Days of Our Lives - Friday, October 6, 2023

I did not realize Emily O'Brien (now Theresa) had been living in the U.S. that long. In the video clip posted above, she says she lost her British accent when she was 15. I never watched her previous work on other shows, but assumed (wrongfully) that her British accent used on Days was her everyday speaking voice.
Thanks, Kris.

An interesting day of goodbyes and hellos.

I'm glad the Salem PD realized the gun they had wasn't the one used to shoot Dimitri.

Wow, Gabi took Vivian's gun and gave it to the police.

I was torn when Leo wanted to make up with Gwen. I wanted her to, but she didn't.

When will Dimitri find out his money is gone?

Will Gwen go to the in-laws? Do they live in Alamania? Vivian said she was going there.

I felt sorry for Maggie. What will she do now since she's not CEO?

Interesting how much Theresa looks like Gwen since she came back
Gwen was lucky it was Leo, not Sami, who caught her about to alter Dimitri’s anatomy. The screecher would have shot her dead just like she did to DiMera tool, Officer Bernardi, who once tried to do the same thing to Rafe.

Jada was at her worst today — even worse than clueless Lani. First, the evidence of Viv’s parole violation was practically waved under her nose and she just walked away. Next, she arrested Dimitri for attempted murder after he pointed a gun at Gabi and Zero. That’s not attempted murder, it’s the crime of menacing. Rafe should require this dunce to learn the penal code.

Alex may regret dumping Maggie. First, Titan’s stock price could nose dive. Even worse, if he tries to pick up a hottie at a local bar, she just might say: “Get lost, creep. I’ve heard what you did to that nice Maggie!”

Finally, scalpel-wielding Gwen has now morphed into Jeannie T. What a chameleon. I can’t say that I’m a fan.
Heck, Jada did not really question anyone about Dimitri pointing a gun. Does she seem concerned about Viv, who actually shot someone.....nope. Viv is sneaking out of town. Does she question Gabi & Stefan? Whoever the defense atty will be, gonna be an easy dismissal of charges it seems.
I wouldn't mind them recasting Theresa even though I really like Jen Lilley (Theresa). I would have preferred they did it and never had the character leave. What they did here is just a little too cute for my taste. Between Alex and now Theresa it feels like they treat this show like a class play where people have to play a bunch of stuff.

It just seems like nothing is serious. You want to do a 12 week story, well maybe make sure that works for the actress you want. You really want Emily O'Brien (Gwen) to stay? How about hooking her up with Brady? They're currently two sad sacks and Brady should be ready for his next woman. they could have been working to get big money from Dimitri or revenge or something.
Sure wish someone behind the scenes could give info on what the blazes the thinking was behind these happenings. Although, the fired guy is undoubtedly responsible, and it will take more time to fix all the screwed up items.

I would have definitely preferred a new actress be hired instead of all this "now you are playing some one else" schtick they have been using.

I can come up with no reason......except perhaps they run out of story for the character an actor is portraying, but the actor has a contract with time still to go, so they have to use the person some way or other. Or pay the person to just stay home. They already have backburnered at times, which annoys both the viewer and the actor.