Days of Our Lives - Friday, March 15

LisaK in AZ

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Days of Our Lives

Friday, March 15, 2019

Today begins with Julie and Ciara. Julie is thanking Ciara for helping her set up for an event. Ciara wants to put the whole Jordan experience behind her. Julie starts on how she can’t help it being in the same family as Clyde and Ben. Ciara tells her that she and Ben broke up.

Leo and Ben are next and Leo mentions his new daddy. Ben asks is it is a new sugar daddy and Leo wishes so.

Diana and John, once again with Diana telling him that she will be there for him if he wants her to wait with him.

I CAN’T BELIEVE IT – JUST GOT CUT OFF BY NEWS - President veto and horrible activities in New Zealand.

I am hoping it will be done and we will go back. Stay tuned. . .
John and Leo are in Marlena's room talking. Leo asks if John has considered that his mother poisoned Marlena. John says it's not possible, the Diana he knew wouldn't do that. Leo says she's changed, that being married to Richard Cooper really messed up both of them. John apologizes for Leo having such a rough life. Leo talks about how he and Diana have never gotten along, she even blames him for Richard Cooper's death. That gets John's attention, but Leo covers and says Diana blames him for everything that went wrong in his life.

Then Leo turns the tables and asks John to tell him about his life, his childhood, asks about what he liked. John kind of stammers (imagine giving Leo that history lesson???), but Leo asks if he liked football or baseball. John then smiles and says yes, he was into baseball, but says his past is really confusing, and Doc has been his life, that's why she needs to recover.

Then Marlena flatlines. John screams for help. Kayla runs in (and Sarah gets a text, so she comes running). Kayla tells John and Leo to leave. Leo does, but John stays as Kayla uses the paddles to shock Marlena a few times. Finally she turns to John, devastated. John realizes what she's trying to say and he screams NO and tells her to try again. Kayla looks at him sadly, as you see Marlena in bed, with the monitor showing all flat lines.

After Leo left the hospital, he ran into Diana coming out of the pub with an order of takeout for John. Leo tells her that Marlena flatlined and Diana smiles like the Cheshire cat.

Stefan and Ben talk about Ben caring for Ciara and how he doesn't want to be with her for fear of losing control and hurting her. Stefan is actually very nice as he tells him he's been reading too many Incredible Hulk comic books and he won't lose control with Ciara. Ben talks about what a monster Clyde was with his mom. Then he brings up how he wanted to kill Jordan. Stefan points out that Jordan was going to kill Ciara and he stopped her. Then he talks about his own father, who he never knew, but understands he had an obsession with Marlena, so maybe that explains why he was obsessed with Abby and her alter.

Stefan goes on to say that they can't let their fear of being like their fathers stop them from finding love in their lives, then tells Ben to take a break. Stefan leaves the room while Ben talks to Stefano's portrait and asks if Stefan is right. Someone's at the DiMansion front door. Ben opens it and there stands Ciara.

Earlier, Julie and Ciara go round and round about Ben. Julie pointing out all of Ben's flaws, while Ciara counterpoints them. She mentions how he quit working for Stefan, and Julie says she guesses Ciara hadn't heard...Ben is now working for Stefan again. Ciara asks how she knows and Julie says Chloe told her, seems Stefan had Ben installing more security cameras.

Rex and Sarah drone on, with him going on and on about how he wants to be with her, then asking if he should be worried about Eric making a play for her. She assures him Eric would never do that, while looking guilty over her kissing Eric.

Eric and Brady are having words out by the nurses' station. Brady oversaw the kiss and is asking Eric why he shouldn't tell Rex. Eric keeps telling Brady it's not an issue, that he's not pursing Sarah, blah, blah, blah. Brady brings up Nicole. Eric shuts him down, says they need to get along for Marlena's sake. Rex walks up and notes that Eric and Brady seem to be having a tense conversation.
And, we’re back. . .

Diana is still hanging around John offering to get him some food. And is hoping that third time’s a charm and when she gets back, Marlena will be gone for good.

Back to where yesterday left off with Eric saying to Brady that things are not what they look like and Brady saying that it looks like he is moving in on his brother’s woman again. Rex comes in and asks what is happening and Brady says there is something he needs to know.

And, no, it is not about Sarah – it is about the fact that Kristen is alive. The nurse Shelly saw her and reported her and she is the one who tried to kill Marlena. Sarah said what a weird coincidence since Eric was JUST TELLING her about all of the terrible things she had done to the family and THAT is what they walked in on.

John is back with Marlena saying that he can’t believe they are back in that same situation again (her in a coma) and he thought she would be safe. WHY THE HECK is Diana still in there listening to this and telling John that she will be safe since he put a guard outside.

Ben is meeting with Stefan and asking if it was OK that he let Leo in, since he said he had some business. Stefan said he may be useful and told him to go enjoy the rest of the day and Ben said he had nowhere to go.

Ciara and Julie – Julie was happy that Ciara finally saw the light, but then Ciara said that Ben broke up with HER and explained why Ben is worried that he might hurt Ciara. She goes over the whole thing that he is afraid of hurting her and she feels that without someone there to help him, he MAY become that.

John is telling Marlena she is the love of his life and he remembers how they were going to grow old together and they made a vow and he is holding her to that.

Knock on Marlena’s door and in walks Leo, wanting to know how things are. He said he knows the focus is on Marlena, but wants to know the DNA results. John confirms that it is true and Leo goes in for a hug and they embrace!!! YUCK (sorry)

Brady and Eric leave to go check on Marlena. Rex senses tension between the brothers and can’t figure out why. He hopes they can resolve it. Sarah does, too.

Rex tells Sarah that his brother is so on edge and he is worried. Sarah said that she had something to do with it and Rex goes on and on about how wonderful she is and how she is nothing but helpful and wonderful. And he thinks it is great that she and Eric have made up, but is worried about something that Brady told him and that he needed to watch out that Eric will put a move on Sarah.

The brothers are asking Kayla about Marlena who is the same. Brady tells Eric that for an ex-priest, he is a hell of a liar. And after everything that has happened, how can he do this AGAIN?

Another stupid Diana dream about Marlena dying and wanting John to be happy. Diana says she is selfless. John only wants to move on with her (Diana) and they already have a son together. What does she think??? John stops mid-kiss and says he can’t do this right now and Diana says, “too soon?” “No,” says John. “I can’t do this with Doc laying here. It’s creepy!” They move a little and go back to kissing. (OK – that was a little funny)

Back to reality – John promising Leo they will make up for lost time, but it has to wait until Marlena is better. Leo mentions that he heard she was deliberately poisoned, and has a nagging feeling that it could have been his mother. He asks John is he thinks I could have been her.

Julie tells Ciara that she should not attach herself to a man who could snap at any moment. Ciara said it is hypocritical and reminds her of how she was Abby’s support. Ciara reminds Julie that she did kill Andre. Julie fights back that her multiple personality disorder was brought on by Ben and if Abigail can be cured, why can’t Ben? All his doctors say he is better and she wishes he would get the same chance people gave Abby.

Ben and Stefan discuss how Ben wants to stay away from Ciara (same story). Stefan asks if he really thinks he could hurt her.

Sarah and Rex talking again about how Sarah is perfect, but he didn’t think she would get involved with Eric. Sarah insists that he has never come on to her and he never has to worry about Eric.

Eric and Brady are arguing about how long they have been doing this behind Rex’s back. Eric keeps saying he has not done anything.

Why would you think your mother would kill Doc? (Back to Leo and John). John said that would never happen – he knows her so well. Leo explains that living with the stepfather traumatized her. He knows she is capable of anything – even killing Marlena. And, in case John hasn’t noticed, Diana wants John. John said that she is aware that Marlena is the only woman for him.
Ahhh, thank you, and if anyone believes that Marlena is really dead, I know of a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, really cheap! LOL
Looks like the show jumped around a lot today, despite NBC's penchant for breaking news.
I do like (tho surprising) that Leo suggested his mother might be the person who put Marlena into this perilous condition. John has been so worried about her, he has neglected to put on his thinking cap.
Sorry for the confusion – I stepped away when it looked like Just Samantha was doing the summary. Here are a few other things. . .

There was actually kind of a nice conversation between Ben and Stefan where Stefan told Ben that they were both set up by their fathers to fail and that they could break the cycle and be the men they want to be. (I guess this was the last day for this version of Stefan?) Ben talked about how Clyde always said he loved his mother – right before he beat her. He doesn’t want to do that to Ciara.

Ciara is not happy to learn that Ben is back working for Stefan. She does understand why he took the job and no one else will hire him. Julie wants her to think through all of this and to see how it could drive him into a downward cycle.

Rex promised that he won’t let Brady’s words get in the way. He asked if Eric has convinced her yet to accept Rex’s proposal. He wants to wake up next to her every day. And does she know how much he loves her? Sarah says she does. Clueless Rex can’t wait to hear those 2 words one day.

Eric tells Brady he respects that Sarah and Rex are in a relationship and Brady gets all nasty about trying to tell him that Sarah kissed HIM?

Leo and John and Leo asking John about his past and they make small talk about superheroes and baseball. John said his life, especially his past is complicated and hard to explain. That’s why Marlena is everything – she knows him and he can’t survive without her. At which point, she flatlines.
OK - I won't finish this. Thanks JS.
Sorry for the confusion – I stepped away when it looked like Just Samantha was doing the summary.
When someone is doing the summary and gets interrupted by news or whatever (and they note it), we encourage others to fill in the blanks if they're able. I was only filling in what I saw (I actually missed the first half), not knowing if you would be able to see the rest of the show.
Yeah, great cliffhanger but I think we all know Doc isn't dead. I'm almost hoping he was suspecting Diana and this is a set up? He didn't seem like it when Leo said maybe it's my mom. I would think they would mention Marlena's medical directive. At least say she changed it or something. When is Diana gonna get caught talking to herself? Why would you be saying those things aloud? Is Leo gonna turnover a new leaf now that he is John's son?

Had to agree with everything Ciara said about everyone being behind Abigail but won't give Ben a chance. Julie especially!!

Boy, Eric is sure acting like he is just totally innocent. Take responsibility!! You have given her reason to think there might be something between you!
Different sites are reporting different dates for Tyler's last day, I have read both dates, Today, the 15th, and the 20th. Knowing Days, they probably edited out a scene, that they put into another episode, if it now is the 20th. LOL

Enough with Diana's fantasies........
Rex, if Sarah is so unsure, it is time for you to give it up. She doesn't want to marry you. You do not have to beg, let her chase you perhaps. But right now, she is not worth it. And if any other guys in Salem think they might want to settle down with the lady, they should forget it as well. She definitely is not worth it.
When someone is doing the summary and gets interrupted by news or whatever (and they note it), we encourage others to fill in the blanks if they're able. I was only filling in what I saw (I actually missed the first half), not knowing if you would be able to see the rest of the show.
OK, understood! If you need/want me to fill in next Thursday, I will do the complete summary. :)
Thank you, Lisa and JS.

It sounds like the best scene is with John and Leo. Leo even got to use the Salem Brain for a minute there.

I agree that the rest of the show is just restating what the characters have been saying for days or weeks.

Who the heck at Days thought that Diana's continual fantasies would be entertaining? YUCK!! One maybe, but having so many is ridiculous.
So, as stated earlier, we all know that Marlena can't possibly be dead, at least not for more than 2 or 3 minutes. So my guess for the most likely scenario is that Marlena miraculously springs back to life, after John pledges his love and begs her to come back to him.

Other possible scenarios:

1. Marlena's death is part of someone's dream/vision.

2. Hattie just died. Marlena is in the basement, recovering.

3. Marlena's death is being faked, so the killer lets their guard down and slips up, revealing their guilt.

4. The IV bag was changed after Diana injected the penicillin. See #3 above.
Thanks, Lisa and JS.

Leo and John were the best on today's show. I laughed when Leo asked about the
Super hero stuff and what his nickname was.

I laughed at Diana's fantasy too. Some days you need to laugh at something.

Julie complained to Ciara that Chloe was taking another day off. Julie takes
a lot of days off too.

Interesting to watch Ben talk to Stefano's picture.

Sarah should have spoken up to Rex that she kissed Eric and he didn't kiss her.

The rest of was mostly, wash, rinse and repeat and repeat again.
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I think people are defending Abby because she is "family". She has ties to other loved people in town. Ben is connected to a whacked out family that no one likes; plus he did actually kill some people. It's human nature, folks,

Of course, I have some whacked out people in my own family. Sigh.