Days of our Lives - Friday, March 1, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
44 minutes long. Some good, too much Konstantin, Superman returns (It was a long show, took a while to write up, sorry it's late) As for day and time, all I can say is it's after New Year's Eve 2024.

Establishing shot of the hospital in daylight.

Stefan in doctor’s garb walks off the elevator with syringe in hand. Officer Goldman is on the floor. Flashback to Stefan taking the syringe and drug out of box talking of how it ends. Back to now, Stefan give himself a pep talk. (it’s a inspiring, as pretty much all of Stefan’s life up to this point) Stefan walks towards Harris’ hospital room as an ever-alert, eyes on her phone, Officer Goldman walks back and forth in front of the doorway. Stefan stops.

Black Patch offices, Steve and John are going over the GPS from Tripp and Wendy’s phones. Interesting pictures behind them of a massive freeway at night, family photo bulletin board? And a world map with red string tied to various places. The GPS of the phones isn’t helping them find anything. They need techie help.

Brady calls, Tate is moving into the halfway house. Brady wonders if his dad could drop by and help Tate settle in? Steve gives John the okay to drop the missing Tripp case for a moment and go see his grandson. Steve will keep working away at this till John gets back. John assures Steve they will find “your boy” come hell or high water, and leaves. Konstantin walks in and discusses his breakfast. Steve tells Konny that he doesn’t have time for him. Konstantin lets Steve know that he too is a very busy man but he’s made time in his day to come talk with Steve. (Gosh, aren’t we all ever so thrilled by that?)

Holly's moving around in her bed when her mom brings her breakfast. Holly has figured it out that is way past New Year’s Eve. Nicole tells her that the doctors said that when people wake up from a coma, they tend to pick up from the last thing they remember. She asks if Holly remembers Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills player? (Damar took a direct shot to the chest from a helmet and collapsed on the field; his heart stopped, they worked on him for minutes before loading his body into an ambulance on the field. The game ended at that point. Damar recovered and is still playing football)

Holly does not, but Nicole continues say he collapsed on the field, was in a coma for a few days and when he woke up the first thing he asked was “Did we win?” Nicole says against all odds he’s playing again. Holly wants her phone, she wants to know what’s going on. EJ comes in asks how she doing?

Theresa and Brady go to the receptionist, Brady isn’t on the visiting room list. Theresa goes in. She is going to try to see why Brady isn’t on the list. Theresa gives Tate a huge hug. She tells Tate that his dad is here. Tate accuses her of guilting him into seeing his dad.

Stefan puts on a mask and walks up to the door. Officer Goldman says to Stefan "thank God you’re here, I’ve been jonesing for a cappuccino, do you want anything?" She reassuringly taps Stefan on the shoulder as she walks by to the elevator. Stefan is horrified and mutters "Son of a B"

Back to the silliness that is Konstantin. He’s brought Steve some baklava passed down for generations, Steve’s not hungry. Konstantin continues to take up space and air. He loves children and delectable Greek pastries. Katerina loved baklava rolls. Steve gets angry for the babbling; Konstantin continues poking Steve with babbling about the loss of a child.

Nicole wants EJ to help get Holly up and walking, muscles atrophy and all Holly wants to know just how long has see been out of it? She is able to walk to a table with an assist from EJ. Holly is repulsed by the broth and smashed banana with a little cinnamon (well who isn’t?) She wants a burger from Buddy’s Burger Bar. Nicole tells her that Sarah and every Google search say you have to slowly reintroduce food. EJ offers to get some chowder from the Brady Pub. Nicole glares at him. Holly wants some fries, then says bet? It’s Gen Z slang.

Tate tells Theresa to stop trying to force him to see his dad. Therapy has proved to Tate that his dad wasn’t always there for them. Theresa admits to Tate that the move to California was all on her. She did that to keep him from his father.

More babble from Konstantin about Katerina.

John shows up at the halfway house. Brady explains that he isn’t on the list. John explains that things will get back to normal, hang in there. John just walks back; he doesn’t bother checking in. Yet earlier you had to be cleared to go through the door.

Tate can’t believe his mother moved him to California to keep him from his dad. Theresa tells of making up a lie that implicated Brady in a murder case. Tate tries to take this in. She explains that his father has always loved him. Theresa tells Tate about her slip. John walks in and overhears the conversation, but doesn’t cut in on it.

Theresa tells Tate that he need his father in his life. John tells Tate that his mom’s right. He tells of how brave Tate’s mom just was. She told you a truth, because she felt safe enough to trust you with it. That’s called unconditional love son, and that’s what your mother and your father have for you. And your Grandparents have for you, forever.

The masked Stefan slowly enters Harris room, flashback to the shooting, Stefan mutters how did you survive those bullets? But not this time. He starts to inject the drug when Harris grabs him and they fight. Amazing 3 bullets to the chest and a coma for unspecified days, and Harris is able to overpower Stefan.

More Konstantin babble. No one was to die that day, but Steve didn’t witness the event.

Holly has finished eating, she now wants questions answered. Why was she in a coma for months? EJ tells Holly she had drugs in her system, she overdosed. Her heart stopped several times. He asks her to think back. She was drugged with potentially fatal drugs, where did she get the drugs? Holly looks guilty.

Brady sits alone in the waiting room, sad, as people come and go. John tells Tate of meeting his own father for the first time in many many years, and they will never get those years back. John asks if he should go get Brady and tell him you’d like to see him after all? John comes back to the waiting area and tells the receptionist that Tate would like to see his dad. Olivia the receptionist, calls to check and Brady is allowed to visit his son. John leaves

Hospital room fight continues. Stefan claims he had to follow instructions. Harris tells him that now he is going to follow Harris' instructions and take down Clyde.

More Konstantin babble. Steve says nothing will remove the guilt from that day. Konstantin tells Steve that by telling him (Konstantin) it will free Steve of the guilt. Steve was the Pawn’s handler for Victor. He was called away for further instructions and when he returned there was a young girl dead. The pawn was there holding the gun. There was someone else on the ground, next to the girl, Steve knows it was Konstantin.

Brady walks into the visiting room. It’s awkward at first. Tate tells Brady that his Mom told him the truth as to why she got custody.

EJ continues grilling Holly about the drugs. Holly is evasive. EJ and Nicole both independently ask, so did Tate give you the drugs? Holly thinks someone slipped them into her drink. They help her back into bed and Holly is guilty.

Harris explains to Stefan about the two attempts of murder he is facing.

Konstantin explodes into where is John?? Konstantin wants JUSTICE. Is Konny behind the kidnapping?

Holly flashes back to New Year's Eve. She remembers kissing Tate. While right outside her bedroom door, EJ takes Holly’s comment that someone slipped drugs into her drink to mean Tate is a swine and he was trying to get into Holly’s pants.

Brady and Tate have made up and Brady thanks Theresa for telling Tate the truth about California. Brady is grateful and he loves Tate so very much. The boys hug. Brady and Tate have a lot to catch up on. Brady tells about how difficult it was to watch the Super Bowl alone. Tate mentions basketball, and thanks his mom for opening up to him.

Holly is napping as Nicole watches over her, afraid it might be a dream. EJ tells Nicole it is very real. Nicole tells EJ that Holly doesn’t remember the drugs. EJ assures Nicole that she hasn’t failed Holly. Nicole feels bad and that those drugs could have been Holly’s. Nicole goes over all her recent bad stuff, losing the baby, stealing Eric’s baby, losing her mind. EJ reads the situation wrong per the normal. Holly has made it clear that the drugs weren’t hers. Really EJ?? I didn’t hear that. EJ and Nicole leave. Holly opens her eyes.

John walks in with coffee. Steve is deep in thought, but hides the baklava. They work on the last cellphone ping.

Harris collapses back in the bed after ordering Stefan out of the room. Officer Goldman comes into the room to check on Harris. He moves and Goldman says what the heck?? Harris replies with "Goldman, it’s YOU!" Goldman goes for her gun, and another nurse comes in. Goldman leaves.
I liked John mentioning how he and Timothy (his dad) just reconnected. I hope they continue to throw in little comments about John and Timothy spending time together. Poor John deserves one good parent after all the duds he's had to deal with over the years.
I am liking the outside shots.

I'm glad Theresa confessed all to Tate so he doesn't hate Brady anymore.

Had to laugh when Holly said what aren't you telling me? Umm that it's March. But she better exonerate Tate. She can lie that they weren't hers but better exonerate Tate. I know I'm delusional. She heard everything Nicole & EJ said. She's going to have to blame someone.
I think we all saw it coming that Holly was going to choose to be selfish and blame Tate for the drugs. I wouldn't care if she didn't admit they were hers, BUT set up someone else, but not Tate. That will ruin Holly's character and I don't know how long she is hanging around, but this will damage her a lot. Even if she does admit they were hers, EJ won't believe her and will think that she is trying to cover for Tate, so he won't be out of the woods.

Well, since now at least two people know who the dirty cop is, something will have to happen soon. I would hope that Rafe will be able to figure it out soon, too.

They have really ruined EJ, and he wasn't that great to begin with. With all that money, he would have been able to get out of the situation. Heck, they moved Lani to a different jail - they could move Gabi, since that is his supposed motivation.

I agree that there is way too much Konstantin, and I am not even watching! But, since we saw someone was cast as Katarina, I hope that she is just there for flashbacks, and will not be a new character attached to him. Just get him away from Maggie.

That sounded like a nice scene with Theresa and Brady and Tate, and I don't know why she did that. Maybe she IS going to stick around as Theresa and get back with Brady? Oh, I forgot that it will have to come out that she lied about Victor's son, so she will have to pay for that. Well, at least Tate and Brady will be fine now.
Well, since now at least two people know who the dirty cop is, something will have to happen soon. I would hope that Rafe will be able to figure it out soon, too.
Unless someone gets in Rafe's face and yells that Goldman is the crooked cop, he won't get it.
Pity poor Steve. He has to deal with the Trippy situation while the ridiculous Konstantin keeps showing up singing his same old tiresome song about his daughter. It’s too bad Xander wasn’t there to grab the Greek grifter by his collar and seat of his pants and pitch him into the street.

All hail the mighty Harris for rising from his sick bed to overpower the pathetic Stefan Zero. This ineffective airhead is a true son of scatterbrained Vivian. As for dirty cop Goldman, she should get out of town before she ends up like Joe Bernardi.

Another positive development was Tater Tot seeing the light and reconciling with Brady. Any more scenes of Brady being kicked to the curb by his angry son would have been more than tiresome.

Finally, things should be looking up for Tater Tot, but not if nasty EJ has anything to do with it. Proving that he’s the most unfit D.A. since bumbling Charles Woods, Elvis Jr. still insists that the poor Tot is to blame for Holly’s problems. If Bo Brady was still in town, he’d be shaking his head and saying, “same old Elvis.”
Thanks, robin. It was a long show today.

Nice to hear John call Tate, Tater.

Holly probably heard everything Nicole said about being a bad mother. It might take awhile before she tells the truth
to help out Tate.

EJ had to stick his nose in it. Holly is still recovering and he wanted to know where she got the drugs. He already knows, Stefan.

Since Harris remembers (before Everett/Bobby) Stefan shot him, how much longer will Xander be in jail?

Harris figured out who the mole is. Goldman isn't the smartest person to try to kill him with her gun in the hospital.
This Konstantin story is the biggest waste of time. His character is annoying and pointless. If this was their idea of keeping Victor and Greece in the storyline, it’s failing miserably. And the missing pieces of the story are just dangling there: Theresa’s involvement, the Alex/Xander swap, there’s even hardly a mention of Titan lately. Plus, does anyone really need a rehash of the Pawn storyline from 30 years ago without either Stefano or Victor around?

As for Harris, interesting that when he jumped out of the bed to attack Stefan, there was not one tube or wire connected to him and nothing beeping to alert nurses. I know, I know, it didn’t fit DA PLOT.

It was nice to see some decent and needed movement in the Black family. Glad Theresa shared the full story with Tate so he could reconcile with Brady. Now if they could just give Holly a conscience and let her do the right thing, maybe her character would have a chance at some growth. EJ is becoming an unnecessary character with how he’s been written.

Also as someone who works with high schoolers for a living, the writers are a little behind on their slang. I haven’t heard “bet” used by kids in a year or so. Things I hear regularly: “slay,” “bruh,” “ate that up,” “let’s go!”
Thanks for the write-up. Yes, at least we had the Black family get some touching scenes and the plots continued moving along. Yet EJ is insufferable, the Clyde plot is ridiculous, and I'm sick and tired of Konstantin's filler storyline. So these storylines, in my opinion, still aren't moving along fast enough.