Days of our Lives - Friday February 9, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
40 minutes and we have a bona fide cliffhanger!!!

Theresa and Alex are home watching the 1940’s version of Pride and Prejudice. Theresa thinks it’s the most amazing love story. Alex is barely attentive; Theresa gives a great breakdown of their love. Alex thinks it might work in the movies but not real life.

Tripp and Wendy are dining at the Bistro, waiting for mama bear to arrive. Ava is still wearing the pearls everywhere shirt; she wants to know what they want to talk about?

Lucas is wandering around in the pub in the dark.

Victoria loves splashing in the tub, her parents think it’s cute, so they sit in the living room and discuss how cute she was.

Charlotte has won 5 games of go fish, yet they want to play another game. Julie is going to tell them a story then they are going to run upstairs and Uncle Doug will tell them a story. It’s a two story night!!

Alex and Theresa talk relationships. Theresa reminds Alex that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and surprise Alex, the girl does love Valentine’s Day.

Ava wants to know what they need to talk about? Tripp is tongue-tied as he talks about walking in on her and Stefan. Tripp admits he was an immature jerk and Ava didn’t deserve it. Ava says the heart wants what the heart wants. The kids are impressed the adult knows Emily Dickinson.

Kate berates Lucas for being out of his room. As only Kate can make her adult children listen.

Julie starts to tell a story. Once upon a time there stood an enchanted house in Salem, this house that has sheltered this family for generations. Thomas and Charlotte, you two are part of this magic. A long time ago a fine doctor Thomas and his wife Alice, your great-great-great grandparents, raised all of their children here. One of their children was a doctor too, he fell in love with this lady fair and wise (Julie’s voice breaks during this part).

Her name was Laura, and they were blessed to have a baby girl so beautiful they named her Jennifer Rose, your grandma, She grew up and met a tall dashing young man, Jack Deveraux. They were blessed with another baby girl even more beautiful, Abigail Johanna. OUR MOMMY the kids say. Julie continues, they gave her the old-fashioned name to honor Grandma Alice’s mother, Abigail, and Jack’s mother, Josephine. Julie teases there will be a quiz on this later. Julie tells of joking, there will be no quiz.

Julie tells of how Grandma Alice would be the best grandma in the world and how Aunt Julie was often very naughty. And Grandma Alice would say now Julie, that’s not how we do this. How Grandpa Tom could calm everyone down. This magical house was always filled with love and joy. Julie will make a fresh batch of doughnuts tomorrow. They discuss how the house brings joy.

Xander strips off his shirt. Sarah's thinking Xander should get out of these wet clothes. She leans in, obviously wanting something. Xander pops up, agreeing with Sarah that he should get into something else and go for a run. Sarah is left on the couch unfulfilled and confused.

Wendy mentions that it’s great to see the Bistro full again. They discuss the drug problem in the town and how heartbreaking it is.

Sarah is picking up toys as Xander comes into the living room, noticing that Xander is wearing his running clothes, which are different from his weight clothes and gym clothes. She goes on to mention all of his different “uniforms” and Xander agrees he likes to be properly attired. Sarah wants to know what would happen if they should, God forbid, stop making your fancy work shirts? Perish the thought, Xander retorts. When he pops on one of his Eton shirts, Xander slips into work mode. But when he puts on his running outfit, he is ready to run. He admits to having Fashion OCD. Sarah thinks it’s an endearing quality.

Lucas is eating a hamburger as Harris walks into the pub, forcing Lucas back up to his room.

Theresa and Alex discuss their plans for tomorrow. Alex gets his panties in a twist when he hears that Brady was at the meeting.

Lucas, Harris and Kate talk. Hang in there a little longer.

Thomas and Charlotte want one more story. They are told to grab their favorite book and take it to Uncle Doug. Chad and Julie talk of cherishing these moments. Soon they will have friends (not in Salem) and won’t want to read a book with anyone. The kids are settling in and doing better in school.

Sarah keeps getting into Xander's space. He thinks a little night air is what he needs. Sarah knows of another activity that burns calories, but doesn’t have the night air though.

Panties in a big bunch now Alex grills Theresa on Brady and the meeting. Alex accuses Brady of spying on Theresa. Theresa explains the AA meeting coins to Alex. Alex is having a hard time understanding that addiction is a lifetime disease, it’s not a one-time meeting and you are fixed. Theresa will be going to meetings the rest of her life.

Ava grills the kids on the geo-caching event, what is it, why is it? It’s a treasure hunt with a tech twist. A bunch of items will be hidden all over town and you use an app to discover them. The first person to get all of the items wins. But the items may not be tangible items, it may be a location where you have to answer a trivia question. Ava remains somewhat confused as to why? The objective is to bring the community together. Ava thinks that the town can use something uplifting.

Harris tries to cheer up Lucas. Kate finds out about Lucas’ chat with Chad and Everett. Lucas doesn’t think they wouldn’t give up their secret source.

Chad and Julie are drinking Grandpa Tom’s special cognac, brought over from France.

Sarah rubs herself all over Xander wanting some good old-fashioned adult time. She plants one on him. Xander wants to go for a run.

Alex and Theresa continue the PSA on attending meetings and recovery. Then they venture into how great a kid Tate is. Somehow Alex turns this conversation to himself.

Ava has stuff to do, she loves Tripp and wanders off to do things. Wendy wants to do Valentine’s things; they discuss their plans. There will be a pop-up magic show tomorrow night. Wendy curses Valentine's Day by saying it will be one to remember.

Sarah is rocking with Xander, she wants him to stay. Xander texts someone, and leaves. Victoria cries and Sarah looks at his phone.

Lucas and Kate chat, Harris gets a text and has to leave.

Chad thanks Julie for sharing the story of the house with the kids. Julie gets choked up about how many of the family have gone away forever. Chad feels Abigail's presence in the home. Chad feels like he can breathe when he is in the house. (gag me)

Xander is running in the park.

Chad grills Julie about her plans for the evening. Doug has a hot date, they go upstairs. Someone enters the house with a mask on.

Ava brings complimentary champagne to Tripp and Wendy, then she toasts to love.

Someone enters the pub with a gun and wearing a black leather jacket.

Sarah finds Xander's phone. A private number sent a text that says “Is it done?”

Alex has to finish up some work, Theresa is left to clean up. As she grabs Alex’s jacket to put it away, and a ring box falls out.

Harris comes to the boarding dock. He shouts for Ava and wonders where she is? Harris looks around, sees someone and says “you”. Whoever "you" is fires two shots into Harris and he slowly falls to the ground. The person has on Xander’s style of running shoes.

A door opens and a gun fires. A woman screams and a man screams "NO!"

We see someone splashing gasoline all over the Horton living room, puts the gas can by the front door and lights a match. Then tosses it into the living room. The room goes up in flames.

Harris continues to moan and crawl. The sneaker-wearing person walks away. Harris crawls a bit further before collapsing.
They made such a point of Xander having a specific jogging 'uniform' that if anybody wanted to frame him they could dress somebody with a similar build in the same outfit. If Xander is not in on a fake shooting with Harris to ferret out the mole, then he is being framed. He was way too relaxed with Sarah post bathing the baby to be somebody off to shoot a cop that night.
The shooter of Harris had white stripes on his pants, Xander did not, so it is not him. There we go. Went back and checked. The shooter is dressed like Xander to frame him. Probably it is the second named cop that was at the pub the other day.
Thank you, Robin!

I think it was the best show in weeks despite the three bad things that happened.

I did not recognize the hooded criminal who set the Horton house on fire, but as said before, Clyde's reach is far, and no doubt he sent his goons to kill Lucas, Harris ad destroy Horton House. Will they go after Everett next, possibly with Stephanie getting caught in the middle?

Really enjoyed Julie telling Thomas and Charlotte about their family history.

Xander will have "some splaining" to do about the cryptic message on his phone, "Is it done?" Since he is supposed to be transparent with everything, how will he explain this if it is something bad? Even though I don't think he had anything to do with the events of the night. But I agree that he might be framed.

It seems like Alex is not thrilled about Theresa needing to attend meeting for her lifetime. If he can't accept that part of her, there is no future for them.

Kate must still have been with Lucas when the shots were fired. Were they both shot? Just one of them shot?

We will find out all soon enough.
We will find out all soon enough.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I hope we do but with these writers it could take over a week to find out the end results of all of Friday's end results.

It is totally possible we will go back to Wendy and Tripp's dinner, Johnny, Chanel, Abe and Paulina discussing the wedding as the A stories for Monday, with the fire and shootings being the C and D stories.

No, I didn't forget the B story. That's Everett's beard's story.
Yeah, DOES Lucas have a death wish?

Sarah really wants some but Xander is not having it. I know he's being cautious but I like them.

No way Xander shot Harris. I think it was Everett. But stupid Sarah is going to doubt him, AGAIN.

But what in God's name is going on here? Shooting at pub, too, and Horton house ablaze. Though Julie's story was a hint something bad might happen.
I like the Everett idea. He would definitely know Xander's routines and 'uniforms', and lots of people think he is involved with the drug ring already. Also Harris would recognize him. AND Lucas said he trusted him today. I imagine if it is him then it is the 'Bobby' side of him doing nefarious deeds.

The shooter was a leftie. I slept through Everett and Stephanie scenes so not sure if he is left handed. Has anybody noticed?
Whenever there is a hooded or masked individual, they almost never use the actual actor to tape the scenes. They get random stand-ins to do it, so you can't take the body type or being right-handed/left-handed, or specific body moments into consideration.

During the Salem Stalker storyline, it was a big thing online because the show kept using random stand-ins for the Stalker scenes, so sometimes the body type was taller, sometimes shorter, sometimes a thin build, sometimes a more athletic build, sometimes more masculine, or sometimes a more feminine build, sometimes blue eyed, sometimes brown eyed, etc. And in the end, it was never Deidre Hall (Marlena) as the Stalker until she was unmasked on camera.

Deidre Hall (Marlena) was even on the Ellen DeGeneres show during that storyline and Ellen brought up all the different body types for the Stalker. Deidre just sort of chuckled and moved past the question.
Lucas needs some cleaning up. Lose the mustache, and trim and tastefully style that sloppy hair.

Alex is very jealous and insecure. He should not be upset that Theresa will keep attending AA meetings along with Brady coming too. Hope Maggie gives him a good yelling at.
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Thanks for the summary. I will admit that I am not thrilled about many aspects of this episode or of the show more generally. That being said, this was by far the best episode in a long time. Stuff actually happened! We got a real cliffhanger! And for that I can be a little bit less disappointed in the state of the show.
Fie on the wretched writers for making it look as if Xander might have shot Harris. If they want a cliffhanger that will engage the viewers, they have to try a lot harder. Fie on them too for having the beloved Horton home torched. Is nothing sacred? That said, Julie should try locking her windows and doors.

Speaking of Julie, if she really wants to entertain the children, she should try tales of Prince Nicky, although in the interest of good taste she should leave out the one about Prince Nicky, the fair maid, and the heart-shaped pillow.

Lucas really cares more about food than safety. If he ever is shot, Everett would probably love to run the headline, “Victim Found Face-Down in Plate of Garbage Can Nachos.”
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Thanks, robin.

Wow, Xander took off his shirt today. It's been awhile.

And who sent the message on the phone? What job was Xander supposed to do? Maybe he's helping with the
geocaching and he has to put out gifts.

Someone must watch Xander when he jogs to know what he wears, but didn't realize his pants didn't have strips.

Tripp and Wendy said they were going to do the geocaching. How could they do that? Didn't Wendy set up everything?

Lucas was stupid going downstairs at the pub. Who got shot? Maybe Kate used her gun.

I started tearing up when Julie told the story of the Horton house to Charlotte and Thomas. I wonder how hard it was for actors
since they knew the house would catch on fire?

So, what will happen to all the items in the Horton House? The Christmas ornaments, Alice's donut recipe, all the pictures?

It's been awhile since we've seen a jammed packed cliffhanger. Harris shot, a gun going off and the house fire.