Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 5, 2013

If I was the one designing the 4th of July set - I would of replaced the grass with SAND. They were suppose to be at the lake- and we heard people in the background laughing and having fun in the lake or beach area? So wouldn't it make more sense to have SAND in place of grass -where they laid out their blankets and beach chairs for the picnic?
Yep...they have a huge roll of it. I give the actors credit for only having that tiny area in front of the bushes/trees to dry off, pretending to have just come from the lake, etc. etc.
Too bad they no longer have/use the Kiriakis pool. that tiny thing....and the actors would have to pretend they were swimming laps, or diving in, or that it was deep, etc. etc.
Enjoyed today's show.

Great seeing T. I wish he was on more often too. I loved
how he called Theo "little T"

Nice to see Adrienne and Justin having fun.

I wonder if anyone watching the show was surprised that Sami's
video was on Adrienne's phone. Maybe someone who doesn't
understand how you transfer things from one phone to another.
I thought, from the start, this unnamed woman is a narc, waiting to take JJ down. I think that there is a decent young man underneath and hope that we get to see that JJ. All that being said, I think he is so desperate, he might even partner with Ann to make things worse for Jen. This came into my head when I heard Ann mentioning JJ today. I could be totally off the mark here, just a random thought.
As I mentioned on another site,I was one of the 1st to say that JJ is acting like a brat,but the actor playing him is
playing a fantastic role,very believable, and for a novice actor, as well.I also love Anne, and dislike the new actress
chasing JJ,whether she is a cop or not,I can not take to her ,at the moment.Slainte