Days of our Lives - Friday, September 8, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
36 minutes

John Doe is talking to Marlena, wondering if she knows what happened to his memory? She does know why. He has an old skull fracture but it’s healed. John thanks her and he goes to leave to find his son.

Replay of Sarah’s water breaking. Replay of Xander doing the baby math and talking with Sarah.

Replay of the final scene as Vivian walks in. Vivian picks up an orange juice, Maggie orders her out of the house. Vivian says I’m here to stay.

Marlena stops John Doe because her husband has figure out some history and wants to talk with him. John tells Mr. Doe that while he hasn’t found Mr. Doe’s son, he does know who Mr. Doe is. John Doe is Joseph Bell. John hands Joseph Bell his old dog tags. The name doesn’t ring a bell. John tells Joe that the director of the VA said he does have issues with remembering that name.

Joe wants to leave to find his son, he has to find his son. John tells Joe that he has additional information. Joe served in the Korean war. Joe remembers talking with Julie about the war. John explains that Joe was in the same platoon with Timothy Robicheaux (thank goodness for closed captioning). Timothy was John’s biological father. Joe thinks the name does sound familiar. Is it possible that we were friends.

Back to Vivian and her swooping into break up the funeral. Vivian is supposed to be in prison. Justin thinks they may have furloughed for the funeral. But she’s not family, Vivian is upset that they are saying all of these terrible things in front of her son. Philip says and here we go, Philip walks over to Vivian, who hugs and continues to hang on to Philip. Kate explains to all who weren’t watching that Vivian stole her embryo and carried Philip to term.

Bonnie, an ex-con herself, wants to know where is Vivian’s guard and where is her ankle monitor? Bonnie thinks she escaped. Vivian claims to have been released on good behavior. Kate claims a day doesn’t go by without Vivian breaking at least 4 laws, Maggie chimes in and a slew of commandments, and you tried to kill me. Kate adds you tried to kill me twice. Vivian wants to remember just the good times.

Kate comes back with the only good time with you was when you were locked in a sarcophagus. Maggie orders out of the house again. Vivian brought papers from her release. She was released for good behavior. Maggie walks up to Vivian and says if Victor was here, I know exactly what he’d say to you and in an outside voice, Maggie brings up her inner Victor “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, NOW!!” Vivian melts into Philip.

Sarah is in labor; she needs to push. Flashback to Xander delivering Sarah’s first baby.

Justin tires to comfort Maggie. Vivian tells Maggie that she is desecrating Victor’s memory as Bonnie says no, you are. Vivian tells Adrienne to shut up. Bonnie tells Vivian that she’s NOT Adrienne, but Bonnie Lockart. Vivian remembers who Bonnie is. The gold digger who married Mickey Horton. Justin warns Vivian to not speak that way about his wife.

Vivian wants to know if Justin traded for a carbon copy, just like she did when her beloved Nicholas’ cocker spaniel? Bonnie interrupts and then Maggie tells Bonnie she can speak for herself. We now get a Vivian and Victor flashback where Victor supports Maggie to Vivian. Followed by another flashback, the OMG! My EYES! flashback.

Sarah wants the picture of Victor turned around. Chloe runs to go get the bag out of Rex’s car. They send Xander to get towels, he says there are lots in the garden shed. Sarah snarks at him, well you would know. The decision to have the baby at the house rather than in a moving car has been made. Sarah wants to be at a hospital because she knows all the bad things that can happen. She is also worried that because she’s in so much pain she may tell Xander he is the baby's daddy.

Joe wants to know all about John’s father, John explains that he was adopted at a young age. John has spent most of his life not knowing who he was. But eventually John found out he was John Robicheaux. John’s dad was a deserter and left and went to China changed his name to Yo-Ling a man filled with hate.

Joe remembers being in a fox hole, an explosion, a terrible pain in the back of his head, a man came by and took Joe’s dog tags and ran off.

Rex and Sarah talk, then Sarah flashes back to Xander delivering the baby (baby Mickey). Xander and Chloe arrive. Xander looks concerned and he steps in telling Sarah to remember the birthing class. Flashback to Xander delivering the baby

The living room confrontations continue. Vivian is not leaving until the reading of the will. Vivian is certain that since the will was updated recently, Philip was left out of it because he was well, dead. Kate wants to know how Vivian would know anything about Victor updating his will? Vivian tells her any good attorney would know that. Justin tells Vivian that she’s not in the will, he drafted it.

They haven’t scheduled the reading of the will yet, but Justin will get the will out so Vivian can leave this house now. Vivian asks Philip to get her another mimosa and this time put some vodka in it. Philip asks if it’s one for the road? Justin has gone to the safe in the living room but is unable to find Victor’s will. Maggie looks concerned.

Joe tells of being concerned he was going to die. John thinks his dad helped. Joe says no, in the flashback the young man Joe tells the other guy to help him, he doesn’t want to die because his wife is going to have a baby. Other man tells Joe well if there is going to be a body anyway and he takes the dog tags, leaving his dog tags in Joe’s hand and crawls away. Joseph Bell’s dog tags aren’t Joe’s. It occurs to John that Joseph Bell was Yo-Ling and this man, Timothy Robicheaux, is his father.

Back at the Kiriakas living room, Kate tells Philip that he isn’t in the will and she isn’t in the will but Victor set up a secret trust for Philip that he is being taken care of. Victor called his estate attorneys while on his last trip and told them to destroy his will. Vivian is all smiles. Concerned looks abound.

John Doe/Joe Bell/Timothy Robicheaux looks at John and says "my son". Each adult male has been searching for each other. John was born on a rural farm in Louisiana, Tim remembers a farm.

Back to the Sarah giving birth, is there is a cliché about birthing it is played here. Sarah has another baby girl. Sarah is holding the baby; she was afraid if she had another baby girl it would be like replacing Mackenzie but it’s not, this little girl is perfect. Rex tells her we did it. Flashback to Xander handing Sarah baby Mackenzie and saying she is perfect.

At the pub, Kate and Philip chat about the funeral. They wonder why Rex and Sarah didn’t come back to the house? Kate tells Philip that he gave a wonderful eulogy. Philip thought he would have time to live up to his father. Flashback of Philip and Victor. Kate reassures Philip that his father loved him.

Maggie wants to know if Victor filed a new will? He didn’t, Vivian claims she’s not a lawyer but doesn’t that mean Victor died intestate (without a will). Ignoring her, Maggie asks Justin what is the next step? Justin says if there is no will, the estate is left to the surviving spouse. Maggie, you get everything. Vivian chuckles and says well that’s not really true.

John and Tim chuckle as they begin to wrap their heads around their new found relationship. Tim wants to know where Maude is? (Maude was Tim’s wife, the pregnant one from Korea) John tells Tim that he’s sorry but Maude passed away some time ago. Marlena says Mr. Doe. The former Mr. Doe says Timothy. Marlena chuckles and says Timothy, I know this is a lot for you to take in. Tim says the man who helped me find my son turned out to be my son. It’s a miracle.

Kate is glad she has had this time to spend with Philip.

Maggie wants to know what Vivian means? Apparently, the papers weren’t filled properly so Vivian is the actual legal spouse and she will inherit everything. (Give me a break, this is the best they could come up with, really?)

Sarah is holding the baby and shuddering while Rex works on her. Sarah hands the baby to Xander, who notes she’s really pale. Sarah tries to tell Xander something but in true soap opera fashion passes out before telling what it is she wants to tell Xander.

Timothy wants to know if John loves baseball? Marlena asks if John is okay. John does a quick breakdown of his past. Marlena tells John that what Stefano did to him was not his fault. John can’t believe that he found THE Timothy Robicheaux. They hug and promise to never lose one another again.
Well, I'm glad they "un-Ling'd" John and he now has a good parent, not one who will try to kill him or his children. Congrats John! Wait until Brady, Belle and Paul find out they have a new grandpa.

So, since Sarah's baby was a girl, my guess is Nicole will have a boy.
I thought Sarah, as a doctor, could have been a little calmer at having a baby. Of course, it was unusual circumstances. Wish my labor was that fast!! Victor being intestate is plain stupid. That man had everything in order.
The entire improperly filed divorce paper story is pure horse hockey, uninspired, overdone, shiftless, apathetic, dull, lazy writing imaginable, it must be the former guy's idea of brilliance. But if anyone can overact and chew scenery through an insipid story like this, it's Vivian. Now, will she go see her other nephew, Dimitri, while she's in town??

Rex is a doctor. He can't see that Sarah is bleeding out? What else is he doing down there under the towel????

Harold is just going to have to throw that chaise away, there'll be no getting it clean again.
Dimitri isn't Vivian's nephew. However, Stefan is her son. You would think she would be interested in seeing her son.

Nicole will probably have a boy although there's been lots of boys born lately. Baby Bo, Jan's baby, and Isaac.
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Actually, I enjoyed the show. They tied up some loose ends, John got his real dad. Dick Van Dyke was on again, liked all the flashbacks with Victor, Everyone united in trying to boot out Vivian. However, Victor would never have not had a will in place, so am guessing and hoping he made out a new one in Greece, thus ordered the old one torn up.

Give me a huge break........Viv claiming divorce papers not filed? Since when? Vic's attorneys would have that done in a flash. Vic was married to Maggie for years, Viv just a short time.

By the way, I burst out laughing at the "my eyes, my eyes" flashback. Good one. Glad they could them with the original actors.

And....of course, we had to prepare for new drama, thus the fainting of Sarah, and the claim of Vivian that she is the widow. (and all these years she never said a word, lol) Of course not, Vic would have corrected the error in a nano second.
Best part was Dick Van Dyke (Timothy Robicheaux). I wonder if Timothy will stick around a bit and meet his new-found family.

I think Sarah was about to tell Xander the truth when she passed out. No idea if she will go into a coma or die, anything can happen, but if it does, will Rex or Maggie tell Xander he's the baby girl's father?

I do agree about the whole Vivian inheriting all to be inane. But still glad she is back for the drama, since Louise Sorel (Vivian) always brings it to the nth degree.
It didn’t even take two weeks for me to be annoyed at the Vivian story. It took a day. I just can’t stand the thought of sitting through Vivian moving into the house, Maggie staying at the Inn or wherever, or the two women living together while it’s all sorted. It’s a DiMera storyline with Kiriakis pants on, and it makes no sense. How did Vivian know this was going to happen? Did she have something to do with Victor’s death? Why would he destroy a will? She’s obviously plotting all this. It’s not even a great mystery.

The John stuff has so little juice because it’s popping up out of nowhere with no emotional build up. They could have planted some of the angst for the past few weeks with John pondering again about his past. He’s getting older, running out of time to find the truth. Victor’s death could prompt him to go on a quest with Steve for a couple of weeks. They could build up to this reconciliation. It’s all so rushed.

I’m glad Sarah went into labor. I’m ready for her secret to come out. I’m sure it means she’s going to want Xander back, but I hate him not knowing.
How long will Vivian be on the show? Please tell me it's not long.

I am betting Vivian set up someone to call and cancel the will. Also, no lawyer would do anything like that over the phone.
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Give me a huge break........Viv claiming divorce papers not filed? since when? Vic's attorneys would have that done in a flash. Vic was married to Maggie for years, Viv just a short time.

By the way, I burst out laughing at the "my eyes, my eyes" flashback. Good one. Glad they could them with the original actors.

And....of course, we had to prepare for new drama, thus the fainting of Sarah, and the claim of Vivian that she is the widow. (and all these years she never said a word, lol) Of course not, Vic would have corrected the error in a nano second.
Right you are Poirot. The judge would file the divorce decree right after signing it. If he/she didn’t, Victor and his lawyers would have been all over it. Also absurd is the idea that Vic, a man with an extensive estate, would leave himself without a will. Finally, Victor’s widow getting everything is all wrong. Under the Illinois intestacy statute, the widow would get half and the living children would get half. This means that Shaggy and comatose Bo have to split the children’s share. (Really, what kind of final tribute to Victor would contain facts that make him look like a fool?)

Salem Cemetery is very well equipped. What other graveyard would have chairs, a lounge chair, blankets, and towels handy?

Kudos to Doll-in-Blanket for a great job playing the new baby on such short notice.

Finally, it was good news today for Dick Van Dyke and John, but John’s corrected paternity raises a new question. Didn’t Yo-Daddy once want John’s blood because he thought John was his son? If so, it looks as if the addled Yo-Yo couldn’t keep his plots straight.
Thanks, robin.

Excellent show today after so many bad ones here and there.

Timothy was so surprised the man who was helping him turned out to be his son. That's the Salem way .

Nice seeing the flashbacks with Xander and Sarah when their baby was born.

Xander was so concerned about Sarah and he was helping her. How long will it be before he finds out he's the
baby daddy?

Enjoyed the flashbacks with Victor today.

So, Philip has a trust set up for him in Europe. Will he stay in Salem or leave?

It was sort of funny when Vivian kept calling Philip her son. He didn't help matters by hugging her and getting
her a drink.

Is Vivian really Victor's wife? Let's hope not.

Will Vivian make Maggie and the rest of the K-family leave the mansion?