Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 3, 2017

If Sami had been watching today, she'd have done a lot more than rolling her eyes. She'd probably be tossing things at the screen, and calling people doodyheads. How else could she react to the sight of Chad professing his love for the woman who showered with EJ; Will's former husband, Sonny, getting passionate with Paul; and Kate butting into other people's relationships just as she did with Sami and Lucas? Finally, somebody should warn Eli about what happens to FBI agents when they move to Salem. Rafe was once a big up-an-comer, but then get got involved with Sami, crossed the DiMeras once too often, and, if the truth were fully known, would now be doing time for the felonies he committed with Hope.
I think is is a case of the writers regretting that stupidity of dragging dead Stefano all over the place. So we should just forget it, too.