Days of our Lives - Friday, January 5, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
39 minutes it needed more neeps and tatties

Sarah comes in from Chloe’s old bedroom, wants to know what smells so good? Xander tells her it’s haggis with neeps and tatties. Turnips and potato mash. Xander was going to bring her breakfast in bed.

Wendy’s apartment: Tripp returns home. He apologizes for working late on New Year’s Eve. Wendy's all excited about spending Lunar New Year in Hong Kong. Her flight leaves tonight. The police department has given her an open-ended contract. Tripp tells her that he can’t go with her.

Replay of Tate’s freedom being revoked. Brady can’t understand why the judge would change his mind. Because of the family wealth and access to the family jet, yada, yada, yada, Tate is a flight risk.

Victoria is still sleeping. Xander and Sarah have a cute discussion of baby acetaminophen, which Xander thought was baby amphetamine. Xander is happy Sarah stopped by because she saved the night. He apologizes for ruining Sarah’s New Year’s Eve plans. A replay of their New Year’s Eve, watching the baby, watching the fireworks and kissing. Victoria wakes up.

Wendy and Tripp talk. Wendy is upset that Tripp isn’t coming with her. They talk of Holly Jonas overdosing. Tripp tells of being certain his mom is involved. He thinks that there is something going on which is why she wanted him 8,000 miles away on another continent. Why? Neither Wendy nor Tripp believe that Ava is clear.

The Brady brain trust discuss Tate’s options. EJ joins this conversation. Brady explodes with anger. EJ smirks.

More Wendy and Tripp discussing if Ava is back in the “game”. Tripp explains all the pieces. Breaking up with Harris, killing Gil, managing the Bistro. Wendy wonders who will take care of Ava if Tripp leaves? Wendy is so understanding because she has to take care of her parents, Tripp has to take care of his.

Xander comes out with Victoria. Doll-in-Blanket does well. Xander can’t wait till she has her granny's skons, the Scottish version of scones.

The Brady brain trust continues, pushing and shoving continues. EJ tells Theresa that things can always get worse. That amoral son of yours, Tate. EJ announces that Tate is being charged as an adult and will be going to jail. Justin says he is being charged with attempted murder. Alex and EJ face off. Tate is terrified of going to jail.

Wendy and Tripp discuss parents and helping them AGAIN because you might have forgotten this entire conversation from 3 minutes ago. Wendy doesn’t expect Tripp to wait for her. He doesn’t want Wendy to wait for him either.

Sarah is dressed in her “walk of shame” outfit (the outfit she had on yesterday). Xander loves her walk of shame outfit. When Victoria wakes, Sarah will leave. Xander struggles to ask Sarah to move in. She can share the room with Victoria.

Tripp and Wendy continue discussing the news of them breaking up. Because doing the long-distance relationship is just too hard. They discuss each person’s good qualities and then being adulting on the couch, helping removing clothing.

Sarah discusses how hard shared custody is. She isn’t sure about leaving Maggie alone with Konstantin. Xander asks if Sarah is just looking for a reason to just say no?

Tate begs his mom to help him, to not let him go to jail. EJ says the fault is that he didn’t call 911 soon enough. The conversations continue. This is stupidity on a level that is insane.

Sarah and Xander talk about moving in together. Sarah thinks it’s only because Xander wants to sleep with her. They both have wanted to kiss each other. They have amazing kisses. Sarah is scared of going too fast and regretting it.

Wendy and Tripp are now getting dressed. Wendy’s car will be there momentarily. He wants to take her but Wendy wants to go alone. Tripp slips a wrapped treat into her suitcase. They hug.

The Brady brain trust continues to stand around talking at EJ. Officer Kelsey takes Tate away to get him out of his suit. Theresa thinks they should have gotten another lawyer. Rafe takes EJ away to talk, Rafe tries to explain how stupid EJ is. Rafe says everything this board has said. Rafe brings up doing this to Johnny.

Tate returns in prison blues, not the orange jumpsuit.

Sarah and Xander discuss being roommates, and co-parents. Xander would respect boundaries. He lists his boundaries: don’t eat his food from the fridge, don’t move his phone or tablet to a place where he can’t find it when cleaning up. Sarah has too many to list, she will make a spreadsheet, then agrees to give it a shot.

Wendy breaks the clinch, they kiss and say a few more parting words before Wendy takes her whole life in one carry on bag, says goodbye and I love you and leaves. They each lean on their side of the door and cry.

The Salem brain trust tells Tate they will make this right. Brady messes up his line, tries to recover. Rafe comes to take Tate away. EJ is gleeful. Brady tells EJ this isn’t over.

Fired guy directed this show.
There is ZERO grounds for arresting Tate. EJ's smug look made me sick. I'm sure the truth will out eventually: neglected Holly who seemed lost in the DiMera mansion for months without being checked on was a druggie of her own will.

EJ shouldn't be involved in any prosecutions of Tate, Leo, Dmitri. Any of it. So dumb.

I love seeing Xander even if I'm worn out on Sarah's whiplash relationship with him.

Wendy who? I'm already over it.
Nice job, Robin!

I liked what Theresa said about the hate and bitterness in EJ's eyes. So true. His focus should be on Nicole, not misplaced and misguided blame.

I do wonder what male attorney Alex had in mind.

And it looks like Maggie does not even know about her granddaughter's condition.

Many scenarios here: Holly comes out of the coma and has amnesia; Holly comes out of the coma and does not tell the truth to help Tate; Holly comes out of the coma and does tell the truth and clears Tate; Holly never comes out of the coma; Holly dies. I don't think they will let her die, though, not after what Nicole has gone through. Even they can't be that cruel. Or can they?

If Xander and Sarah can remain playful like they were today and have been lately, let them stay together this time. But no more see-sawing, please.

Once again, James Martin Mann delivers as Tate. I actually think he delivered from day one. Excellent casting choice.
I totally agree about James Martin Mann (Tate). You can just feel the angst of a teenage kid, who. Theresa has been very good this week. She, Rafe and Justin are the only calm heads in this trumped up mess. I wish someone would slug EJ. All he wants is revenge and I'm not sure I know who!!!
You can just feel the angst of a teenage kid, who.

and I'm not sure I know who!!!

am somewhat betwildered by how the word who was used in the above 2 statements. Each seems to have a different meaning. Admittedly I am not up on all the new slang words, or new meanings for ordinary words.....but would appreciate if someone could explain or decipher for me. Thanks in advance.
I agree. This whole "Tate didn't call for help in time" is just crazy. He got there and checked her and the police were there. I don't think he even had time to process what was happening.

And yes, the actor playing Tate is doing a superb job. And I have loved seeing Theresa playing the concerned, protective but yet reasonable mother. Can't say the same about Brady. It's like he was dropped on his head as a child. He never makes the right decision on things.
Sadist EJ just won’t go away, now sending poor Tate to the city jail where he’ll be eaten alive by hardened adult convicts. It would have been worth the price of admission to see Brady or Alex give the smug DA a worse thrashing than the one that Rafe once inflicted on him. One that would, in the words of the old “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” song, make EJ look “like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone.”

It was nice to see Xander and Sarah getting along so well, but will it last? I’ll believe it when I see Sarah scarf down some of the X-Man’s homemade haggis.

Finally, if Wendy is looking for someone to blame for true love Trippy staying in Salem, she should take a look at the writers. If they hadn’t stupidly killed off Charlie Dale, he could have watched over feckless Ava while Trippy flew off to Hong Kong for adventure and romance.
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It would have been worth the price of admission to see Brady or Alex give the snug DA a worse thrashing than the one that Rafe once inflicted on him. One that would, in the words of the old “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” song, make EJ look “like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone.”
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thanks robin.

EJ kept having nasty grins when no one was looking and he knows Stefan is involved.

Tate is going to be in Salem jail. At least he's not going to Statesville.

Rafe is going to the high school and find out what's going on. Will the kids lie to him?
Will EJ get there first?

Too bad John wasn't at the cop shop. He would have smacked EJ good.

I enjoyed Xander and Sarah.
which Xander thought was baby amphetamine
So, are we just forgetting that he took care of Mackenzie with Sarah? Stupid.
Xander can’t wait till she has her granny's skons,
This might be the nicest thing Xander's ever said about his mother.
I don't think they will let her die, though, not after what Nicole has gone through. Even they can't be that cruel. Or can they?
I hope they are. Holly is useless and we love to see Nicole cry. Kill Holly and give Arianne Zucker (Nicole) an Emmy or two. Plus, as the daughter of sex assaulter Daniel Jonas, she is a blight to the world.
The complete 180 on how EJ has been written in the past month is crazy. He was the doting husband excited to be a dad and we were all saying that he and Nicole were a good match. Then he had these tender moments comforting and crying himself when they found out about losing the baby. Now he’s maniacal, vengeful, unnecessarily aggressive and just plain insufferable to watch.