Days of Our Lives - Mon. Apr. 4, 2016

Heather4CU I agree about how annoying Caroline being psychic like Miss Cleo all of a sudden. Maybe Caroline can scheme with Summer and Dario with a psychic phone hotline that's really a scam.

If they need a resident psychic they should just bring back Celeste recurring. At least for Theo's sake and to annoy Abe with her "tarot cards"! Have Celeste hovering over Chad warning him constantly like she did EJ.
I know Deimos is the bad guy but I felt like they were trying to over sell it with the all the "evil in his eyes".

I hope someone tells Jennifer and perhaps Julie about Maggie!

Totally over Caroline's visions. Why is it always Victor? How come she hasn't had visions of her family committing crimes?
I thought the episode's pace was good. I enjoyed the acting of Nicole, Victor, Maggie, Theresa, Brady, Caroline and Deimos.

I can't understand Kate. She did not seem bothered that Maggie was poisoned by this guy? But she is bothered that Deimos did not help Victor when he had a heart attack?

Perhaps Kate and Maggie have never been best friends but I would assume she did have some respect for Maggie? The writers don't know what they are doing here so they are just being sloppy.

I was rather shocked when Deimos called Caroline the B word. But I wasn't offended. It just made me realize that Caroline is going to really be a B (in a good way) and get rid of Deimos. That's my hope at least. Caroline will have some good writing and scenes in the coming months that reveals her strength, loyalty to Victor, and ability to do battle with the likes of Deimos.

Nicole looking like the mysterious dark haired woman in the photo has me curious. I will have to wait and see where this goes before I form an opinion.
Then Caroline) knew Deimos was in the house. Did she get another psychic vision or smell him :)

I think people can sense evil. Some say dogs can. Most of us rely on body language (and probably smell if we're close enough,) though.


Summer doesn't know how to push a hospital call button? :rolleyes:

Maggie should know not to thrash around while suffering a spinal injury. :eek:

Deimos to Kate, after the EMTs/Vic leave: "Are you coming (back upstairs?). :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I have to admit that the Maggie/Theresa hospital room scene was well done. Theresa is almost redeemed.

Caroline at the K-Mansion door when Nicole opened it. :)

I don't think Deimos will have much luck wooing Nicole, au contraire! :eek:
Summer said she couldn't find the call button.

I wondered the same thing when Maggie kept moving around.
I think Deimos WAS living in Ben's old apt.
Doesn't Gabi still live in the same apt. she shared with Sonny & Will?

When Maggie was "thrashing" around and in pain......she did not yet know of her spinal injury.

And if she had one, don't they use a flat board of some kind? To keep the patient stable and not moving???
I think you're right about the board, at least while a patient is unconscious. If I were a physician, I'd want them in a body cast. :eek:
Thanks for the summary.

My grandma and I were just talking a few days ago about how we're tired of the use of the b-word on DOOL. Especially against Caroline! What the heck!? As for Caroline, nice to see her but her "visions" are beyond ridiculous. I also think the fact that now there's another doppelgänger, only this time a Greek Nicole-look-alike is silly. Enough with this!

I enjoyed the Maggie and Theresa scenes. This is far better than any scenes we have of Maggie and her "daughter" Summer.

Funny that Kate had no problem with Deimos poisoning innocent Maggie but cared so much that Victor, a mobster, was abandoned by him, to make love no less. I think both of them need to go to a psych ward.