Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 3, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 3, 2017

Maybe I am just in that kind of mood, but sure did do a lot of eye-rolling today. Abby discusses with Chad plans for their vow renewal, he is agreeable. Kate comes in, hears about this, Abby goes out to take a call, and Kate starts in on Chad, berating him for sticking with Abby, insisting he really loves Gabi, and just going on and on. Abby's call ended, she overhears some of this conversation, including Chad repeating to Kate that he is devoted to his wife, son, and their life. When Kate is gone, Abby tells him she really doesn't want to do their vows again elsewhere, would rather it be just them, intimate, maybe just a few people instead of big party. He can't wait to marry her again.

Dario & Gabi sit in the Pub, talking over their love life failure with the DiMera couple, Gabi shocked Dario declared his love to Abby, not surprised she shot him down.

Eli has walked in, glad she was released from hospital, she thanks him for the flowers, small chit chat, he goes for his takeout, and back to work, she explains to Dario about Eli asking her out again, she said no, thinks he wants to pump her for info, finally revealing he is FBI.

Earlier, Eli is at the cop shop, chatting up with a perturbed, overdressed Lani, who doesn't like that he has gotten transferred to Salem, & working there. JJ comes in, is more calm, seems Eli is working on the 3 family war. JJ says that is their case. Lani figures he will be working then under them. Nope, he is FBI, they will be under him. She is not happy at all. JJ notes they have to leave on their date, Eli understands why Lani is at the station in her strapless outfit, off they go.

Later, they are with Paul & Sonny at the club. They all chatter away. Earlier, Paul was trying to talk to Sonny about his efforts to "get" Deimos, but Sonny is firm about it. Lots of small talk, JJ & Lani leave, early to work tomorrow with Eli.

Kate & Marlena arrive at the Club, Kate not sure of going in, doesn't want to run into Eduardo, but, what the heck, they go in. Kate stops to talk to Paul & Sonny, says some not so nice things, causing Sonny to take Kate to the side, and tell her to knock it off. Later, the women sit, sipping their drinks, Kate asking about John, Marlena hating, but understanding his work, missing him. Kate is sure John will return soon, she will be there at their wedding, and their happily ever after. She now decides to go hit on some guy, (what a good friend...NOT) and goes off, leaving Marlena to watch a bit. Music plays, and she begins to think of John (best part of the entire show) and daydreams of dancing with him, telling him how much she missed him, he missed her every moment of every day. He holds her close, nuzzling her head....really a great scene......and then Marlena is back in the present.

Chad decides he & Abby should go out to eat, they show up at the Pub, spot Dario & Gabi. No, Abby does not want to go somewhere else, they take a table. Gabi asks Dario if maybe they should leave....nope, they were there first, & he has not finished his fries. LOL. They have already argued about Gabi maybe dating Eli, Dario forbids it, did not even like her with the cop, JJ. Gabi wonders if perhaps she should join a convent. He tells her no, just concentrate on her career. Abby gets a call from her mom, goes outside, Gabi follows, hears Abby telling her mom that she & Chad are renewing their vows, are very excited. She spots Gabi, hangs up, Gabi apologizes, talks of how they both probably have to take a step back from their friendship. Abby agrees. Gabi hopes it won't last too long, Abby notes then they can take another belly dancing class. Hugs.

Paul & Sonny are dancing, Sonny cannot believe Paul got this particular song played, they talk of when they first heard it, Paul liked it so much that day, played it over and over. Sonny tells him there is no place he would rather be right now, than right here with him. Oh, Paul can, come with me. They rush out.

JJ & Lani are walking home, are in the park. she evidently suggested they go to her place together, but JJ makes a really nice speech about how he screwed it all up last time, not even remembering, she understands him being upset, thinking his sis was dead. What it amounts to, is JJ wants to take it all nice and slow, and now he will walk her home. She thinks that is the most romantic thing any guy ever said to her.

Paul & Sonny are in his room, kissing, and ..yes, Sonny is sure. Clothes are getting discarded.

Abby & Chad arrive home, she can whip up some dessert for them, he says o.k., but then she says they can skip dessert, kisses, laughter, as they go upstairs. Clothes are coming off, onto the bed, kissing.

At the Pub, Gabi comes out, Dario asks about her conversation with Abby, earlier, she tells of the vow renewal plans. Dario leaves, she takes out her phone, calls Eli, says he was right, she changed her mind. She will go out with him.
Kate may have vowed to stay out of her children's lives, but she certainly is sticking her nose into other people's business entirely too much.

I honestly do not understand at all about the possibility of "Will coming back". He is dead. Are they going to have him suddenly appear, say "it didn't take", ala Rolf?

While I agree that he should not have been killed, the fact is he WAS. The fact is other major characters have died. Tom, Alice, Mickey, Zack, Stefano, Jack, EJ, The only character who did NOT die on camera with full identification, etc. was Jack.

Personally, I think it was smart of the writers to mention Will, being the history between him, Paul, & Sonny. Many have complained about the constant mentioning of the dead saint, Dr. Dan, when there are others who never get remembered. Well, Will was one of those. He is Ari's father, and was Sonny's husband. Will cheated on Sonny not only with Paul, but out in CA as well. That is hurtful. So it was no great big huge love story for him & my opinion.
Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 3, 2017 Maybe I am just in that kind of mood, but sure did do a lot of eye-rolling today.
If Sami had been watching today, she'd have done a lot more than rolling her eyes. She'd probably be tossing things at the screen, and calling people doodyheads. How else could she react to the sight of Chad professing his love for the woman who showered with EJ; Will's former husband, Sonny, getting passionate with Paul; and Kate butting into other people's relationships just as she did with Sami and Lucas? Finally, somebody should warn Eli about what happens to FBI agents when they move to Salem. Rafe was once a big up-an-comer, but then get got involved with Sami, crossed the DiMeras once too often, and, if the truth were fully known, would now be doing time for the felonies he committed with Hope.
I have no idea why the writers persist in this Chad/Gabi, Chad/Abby thing, plus adding Dario now. How stupid. Truly is a shame it took this long for Corday to wake up and realize these stories are nonsensical, and going no where.
I do like JJ all grown up and responsible. I remember when I hated that kid! He was so annoying when he first came on. And I think we can tell since Lani and Eli hate each other they will soon be in love. Or at least hooking up. I like Eli so I am hoping for good story for him.

I don't think I knew that Marlena and Kate were best friends?. I didn't like Kate sticking her nose in Sonny's business but I did like his response. So mature and reasonable. When she said he was disrespecting their marriage Sonny could have said that Will disrespected their marriage - twice! But he didn't. I do like Paul and Sonny together.

Why is Kate so pro Gabi? I really don't understand that. I have never been an Abby/Chad fan and with the new actress I'm really not feeling it. But I also don't think he and Gabi are destiny. They should bring Mia back! She was also the mother of his child.
So many head scratchers today. I wish we had an emoji for that.

Kate was in the Abby/Chad/Gabi, Sonny/Paul and Marlena stories today. Why is she the only person in this age range who gets substantive storylines??? Meanwhile Marlena, who should be leading this show, pops up halfway through the episode as a supporting character.

So Kate who completely ignored Arianna last time she shared a scene with her is suddenly upset about Will?!? When was the last time she acknowledged Will? And even worse Marlena walked away and they never even discussed Will together? WHAT IS GOING ON???

Can Kate please go visit Billie permanently?

I actually agree about the Will anvils. Lots of mentions today and all of a sudden Sonny and Paul are moving forward quickly. That's usually a formula for someone returning from the dead. The only caveat here is that Dena is writing. Unless this particular story is Ryan Quan.

Eli and Lani are being written as the rooting couple already. What doesn't make sense is that we are not seeing the same type of writing for Gabi and JJ. We should be. JJ and Lani just don't have any chemistry.

How come Gabi and Dario get more sibling air time than Belle and Brady did? And can they occasionally include Rafe?
Marlena and John: :love::love::love:
Here you go, Heather. I added ** before and after so the URL would show.

Kate was in the Abby/Chad/Gabi, Sonny/Paul and Marlena stories today. Why is she the only person in this age range who gets substantive storylines??? Meanwhile Marlena, who should be leading this show, pops up halfway through the episode as a supporting character.

OH, SING IT, GIRL! Why is Kate the special one?? Why does she get all the stories (which, granted, of late, they are terrible) why does she get all the screen time???

Please send Kate away for a couple of months. Please??
Speaking of Arianna, who was taking care of her while Gabi and Dario were eating out and
Sonny on a date? Maybe Eduardo.

John and Marlena. :love:

I enjoyed two of the couple songs. I still don't like Abigail and Chad's.

Will Eli do a better job with stopping the war between the three families than the
Salem PD? We can only hope. But who knows with a name like Eli spells lie and
he works at the FBI spells fib

Did I mention John and Marlena? :love:
I have a couple of thoughts as to why we seem to just be getting sibling scenes of Gabi and Dario *which I'm all for* but very few including Rafe. My hunch is they are going to be moving Gabi towards the shadier side of the Hernandez family. There have been a couple of clues pointing in that direction. 1) Gabi has apparently been staying in touch-off-screen with women she was in prison with. That's who she got instructions on how to crack a safe from. She even told Abigail "sometimes it's good to have friends in low places. or something to that effect.

She hasn't been willing to cooperate with the investigations into both of her abductions at Deimos' hands.

She agreed to accept financial help from Eduardo and Dario to get her business up and ruining. I don't think she has any shady intentions there at all but I've watched enough TV,, seen enough movies and read enough Hardy Boys books to know what happens when people with good intentions accept money from shady relatives.

Kate telling Chad that Gabi understands the need for "compromise."

The fact that Gabi is spending so much time with Dario when in the past it was Rafe she was closest to. Then you add the fact that the few scenes Rafe and Gabi have been recently their relationship seems a bit strained.

I hope I'm wrong but in my very humble opinion this seems to be the way the wind is blowing. I don't think she'll go full on "bad guy" if I'm right but I can see her kind of walk that tightrope. It wouldn't be the first time she's done it after all.
Thanks for the summary. I'll say that just reading this, I rolled my eyes. We've gotten WAYYYY overloaded with the twenty-somethings these past few days. I mean, I'll gladly take it over Hope and Rafe or the kiddie pool, but can we get some diversity in storylines? For example, I love that Marlena and Kate were interacting, but can it just be unrelated to anything else? I don't get why Kate is so invested in Chad's love life, or Sonny's. She should take a long vacation and come back a changed woman, but I'm not holding out hope for that.
Given Sonny's newfound crime family responsibilities, I was sort of expecting him to be too busy to be distracted by any romantic liaisons.
John has been on assignment for quite a long time. I hope his absence is not entirely injury-related, and that the actor also simply wanted to take a break for a while.
Part of the reason for John's absence was that his birth-mother died and he was at her house "taking care of things" (Marlena made a few comments when they were in Prague).

Sounds like the actor's absence was related to his medical leave and he came back once he was cleared to work again.