Days of Our Lives - Friday, Oct. 25, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 25, 2013

Daniel is asleep and dreaming that he wakes up to find Jennifer standing beside his bed, that he kisses her...but alas, tis only a dream. He wakes up, unable to go back to sleep, gets up and goes to the kitchen. His phone rings.
JJ is shaking Theresa, constantly calling her name, telling her to wake up. He checks and realizes gratefully she is still breathing. He is patting her cheeks, shaking her to no avail. He is panicky, her phone falls to the floor, he prays a bit for help, and dials Daniel's number.
Dan almost doesn't answer the phone when he sees it is Theresa, but does. JJ urges him to get over to Theresa's apt. NOW, she needs you. JJ pulls on a shirt, resumes trying to awaken Theresa, asking aloud for Daniel to hurry. Knock at the door, JJ opens it, Daniel sees the unconscious Theresa. JJ tells how they were doing some stuff, but how he hardly did anything, while she did a lot more. He mentions the drug, and how Theresa drank her whole glass, and half of his, from which he only had a sip. Daniel is telling JJ to call 911, but JJ is so in shock or something, he can't move. Daniel grabs the phone, calls 911, then induces vomiting on the part of Theresa. He tells JJ to get the heck out of there. JJ is immobile, but Daniel is adamant. Get your things and get out, go the back stairs. You cannot be found here. No one must know of this, not your mother, the police, the medics, no one. You would end up going to prison, now get out. JJ scrambles, grabs his stuff and gets outta Dodge. Daniel carries Theresa into the shower, turns it on, keeps talking to her. Medics arrive, Daniel carries her out, reciting all the vitals, all the various drugs she took, and instructions on what to give her. He will be right along after them. He grabs a glass (looks as tho there is still liquid in it) bags it, grabs his stuff and leaves.

At hospital, Chad is telling Abby the truth about his make believe brain tumor, and she has a fit. She berates him big time, obviously is not forgiving him, is very angry, and walks out. She is near the arch when Cameron comes practically running, he got her text. Now she gives Cameron a piece of her mind, for walking away. He starts saying something, she slaps him. She reads him a riot act, says she doesn't want anything to do with either of the two of you, and takes off.

Sami & EJ are arguing about whether Lucas can keep Allie, the safety of the DiMera house, Stefano, etc. Will & Sonny arrive with Arianna, delighting Sami. Sonny says Will has something to tell them, and Will explains about his essay, the contest, and being invited to this seminar at Berkeley. EJ gets a call from Chad, so has to leave. Sonny takes ARianna up to visit with Johnny & Sydney, Will is alone with Sami, tells her he is leaving tomorrow. She is surprised it is so soon, but very happy for him. He mentions thinking his mom & EJ were fighting when they came in. Sami claims it was an intense discussion, adding something about not wanting to make another horrible mistake. Will says that there is nothing wrong with spending your life with someone who makes you happy. She smiles at how smart Will is.
EJ talks with Chad, who relates how he told Abby the truth, and she is furious. EJ doesn't think she will remain so, and it was better to hear it from Chad than someone else.
He returns home, where Sami is waiting, not wanting to continue their argument. She repeats what Will said, then adds she is happy, her children are happy, and she loves EJ. He loves her, too. Kiss.

Jen bursts into her house, where Hope is waiting, apologizing because she realizes Jen thought JJ was home when she saw the lights. They talk, Hope suggests she call JJ's friends. Jen does, she & Hope meet Rory & Bev in the square. She pleads for some word of JJ, but they tell her again he won't talk to them, hasn't since he trashed the book store. Hope insists they try calling, Bev does, but no answer. (JJ is about to answer, Daniel forbids him to do so, no one must know you are here - this is when Dan tells him to leave). Rory & Bev are sorry, Jennifer makes an impassioned plea for them to understand that JJ is so lost right now, and would do anything for a friend, so be a friend to him. Call me if you see or hear from him. The young people leave, Jen claims to have to get a file from the hospital, Hope will walk her there.

At the hospital, Jen goes to her office, Hope is near the nurses' station, overhears Karen gossiping about Theresa & Dr. Jonas with a young nurse, and walks over to stop it. She throws around her name, how Kayla is her sister-in-law, Dr. Tom Horton her grandfather, and she would hate to inform Kayla that her employees were gossiping about hospital personnel instead of working. Karen says she will have to get back to work, looking properly chastized. Jen has come out, heard some of this, comments to Karen that she should realize that Theresa was putting her on, making her believe something that just was not true. Behind them, Theresa is brought in my the medics, Daniel comes along, asks if a certain doctor has been called, mentions the O.D, gives the bagged glass to a nurse to take to the lab to be analyzed. Jen is a bit surprised to see him. Hope asks what happened, Daniel says she O.D.'d and lucky he was there to help.

JJ has gone home, flopped on the sofa, but is restless, has to know what is happening. He takes his cell, he cannot call the hospital. He grabs his backpack and leaves.

Jen asks Daniel how he knew Theresa was in trouble. He says if he had not helped, she would be dead right now. Jen asks how he even knew where Theresa lived. JJ has rushed in (background) stops when he sees them all, but is hiding behind a wall. Daniel spots him, and really doesn't answer Jen, just sort of shrugs.
JJ has a new BFF (best friend forever). Super Dan swoops in to save the day and tells him to run so he doesn't get into more trouble. JJ is going to think his new bud and savior is the best thing since pot-laced donuts. Jack who?

Abby slaps Cam for walking away from her? Hey now, I'm no fan of either couple, but she wasn't so concerned about Cam walking away when she slept with Chad like 4 times in a 2 day period.

It was just earlier that day that Jen told JJ if he left the house she never wanted to see him again. And now she's chasing down his friends trying to locate him. I knew her hard-nosed facade wouldn't last long. The woman really causes herself more stress than JJ ever could. And not knowing quite when to quit she questions Dan about being with Theresa when she overdosed. Didn't she tell the man to stay away from her and her son. What right does she have to question how he knows where Theresa lives. And queue JJ to witness their exchange. His mom will hate Dr Dan but JJ will love his new father figure for his noble sacrifice all to help JJ. Now it will be his life's mission to fix them.

Sami and EJ...what can I say. I think on twitter someone mentioned EJ telling Sami not to let others think for her. He only approves of that if HE is the one thinking for her.

Paging Dr. Marlena Evans, seems most of Salem could use a consult.
Typical Sami hears of Will's successful essay about family, she wants to know what he wrote about her Seriously NOT everything is about you....Her self-centering is unappealing!

Sami tells EJ that even when she thought she hated him, she couldn't walk away from him... Further proof that she is suffering from Brain Damage!

We are the most miserable people in the world when we are apart from one another...So Sami was so miserable with Rafe that is why she SHOT you in the head EJ!

I don't care what anyone in this town thinks of us I'm not walking away from the man I love" Sami to Ej.. We'll see about that!
Let me just say I honestly don't why the Jen/Dan/JJ dynamic bothers me so much. Could it be the way TPTB have battered us with the on again/off again shenanigans of this pairing for over a year? Could it be that they've done everything to portray Dr. Daniel Jonas as this brilliant surgeon, a perfect father, and all around great catch with not a single flaw? Could it be that they dropped Jack Deveraux down an elevator shaft to clear the way for Daniel and Jennifer?

Had this been any other couple on this show (not many to begin with but...) who was facing these difficulties, I don't think I'd be as bothered by it. I can't figure out why I'm so turned off by this gruesome threesome though.
I couldn't care less about Daniel/Jennifer/Theresa at this point. I am interested in seeing what happens between Daniel and JJ, and what happens to Theresa now that she's OD'd, but Jennifer can go mope in her living room for all I care. Abigail too, she and Jennifer should just have themselves a pity party.
Despite everything, this could be Theresa's lucky day. At long last, she is the Love Doctor's patient, and he'll see her fetchingly clad in a genuine Salem University Hospital gown. As Kate, Jennifer, etc. could tell her if she was conscious, this is the first step toward a physical relationship. As for Abigail, she should be more cautious about her self-righteous rants. In case she hasn't noticed, there aren't too many straight guys her age in Salem. If she doesn't watch out she'll be reduced to seeking a relationship with the likes of Rory. Finally, Sami appears not to have noticed another big change about Stefano. In addition to mending his ways, he's actually providing security at the DiMansion. She and her smoochy-moochy can now cavort in their love nest without being rudely interrupted by gun-toting Phoenix-haters or assorted Salem busybodies.
RE: EJ and Sami: "He returns home, where Sami is waiting,...she is happy, her children are happy, and she loves EJ. He loves her, too. Kiss."
Is this what the Sami-Rafe critics wanted so badly???

Never liked Theresa, but this is an interesting twist. I can see several good storyline directions from here, but I won't hold my breath.
So Daniel did cover for JJ, but Daniel definitely was not thinking straight with his explanation, and this was understandabler given the circumstances. Daniel SHOULD have said that he got an anonymous call from someone saying that Theresa had OD'd on drugs and gave him her address. This way it did not look as if Daniel already knew the address and that he was not with her. The anonymous person could have been someone who was partying with Theresa when things went wrong. Daniel looks very guilty right now; however, I applaud his genuine concern for both JJ and Theresa and putting them first, both in his capacity as a human being and as a doctor.

These scenes with JJ prove how truly vulnerable and innocent he is and that, deep down, he really is a good person who has lost his way. I do hope his future storylines reflect this and that Jennifer does not have him arrested before he can make amends. If he is seen at the hospital, that will look suspicious, so I hope he gets out of there before he is spotted.

We knew Abby would be angry at both Chad and Cameron when the truth came out, so her reaction came as no surprise. There is too much baggage with both men, and it would be best for everyone to just move on.

I'm looking forward to seeing little Ari in her Halloween outfit. :)
JJ COULD claim he was at the hospital looking for his mother???? He really just wants to know about Theresa. If he overhears someone say she pulled thru that would satisfy him.

I Guess it was inevitable that the show find a reason for Abby to get ticked off at both men. But it really makes her look rather shallow.
Hope did it again, called Jennifer "Cuz". Maybe she doesn't know Jen's name????
Could it be the way TPTB have battered us with the on again/off again shenanigans of this pairing for over a year? Could it be that they've done everything to portray Dr. Daniel Jonas as this brilliant surgeon, a perfect father, and all around great catch with not a single flaw? Could it be that they dropped Jack Deveraux down an elevator shaft to clear the way for Daniel and Jennifer?

All of the above ! And then some : Jennifer harassing Nicole and Nicole having to grovel, Chloe being thrown under the Dan/Jen bus, Maggie and Maxine being head cheerleaders for shrew Jen and glow Dan, JJ probably going to join the love fest soon for Dan-The-Man, etc. :rolleyes::sick:
Now that "The Studded Saint Dr. Daniel Jonas" has saved Theresa's life from the jaws of death..Wonder if she will be his next conquest.. That is his usual pattern, he safe a female patient's life and then it is SEX time!!
I wish they'd kill off she's going to be compelled to keep the secret of JJ being there and she'll be smirking all over the place You know it ain't good when the viewers at home are saying, "pass me that glass! put me out of my misery!" She's in her late 20s and JJ is 18? Why won't any of the gals on Days shack up with people their own age? As a woman with 1 foot on the proverbial banana peel, I am getting depressed!

edited to write out words...JS
No need for Theresa to be killed off.. All she needs to do is get her act together and deal with whatever life's conflict that is driving her to the path of recklessness!!
I think it has been said that she is 23. But Theresa has definitely been around....Experience is the best teacher and she evidently has had plenty of education.

If she hold true to form, she will only be smirking over the idea that Daniel was with her when she overdosed, just to stick it to Jen.