Days of Our Lives - Friday, June 20, 2008

Chelsea reminds her that if Johnny Depp who is 45 asked her out, she would not even think of age.

Can't help but be tickled by that line, being the Johnny Depp fan that I am. I imagine most folks can tell that based on my avatar. :) I do so like him as Capt. Jack Sparrow. :hot: Course the age difference between me and Mr. Depp isn't quite so great. He's only got 7 years on me....
OK..I have to say..I just left the gym & was watching Days. I have to admit that the Midol plug was pretty hilarious!! I dont know about anyone else....but it almost looked as if the actors were about ready to explode into laughter. I dont see how they got thru it. & I bet it took a few takes. I was laughing out loud while I was trying to ride the bike!!!
I could hardly watch the Midol pimp either...but I thought it was a great line when Morgan saw Chloe and said "now I have a headache too" ...which Steph said "good thing you are taking the Midol".
Too funny!
But, yes, looked liked they were going to laugh!

It was nice to see Steph, Chelsea and Morgan hang out together as friends. They haven't been doing this enough in the past...the friends part...but I liked that Steph was away from Max and being a normal girl.

Good show today!
With all the Johnny Depp talk I have to share. I live in Crown Point Indiana and Johnny Depp was in town in March shooting Public Enemies. The Lake county jail in Crown Point is where Dillinger escaped from. It was very exciting for our little town to have a movie filmed here. I like Johnny Depp, but not enough to wait 2 or more hours to see him, but those that did were not disappointed because he is very gracious and very appreciative of his fans. He came out every night to walk the line of hundreds of fans. Even the last night when they said "he's not coming out". I think he finally came out because he knew all those people weren't leaving until he did. I should have stayed that night! Just had to share.
Days of Our Lives

Friday, June 20, 2008

Episode #10,853 Taped 5/19 Director – Mike Denney

Chelsea’s cell rings, it is Daniel, she doesn’t want to answer cuz Steph is yakking her problems. Too late, it went to voice mail. Stephanie dials up Daniel on her own phone, hands it to Chelsea. (amazing how mere acquaintances have anyone and everyone programmed into their cells, or else know the numbers by heart. LOL) Daniel asks if they are still on, he has reservations at Chez Rouge for 7:30. Fine.

I just watched Friday's episode this morning, and I think Stephanie took Chelsea's phone from her, hit redial, and handed it back, saying that it should be ringing.