Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 12, 2013

Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 12, 2013

A rather slow episode for a Friday....I think we are still 'a day out' -due to the episode which was pre-empted a couple of months ago and so today's show was really intended to air on Thursday and this coming Monday's episode will be the real Friday one...(sorry...hope this makes sense). I think that is why we saw the July 4th episode air on Friday the 5th.
I rather enjoyed Kristen's freak out today. Yeah, she really was beating around the bush getting to her point. Totally thought she was going to show the video to Eric but she wants to publicly humiliate him and his family instead at the school dedication. :mad: I loved seeing that she does care about the kids, and what the school is for. She was a Social Worker in the beginning anyway so she does care immensely. However revenge is clouding her mind. Poor thing needs to heavily repent a million times over (and go to jail which probably will never happen being a DiMera and all).

Lucas and Will were great today. I loved the "Sami has four kids but she still acts like a 12 year old" comment. That was hilarious and true. Will is extremely mature about his family situation. It was an enjoyable scene. Tired of this Brent guy, really, come on. Loved Sonny and Adrienne's little chat. Both did have valid points but I was happy to see Sonny stand up for himself.

Also enjoyed all the hospital scenes today. Kayla, Abe, Kate and Rafe. Good moments there. It seems that Rafe "heard" the shot from Sami's gun while he was in the coma. He's thinking that after he left to go through the alley Sami shot him, not Jensen attacking him. Ooh boy this'll be interesting to see played out. I was hoping Abe was going to get his words out but Rafe's monitors were going off. Of course, they have to leave you hanging.
I'm not a fan of Brent. He seemed too questionable about Sonny's life when he first arrived. I don't know what the writers are setting him up for, but I don't like him already and I question him every time he's interacting with Sonny. He doesn't seem interested in Sonny romantically, but he seems like he doesn't like Will for no reason, or wants to cause drama between them. Even if he's just doing it because he believes he's saving his friend from a boring life, he's still crossing some lines.

Sidenote: my history with Days isn't as long as some of the people here, but does Days ever seriously address mental issues? At least in the last twenty years? I know they did with Jessica Fallon (I think) but not sure who else before 1999 and after 2009 (the times I didn't watch Days). To me, after today's episode, it seems like Kristen has some serious mental issues that needs to be addressed. OR are we supposed to just accept her craziness for humor purposes? Her behavior has been humorous up until recent, and her scene today really showed something is wrong with her mentally and emotionally.
Since Kristen gave her tablet to Sarah-the-video-editor, what did she do with the cards the video was on before she uploaded it to her tablet?? I hope her throwing that tablet in the rectory doesn't mean she will have to do a retake!! :sick: Maybe when Kristen shows up at the school dedication to drop the bomb, the video will be destroyed and she has no backup, didn't know her sick video was fried.
Kristen claimed she was seeing a psychologist/therapist for years in Europe, and was helped greatly. In my opinion, her thought processes have not been normal since she returned. Her need for revenge has consumed her, and taken over her life upon her return. Her plans just keep getting worse. She already succeeded in her original mission, which was to drive John & Marlena apart, and she called Brady collateral damage, so he got pulled into it and got hurt, which hurt both John & marlena as well.
But Kristen decides she wants even more, so picks on a priest. Oh, she could have picked on Sami.......who also is Marlena's child. But no, she wanted the complete destruction of a priest, a man who never did her any harm. But then, neither did Brady. She doesn't care about that. She wants to hurt Marlena, that is all.
Eventually, she will be committed, is my guess.But before then, Kristen will get away with a lot, Because no one will believe Marlena, the pyschiatrist. It is too personal for Marlena.
I love Lucas, his Line about Sami was the best way to describe her now. I wish TPTB would include him more into these S/L's especially Will's. Also, Adrianne doesn't she realize Will is nothing like Sami? Sonny is happy with Will, why is she judging him based on his mother's stupid actions? What if Sonny was judged by the fact that Victor is his Great Uncle? Come on...:rolleyes: Hands down the best scene was Kristen in the church, she really has lost it talking to those paintings of God next she will hear his voice..LOL love it.:rotfl::clap: