Days of Our Lives - Friday, Oct. 4, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 4, 2013

How can I say this tactfully? Today is 95% filler scenes. Plain and simple. At the hospital, Anne is asking Kayla where the blazes Jennifer is again, not at work, is she having another pity party of her own. Kayla has no time for this, takes off, and next, Anne & Theresa giggle, plot and plan to get on Jen's case. Theresa blames Jen for her problems, payback, and she wants to make Jen think Daniel is maybe having a thing with her. She gets Anne to get something or other from Daniel's locker, which Anne does and gives to her. Looks like one of those curly key chain cables???

It is a new morning in Salem, Sami & EJ come down, chatter about Stefano, he is thanking her, blah. blah. Will comes in, all upset because they are still living there with Stefano. She takes Will into the study, explains most of the facts of life to him, & how EJ gave up everything for her, yada, yada. Will understands, EJ comes in, Will gushes and thanks him, leaves.

Chad wakes up, to find Abby crying, never going to forgive him for lying about dying. He wakes up abruptly. Yep, a dream, gets dressed, goes downstairs to find EJ in the foyer. He tells him everything, and all about the dream, Abby can never find out he lied to Cameron. EJ will take care of it, he makes a few phone calls, and voila! Chad's medical records reflect the tumor, the treatment which is being successful, yada, yada. Chad thanks him, and takes off.

JJ sits in a booth somewhere, with Rory & Bev, evidently searching internet, newspaper archives for info about his dad in the past. No luck. His friends suggest him going and asking his mother. No chance. He gets and idea and leaves.

At the house, Jennifer & Abigail talk about JJ, are worried where he slept, where he is. They talk of how both Jen & Jack sat Abby down, and told her about Jack & Aunt Kayla, so long ago, but the guilt never left him.They wanted to tell Abby when she was old enough, so she would not hear it elsewhere, and tell JJ together, too, but then Jack was killed. Abby knows, she knows how hard it was for her father, and was grateful that he was there when she was told. Both women now fearful that JJ will find out in a way that is not good.
Kayla arrives, Abby goes to get some files from Jen's office. Kayla is really upset, explains what happened in the conversation between her & JJ, how it just came out, and she could not take it back. JJ asked more questions, but she just left, telling him nothing. Jen understands, and fully understands that JJ was calling Daniel names, and talking of how great his father was.

Nick is trying to call Gabi, leaving messages for her to call him. At the apartment, Sonny & Gabi are playing with Arianna, she is ignoring Nick's calls. But as she talks with Sonny, realizes she has to tell Nick there is nothing between them. She wishes she had not started it all over again. Sonny reminds her that Nick may see her out with Cam at OktoberFest (ah, so that is still to come). Gabi figures he is right, decides to go tell him now. She goes to the Pub. Nick sees her come in, stop to greet a waitress, and has a fantasy about telling her about the modeling job he lined up for her, done deal, and how she kisses him, saying she never stopped loving him. Back to reality, she comes over, he starts with "you are not going to believe this", but she interrupts with..Me first, I have something to tell you.

Sonny comes to the club with Arianna in the buggy, chats a bit with Chad, Will arrives, warm greetings, Will only tells Sonny that her mother loves EJ and is living with him. (Sami had told him not to tell anyone anything).

Marge sits at a table filled with pictures, and a newspaper accounting of Sami going free. Her hand is on a metal box as she shakes her head.

EJ & Sami are taking a walk in the park, the fresh air smells so good. "MURDERER". They turn around and there stands Marge. EJ puts his arm around Sami.

JJ shows up at Aunt Adrienne's door, to visit.. She is happy to see him, invites him in, but tells him right off the bat he cannot stay there, and should work things out with his mother. JJ pretends that he truly has been thinking about what everyone has said, and they are right. He will. Now she shows her Jack's book, Adrienne is touched, is so proud of Jack. JJ claims that since that appeared, everyone is talking so much about Jack, what a great man, etc. And also in the past. Adrienne's face falls a bit, she gets up, pours some coffee, into a gold cup, drops in a lump of sugar. Well he always was going on those adventures of his. Your mom and you kids would be at home.
No, says JJ. Before then. Something that happened between him & Aunt Kayla. Adrienne, who is stirring her coffee, knocks over the cup, which falls to the floor, breaking into bits.
Should I mention that Abby is wearing what looks like a maternity top, and shorts. And gee, it is October 4th. No color in leaves in the park whatsoever. None. Well, they are green. LOL, I guess set decorators gave no thought to that being they were filming in June. Sami is also wearing another sleeveless, low neck, low back dress.
Truly a shame she cannot dress more casually, especially for a walk in the park. LOL
Anne Milbauer is starting to sound like a case of arrested development. Not so long ago, she and Chloe were plotting against darling Jen like a pair of school girls, and now the snarky personnel director is back at it -- this time with pinhead Theresa. If ever a plot was doomed to failure, it's the collaboration between these two. As for JJ's quest to find out more about Jack's dark past, Kayla and company had best hope he consults with Mason Ventura. If that happened, all of Jack's dirty laundry would be sure to stay buried forever. Finally, Elvis Junior and Samanther should probably confine their future strolls to the DiMera garden. It's probably better landscaped, there would be little chance of encountering a vengeful Marge, and no risk of blundering into park regulars like JJ and Rory while they're answering the call of nature behind a bush.
Sami declaring to Will that noone hates "that man" (Stefano) more than she does. I think she'd be bringing up the rear of a very long line lead by John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Roman, Steve - even deceased Shawn Brady would be ahead of her. The woman-child is clueless.

And it's SOOO stupid how they're all acting because they now have to go back to their ORIGINAL living arrangements.
Aside from Jennifer's top that should be a size larger and that hideous cardigan at the end, I liked most wardrobe choices today.

I actually really liked the dialogue today for the most part. EJ showing his true colors to Chad--his comment about lying to your woman makes me wonder what else he is hiding from Sami that we don't know about yet. I still think he is hiding Nicole's baby and paying Jordan. I can't stand Anne and Theresa but their scenes were funny. Loved all the Yiddish words too! I hope they both get fired ASAP.

The scenes with Sonny and Gabi playing with Arianna on the floor were adorable!

Marge Bernardi reminds me of Stella Lombard, a character from the 90s who started out likeable and then ended up having a vendetta against Marlena.

I'm really glad we got more backstory on the Jack/Kayla rape and how Jennifer and Jack have dealt with it over the years. So, we understand now why Abby knows and JJ does not.
Should I mention that Abby is wearing what looks like a maternity top, and shorts. And gee, it is October 4th. No color in leaves in the park whatsoever. None. Well, they are green. LOL.
Perhaps, Sami and the ex-virgin think that they are so "hot" that they don't have to dress appropriately for the cooler weather. As for the still-green leaves, such things are commonplace in Salem. Recall that when Jennifer and the Lover Doctor were disturbing the Horton cabin mice and raccoons early last spring, flowers were blooming outside. Considering that the Salem climate is so favorable for growing plants, perhaps the writers could come up with a plot in which Stefano uses his usual dirty tricks to ensure that his orchid wins first prize at a Salem Garden Club competition.
Filler is right, Poirot. Whatever happened to "Cliffhanger Friday?" The last scene, with Adrienne dropping the cup when JJ asked about Jack and Kayla, was the cliffhanger, I suppose.

Theresa trying to make it look like she slept with Daniel is a variation on a theme we have seen when Chloe wanted Jennifer to think SHE slept with Daniel. Nothing like recycling old schemes. Where in blazes is Mazine? When she's around, it's not as easy to plot.

Sami looked lovely today, great hairstyle. Did not like Jennifer's outfit at all, very drab colors.

Unbelievable how far reaching EJ's power is, adjusting medical records. This goes beyond immoral.

I think Jennifer will get to JJ too late, he will have already learned about what Jack did to Kayla. Of course, he will rage against Jennifer, since she didn't tell him herself.

The coffee is going to hit the fan, so to speak, when Gabi tells Nick she doesn't want to be with him after all. I wouldn't put it past him to kidnap her, and this is yet another rehashed storyline we don't need.

Marge is definitely going off the deep end. She looks like a wreck, eyes bulging, she wants revenge, no doubt about it.

I felt bad for Adrienne. She should not have to be the one to tell JJ the truth about Jack. I don't think she will be the one to tell him.
I was very much struck by Sami's conversation with Will...especially when she made clear to him that he was not to tell anyone about what Stefano and EJ did. In doing this, again, Sami is making Will complicit in her lies. She is passing down a long tradition of keeping secrets from loved ones (in this case, will Will tell Sonny?) and likely setting up Will for future problems due to secrets coming out disastrously. Will is reaping the sad rewards of being Sami's son and Kate's grandson. Secrets and lies are the norm. His position is not too different from Chad's with the DiMera family and their traditional way of doing things.
I wish they would just have Jennifer and Abigail sit JJ down and tell him. I'm beyond tired of the Jennifer/JJ stuff. At least that way, he can go throw his tantrum and this time it won't be Jennifer's fault, since she and Jack planned to tell him together and since his passing there just really hasn't been a good time for that talk, because this memory of Jack is anything but a good one.

Nick & Gabi is also a road I don't care to travel down. I really, really wish that after the Jensen stuff, we would have seen Nick getting help, real help. Maybe find out that he has some sort of mental disorder, and receiving help (therapy, meds, whatever) for that and then actually turning his life around. Crazy Nick is just a waste to me, there are already enough villains in Salem right now.

And don't even get me started on Theresa and Anne... Chloe revisited, 100%. And it hasn't even been that long! So unoriginal.
It's truly amazing to me how the writing just drips with hypocrisy. How Sami and Will can sit there talking about how horrible Stefano has been to them and their family (which he has) but then in the next breath sing EJ's praises. It is truly mind boggling. And there in the other room is EJ basically encouraging Chad to lie to Abigail. Yeah, how has that worked out for ya, EJ?

I agree with others that Anne/Theresa is a repeat of Chloe. Next!

I wonder if Adrienne is going to be the one to spill it to JJ. Given his tumultuous relationship with his mother he's never going to understand why he never knew about the rape. Just another reason for him to hate his mom.

Gabi/Sonny/Arianna scenes were cute! I'm back to hating Nick. If they're just going to rehash old stuff I'll pass.
Maybe Sami is going through the change that's why she's wearing summer clothes.
I'm still wearing carpi pants. I've had my A/C on this week. Leaves aren't turning
here yet. Tonight the weather changes here.

Anyone else watch the woman behind Nick on Horton Square? She
had a bag, She pulled out three scarfs. It looked like she was doing
a magic trick :)

Nice to Arianna with Sonny and Gabi.

I'm not happy with Anne or Theresa at all.

I found this picture at NBC this afternoon. I laughed.
at the item in the back. Did Jen win a donut baking award?
A tire making award? Or is it Dr Dan's life saver award :D
