Days of our Lives - Friday, July 21, 2023

ShaunP(not ShawnD!)

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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39 minutes today, with actual plot movement in the Abe story!

Stock footage of Los Angeles. Steve is on the phone with Kayla telling how they ended up in LA to follow Jerry Prentiss. He and John are at the bus depot waiting for the Chicago bus.

Kate comes to visit Paulina at her apartment to check on her. Paulina says she’s worried because she doesn’t know where Lani is.

Whitley comes in with oatmeal for Abe and Lani, who are not fully conscious.

Paulina recounts to Kate why Lani is missing. She tells her that it’s only Rafe, Jada, and Theo looking for her so that the police aren’t obligated to report her missing. Rafe is trying to stall the prison.

Rafe comes into the police station to pick up things from his office. He asks Jada about the search for Lani, who has heard nothing. He ignores a call from the prison. They can’t use the police resources, but Rafe thinks Lani is in trouble.

Whitley is playing up being Paulina, saying how nice it is that “our daughter” came to visit from Maryland. She comes over to feed her, but Lani starts moving the chair she’s tied to and yells “you are not my mother.”

Kayla is in Marlena’s office saying she just heard from Steve in LA.

Jerry arrives at the bus terminal wearing a hood, John and Steve call out to him, saying they are friends of Abraham Carver. They ask him about being in the hospital, he says he wasn’t. John says not according to the eye-witness.

Marlena says Nurse King mentioned this young man being at the hospital the day Abe disappeared. Kayla explains that suspicious John and Steve started going over all of the case files again. She tells Marlena about John and Steve’s conversation with Chanel and how Whitley seems almost obsessed with Abe. Kayla says Nurse King resigned, telling her she needed a fresh start after Abe died. The 2 of them wonder if they should be worried. Marlena just remembered that she treated Whitley.

Whitley-as-Paulina puts on a show about Lani and Paulina’s history. Abe is out of it watching. Lani tells her about talking to Jerry and how she knows everything.

Kate and Paulina continue trying to figure out why Lani would be late. Paulina is convinced something is wrong.

Jada tells Rafe if she really thinks Lani is in trouble, maybe they should call on the force. Rafe says he needs a little more time to work on his own. Then they talk about spending time together after all this is over. In walks Sam Gerard, US Marshals Office looking for Lani Grant. He’s been trying to reach Rafe and needs to get Lani back to Maryland now. Rafe says he doesn’t know where she is.

“Paulina” continues defending her persona while Abe continues staring off into the distance.

Actual Paulina tells Kate that she doesn’t have much faith in Rafe because he couldn’t find Philip. Kate says she’s not too concerned about that because she knows for a fact Philip is alive.

Jerry says he’s not surprised Whitley tried to throw him under the bus to throw suspicion off of her. She worked at the hospital and knew exactly how to get past the cameras. Black Patch asks why she would do this, Jerry says because she’s nuts, then tells them Abe is alive.

Marlena pulls up Whitley’s file and sees that she treated her during the fall of 2021, which was during her possession, and why she’s only just now remembering it.

Whitley is laying it on thick pretending to be the caring Mama to Lani, asking Abe to tell Lani that she really is his wife. Abe says he doesn’t know who anyone is anymore. Lani tries to reach him. Whitley gets upset and threatens Lani.

Rafe tells the Marshal that Lani is missing. Inspector Gerard is not happy with what is happening, he threatens Rafe and Jada, who come to Lani’s defense saying they’re worried about her. Gerard says he’ll make a call to track her ankle bracelet.

Kate tells Paulina she hid Philip after the incident with Brady, that he needed help. She and Victor sent him to a psychiatric hospital in Europe. She’s telling Paulina this so she knows that Kate understands what she’s going through.

Jerry tells John and Steve about being hired by Nurse King. He thought it was just an acting gig to help with Abe’s therapy or something. They asked why he didn’t go to the police once he realized that’s not what it was. Whitley told him the police would never believe him over her. He’s surprised they don’t know all of this after his conversation with Lani yesterday.

“Paulina” says it’s time to clean up breakfast. Lani forcefully says over and over you are not Paulina, your name is Whitley King, you are a nurse at University Hospital. I am not your daughter. Whitley’s face changes and she says “oh my God.”

Marlena doesn’t know what she said to Nurse King while she treated her. They read her file, Whitley’s husband died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a malfunctioning space heater. He died in his sleep along with their 3 cats.

Whitley seems to change personality saying she was saving Abe from a man who hurt him. Abe says he’s very confused. Lani pleads to be set free. Whitley says no, never.

Kate tells Paulina about feeling hopeless about Philip. When they found his prosthetic leg in the river, she had to accept he was dead. Paulina says that case sounds an awful lot like what happened to Abraham.

Whitley says no one knows you’re here. Lani says the police, FBI and US Marshal will all be looking for her. She shows her ankle monitor. Whitley goes to get a needle.

Marlena and Kayla continue reading. Whitley blamed herself for the death of her husband and cats. They assume the Devil didn’t do anything to calm her guilt.

Steve calls Jada just as Inspector Gerard runs in saying he has a location on Grant. They run out of the police station.

Lani begs Whitley not to hurt her. She injects Lani, and Abe yells “no!”

Steve left a message for Jada. John makes another call.

Paulina says it’s not a giant leap to think that if Philip was alive when no body was recovered, that Abe could also be alive.

Marlena laments Whitley not getting the help she needed. She wonders if Abe’s death triggered her guilt? She’s going to call and reach out to see if Whitley is ok.

Whitley tells Abe she’s not ready to give him up yet.

Rafe, Jada, and Gerard arrive at the pier saying that’s where the monitor pinged. They find Lani passed out on the ground.
Thanks ShaunP.. Let's put aside the fact it's a 2 day bus trip from Chicago to Los Angeles. Steve and John with their access to private jets could have stopped along the way to shop. The clever writers with Sam Gerard as the US Marshal.

Mar-Devil treated Whitless. That explains a lot, maybe.

But yes actual movement FINALLY.
I am wondering if Deidre Hall (Marlena) and Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) cracked up laughing after saying their lines about Whitney’s husband and 3 cats going to sleep and never waking up again. The way she delivered that line was hilarious to me. No offense to any cat lovers out there!

Rafe knew about the ankle monitor. I thought he would have found Lani faster. Maybe he didn’t have access to the system to locate her. Like others said, there’s no way Whitley hauled Lani’s dead weight across town to the docks without anyone becoming suspicious or calling the police.

Now I’m wondering how long before Jada Hunter checks her voicemail, and rushes over to Whitley’s apartment.

I thought it was interesting how they interwove Kate and Philip with Paulina and Abe. And how it made Paulina’s brain to have a light bulb moment.
Please explain Sam Gerald reference.

Want to bet the drug Lani was injected with screws up her memory?

So will Marlena hypnotize her?
Will Dr. Roth's drug be used?
Will the needle be near her body?

Dumb cluck should have kept her big mouth shut about the monitor.
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Samuel Gerard is a Deputy U.S. Marshal serving as the deuteragonist of 1993's original film The Fugitive and the protagonist of the 1998's spin-off U.S. Marshals. He was played by Tommy Lee Jones.

Just learned that U.S. Marshal's name was Sam Gerard. You know, the one seeking Lani the fugitive from prison.

And then we have that Marshal who went after THE FUGITIVE & his name was Sam Gerard. LOL, the writers are really having some fun, aren't they?
I love Steve and Kayla. I just wanted to say that. Love them.

Well, guess Philip is coming back soon. What will he think of Chloe and Xander? It's been so long, does he know Xander? I'd assume he knows Xander left Chloe in Mexico, I think. Guess we'll find out pretty quick if Philip is healed.

Apparently mine ended before it was over. Last I saw Whitley was injecting Lani. So appears she threw Lani in water? Ugh this needs to end and end now.
Apparently mine ended before it was over. Last I saw Whitley was injecting Lani. So appears she threw Lani in water? Ugh this needs to end and end now.
Not in the water, on the pier, and her ankle monitor was still in place. She never should have mentioned it, because Whitley could have tried to hack it off. Lani made a lot of questionable choices with her rescue efforts!
Could there be a service in Salem that moves large boxes and bags to any location in town with no questions asked?

Imagine what the real Samuel Gerard would say about Salem. It would probably go something like after they searched the one-armed man’s apartment.

Sam: “Cosmo, this whole town’s crazy.”
Cosmo: “Yes Sam, yeah they are.”

Finally, how can Nurse Katzenmutter stand being around Abe who just grunts and growls, unlike her toy cats and cat pictures, which are blessedly silent?
Thank you, ShaunP!

Guessing that Whitley put Lani n the wheelchair. Since no one in the town knows about Lani/would recognize her, like they would with Abe, who everyone knows, no one would have looked twice at Whitley wheeling around Lani.

While it is, admittedly, tragic what happened to Whitley, she has lost all touch with reality and needs help. But we want her off the show and not at Bayview. And, somehow, pay for her crimes, too.

At least Jerry fessed up, but he could have done it sooner.

I liked the conversation between Kate and Paulina and was surprised Kate told her about Philip.

Why didn't John call Marlena and Steve call Kayla, since they knew they would be at the hospital and could then get word to Salem PD to rush to Whitley's apartment? That was a huge misstep. Actually, why not call Salem PD directly, and if they kept getting voice mail, try other numbers. Isn't there a general number with a main operator who could help immediately? Voice mails are not the right way to go with this situation!

Of course, with the magical form of travel they used to get to LA to start with, they will be back in Salem in no time.
Now I’m wondering how long before Hunter checks her voicemail, and rushes over to Whitley’s apartment.

I thought it was interesting how they interwove Kate and Philip with Paulina and Abe. And how it made Paulina’s brain to have a light bulb moment.
Hunter? Who is Hunter?
Thanks, ShaunP.

It's a new day in Salem.

I want to see the sessions that Whitley had with possessed Marlena.

Whitley went over the edge today saying Lani was her daughter when yesterday she didn't. Poor thing she
lost her husband and blames herself. Will we see a picture of her late husband and he sort of looks like Abe?

Glad to see Jerry again. Can he live in Salem and one day find someone who looks like little Ciara? :)

The temporary mayor in Salem needs to fire the whole police force since Rafe or Jada didn't think about locating
Lani with her ankle bracelet. And the writers should have Rafe hit his head like they did with V8 commercials.

Kayla needs to have someone do a better job of keeping records on medicine since Whitley seems to have a bag full.