Days of Our Lives - Friday, Oct 10th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, October 10, 2008

Episode #10,930 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Boy, kudos to the cast on this show, especially the Carvers, the acting is terrific. Sami comes into the crowded Pub, her parents are not there yet, & Pete tells her the only seat available is at the bar….oopsy, right next to Nicole, who is waiting for her takeout order. Sami is reluctant, but tells herself that her ankles are swollen the size of cantelopes, & she does need to sit down. Nicole tells her to take a load off, but makes a crack about Sami seeming to have gained weight. Sami denies it, they trade a few barbs, and the waitress brings a plate of steamed clams, asking which one ordered them. Sami & Nicole take one look, covering mouths, both bolt off into different directions. When they return, they make excuses, Nicole saying Caroline must have gotten some bad clams (Sami denies her gramma ever serves bad food), while Sami claims she felt nauseus, probably from Nicole’s cheap perfume.
Outside the Pub, Roman & Marlena talk a bit about her impending divorce, why she made the decision to take this drastic step, & then wonder just why Sami asked them to meet her there. It must be important for her to want to talk to them both. Inside, Sami has had enough conversation with Nicole, is about to exit the Pub, when her parents walk in. They all sit at a nearby vacant table, and now Sami backpedals as to why she wanted to see them, talking of missing them, never getting a chance to talk & catch up, goes on and on about Gramma being accused of killing Trent. Roman puts a stop to her babbling, knowing that is not the reason. Now Sami claims she did not want to say anything cuz nosy, blabbermouth Nicole was there, then tries to swear her parents to secrecy. They will have none of that, so she travels a crooked path, asking what if you should tell someone you care about, something, if that something could possibly hurt someone else you care about. Taking her winding road, it is apparent she is worried about a child, but Roman & Marlena are mystified as to what she is talking about. They talk of doing what is right, Sami lands a low blow when she mentions her mom not telling her dad about her affair with John. Marlena asks why she brought that up, then says she made a mistake, it was wrong, she owned up to it, and has learned from it. Both her parents tell her she has made a lot of mistakes, and done things wrong…….Sami interjects, saying something about not having learned from them. Then tells them they are right, and she has to go tell the person before he hears it from someone else. She dashes out, Roman & Marlena wonder who she has to tell. Roman asks “Lucas”?, but Marlena says her money is on EJ.

Abe & Lexie are in park, having looked frantically all over for Theo, and question the babysitter, Lacey, again. Lexie goes hysterical, screaming and yelling at Lacey, worried that perhaps he might have been taken. Abe tries calming her down, then says he is calling in some favors, off and on duty cops will comb the park. Lexie is screaming at Lacey again, Abe returns, trying to calm her down, but she is hysterical. A cop arrives, having found Theo’s cap at the south end of the park, near the highway. Lexie breaks down completely, the cop assures them there have been no accidents, but that only appeases her temporarily. The cop resumes the search, telling them to stay put, in case Theo returns.
Chelsea arrives at the hospital in response to a call from Daniel, who asks if she has seen Kate, telling her to find her and make sure she is o.k. They go back and forth about what is wrong with Kate, but Daniel sticks to the doctor/patient confidentiality code, only saying she is ill, has had tests and needs more. As they talk, Theo comes running in, up to Chelsea, showing her his giraffe, and saying “:zoo”. It is apparent Lexie & Abe are not with him, Daniel calls Lexie on her cell, telling her Theo is at the hospital. A relieved Lexie falls into Abe’s arms, both so emotional as their son is safe. Meanwhile, Chelsea is asks Theo if he came just to see her, he nods yes. She asks if his parents are with him, he shakes his head no. She asks if he came by himself, he says yes. She hugs him, telling him she is happy that he came, but he must never do that again. They are sitting on a hospital bed, Theo is actually answering her verbally, when Abe & Lexie arrive , with Lexie screeching as she spots Theo. He dives down on the bed, burying his head. She grabs him, big hugs from his parents, and Theo turns silent again. They thank Dan & Chelsea, and leave. Back in the park, they walk with Theo, who is silent again, having thanked all those who were searching for him, and mentioning that Lexie apologized to Lacey, too. Now they decide to go for ice cream, and later are sitting on a park bench, eating their cones, talking of Theo never wandering off again. Abe wants a big family hug, but Theo is unresponsive, preferring to just eat his ice cream cone.
Back at the hospital, Daniel compliments Chelsea on how she interacts with Theo, says she is incredible, then asks if they could at least be friends. They go over the same ground they have previously, with Chelsea talking of how he slept with Kate while she was sick in the hospital. Daniel protests that he & Chelsea were not together at that time, but it makes no difference to Chelsea. He says he never meant to hurt her, she cannot get past it, says it would not have worked out, they are both in different places, and suggests he move on, as she is doing. She walks out.

John sits alone, remembering Marlena asking him to see a doctor, and him refusing. EJ comes in, and begins to talk to him about his wife who loves him. John doubts that, and I will say, EJ pulls out all the big guns, trying to make John see the error of refusing to see a doctor, telling him he promised Marlena he would try. He understands why John doesn’t like hospitals, after what Stefano & the mad scientist did to him .(EJ, you are one handsome dude, and the suit & tie (with matching pocket handkerchief) look fabulous on you, but the that unshaven look just doesn’t go. Why hide that good-looking face? J) EJ tries his very best, talking of the wife who loves him so much. John thinks the divorce papers say something different. EJ gets exasperated, telling him he could find out what is wrong with him, get his memories back. John doesn’t think so. EJ blows up, telling him Stefano not only stole his memories, but left him devoid of any emotion. He is not even a man, is some kind of machine, doesn’t care about anyone but himself, because he is so vastly superior. John says he doesn’t believe that any more, just that old John is gone and never returning. EJ tries again, talks of how Marlena loves him, is in all this pain because of him, starts to call Kayla to set up an appt. John again refuses. EJ gives up, walks out telling John he is devoid of any compassion whatsoever.
John calls Nicole to come over, he needs to see her. When she arrives, he tells her he needed a friend, and asks her if he seems to her, the kind of person who is devoid of feelings, doesn’t care about anyone but himself. She says of course not, he is just misunderstood, like she is. John tells her he has given her some bad advice, and then says she has to tell Elvis about the baby. Either she tells him, or he will. Cue EJ to walk in at this last part, asking what is it that I should be told.
Sami comes in the door, telling herself she can do this, she has to tell him, EJ deserves to know. Nicole is saying to EJ that it is nothing important, but EJ seems to think it must be. So is she going to tell him, or should she ask John. Fine, says Nicole, (as Sami appears in the doorway) “you want to know, o.k., fine, I’ll tell you. I’m pregnant EJ, I’m having your baby.”. Sami looks shocked, EJ surprised and puzzled.

That sounds like a great episode. I'm glad that they didn't drag out the story line with Theo. It makes me so nervous to think of a young child out alone like that, especially one with Autism. Chelsea and Theo seem to have a real bond already. I'm glad that she is finally growing up and showing some responsiblitiy (at least in her work).
Oh Wow!! Thanks for the write up!! I hope I get to go to the gym today & watch!! It all sounds great! Pretty wild that Theo is very talkative to Chelsea...but not to his parents! This is kind of interesting.
As for as Dan & Chelsea....lets just move on...Please!
I think EJ is right about John...he is very empty of emotion.

And it will be interesting to see what Sami does now!
Thanks for the write up. My VCR for some reason taped half and half. I kept going from this show to the one the day before. I just loved the look on Sami's face when Nicole said that she was pregnant. The look on EJ's was shock. I felt bad for Nicole that John gave her no choice but to tell EJ. Lexie and Abe were great in their acting today.
Sounds good. I can't wait to see EJ's (and Sami's) face when Nicole tells him the big news.

I have to say I agree with Sami that Marlena wasn't the best role model when Sami was growing up.

Thanks for the write up. Can't wait to watch!
Great writeup. Thanks, Poirot! I haven't watched yet. I too am so glad they did not drag out Theo's disappearance and am so glad he is all right.

Much as I did not want to see Sami being pregnant, I am interested to find out what she's going to do now that she's learned Nicole is pregnant also. You gotta know these two gals are going to keep getting thrown together throughout their pregnancies so I guess I might as well get used to their bickering.
Thanks for the recap as always I enjoyed reading it.
I'm glad Ej finally know about Nicole's baby. Now we just need Sami to tell him about her baby.
UNSHAVEN???? OMG>> I Cannot miss this show.... I love EJ with stubbles... bear..unshaven!.. Oh My!!!!.. :)
I know there is are a lot of women who go for that stubble thing. I am not one. I guess it is not too bad when the guy is in casual clothes, looking like perhaps he just got up, and dressed, had not shaved yet. But when in a suit and tie, it is not professional to look so unkempt. I certainly would not be impressed seeing my attorney, or any attorney, especially in court, looking like he was too lazy to shave. LOL. Just think what Judge Judy would say. Ha. (and the same goes for a doctor!)

I almost said I was wondering if he was growing a mustache and beard. :idea:
Never fear, Poirot, I won't let them gang up on you. I'll be Judge Judy. :) "Young man, don't you know better than to appear before me looking like you just tumbled out of bed?!!" That E.J. is just so dreamy to look at, the stubble ruins it for me. And today it was definitely longer than usual. Made me wonder if he is growing a beard even before I read what you said.
I was amused by the Sami/Roman/Marlena scenes. Although, it was Marlena who said she wasn't a good example, not Sami (I think someone said the opposite). Roman and Marlena trying to get information out of Sami was just funny to me.
I like stubble but not with a formal suit and tie. He needs to go for the Don Johnson semi formal look.
:OT:O.K. Charlie, I am gonna come by, and purposely bat eyes at you
if you are showing stubble. As long as you're wearing jeans & either a plaid, flannel shirt, or a sweatshirt. LOLOL
<<<prefers a Pennsylvania Tuxedo (Woolrich hunting outfit). :rotfl:


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