Days of Our Lives - Mon. Apr. 1, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 1, 2019

A rather strange show today, as JJ remembers conversation with Ben & Ciara, and then seeing the lighter in Claire's jewelry box. Kayla sees him looking a bit troubled, sits him down, he tells her about being puzzled by Claire having this lighter, and Jordan saying she did not set the first fire. They discuss it, Kayla doubts Claire would go to such lengths as to set the cabin on fire, JJ decides he will ask her why she has the lighter, since she doesn't smoke.

Replay of Eve gleefully showing Jack the video of Tripp admitting his upcoming marriage to Haley is a sham, Jack saying no we won't use it, have another idea. And then over in Claire's room at Salem Inn, Tripp deciding to go check on Haley, much to Claire's dismay. She is obviously angry, but covers it, pretending to be o.k with him leaving, she will go with. He says no, because if Eve & Jack are keeping an eye on them, no more ammunition. He leaves, she is ticked.

Ciara & Ben show up at the cop shop, as they were told Jordan said she did not start the fire, wanted to see if they know who. Hope had not heard that, has not seen Rafe, but immediately is back onto figuring it was Ben. Ciara defends him, tells her mother to lay off, Ben innocent, she is now taking him home, he cannot drive. Hope doesn't like her going to DiMansion, but Ciara says not to worry, she was not hurt, was in wrong place, wrong time. They leave, unbeknownst to them, Hope has a squad car follow and keep an eye out for Ciara, even telling them to let Hope know when Ciara leaves.

Melinda comes to see Haley, saw on the news she was getting married, claims to be concerned. Haley wonders why, since Melinda last told her she was on her own. Melinda has something important to tell her, Tripp arrives, Haley introduces, Tripp makes a few snide remarks, Melinda takes her leave. Tripp apologizes to Haley, she isn't mad, first time anyone defended her like that.

Rafe is with Jordan, who is telling him she has a baby, a boy, she left with a friend in California, could not bring him with her, worried Ben could harm him. She needs her baby, cannot get out of the hospital, tearfully begs Rafe to go get her son, bring him back to her. He says o.k., she cries, wants her son, makes him promise to bring him back, don't tell anyone.

Rafe goes to the cop shop, talks with Hope, telling her of Jordan having a baby, wanting him to go get him. Hope is not pleased, but Rafe has already made plane reservations, and is going. She wants him there, she needs him, he brings up Ted, she comments he was only helping because Rafe was not there, Rafe negates that, the guy was constantly coming on to you.

Claire is very upset, calls Eve, wants to see her NOW. Jack & Eve come to the room, Claire tells of Tripp going to check on Haley, because of THEM. Jack admits it was bad timing on their part, gets a call, goes off to take it. Eve tries to make excuses, telling Claire of their plan to play the recording after Tripp & Haley announce their engagement & wedding plan. I.C.E. will be all over them, they will get exposed. Claire is having a meltdown, no, no, I would lose Tripp completely. Eve can see she is upset about something, doesn't think it is this, brings up how Claire reminds her of Paige, how Eve would talk to her, help her thru something. Claire remarks her mother is too far away.....but that is why Eve wants to know what is bothering Claire, tell her, let her help, let her make it better. Claire has flashback of finding the lighter, holding it lit. Tells Eve to go, she does, Claire lays on bed, crying, Eve returns, holds her.

Now all thru the 2nd half of the show, after Rafe leaves her, there are scenes of Jordan, in her hospital bed, singing Hush little baby, have you heard, mama's going buy you a mocking she cradles what evidently is a rolled up towel, sheet (???). All the various verses, she rocks her “baby” and sings. It is odd, how the scenes keep just keep coming in between other scenes.

Ciara & Ben walk into what used to be the groundskeeper's cottage (he got married, children, moved, and now commutes). So this place is separate from the DiMera mansion. They sit on the sofa, chat a bit, Ben knows her mother suspects him again of starting the fire, figures eventually Ciara will, too. Nope, she snuggles next to him, trusts him, and nothing will ever make her change her mind. She knows he didn't set it. Soon they are kissing, getting passionate, but Ben calls a halt, this is not right, he has to get back to work, she has to leave.

Tripp & Haley sit and chat, showing pictures “in their youth”.

Rafe is leaving, asks Hope if she is coming home now. She will be there right after him.

Show ends on another scene of Jordan singing to her towel.
I will say I was so tempted to writing an "April Fool" summary first, before this one, but, to me, the show was just too weird, and I would have probably made up a better story than what we got. (i.e. Jack getting complete memory recall, Steve showing up, Eve getting deflated, Melinda admitting Haley is actually legal.........lololol, you know, all the stuff we have wanted to perhaps happen.......!)
Melinda looking at old pic of Haley is telling. I bet she's her daughter. And not illegal!!

Hope and Rafe. I cannot take it!! They are not happy. They do not love each other. Please please end it!! Bring on a new character for Hope to get involved with. I loved her and Aiden but they sure blew that up!!

Really want this whole illegal immigration story over too. Jack is just despicable.

When are Ciara and Ben gonna have the I love yous?
Yeah, Jack is drinking his beer alone......his son gives him dirty look and passes him by. Melinda sits drinking her wine alone, looking at that pic of little Haley.
And Haley is showing same pic to Tripp. So......the game is afoot.
So, if what Melinda has to tell Haley is that she IS her daughter, and also legally in the US, why would she have ever told her otherwise? I get if she was ashamed of having an assumed out of wedlock daughter, so it was easier to say she was her sister, but the whole illegal part? I hope that this ridiculous story is over soon.

And OMG, Hope blaming Ben AGAIN. After she made a big deal of how she believes in "second chances" when she recommended Ted for the DA job. I am glad that Hope and Rafe seems to be crumbling since they never belonged together, but I really don't see any chemistry with Ted, either. And he is sleazy.

I do NOT want Claire to confess her fire starting to Eve, no matter how badly she needs a mother figure. Eve has proven to be nothing but evil and she is not ever going to be redeemed in my mind, no matter what the writers may have in mind. I am hoping that when Jack gets his memory back and dumps her, that she will just slink away for ever. But I am not hopeful of that outcome.
Losing Streaks: Things haven't been going well for Hope lately: the Ted issue, incurring Abe's wrath, and Jordan's baby. Will the news that Ben now has his own private love nest on the grounds of the DiMansion be the thing that finally makes her head explode?

Be Careful Whom You Conspire With: Eve could have made a big mistake by bringing impatient, self-centered drama queen Claire into her Haley plot. Instead of being a useful tool, the brat girl might just ruin everything with her big mouth and lack of common sense.

Faux Infants: If Jordan needs a stand-in for her baby, TPTB could do better than a folded blanket. They should supply her with fan-favorite Doll-in-Blanket. The famous doll, who has ably taken the place of many famous Salem infants, would be a perfect of source of comfort until her hero, Rafe, brings the real thing back from California.

Alternate personalities: Melinda made a surprise appearance today, in which she remarkably didn't snarl or make threats. What's next -- Stefan Zero reveals himself to be Salem's leading humanitarian or Hope turns into a competent police commissioner?
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TBTP could do better than a folded blanket. They should supply her with fan-favorite Doll-in-Blanket. The famous doll, who has ably taken the place of many famous Salem infants, would be a perfect of source of comfort until her hero, Rafe, brings the real thing back from California.
Reply from Doll-in-Blanket:

It's a sad day in Salem when they replace ME with a folded towel. What's next? Replacing beloved Benchie with a cardboard cutout? The iconic Horton ornaments with construction paper facsimiles?

Thanks, Poirot.

Rafe needs to stop saving damsels in distress and start saving his marriage.

Poor Ben.. Hope knows Jordan didn't start the first fire so Ben is back on
the "he did it" list. And now Hope is having someone from the Salem PD
Ciara around.

Nice to see Melinda stop by to see her sister. I've always wondered if Melinda
is her mom and she had Haley in China out of wedlock. That's why Haley
grew up there.

I thought the end was interesting with Jordan singing to the sheet (I thought it
was blanket too at first) and seeing the other people interacting with each other.

JJ understands there is something fishy with Claire having the lighter in her
jewelry box. then learn Jordan didn't start the first fire... It's Salem and things
like that happen all the time.
Poor Ben.. Hope knows Jordan didn't start the first fire so Ben is back on
the "he did it" list. And now Hope is having someone from the Salem PD
Ciara around.
Firstly, this seems like an ill use of resources. Secondly, why does she believe clearly out-of-her-mind Jordan but refuses to believe Ben?

And thirdly, too much to hope the writers will make perennial teflon witches Eve or Kate or Kristen responsible for the fire?
Jordan, Claire, and Jack should go back from where they came, and take Hope with them. So SICK of all of these characters and their storylines. Just because it provides a reprieve from the dull love triangle doesn't mean it's enjoyable!