Days of Our Lives - Friday, Jan. 12, 2024


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Dec 29, 2012
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45 minutes of mostly nothingness. At end you thought something might happen. Nope.

It's evening in Salem.

Nicole is in the living room of the DiMansion. There's a suitcase and she's holding a teddy bear. EJ comes in. Nicole said the hospital said there's no change. EJ asks if she got everything? She packed Holly's pajamas, her favorite stuffed animal and favorite book, Little Women. She's going to read it to her. Before they go, EJ says he wants to talk about what happened yesterday. He saw Eric in the room holding her.

Holly is the hospital bed when Eric comes in. He wants to talk to her.

Theresa's in the cop shop interrogation room. Brady comes in and tells her he brought something. Without looking at him, Theresa says she doesn't want coffee. He takes out a candy bar. He says it's her favorite, dark, dark chocolate. She tears it open and smells it. She read smelling chocolate helps people stop smoking. She keeps wondering what's going on with Tate while she's smelling the chocolate. She gets upset and holds Brady's hand. She says it's killing her. Brady puts his other hand on hers.

Kate arrives at the prison visitor room. Lucas is waiting. Lucas wonders how she got in to see him after hours? She says called in favor with the warden. Lucas wonders if she came about Dimitri since he just disappeared? Kate says no. Someone wants to talk to you. Harris walks in.

Meanwhile at a park somewhere in Salem, Chad and Thomas are throwing a football. (Salem must be having a mild winter. Neither are wearing hats or gloves). Alex is watching them. Thomas wants guys' night every night. Chad and Thomas hug.

Nicole and EJ talk about Eric. EJ knows he was giving Holly support. He's jealous since he's her stepdad now. Nicole brings up Eric was there on Christmas Day after she found Holly drunk. EJ said he found out from Johnny that Holly was drunk. Nicole didn't tell EJ because Holly was embarrassed. EJ tells Nicole that Rafe talked to Holly's friend at the high school. Rafe found out Holly smoked weed. It's legal when you're 21.

They don't know if Holly did more than that. Nicole has flashback with Holly popping pills after being drunk. She wonders if they might have been something else and not aspirin? They wonder why Tate was expelled? Maybe he was doing drugs at boarding school. Then they wonder if maybe Holly isn't innocent after all? Nicole goes out to the car. EJ looks up and wonders if Tate was telling the truth?

Eric is telling Holly how much she's grown up. She used to be his little girl and she called him daddy. He's sorry he left when he went to Africa. He loved being her dad.

Brady tells Theresa he's thought about doing a prison break to help Tate. Theresa says she'll help him. They wonder if he should have stayed in boarding school? Both of them talked to him about drugs. Brady wonders if he shouldn't have sent him to boarding school and maybe this could have been prevented? (strange school since Tate SORAS'd there) Theresa is worried Tate takes after her. She feels like she failed Tate.

Brady says it's not her fault. He blames himself since he wasn't around Tate. (I blame the writers). Theresa keeps replaying that night. She said Tate looked handsome and he was having his first date with Holly. Theresa was having fun with Alex. Brady says he was a third wheel and he should have watched Tate. They blame themselves. They get up from table and hold each other. They both agree they need to believe Tate is telling the truth.

Lucas gets mad seeing Harris. He knows he shot Hope and didn't tell anyone Bo was alive. Harris says he was brainwashed by Megan. Kate says you can trust him since he's with the Salem PD now. (really, you can trust Salem cops?) Harris says he's talked to Mayor Price and he wants to make a deal for Lucas to help with the drug problem. He talks about the suspect was arrested and just got out of prison. Harris needs intel from the inside. (will Clyde find out?) Lucas says no. Lucas says a snitch gets more than stitches. They get broken bones.

Harris knows Lucas was undercover in prison 15 years ago helping the police get information about Orpheus. Harris says he talked to Mayor Price and she will get Lucas out of jail if he helps. (really, the mayor can do that?) Lucas says no. Kate and Harris get up to leave. Lucas says maybe he'll do it. Kate tells Lucas how much his family misses him and he can get his life back. Lucas thinks it's going to be a big mistake if someone finds out. Harris says he'll give Lucas tips. Kate leaves the room. Harris tells Lucas that Holly Jonas in a coma. She overdosed on New Year's Eve. Harris wants to save kids and he'll protect Lucas.

At the park, Alex gives Thomas a tip how to catch a football. Thomas wants to play monkey in the middle since Alex is there. Alex is the monkey and in the middle. Thomas and Chad throw the ball. Alex is supposed to catch it. Later, Chad and Alex talk. Alex says being a parent is hard. He isn't sure how to be supportive for Theresa. He tried to help Tate, but blew it. Chad says he should to talk to Justin. Alex says he ruined that relationship, too.

EJ and Nicole are now at the hospital. Nicole leaves him to find a nurse. EJ is going to Holly's room.

EJ enters Holly's room and sees Eric there. Eric tells EJ he didn't want Holly be alone. He found out EJ and Nicole left and he wanted to come by. Eric tells EJ he's been there an hour. Nicole comes in with the suitcase. Eric explains why he was there. EJ asks if he should leave them alone and get coffee? They both tell EJ he needs to stay since he's a part of Holly's life.

Lucas tells Harris he will do it to get out. Kate returns. She sees Lucas was convinced to do it. Kate says to be careful and she'll get a lawyer to put it in writing. Kate and Harris get up to leave. Harris tells Lucas to put on a show. Lucas starts shouting that he won't do it. He's not a rat.

Chad tells Alex he was a grown man when he found out Stefano was his father. He had struggles being a DiMera. Chad tells Alex he will come to terms with it. Alex says he's more concerned about being there for Theresa. Thomas comes back from playing with Cooper. He wants to play again. They play monkey in the middle again and Alex is the monkey again.

Brady and Theresa sit down at a table. They need to prove Tate is innocent and not give up on their son. Theresa breaks off some chocolate. She breaks off piece and gives it to Brady. They clink pieces and vow to never give up again.

Nicole puts the teddy bear by Holly. Nicole says the nurse says there's been no change. Eric is standing in the back. EJ reminds Nicole there are other options. He talks about the clinic in Italy that helped him. He's already called and they think they can help her. Nicole isn't sure. EJ says they can fly with her and take a doctor.

Nicole wants to talk to Kayla first. EJ turns around and thanks Eric for being there for Holly and Nicole. Eric says he wants to say a prayer. Camera keeps going to Holly when prayers are said. Then all three turn around to Holly and say the Lord's Prayer together. The camera gets closer and closer to Holly's face. The prayer ends and Holly's eyes are still closed. No cliffhanger.
I liked the episole ending with them saying the Lord's Prayer (some call it the Our Father), but don't understand the closeups on Holly's face, when nothing moved even one iota. Seems rather odd for a Friday ending, as Kat cliffhanger.
I had boys and I've never heard of monkey in the middle, but then again it's not important. Thomas slipping in the fake plastic snow on concrete flooring was silly.

Lucas, Lucas Lucas. Given the only reason you are still in jail is because the show has reached it limit on people it can't write a story for, you can come and go as needed if you are in jail. As if Clyde isn't going to know Kate and Harris showed up for a visit.

I'd have to say that the police station all purpose interrogation room has to be more comfortable than say John and Marlena's living room, or say the pub. Were they hoping Rafe would bring Tate up for a visit?? Seemed they were just hanging out for no reason.

So EJ thinks that sending Holly to Italy will be the best choice for her recovery? Lots of talks of how Eric was Holly's stepdad, wonder if this is the start of a new daddy for Holly? A clean swipe of Dr Dan the Tan Man? Yes, this would remove Holly from Maggie's family, but knowing Maggie, she'd continue loving Holly.

Thanks kat for spending a part of your life you will never get back telling us about this exciting batch of nothingness.
No EJ, you should not tell Nicole your feelings were hurt because Eric was hugging her. You should let out Tate now that you know Holly was into drugs. Kind of dumb when Nicole said she smoked pot, would she take something stronger? Well obviously she did.

Gotta say Gwennie T is growing on me. I guess because I always liked Brady and Theresa. Fake Theresa better than no Theresa.

What is up with Chad & Alex bonding?
I had boys and I've never heard of monkey in the middle, but then again it's not important. Thomas slipping in the fake plastic snow on concrete flooring was silly.

I do recall monkey in the middle from back in the misty past and thought it was quite appropriate that know-it-all, lover boy Alex was playing the role of the monkey.

It’s good to hear that Lucas will be helping Action Hero Harris bring down Clyde’s drug empire since it means that this fan favorite will be getting more screen time.

It was also a positive development that EJ “Wrath of God” DiMera is starting to wise up about boozy, pill-popping Holly. Maybe, this will mean a break for Tater Tot and an end to all the moaning about his sad fate by Salem’s parents of the year, Brady and Gwennie T.
Thanks for the summary.

Is sniffing the chocolate the updated version of sniffing the scarf? (EJ sniffing Taylor's scarf) Perhaps, considering the show (and especially this episode) is just as bland as it was back in early '11. Maybe even more so.