Days of Our Lives - Mon. Apr. 19, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, April 19, 2010
Episode #11,316 Taped 2/26 Director – Phil Sogard

Sarcastic, snarky, & stupid seem to fit a couple of conversations that go on today. First, tho, we see Stephanie talking with Lexie at the hospital (wonder why they did not just make her be a nurse, since she is never in her office doing her public relations job) as Maxine comes along, informing Lexie they have lost patient, Mrs. Martin. Stephanie has to babble about Mrs. Martin running various charity drives at the hospital, Lexie learns Dr. Horton was in charge, and student nurse Melanie Layton was present. Lexie & Stephanie go to the locker room, and fortunately Stephanie leaves right away. Lexie is starting to talk to the two of them, as Stephanie returns, saying Mrs. Martin’s daughter is there, Nathan leaves to talk to her. Melanie assures Lexie Nathan did everything he could, did no wrong. Later, Nathan is talking with Stephanie, upset over losing a patient, she tries to be comforting. Hate all the jumping around here, but next Nathan is talking to Lexie, who worries about the interaction between him & Melanie, and his focus. And now Nathan talks to Melanie, admitting he was thinking about her when he went into that room, not the patient, Melanie thinks perhaps it was a mistake to return to the nursing program, Stephanie comes up to them, Melanie leaves to go home to her husband, it has been a long day. Nathan talks of the viral myocarditis being what caused Mrs. Martin to die and that he wants to be present at the inquiry (the inquiry is standard procedure), not wanting anyone to think because his name is Horton he gets any special favors.

At the cop shop, Abe comes into the office, where Hope sits with a bunch of paperwork, and babbles at him a mile a minute….maybe 10 miles a minute, hardly letting him get a word in edgewise. She had just received word Ciara forgot her lunch and had promised to take it to her, then Abe comes in, she rattles on and on about the case, the workload, thinks he is going to take her off the mugger case. Abe finally manages to interject that Roman got to talk to the D.A. who retracts his accusation against Rafe, admitting he really did not hear his attacker say a word, just was convinced it was Rafe. Hope cannot believe the DA, of all people, would do something like that. Abe thinks she is under a lot of stress perhaps, as Adrienne comes up, Abe leaves. Adrienne just wants to talk about Hope getting her there under false pretenses, and yet Adrienne is still in town. Now Justin comes in, wondering why that is. Hope takes off, Adrienne wants to go somewhere more private to talk to Justin, and they end up at the Cheatin’ Heart. Adrienne reports she already has a buyer, Justin is surprised….”in this economy??”. Adriennne says people still drink in a bad economy, mentions the buys wants to change the name “to something more eponymous”. And now she brings up their marriage, how much she leaned on him years ago when they met, he was her rock, and that rock sort of hid how much she loved him. And she leaned on him throughout their marriage….Justin says he didn’t mind…she says she is sorry, tears forming in her eyes. He is sorry, too. She talks of them both now perhaps just moving forward, giving a rather weak smile. (She really does look beautiful!)

And now we go back and forth between Sami & Stefano at DiMansion, while Rafe verbally duels with EJ down by the docks, Benchie hears it all. LOL Stefano has a hard time getting the words out, but thanks Sami for letting the children spend the night. She knows the words must just stick in his throat. He then takes his time, but asks for bygones to be bygones, for the animosity to end, they call a truce, for the sake of the children, extending his hand………..which just sits there in mid-air as Sami retorts that her IQ is not mush, she has a long memory, and will never forget all he has done. There is a lot more, Stefano is angry, she is certainly not like her mother. Sami tells him to not even go there. He tells her she has sealed her own fate, that EJ will want his children to see their grandfather, Nope, Sami will not allow it, and even threatens to have Sydney’s custody agreement changed. Stefano starts roaring, not understanding how his son could possibly……he stops, then says something about having children with this woman. Sami knows he was going to say something else. She is getting her children, and they will never come here again. Stefano smirks, oh, yes, you will bring them, just to visit with their brother William. After all, he lives here now, doesn’t he?

Over on the docks, Rafe & EJ play their verbal games…EJ insulting Rafe, who smiles, not letting it get to him. EJ makes cracks about Rafe not having Sami in his life, being unable to accept defeat in solving the kidnapping. Oh, but Rafe remembers how EJ was so adamant his father was never going to see the children, and this 180 only means Stefano has something on him, Rafe wonders what it is, and intends to find out. Rafe mentions Anna, and tho she was intelligent enough to get away, Bennie was not. And old Bennie found himself in this big caper, definitely had help getting lost now. EJ is quietly cocky, tho Rafe talks of uncovering all the lies EJ has told Sami, lie after lie after lie, and how he will eventually be exposed. Rafe gets a call, Anna has been found in Morocco. He leaves, EJ runs home to Fatha.

Sami has the children out in the car with Mary there, returns to look for that dang penguin, accusing Stefano of hiding it to insure the children return. However Kate comes in, the penguin is in the diaper bag, Sami leaves, Kate can tell Stefano is a bit frustrated. He tells her how EJ has feelings for Sami still, Kate asks if perhaps she should bake some brownies. LOLOLOL. He has to figure out how to deal with Sami, and in comes the very upset EJ, who ushers Kate out of the room, closing the door, telling Stefano about Anna being found, how she is going to spill everything to the cops, just like she did to Stefano.

Sami has come to the police station, running into Rafe. Days uses the flimsy excuse of her bringing the kids to see Roman, lolol….learns from Rafe that Anna was found. Rafe is surprised EJ has not told Sami, as he was there when Rafe got the call.

Stefano chuckles telling EJ not to worry, that the cops do not have Anna, that is not her. He made sure they were on the wrong track. EJ heaves a sigh of relief, as now Rafe gets a call, and learns that indeed, the woman in custody is not Anna. Sami seems surprised he is still working on the case, but Rafe is not going to rest until he finds out everything. He leaves the room.

And down on the docks, Lexie is on her cell, trying to reach Nathan, when she spots a body. She says oh, no, and rushes over to find an unconscious Abe sprawled on the dock.


Almost forgot.....Hope is at home, is taking a pill with water, as the nanny comes in with Ciara, ready to take her up to bed. Hope apologizes to Ciara as she never did bring her lunch to her, she inquires as whether she ever got something to eat, then decides to take Ciara up herself, will read her a story, thanks the nanny, sending her home. Hope and Ciara go upstairs. Later, Hope is returning home, taking off her coat, sees Ciara on the sofa, with her stuffed animal. Ciara was scared, didn't know where Mommy was. Then says she misses Daddy, adds she misses Uncle Justin. Hope smiles, strokes Ciara's hair as she replies, that maybe, some day, Uncle Justin will be your new daddy!
Hope- WHAAAAAT!!!!!?? Oh Hope.... You know it's one thing if it's not Bo who she'll be with but my gosh- PLEEEEEASE not Justin- he looks creepy and looks like a blueberry in those god awful suits DAYS makes him wear.

Sami- My IQ is not mush! ? Seriously ? I wish you all could have seen my face when I read that. Gee, Sami with your actions as of late- you sure could have fooled me that your IQ has gone south!

Thank you for the write up- was very good. very good.
Thanks for the write-up.

Hope is starting to crack. The next few weeks are going to be good. Finally a s/l when we get to see Hope return to her scrappy self.

Oh Poor EJ, NOT. Stephano has you by the family jewels and now you are squirming around trying not to get caught.

Sami and Stephano always light of the screen when they are together. I think both actors do really well in their scenes. Although Allison Sweeny has said that doing scenes with Joe (Stephano) is really hard because he makes her laugh before they get into intense conversations and she has a hard time staying in character.
why cant nathan let this go? why does he keep pushing the situation with melanie?
Sami retorts that her IQ is not mush, she has a long memory, and will never forget all he has done.

Where's that non-mushy brain and long memory when it comes to his son? At least Stefano realizes she is NOTHING like her mother, though Sami probably thinks that's a good thing.

LOL to Kate's line about the brownies! Yes, Kate, bake away!

Barb, when you mentioned Hope talking a mile a minute, did it seem like something was wrong with her? Her behavior really seems odd--forgetting Ciara's lunch?--especially this new interest in Justin when before she was perfectly clear IMO that she had no interest in him.

Thanks for the writeup; much appreciated!
Great write up Barb!! Thanks so much!

What the heck is going on with Hope. I mean I have read spoilers....but I just dont think I can beleive it till I see it!
This show sounds like it's turning into a bad horror movie! This doesn't sound like a soap!
Poor Ciara! Hope goes and leaves Ciara alone?
This will all explode when Bo returns!
He's not going to be happy when he finds out Hope left his child alone.
I know Hope's taking pills and not in her right frame of mind but geez leaving Ciara alone?
Justin is NOT Ciara's father and never will be. Hope should not have said that.
Hope shouldn't have let Ciara get so attached to Justin.
Hope's losing her marbles.
I'm surprised they are having Lauren Boles be apart of such creepy scenes!
The poor girl will have nightmares for weeks!
@Paxton.......Hope seriously just goes on and on and on and on, Abe tries to say something but she is just babbling about all the work, the mugger case, don't take me off it, please don't remove me from the case, I can handle all this, gotta go do this, that and the other. Non-stop. Worse than when Sami doesn't shut up. LOL She even asks Abe if Bo called him, is this why he is here, I mean, she just is jumping on every word, half word, etc.
Can't wait to see this scene for a good laugh out loud moment:

Sami retorts that her IQ is not mush, she has a long memory, and will never forget all he has done.
But apparently she has forgotten all that EJ has done!

Sounds like Hope may be taking some sort of illegal drug! Bo needs to get back soon!

Your write ups Barb, are truly fantastic!
Anyone think maybe Hope is the mugger? Seems like she is going to have a split personality from the pills.
@Paxton.......Hope seriously just goes on and on and on and on, Abe tries to say something but she is just babbling about all the work, the mugger case, don't take me off it, please don't remove me from the case, I can handle all this, gotta go do this, that and the other. Non-stop. Worse than when Sami doesn't shut up. LOL She even asks Abe if Bo called him, is this why he is here, I mean, she just is jumping on every word, half word, etc.

The writing appears to be on the wall...Hope's actions of late could be the next step, when Bo returns, for him filing sole custody for Ciara. This will not set well with Hope to think Ciara will be around Carly. If there is a custody suit will Hope bring out to the court that she doesn't want her daughter around Carly because she is a murderer? And I wonder who Bo would have care for Ciara if she lived with him? Vivian will probably take advantage of both Chloe's insecurities and Hope's condition to try and do away with Carly. I'm not in favor of a story line that involves making a little girl steal or be tossed back and forth between parents, Ciara may be a little actress but she is also an impressionable little girl.
As unknow and scary as this is for kristian I am sure she will rock the whole S/L. If Justin is in the scene by the time Bo gets here, he has no right to say anything. Ciara certainly does not like Carly. Poor little girl. Kristian what a S/L/:smile::(
Thanks Poroit...sounds like an interesting start to the week.

I'm with all of you who wonder about Sami's ability to believe that EJ's promises to God have changed him, but not Stefano's? Seems Sami is a bit selective in who is granted forgiveness for their sins. Stefano was so much more believable when Sydney's clothes were found missing.

Good to see EJ is a little freaked about Anna and Rafe and that Stefano is completely in control of things. Elvis' days of self satisfied pomposity as the top dog are over; who's the puppet master now? Take that and put it in your bonnet Elvis!

Poor Ciara, hasn't she been through enough? Couldn't they do this without having Hope abandon Ciara? Would so love a twist that has Carly filling Hope's prescriptions. :evillaugh:
Just saw the show. Wow the scenes with Stefano and Sami were so great. Glad that she is not falling for Stefano's tricks wish she was a smart about EJ.
Boy Hope really changes after she takes the pills. She was real scary when she came back and talked with Ciara. I am sure that She is the mugger that is happening in Salem just like when it was Marlena as the person destroying everything to do with Christmas at the start of her possession storyline. Hope has a connection to Woods, Justin, and Abe.
Boy feel so sorry for Nathan losing such an importnat patient. He is not at fault for the patient dying. It seems like it is his first one and that it always the hardest.