Days of Our Lives - Mon. Apr. 26, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, April 26, 2010
Episode #11,316 Taped March 4, Director – Grant A. Johnson

On the pier, Hope knocks out EJ, looks at Dr. Baker, says “that went rather well”. He disagrees, as EJ knows him. Hope says then we will have to make sure he doesn’t remember, pointing her gun down at him. Baker panics, she can’t kill him. Hope decides no she can’t …..but you can, trying to hand her gun to Baker, who refuses to take it. EJ starts to come to, Hope kicks him unconscious again, is very flippant. Baker checks him out, says he is still breathing, is going to need stitches, and an MRI to check for brain trauma and internal bleeding. Hope asks how he knows this, Baker admits he is a doctor, but is not practicing medicine for a while. Baker is ticked, she says asking him to off EJ was just a test, Baker stalks off. Hope remarks how if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, frisks EJ, taking his wallet. She goes back to the seedy poker room, where Baker is retrieving his cell phone. (Gad, don’t people just keep those things ing their pockets or purses all the time ? Guess not.) Now the two have a rather flip conversation, with Hope not only threatening to kill Baker, but promising to do so, after he calls her a lunatic, and that he already has dealt with one crazy lady in this town (hello, Nicole, lolol) and doesn’t need another. She points her gun, he retracts his lunatic comment, she waits a few seconds, then pulls the trigger. Click. Awww, she was just playing with him. She still wants to work with him, their targets will be only men, so they all get what they deserve. She throws EJ’s wallet at Baker, telling him to take the money, she wants the wallet. He does, and manages to also get EJ’s platinum bank card. Hope has put her trench coat back on and heads home. We see her in her PJs, pulling out the box from under the bed. She opens it, tosses in EJ’s wallet, which lands atop some other wallets. She pushes the box back under the bed, and climbs in between the covers. Meanwhile, Dr. Baker is fingering the bank card, figures he has to work fast while the card is still good.

Melanie is babbling non-stop to increasingly guilt ridden Philip about the letter and Nathan kissing her, not letting him get a word in edgewise. She keeps interrupting him, he talks of making a huge mistake. His phone rings, he won’t answer.
Over at the hospital, Chloe sits with Daniel, her guilty conscience getting the better of her, as she realizes how mistaken she was. Daniel opens his eyes, they are talking of her misunderstanding his message on her phone, all of it did not come through, he did not want her to worry. Now I have to say, all the while, Carly stands around, listening to them, instead of at least just standing outside the door. Chloe is upset she was not there, Daniel assuring her all is fine, and finally Chloe has to step out in the hall so Carly can check Daniel out. Chloe tries to call Philip, but it goes to voice mail.
Meanwhile, Gus & Vivian are having words about her plan to have Chloe do her dirty work for her in re: Carly…..Gus gets word that Chloe went to the hospital, Viv takes off, figuring it will really be good. She arrives, fantasizes Chloe telling Carly off and plunging a knife or something into her abdomen. But instead, she sees Carly coming out, talking to Maxine, everything apparently o.k.
Back at Maggie’s, Philip ignores his phone, Melanie is more important than any phone call, business or otherwise. He does try to tell her about his huge mistake, but she gets a phone call from Carly, who tells her about Daniel’s surgery, that Chloe is there. Melanie rushes out, Philip is going with her. When Melanie arrives, Maxine shows her where Daniel’s room is, she & Philip go in, Chloe is already there. Hugs, big hugs between father and daughter. But Daddy notices Melanie has been crying, wants to know what is up, she admits she & Philip had a big discussion, with a lot of things brought out into the open. Philip & Chloe are constantly exchanging looks, glances, etc. When Melanie tells how she & Philip were totally honest with each other, Chloe blurts out how sorry she is, how absolutely sorry.

On Friday, Sami is leaving the apartment with Will still in the room, but today, as she starts to leave, he is rushing out from the bedrooms, telling her to stop. Aha, little Johnny is awake, having another “I want my daddy” tantrum. Sami tries to tell him he spent last night with Daddy, tonight is her night. She evidently finally gets him back to sleep, telling Will that this cannot go on. He thinks that yes, it is all the back and forth, that Johnny misses her when he is at the mansion. Sami wonders if perhaps EJ is not right, that it would be better for the kids if she moved there with them. Will thinks it a huge mistake, she hates Stefano, it would be apparent, etc. She tells him how she wants Sydney to call her mama. Will did not realize Sydney has never done that. Sami admits she did it once, but then was gone all that time, and when she came back, called Nicole mama. Will regrets telling her about that, he should not have done so…Sami replies that of course he should, it is o.k. They talk just a tiny bit about Will himself living at the mansion, just to get away from Sami, but will talk of that another time. She takes off.

And in spite of the fact it is late at night, in spite of the fact there have been several muggings in this area, in spite of the fact she is all alone, Sami doesn’t take her car, but instead walks down to the docks on her way to DiMansion, and of course, conveniently is the one to find EJ sprawled out and unconscious. She tries to get him to come to, he stirs a bit, and you will not believe all the time she spends trying to find her cell phone in her gigantic purse, which doesn’t seem to have very much in it. Alas, she also is unable to keep track of her phone, left it home, tries to find EJ’s phone, but whoever did this seems to have taken his phone. She decides to go for help, telling EJ to lay still, just stay there, but he is rather out of it, tries to get up, she grabs him, telling him to stay put. Her arm is cradling his head, he seems to sort of get dizzy or something, she is bending over him, calling his name, his head comes up, their lips are thisclose.

seems like another drama filled episode.

like always great writeup
Oh, wonder how Chloe will get out of this one! Guilty lady! Now we will have the "they must never find out" conversations about this again...
thanks for the day :smile: looks like another good one.. But how will Baker get the card to work without a pin# ?
Do you need a pin # for a debit card?
You need a pin # for any kind of card that will give cash back from an ATM machine.
Also at grocery stores you have to enter pin# 's for those purchases too.
Also you can choose to block cash back from credit cards -
Thanks for the summary, Barb. I find the show almost literally unwatchabe (I've quit recording it), but I do still like to read your writeups in case there's anything I do want to see. Kudos to you for your patience and dedication!
Dr. Baker sure can pick his partners in crime! I wonder why he would come back to Salem, though. You would think that would be the last place on earth he would turn up. I'm glad he did, I've always found him entertaining.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Sounds like a great show. Ohh I so what to knock sense into Sami. She seems to have a lightbulb moment then it leaves as fast as it came. Oh well. So it is the wallets in the box under Hope's bed. Wonder if Ciara will be the one to out her.
Missed your write ups so much since I have been without a computer. Thank you so much!

Can't wait to see this one. Funny how no one can ever do the right thing on soaps without the phone ringing. LOL
Sensational write up!

Well I do believe I'm thru with Sami, she is going to make another dunder headed mistake and probably decide to move in with EJ. I hope this thing with Chloe & Philip goes away fast, I like Phil and Mel together and I like Dr. D and Chloe together.

I think Hope and Dr. B are going to be some fun watching, I can't wait to see what else they do.

In a show this week, Sami makes the statement that she adopted Grace. I thought that she believed Grace was her bio daughter. If so, why would she adopt her?
I know Sami is making a really bad decsion but I LOVE her and EJ together even though he is a jerk(he's a HOT jerk). He does love her and I would love to see the ol soap opera forgive and forget here so they can be together.
In a show this week, Sami makes the statement that she adopted Grace. I thought that she believed Grace was her bio daughter. If so, why would she adopt her?
She was pretending, at the time, that Grace was someone else's child, left at the convent...that she helped care for the baby, and fell in love with it.
Isn't it interesting that just when a phone is needed, Sami can't find hers, when otherwise it would have been only inches from where she was or glued to the palm of her hand.

Then how convienent that DA Woods, Justine, Abe, EJ and I'm sure all the others that will be knocked out by Hope in the future episodes can't remember a thing about the attack. Where Oh Where did that short term memory go?

EJ remembering (out loud) Dr. Baker may lead the Doc to finding out the Dimera's are responsible for his almost death (if he doesn't already know). Which would lead us to a blackmail story line, or Dr. Baker becoming an employee of Stephano's in exchange for his silence. But then what is to prevent Stephano from bumping the Doc off again?
Thanks, Barb, for the excellent writup.

I know Sami is making a really bad decsion but I LOVE her and EJ together even though he is a jerk (he's a HOT jerk). He does love her and I would love to see the ol soap opera forgive and forget here so they can be together.

Not me! I don't want them together. And there's no way I want EJ (Evil Jerk) to be forgiven.He should rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life!
I haven't posted in awhile due to my work schedule but have been reading the write ups. Thanks, Barb. Okay, now I have a question. Did anyone else catch the fact that Hope took a pill shortly before she went out? Bet she gets out of this mess because that pill makes her "walk and act in her sleep" or brings out her "evil twin". She won't remember anything when not on the pill. She'll get out of it after all. IMHO