Days of Our Lives -Friday, May 2, 2014

Well, I finally got to see the whole show, and THAT was the EJ I want to see. The menacing tone, the underlying threat. When he put on those leather gloves, Percy looked worried, and then, when Percy wanted to answer the phone, and EJ ripped the cord off, telling him he would not need to do so (that was the cord EJ was holding between his hands, stretched like a tight wire, ready to go around a neck. LOL.
Wonder who Abby is going to call....maybe Eric??? Or would it be Maggie??? Nick was sure nasty to Abby...and when he told her to think about who is trying to control her....I nearly choked. She was looking at him.
Oh, yes, Nick is making everyone more and more desperate every hour. And he is getting more nasty every minute. I don't think Gabi liked what Nick was forcing her to do about the custody thing, but then she tells Will she has to believe Nick has changed, and is good, or she will lose her mind?? Interesting comment.

Thank you to everyone for picking up the slack here. :love:
I actually enjoyed the show today; it was nice to see so many old faces and so many actors on one show, makes for a more interesting show and SL.

OMG I can’t wait for Rafe to find out what Kate has been up to, lying through her teeth about her feelings and harassing Jordan!

I agree Rafe/Sami seem to know what each other are thinking; they have that special something that makes them great together whether they are in scenes for 10 seconds or 10 minutes.

I normally hate junior, but I did like this junior today, the villain! Poor Percy he better hope junior keeps his word and doesn’t end up in the Salem River like Nick!

And Gabi may have had a break through today, about what Nick is doing to her, Will and Sonny!
Well, I finally got to see the whole show, and THAT was the EJ I want to see.

My thoughts exactly. I usually hate the character of EJ. Well, I hate him with Sami, that's for sure. But today, we did not see wimpy EJ begging his Samanther on his knee to forgive him for cheating (although he was daydreaming, to me, that showed a side of him that I do not want to see again), or kissing his fatha's ring. It showed the true villain that EJ can be. A villain I can love to watch on screen. A villain I wish I could see again with Abigail someday. Anyway, I liked EJ, so... mark your calendars everyone, that's a first for me.

The rest of the show was... O.K. I hope Gabi finally wakes up and sees Nick for who he is. I hope Sami wakes up some day and realizes the mistake she made by letting Rafe go (though I never want to see Sami with anyone again, as she's ruined in my eyes). I hope Abigail wakes up too and sees Nick for the horrible guy he truly is. Jordan ? Still a snooze fest for me. I'm almost hoping Kate wins and makes her run out of town so Rafe can be himself, since in my view, Jordan brings him wayyyyy down.
Thanks for the summaries :)

I guess it's ok to say now that I've been waiting for this EJ to return since James Scott said the character was going darker again. Woot woot!!

Kate had a few humorous lines with Percy today.

Abigail changed clothes. This last "day" took days to get through :)

Slowly it seems that Gabi is coming around about Nick but I'm not holding my breath. To think, Mama Hernandez sent her to Salem to look out for Rafe & Arianna (the sister not the baby).

I really hope everyone is ok in Queens NY in that derailment.
I think we all can agree it was wonderful it was a new day in Salem because Abby
changed her clothes :)

I enjoyed EJ. He told "Mr Greetings" what he wanted him to do and Percy
left the office. I don't think Percy wants to go back where he came from.

I loved how Nick walked in and saw EJ sitting there.

I think I saw Gabi's light bulb go off when she was with Nick, but later
she was talking to Will about how Nick changed.

I was hoping Kate knew something else about Jordan by now besides
her "fake" names. I no longer care about Jordan especially since
Liam has come and gone already.

It was interesting to see the "dunking bird". Are those things making
a come back?
The Rafe-Sami scenes were amazing although brief. These 2 just have such a natural chemistry together and you can tell each one wants to help the other out.

Well, if Sami and Rafe were to re-hook-up (post Abby/EJ reveal, and the Jordan escape,) and if Sami then leaves town, I guess Rafe would have to go with her. Sami could don her stingy-brim hat disguise, and the investigative duo could search for ________________. :confused:
I was also excited for this EJ! I also enjoyed the Sami/Rafe scene - they are very natural together. Bored with Jordan but hopefully now that Kate said one of her "names" something will be revealed! ugh.

I was feeling the same way Will was when he kept telling Gabi "you're scaring me!"