristen, which piques Eli's interest. He tells her that he got a call from the warden and Kristen never showed up at Statesville. Lani looks confused. (Why is anyone confused about Kristen escaping?) Eli and Lani discuss Kristen, and Lani says she has an idea of where she might have gone.

In the woods, Philip takes Chloe to where the tree is, but the tree's not there. Conveniently, Philip finds Brady's watch. He's obviously setting Brady up for chopping down their tree when he's the one who did it. Repeatedly, Philip tries to convince Chloe that it must have been Brady who tore down the tree out of jealousy. She's not buying it. And Philip gets irritated when she says she just ran into Brady and that she knows him well enough to know he would never just take off his watch.

Steve stops John from getting out of the hospital bed again and then they discuss what the devil might want. Steve agrees that's a good place to start. John says the goal seems to be general chaos and tells Steve about Marlena giving terrible advice to Brady about sleeping with Chloe. He's worried all this mischief has been a sideshow to the devil's main plan. Steve asks how John got rid of the Devil last time. And John answers faith and prayer with help from friends, family, Father Francis, and ...(he suddenly remembers) Gabriel. Steve asks who Gabriel is. John tells him it's his guardian angel and asks where he is now?

At the cabin, Gabriel sits, waiting for Ciara to finish fixing lunch. He gets up to talk to Marlena, who's on the other side of the cabin, staring out the window. She turns toward him with her yellow eyes. They began to communicate without speaking out loud.

Mar-devil says: he sent you, didn't he? And Gabriel telepathically answers: God? Yes. Then he says that he helped John defeat the Devil 25 years ago and they'll do it again. Mar-devil reminds Gabriel that he's not allowed to interfere with human affairs. He says he's there to let her know she's being watched, and they know she wants Ben and Ciara's baby. God will let nothing happen to that baby. Mar-devil brags that her power has grown. The world is in chaos with pestilence and people fighting often in the name of "his boss," i.e. God. She feels confident. Gabriel says she underestimates the power of hope, love, and light. Ciara and Ben put the lunch on the table and call them over. Gabriel asks Marlena to say grace. She gives him an evil look and refuses to hold hands with everyone, but does the prayer, even thanking the Lord and saying, "Amen." After the prayer, Ciara and Ben each cross themselves. (I didn't realize Ben was Catholic.)

Outside John and Marlena's penthouse, Eli and Lani arrive, guns drawn. She's guessing that Kristen might have gone back there to get Rachel. (This had me wondering who had Rachel since Brady's missing and John and Marlena are indisposed?) They knock on the door and announce themselves as police.

Steve and John discuss supercharging the investigation when Chloe comes into the hospital room to talk to John. She asks if Brady already dropped off their food, and John says no. Chloe mumbles maybe Philip was right and runs off, clearly thinking that Brady must have had time to take a side trip to the forest to chop down the tree.

In said forest, Philip has dragged Brady's body and left it on the cold ground. He flashes back to when he thinks he heard Chloe and Brady talking about having sex. Crazed Philip screams at Brady's unconscious body, "If I can't have Chloe, you can't either." He grips a knife in his hand.

Eli and Lani walk into the penthouse living room from the back hall. They found nothing. Eli says he scared the daylights out of Rachel's babysitter. (Aha! So someone is watching her.) The babysitter said there's no sign of Kristen or Brady.

At the hospital, John hangs up the phone with a concerned look and tells Steve that Brady's not answering his phone. Steve says maybe Brady's just busy, but John is still worried.

In the forest, Chloe stumbles across Brady's unconscious body. There's blood on his hand and a bloody knife nearby. THE END
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So Philip thinks that everyone is gonna believe that Brady, in a jealous rage, destroyed the "tree" (Did Brady even know about it?) and then ,killed or wounded Philip? Cuz it is very obvious Phil is setting Brady up....probably figuring he will go to jail. Phil is truly not thinking clearly at all.

Thank you, tina.....I have yet to watch, will be interesting. I do want to see Gabriel & Marlena doing the telepathic communication. LOL
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Yes, Brady knows about the tree..... Chloe, Rachel and Brady watered it one afternoon....... they did something fun together and then watered the tree...... it was as stupid as it sounds and it generated a HUGE Philip freak out as just about everything does..... I just hope the boy doesn't eat Alpha Bits cause if the letters spelled Brady he'd become unhinged.......

Thanks Tina for the write up......
They really rushed Abe & Paulina together to force this silly farce of a paternity story. Paulina has millions and she's chasing after Abe? Please.

On the other hand, Abe is being a jerk, too. He forgives Tami and admits nothing will change with Lani - but Paulina crossed the line? I hope the devil tosses all three of these idiots (plus Olivia and Tami) into a crevasse.
I have avoided watching the show since this possession storyline began. I come here for my updates and skirt over most that mention Marlena. Today while having lunch in a restaurant there was a TV playing DOOL with the scene in the cabin. I did not hear a word but guessed the guy was a good angel. Marlena as the devil was just disgusting to watch and I could not hear a word. It was apparent the angel and Marlena were mentally communicating. Some one please let me know when the devil is gone and maybe then I will tune back in to the show. Also, there was a scene with Abe and Paulina plus one of Eli and Lani with Lani crying. I don't have to hear any dialogue to know - nothing of this - is worth the air time it is given. Then we have Philip being psycho. Usually at Christmas time shows have only one psycho - over the top - villain. The other villains are minor. This devil story with Christmas upon us is another example of how uncaring this writing staff is.

I am old enough to have seen "Rosemary's Baby" when it came out in theaters. It was horrific in many ways. This is a tacky moronic replaying of that storyline. If they wanted to pay "homage" to the horror flick, why not hire Mia Farrow to play the Devil and have Deidre Hall (Marlena) help rid Salem of her presence. That would have been way more interesting than this drivel.

ReRon is no Roman Polanski. Just saying...
ReRon is no Roman Polanski. Just saying...
I should hope ReRon (for all his issues) isn't a Roman Polanski.

There were a couple of episodes this week without Marlena (although they reference her because this is the dominant thing going on right now).

I'm still hoping there's some other twist coming with Lani's paternity, but that's starting to look unlikely. The one upside is that however much Lani annoys me (with her never-ending pity parties and weird love of Kristen), the scenes today with Eli were nice because we don't see many regular, loving young couples in an enduring relationship on this show anymore. He was supportive. Other than them, who do we have? Chad and Abigail? (sigh) Gabi and Jake? (laugh)
Roman Polanski might not be a stellar individual, but many of his movies have shown considerable talent "The Pianist" "Frantic" "Tess" "Chinatown" and, of course, "Rosemary's Baby"
Snarling Philly: He's now committed a major felony (assault with a deadly weapon) for clocking Brady with that crowbar. However, his real fear should be Victor learning about his utter stupidity. If that happened, Philly would be cast into the Kiriakis version of the outer darkness.

Mar-Devil - Go away, go far, far away.

Paulina & [Abe]: Please make it stop. The hapless Paulina piteously begging hard-hearted Abe to take her back was bad the first time around. By now, it's unbearable.

Lani: Please shut her up. Salem's very own professional victim is even more unbearable than the Abe and Paulina show.
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Ugh Paulina bringing up Lexie. I hope he doesn't ever forgive her so she can just go away. I'm sick of people acting like lying to a guy about having a daughter is really similar to giving him a weird gift.

Thrilled they could fit in Ben and Ciara smooching while making sandwiches as the angel and devil talked. I was afraid we might miss that opportunity.

Glad they brought Philip back just to make him nutty. Not a fan of Chloe so I didn't need any of this storyline. Not sure why they have to bring back characters just so they can recycle romantic partners. Should have let Chloe stay with her son and brought in a new character for Brady.

Thanks for the summary to fill in where I was compelled to fast forward.
Thanks, TinaY.

When Philip was talking to Chloe about how Brady was acting, it was strange since Philip was actually
talking about himself. How juvenile.

Is Philip acting crazy since he cut his hair or is the devil doing something to him?

Today John told Steve the exorcism last time probably didn't stick since he wasn't a real priest.

Was the pub closed when Philip hit Brady and drug him away? Does the area have cameras?

What's Ciara and Ben going to do? Marlena is with them and they won't be able to use the bed
for their non sleeping activity