Days of Our Lives - Friday, October 6, 2023


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Gabi comes out of the bathroom into her room wearing a robe. Vivian enters the room. Gabi tries to shoo her away. Vivian has decided that the only place for her to be, now that Maggie kicked her out of Titan, is by her son's side. At DiMera Enterprises.

Maggie is back in her office. The first thing she does is throw away Vivian's CEO name plaque and replace it with her own. Alex comes in behind her and asks what she's doing there?

Leo wants assistance at the hospital to get Dimitri's pillow fluffed (or some such other nonsense.) Kristen walks off the elevator and Leo says 'You."

Dimitri is in bed, slowly waking, Gwen's there when he opens his eyes. She says "Thank God, you're finally awake. I could kill you for worrying me like that."

Stefan is looking at the article about Dimitri's shooting and shaking his head. Jada comes in, the butler let her in. He says she's probably there with follow up questions. She says she has just one. Why did he lie to her?

Kristen says "hello Leo." Leo tells her to save it, he knows what she did. Gwen told him about her diabolical plan to kill his boyfriend. Kristen flashes back to confronting Dimitri with the gun. Kristen says she called it off. Leo doesn't buy it. More flashbacks. "I did not shoot Dimitri", Kristen swears to Leo. He doesn't believe her. He wants to know who it was.

Vivian tells Gabi she doesn't need to worry about business. Now that mother is there, she can just lie in bed and eat bon bons just like The Real Housewives of Salem. Gabi hates to disappoint her, but she will not take Gabi's job. Vivian offers Gabi some advice, not to underestimate her. Gabi says she's quaking in her boots. Vivan says she won't be leaving the DiMera mansion unless it's feet first. Gabi says that can be arranged. Vivian warns her to not get in her way.

Stefan says he and his wife were upstairs and repeat of the lie. Jada says she remembers his story. Dimitri's prints were on the gun along with Kristen's. Stefan says great, mystery solved, Kristen must have shot him. Jada says except she didn't. The prints don't even matter because the bullet the doctors took out of Dimitri didn't match that gun at all.

Dimitri asks what happened? Gwen explains he was shot. She lets him know that she knows about his lying ways and his affair with Leo. He says it was a despicable thing to do and he's so sorry. Gwen says she's sorry too, because sorry isn't going to cut it. She pulls out a scalpel and says this will.

Alex didn't expect to see Maggie there. Maggie says Vivian certainly makes sure to mark her territory, doesn't she? They discuss how fun it is when she resurfaces. The CEO job comes up. Alex wishes he could have watched Maggie kick Vivian to the curb. Victor left Alex in charge of Titan, he says, per the will. Maggie is surprised he brought Victor's will. Alex said he brought it in case he needed proof he was the new CEO.

Maggie says the will doesn't make him CEO. He reads it to her to prove he received controlling interest in the company which makes him CEO. Maggie argues that Victor spelled out his wishes before he passed and those were to make her CEO. Alex doesn't want to fight. He has considered his options carefully and he wants the job.

Stefan says "so Dimitri was shot with another gun?" Jada asks if that's how he wants to play this. She will get to the bottom of this and she will not hesitate to lock him up. Gabi comes in the room and says "You can't lock him up, he had nothing to do with this." Jada says oh really? Gabi then says the person who shot Dimitri was Vivian Alamain, my mother in law. Stefan is not happy.

Vivian is going through her purse, making sure she has what she's supposed to, lipstick, wallet. But oh, where's my gun?!

Jada says "Vivian shot Dimitri?" Gabi holds out a ziploc bag with the gun inside and says "with this." Stefan shakes his head.

Kristen doesn't know who shot Dimitri and tells Leo he's not in a position to judge anyone. Leo says the high horse Kristen is on is giving her the vapors. They both know she doesn't care about Gwen. Just the part of the inheritance she wants which she blackmailed him out of. Leo is going to check on his boyfriend.

Gwen is twisting the scalpel in her hands. Dimitri asks where she found that? Gwen says someone left it out on a tray. He seems scared of what her plans are. Gwen makes implications about harming him and ruining Leo's good times with him. (if you catch my drift). Dimitri is begging please, while Gwen keeps talking. Dimitri is hollering for help when Leo walks in wanting to know what she's doing?

Stefan asks what Gbi is doing? She says she's telling the truth and she'll always pick him. She won't let him go down for his out of control gun toting mother. Stefan says that's not fair. She may be out of control but she's not gun toting. Then Vivian comes in the room asking if anyone has seen her gun? Gabi does this shrug thing as if to say point made. That's pretty funny. While Stefan and Vivian are like "just great!"

Maggie says she understands that Alex's world has been turned upside down. He says that doesn't change the fact Titan is his birthright and he knows what he's entitled to. Maggie asks if this is payback? He says of course not. He's not taking the job for retaliation. He's doing it because Victor was his father and this is clearly what he wanted.

Vivian insists that Gabi can't give her gun to Jada as it's Vivian's property. Stefan tells his mother that she's not helping her case. Vivian says what case? Dimitri was threatening her son. She couldn't endure losing him again. It's not illegal to kill someone in self defense. Stefan tells Jada what his mother is trying to say is the truth. Dimitri was trying to kill him and Gabi and would have if Vivian did not intervene. That is why he had a hard time turning her in.

Gabi says yes and we want to press charges against Dimitri. Jada asks if they're willing to testify and they say absolutely. Jada tells Vivian that this might mitigate the attempted murder charge but she did lie to police and possessing a gun is a violation of her parole, so she will be speaking to Vivian's parole officer. Jada goes to leave. Vivian, Stefan and Gabi all glare at each other.

Marlena is on the phone with John telling him about Susan being alive. She's interrupted by Kate. Kate's sorry to barge in but Marlena's assistant said she was on a break. Marlena says it's fine. Did Kate hear about Susan? Kate did. Kate needs to talk to Marlena about Philip. He's fine, but Kate's not. He's leaving town with Chloe.

Leo tells Gwen to put down the scalpel. He's sorry she feels betrayed, but this is insane. Leo says it will destroy Gwen if she did it. He tries to talk her down by telling her she's not a violent person, and she's gone to extremes at times, but this is cruel and out of character for her. Because she's kind and decent. She's not the person he knows and loves. It's breaking his heart. She says he has no heart. He's not trying to make excuses. He messed up, and he's miserable a lot of the time.

Leo never meant to hurt her. It was his desperate need for love that caused him to betray her. Gwen says he was supposed to be her best friend, and Dimitri was supposed to be forever. They were supposed to grow old together. Leo wishes they'd told her the truth from the start, but he was hoping there was some way for all of them to get what they wanted. Gwen isn't willing to forgive either of them.

Maggie tells Alex that it did warm her heart that she could be there for him in Victor's absence. He's important to her, always has been, but seeing her husband in him, makes that closeness better. She doesn't believe Victor wanted him to be CEO. Alex will take it in front of the board if Maggie won't give up the job willingly.

Stefan asks why Gabi would give up his mother to the cops? Gabi tells Vivian she brought it on herself. Stefan says there is nothing he can do about it now. Vivian decides she has to leave town to evade the law. Gabi says Hallelujah. They are not impressed.

Kristen tells Gwen she promises she did not shoot Dimitri. Gwen says well who the hell did? Jada comes up and says Vivian Alamain. They wonder why Vivian would shoot Dimitri? Jada explains about Dimitri's attempt to kill Stefan. Jada's there to arrest Gwen's husband. Gwen says that is the best news she's heard all day.
Maggie tells him he won't have to call a board meeting. She's very disappointed that she didn't get through him at all. She didn't think he was callous to avoid responding to what she said about seeing Victor in him which came from her heart. Alex says it's not that there isn't a place for her at Titan. He's going to need people. She says yes he will, but he's right, the two of them teaming up would work out as well as it did before. She picks up her name plaque and leaves the office.

Jada tells them she's going to read Dimitri his rights. Kristen tells Gwen they'll get what is coming to them now too. Dimitri will go to Statesville and someone will get the fortune, i.e. Gwen.

Dimitri and Leo talk about Gwen and how she didn't hurt him. Then Dimitri explains how he got shot. Jada comes in as Leo and Dimitri are talking about the truth being out.

Kristen says she thinks it's time for Gwen to explain to her in-laws how Dimitri is going to prison and she should be entitled to his money. Why shouldn't they pay Gwen? Kristen says she may have to persuade them. There's nothing really left keeping her in Salem. She does have the paper. Gwen says ever since she arrived in Salem, it's been one debacle after another, maybe she should see what's out there for her.

Vivian tells Stefan she'd never leave him, but she has no choice. She'll go back to Alamania, it's their home. She tells him not to worry about her. She'll always rise like a phoenix.

Marlena asks if they are back together? Kate says no, at least she hopes not. But it was his obsession with Chloe that made him go crazy before, what if it happens again? Marlena says Philip is a good man and Chloe must believe he has changed to agree to go to New York with him. Kate was hoping he was going to stay in Salem. She had hoped that he'd want to be closer to her after losing his father.

Maggie's caressing a photo of her and Victor, then she places her name plaque in front of it on the mantle.

Alex picks up a photo of Victor on his desk and says he really hopes he's not mad about Maggie. But he doesn't think Victor would have dangled the opportunity in front of him if he didn't want him to grab it. Magically he already has a CEO name plaque too!

Leo asks what they can do for Jada? She tells him for once it has nothing to do with him, then tells Dimitri he's under arrest.

Stefan tells Gabi that Vivian is gone. She cracks that she figured Vivian would have taken another hour to say goodbye to him. Gabi says you can't tell me you were happy living with her in this house. Stefan says it wouldn't have been forever. Stefan knows Vivian's impossible, but she's his mother and he feels bad for her. Gabi says that's because he has a good heart. Gabi tells him she did him a huge favor.

Vivian is in disguise at the airport. Gwen's also there. Gwen says goodbye to Salem. It might be goodbye for now, but Salem hasn't seen the last of her.

Meanwhile Brady has landed in return from CA. He calls out Theresa to hurry up already. Out comes Theresa (formerly Gwen).
Shouldn't Jada have more evidence to go than the word of Stefan, Gabi and Vivian for her to arrest Dimitri? I mean we know he's guilty but I can't see the charges sticking with that evidence.
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Thanks, Kris, excellent job!!!

I imagine the man who got fired thought it was soooo cutesy to have Gwen leave, with 2 seconds later a very, very blond Theresa arriving, tho same actress.

I will say, it is good that it has been some time since we last saw Theresa.

Just an aside here, but Emily O'Brien who played Gwen, tho born & raised in Britain, graduated high school in Carlsbad, CA, & graduated Mira Costa College in CA. So at some point moved in CA, has a gift for being able to do many different British dialects, and of course, since she moved to U.S. when she was 10, did not take long for her to be talking American.
I skipped the entire episode but wanted to see the final scene of Gwen departing and Theresa appearing. Absolutely ridiculous in my opinion.

Once Emily O'Brien finishes her run as Theresa, is her Gwen character coming back?

Jen Lilley (ex-Theresa) wants viewers to give Emily O'Brien (new Theresa/formerly Gwen) a chance, but sorry I'm already out. I'm not buying it. Some people you just can't replace.
We all may get attached to a character because of the actor portraying that person. On Days, Jason Cook portrayed Shawn Douglas Brady, til he decided to leave and eventually, Brandon Beemer became Shawn's portrayer. Kirsten Storms was Belle Black's original portrayer, now Belle is played by Martha Madison......just two from among several recasts who have made the roles their own, and are beloved by the viewers.
Thanks Kris.

Some thoughts:

Has anyone told Xander that Gwen won't be coming back to work? What will she do with her half of the Spectator that she now owns?

Will Leo return to work? Dimitri was wealthy prior to getting his hands on the entire fortune.

Will we hear anything about the running of the paper anymore unless it involves DUH PLOT?
Thank you, Kris!

Yes, that ending with Gwen departing and Theresa arriving was way too cutesy. To me, Emily O'Brien will always be Gwen, and Jen Lilley will always be Theresa.

All that being said, just based on the few words uttered by Emily O'Brien as Theresa, she sure sounded like a wisecracking American, and that aspect of this recasting will work. The blonde wig was too theatrical/glam. The only thing Emily O'Brien and Jen Lilley have in common is very large eyes. Will miss the character of Gwen, as over time, I think many of us began to like her. Just don't understand the whole thing.

Yet another reason to dislike Alex. As Maggie said, he was callous, and she did not know he was. Although I do agree with Maggie that they could never be co-CEOs, for heaven's sake, there could have been a better way to do this.

Since he will be making a lot of money, will Alex move from the small apartment across from Chad and Stephanie to a luxury apartment, or even a house?

If what some of us have speculated about Xander being the Alexander in Victor's will comes true, then Xander should turn over the CEO's chair with Alex still in it. I bet Xander would even offer Maggie the position before he took it, if he took it. Maybe Maggie will be reinstated if Xander does not want the job. However, he now has a daughter to support, one way or the other, and needs a solid, well-paying job. Hoping the paper will be returned to Jack and Jennifer if this happens.

True about the lack of real evidence implicating Dimiti. But if he does go to prison, will Leo visit him? How deep does his love go? Even if they break up, I don't think Gwen (offscreen for now) will forgive him. They are done.
I may be in the minority here but I prefer Emily O’Brien (Gwen) to take over the role of Theresa if they want the character to be in Salem for a long period. I just can’t take the other actress (Jen Lilley). I love Emily O’Brien (Gwen) and think she is a fantastic actress.

Do I think it is silly they have her changing from Gwen to Theresa this quickly? Yes. But Gwen has been written into a hole and not much else they can do with her at the moment. So I am glad the actress can stay and I look forward to her playing Theresa. And I hope she has good chemistry with Brady.
I'm glad Gabi turned in Vivian.

Why do they have to show so much flashback? We remember. So Dimitri is going to be arrested. Hey at least he didn't have amnesia and he remembers he loves Leo. I really don't like Jada.

Well, wasn't that clever how they introduced Theresa recast? Which I still hate. I like Jen Lilley (Theresa)
Also who are these in laws that Kristen was talking about? Isn't Dimitri's father dead? The only other relatives that Dimitri had that we know of are Carly and Frankie.
There are apparently other Von Leuschner family members. We've just only seen Carly, Frankie, Nicky and Melanie and now Dimitri.

There's been nothing to indicate Oskar Von Leuschner (Dimitri's father) is dead, just that he sent Dimitri to boarding school and wasn't around him much while growing up. Oskar was also cold and distant when he was around Dimitri as a kid.
Boohoo to Days for not keeping Jen Lilley as Theresa. Bet the fired pervert is somehow responsible.
While Jen Lilley (Theresa) was willing to come back for Victor's funeral, the writers wanted to do a 12 week storyline arc. She couldn't commit to 12 weeks, but could do 4 weeks. She wanted to tape 12 weeks of shows in 4 weeks. Sounds like maybe that was not possible for whatever reasons and they tapped Emily O'Brien (Gwen) to play Theresa after 4 weeks. I think the worst part was they didn't tell Jen Lilley and she more or less found out on her own. But while she admitted to being surprised and confused by the recast, she's also been quite gracious about being on Days and towards Emily O'Brien stepping into Jeannie T's shoes.

While there's no love for Albert Alarr, it honestly does sound like it boiled down to conflicting schedules and not being able to tape 12 weeks of a storyline in the 4 weeks she was available, although communication about the recast was handled terribly.
Yes, Jen Lilley (Theresa) was wondering why she did not get any more new scripts, (I got impression she somehow was arranging to be available a bit longer) & that is when she was told very casually that they arranged for a recast, and planned to just "throw a wig on her".