Days of Our Lives - Friday, Sept. 29, 2023


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Nov 23, 2006
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A day filled with thoughts of murder all over Salem, as the fallout from the death Victor Kiriakis continues.

And now, of course, time for Kristen to appear, after all, taking advantage is her specialty, isn't it? She is with Gwen who talks of getting revenge on her spouse (Dimitri) for cheating on her with her best friend, talks of punishment for the betrayal. Dimitri arrives, asks why the closed door, Gwen makes up a story about planning a surprise for him.

Leo rushes into a room, where the dead, bloody bodies of Gwen & Stefan lay, Dimitri wiping a knife clean. Leo is appalled, Dimitri is smiling, he did "for us". Leo wakes up, very agitated.....but yes, all a dream. Alex is awakened by loud knocking at his door, it's Sonny, but Alex is all agitated about the fact he and Alex no longer have same dad, are not brothers, etc.

Alex is having a pity party, poor me, I am not who I thought I was. Sonny tries hard to talk him out of this mood, assuring him Justin is still the dad who raised him, Sonny is still the brother, but Alex is determined to keep at it. Finally Sonny can stay no longer, has to get back home, has been away too long as it is.

Kate & Marlena are having tea, coffee, lunch, something, as Kate tells Marlena all about the Victor's new will, and how it leaves the gloating Vivian out completely. They talk a bit about Eric & Sloan moving in together, Marlena thinks the two are "very compatible", (how polite).

Gabi & Stefan talk of tactics, to get majority share of the stock, thus take over. Stefan points out that even if they get Dimitri's shares, they will only have same amount as EJ. Gabi thinks they can get Li's shares, she will seduce him!. Stefan quickly vetoes that idea, doesn't want her sleeping with anyone but him, and off to the bedroom they go, later coming out adjusting clothes they just put back on.

Leo is upset, wants Dimitri to promise that murdering Stefan & Gabi is not gonna happen. He finally agrees, they hug and kiss, Gwen opens the door, sees them, and quietly closes it.

Kristen is all for getting rid of Dimitri, killing him. Gwen is not a murderer, and knows Kristen won't kill anyone either. They argue, Gwen storms out. Kristen goes to the big wall safe behind a large picture, takes a gun out of the safe.

And we see Vivian having a ball, getting rid of Maggie's knick-knacks, in fact, she wants everything in the house removed. In comes Maggie, no she is not leaving, as tho Victor tore up his will, he then wrote a new one, she reads it aloud. He left 50% of his estate to Maggie Horton, and 50% to Alex. (sure hope little Alex is really Xander!). Vivian grabs the will, tears it into small pieces, but Maggie says, it is only a copy, she already had the real one probated, it is a done deal.

Gwen comes outside, pretending not to have seen Dimitri & Leo. They claim Dimitri was asking Leo about planning a surprise for Gwen. She has errands, will see both later.

Alex is thinking about this surprising development, in comes Vivian, blathering on and on about teaming up with Alex, and taking over Titan completely. Alex shows her the door, shoves her out, closes it firmly. But later, he is mulling over what the future holds for him.

Dimitri reassures Leo, they hug, kiss, outside, but Gwen open the door, spots them, withdraws back inside, quietly closing the door. Dimitri returns into the house, only to find Kristen pointing a gun at him. She gets closer, the gun at Dimitri's chest, but he calls her bluff, knows she never actually killed anyone herself, and takes the gun from her.

Gwen comes into the room, talks to Leo, carrying a lovely big banana cream pie, his favorite. He is thanking her profusely as she shoves it in his face!!

Stefan & Gabi are ready and expectant as Dimitri enters the room. "Do you have what we want?", says Gabi. Dimitri looks around, says yes, he thinks he does......and pulls that gun out, pointing it at Gabi & Stefan. They stand there, silent, a shot rings out. Camera changes over to fully cover Dimitri, looking a bit startled as he falls to the ground, revealing Vivian behind him, gun still in her hands, pointing.
Thanks for writing this up, Poirot. Yes, some good scenes, such as Vivian being kicked out, Sonny comforting Alex after learning the truth, the ending with Gwen and Leo, but it must be said. If these are the highlights, that ain't saying much. The show has been dreadful as of late. I really hope we get new writers, and quickly.
Here is the thing. Louise Sorel (Vivian) lives in New York. Won't stay long in L.A. guessing Viv's visit to Salem won't last long. I think Peter Porte (Dimitri) is liked by the viewers, and the staff, so doubt Dimitri would be killed off. I do think there will be a change in focus, but we won't see it for a while. Belle & Philip are short term, Gabi wants out (speaking of the actors) , some of the "children" will probably get aged so they would still have younger actors.

We already note the backburner status of Roman, Steve, John, Kayla, Marlena, not even Lucas is around. Yes, the cast was too large, so.......guess we will see.
Nicely done, Poirot!

I thought Gabi was going to get shot, since her portrayer, Camille Banus, is leaving, as we all know. Was actually shocked by Vivian suddenly appearing at just the right time. Of course, the front door was left open or unlocked, par for the course with security at DiMansion.

Leo will be devastated. He is having a bad day. First he gets a pie in the face and a lashing by Gwen, now his lover is either dead or in bad shape. Please, no more comas!

Alex was not listening to Sonny, who really said some wonderful things.

If Alex is all about genetics and the people in his life having different "titles" now, then he will depriving himself of the relationships he needs to maintain. He is definitely having a pity party. What about Justin's feelings?

As if Alex doesn't care about the money! He will need that money.

Still think the real son is Xander, who needs the money even more.

Enjoyed Marlena and Kate.
21 minutes it lost audio, but it came back between 23 and 24 minutes.

They can't think like normal people because they are so far from normal that they will never be back.

I think Vivian will skip on this shooting. She was keeping Dimwit Dimitri from killing her son. Too bad it was not Kreepy Krummy Kristen she drew down on.
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Thanks, Poirot,

It's a new day in Salem, but what's the time? Leo mentioned breakfast or is it? I wasn't sure if Kristen and Gwen
were having juice out of whiskey glasses.

Marlena told Kate that Sloan's apartment is spacious. They why are they sleeping in the living room?

Alex is now more of jerk than he used to be. What are his plans? Will he do something to hurt Maggie
since Vivian mentioned it.

What happened to Kristen? She gave up too easy with Dimitri.

I hope Gwen has something more planned than throwing a pie into Leo's face or will things change since
Dimitri got shot.

Great end of the show with Vivian shooting Dimitri. Will she stick around for the police or leave town?
Hmmm, wonder if Dimitri is dead and as his widow, Gwen inherits everything?
Gwen better hire Sloan and get ready for a court battle. The Von Leuschner trustees could easily claim that since Dimitri’s marriage to Gwen didn’t last the requisite year, no money is payable. After all, why would they want an upstart nobody like Gwen to get the sacred Von L. fortune?

I think Vivian will skip on this shooting. She was keeping Dimwit Dimitri from killing her son. Too bad it was not Kreepy Krummy Kristen she drew down on.

A person may use deadly force to protect another person from deadly force. Since any reasonable person would have thought that Dimitri was about to shoot Gabi and Viv’s beloved Stefan, she should be in the clear for the shooting. However, this is the only good news for Vivian. She’s lost the battle for Victor’s estate and has been given the cold shoulder by Alex, she should just slink out of town in defeat. Maybe she can go back to Bollywood and cry on Ivan’s shoulder.

As for distraught Alex, he should go see Marlena. Learning that your parents aren’t really your parents is so common in Salem that Doc probably has a therapy group for those who’ve had this experience.
Marlena thinks the two are "very compatible
I agree. They're both awful and insufferable. Ship them out of Salem and send us their SORAS'd problem teen next August.
Stefan points out that even if they get Dimitri's shares, they will only have same amount as EJ.
This really makes no sense, they change the rules too often to really care.