Days of Our Lives - Mon. Apr. 4, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 4, 2016

Replay of Victor coming to see Deimos, telling him how he crippled Maggie, and threatening to kill him. Vic drops the knife, grabs his chest, staggers to the sofa, falls down on it. Deimos looks at him, goes over and pours himself more champagne, raises it in a toast, saying "Opa". He grabs the champagne bottles, goes upstairs where Kate lies naked in bed, asking about the voices she heard arguing, asks if Victor came. Yep, Deimos admits Vic came, was upset, says he is sure he "is gone by now". He puts on some slow jazz music.

Downstairs, Nicole arrives, evidently the door is not shut completely, she comes in, calling for Maggie, then Victor, Henderson. She is talking of having left her tablet there, but when she goes in the room, finds Victor, barely breathing, unable to talk. She calls 911, loosens his tie, talking all the while. Upstairs, Kate & Diemos are going at it, but hearing sirens gets her curious, not Deimos though, he could care less. Much to his dismay, she jumps out of bed, checking out the window, it's an ambulance coming here.

Back down, the EMTs comes in, tend to Victor, and get him out to the ambulance. They are gone when Kate comes rushing downstairs, tying her robe, surprised at seeing Nicole, asking what happened.

Now is a rather funny exchange of conversation, as Deimos appears, sees Nicole, is taken aback, while she is asking who the hell he is, and no one is explaining anything to anyone. Finally, Nicole tells about Vic having the heart attack, Kate is shocked, Nicole is making cracks at her and "scratchy" as she calls Deimos, who finally I.D.s himself, but only wants to know her last name, and whether she had family in Greece. She is appalled, thinks he is crazy. She is outta there. Kate questions the ever evasive Deimos, who won't admit he knew Vic was having a heart attack, but left him to go have sex with Vic's ex.

Meanwhile Caroline is holding a gift Victor gave her (she is in the Pub) a necklace with a pendant having a Greek letter carved on it, supposed to always bring her good luck. She flashes back to receiving it, smiles, takes a few steps, then stops, having visions of Victor in pain, on the sofa. She tries calling him, then grabs her purse and leaves.

Back at the Kmansion, all Deimos wants to do is get back in bed to continue where they left off, but Kate pushes him away. She is ticked off, he doesn't know why, she thought it great how he got Vic to sign over everything. He is attempting to come on to her, she says something to the effect that she already taught him a few bedroom lessons, right? Yep. Well, here is another......No means NO. She gets dressed, goes downstairs, starts to leave, Caroline has arrived, looking for Victor. Kate lets her know he is in the hospital, heart attack. Caroline knows, goes in the room, looks at the sofa, it was right here. Then "he's here, isn't he? That devil, Deimos. She goes to the staircase, calls up, telling him he won't get away with this, that she will make sure she drives him from Salem, if it's the last thing she does. Deimos hears this, raises his glass.......Dream on, b****!

Earlier, at the hospital, Maggie wakes up, finds Summer there, doesn't know why she is there, cannot remember. Summer helps her recall the party, going home, & falling down the stairs. Maggie is distraught, she cannot feel her legs, wants Victor, she is crying. Summer runs out to get Fynn, who comes in, reassures Maggie, talks of the surgery tomorrow. Meanwhile, Nicole calls Brady from Vic's phone (she picked it up from the floor by the sofa), tells him what happened, and says to get to the hospital stat. She is on her way. Brady is already there, tells Theresa, doesn't know how he is going to tell Maggie.

He is there when Vic is brought in, Nicole has arrived, & has told him all that happened, and how weird Damian (Deimos) was acting, did not care one iota that his brother had a heart attack. Brady fills her in on what happened to Maggie.

Meanwhile, Theresa has gone in to see Maggie, needing some advice. Maggie is a bit taken aback, but agrees to try and help...and Theresa goes into this really nice explanation of how much she loves her fiance' and how much he loves his family, all his family, especially the woman married to his grandfather, who has helped her more than she could ever know, has made her think positive, turn her life around, and especially want to emulate the woman. Maggie's eyes glisten with tears, as she says her advice would be for her to sit by the woman's side, and tell her exactly all that.

Brady, comes in, Summer follows, but stands at the back, as Brady tells Maggie what happened with Victor.

Caroline has arrived, goes in to see Victor, telling him "listen you old coot, don't you dare die on me, don't you dare!

Deimos sits on the bed, pulls out his wallet, leafs thru some items, and picks out an old picture. It is of a girl with dark hair, who looks a lot like Nicole.
Right JS? I'm hoping it's a further back connection. Perhaps Deimos's mother? Who knows...but I'm intrigued.

I'm OK with Victor dying. He's not the same guy. [It's my speculation that he's dying.] Maggie rather annoyed me today, first with the hysterics about her "paralysis" and then with the mushy scenes with Jeannie T. I just couldn't. I'm really hoping Maggie and Vic decide to take a cruise with Doug & Julie and only pop up at holiday times if Vic survives.

I'm done with Psychic Caroline.

LOVED LOVED LOVED Nicole today. Top snark, great action, involved in numerous scenes. And not a MENTION of the Tan One!!! :love::love::love::love:

Not a bad episode overall. Kate, however, makes no sense as a character anymore. I have no idea why she was "turned on" by Deimos poisoning Maggie but taken aback by his not helping his evil brother (and her evil ex) when he had a heart attack. If it were flipped...well, maybe that would make sense...but ...again, I just have no idea.

Summer was tacked on but wasn't totally annoying, either.

NOTE: I have no gripe with Maggie's acting. Rather, I don't believe the paralysis will be permanent. Nothing the show has done lately has stuck for more than a few months, tops. I also have trouble believing, with all Maggie's endured since coming to Salem (and before), that this would not be quite so dramatic. The Maggie I know (or knew, as she appears to have flown the coop) would have been asking for a doctor and trying to figure out a surgery plan.
Maggie was upset because she had NO idea what was going on, what happened, why her husband was not there. Summer had no idea herself, and could not help either, (which shows she definitely was not needed in any scenes. Once Fynn explained it to her, plus the surgery tomorrow, she absolutely calmed down.And just because WE all figure that paralysis won't be permanent, doesn't mean the character knows that.
All Maggie could think of at that moment was her ongoing battle with mysenthia gravis, her previous problems with being unable to walk, and now it will all be compounded, be much worse.
I thought today's episode was well done! A lot of story was explained and there is progression, was not slow at all today I thought. I could have done without the sloppy Deimos and Kate love scenes, but was twisted Deimos with Kate upstairs while Victor dying downstairs. I'm surprised Kate had a ounce of moral fiber to realize that was wrong of Deimos. Victor is still Philip's father.

Nicole I enjoyed all her scenes as well. She definitely is probably the key to eliminating Deimos, she sure told him off real well with lots of feisty snarkyness. Kind of ironic Victor's ex wife Nicole who tried to kill him before is the one who saved his life.

I paused at the end with the picture of Helena that Deimos was holding at the end. That smile for certain is Ari Zucker (Nicole) wearing a black wig, it's nice to see this storyline is happening.

Summer got on my nerves for sure today.

Rock on Caroline! I loved how Caroline had said "I'll run you out of town if its the last thing I do!". In Caroline's case and age, I think she LITERALLY means that lol!
LOVED LOVED LOVED Nicole today. Top snark, great action, involved in numerous scenes. And not a MENTION of the Tan One!!! :love::love::love::love:

Not a bad episode overall. Kate, however, makes no sense as a character anymore. I have no idea why she was "turned on" by Deimos poisoning Maggie but taken aback by his not helping his evil brother (and her evil ex) when he had a heart attack. If it were flipped...well, maybe that would make sense...but ...again, I just have no idea., I don't believe the paralysis will be permanent. Nothing the show has done lately has stuck for more than a few months, tops.
Agree. At last Nicole got to play the heroine and dish out snark that would even impress Victor -- calling Deimos "Scratchy" and asking Ms. Blue Chunk, "Do I look like a doctor?" As for Kate, even she should have limits. After "Scratchy's" performance today, she should invite him over for some special brownies. Regarding Maggie, of course her paralysis won't last. How could it, in a town where even death is often not the final act? Speaking of Maggie's condition, it was remarkable that there was no mention of Dr. McScruffy; and no scene with Fynn asking himself, "What would Daniel do?" Finally, Dirty Deimos shouldn't be so quick to scoff at Caroline's threats. She's well connected with the biggest felons in town -- the leading members of the Salem P.D.
OMG, what a thought. Imagine an enraged Sami storming into the K-mansion and ripping into Deimos with one of her patented "I HATE you" tirades, followed by Jenny and one of her blistering rants, some loud threats from a poker-wielding Jeannie T, and some pointed remarks from a seething, barely in control Hope. By the time they were done, a dazed and confused Deimos would rip up his illegal contract and flee Salem, trying to get out of town before an enraged Hope gives him her Stefano treatment. Foolish Deimos only thought he had to deal with Victor, but it's the women in Salem who are the real threat.
Thanks for the summary !

So I pretty much watched everything, today. I did not enjoy the show, though. I really don't anymore. Again, too much drama, not enough balance. Sure, Nicole was great, the acting is good, but the storytelling ? No. I'm hanging in there, hoping it will get better, only because I've been watching for about 30 years. That's it. So I won't comment any further. Except for one thing...

Again, everybody knows on this board English is not my first language. French is. So maybe I'm being overly sensitive, and in English, it's not such a big deal. But I'm so tired of hearing the "B" word. Today, what was it ? At least four or five times ? But what got to me, was when Deimos actually called Caroline, an elderly woman, by that horrible word/name. Really, I find it very, very offending and I wish people would stop using it.
OMG, what a thought. Imagine an enraged Sami storming into the K-mansion and ripping into Deimos with one of her patented "I HATE you" tirades, followed by Jenny and one of her blistering rants, some loud threats from a poker-wielding Jeannie T, and some pointed remarks from a seething, barely in control Hope. By the time they were done, a dazed and confused Deimos would rip up his illegal contract and flee Salem, trying to get out of town before an enraged Hope gives him her Stefano treatment. Foolish Deimos only thought he had to deal with Victor, but it's the women in Salem who are the real threat.
It's too bad they SORAS'ed Ciara, because Little Ciara would've taken care of Deimos in the blink of an eye. He'd have been praying to go back to prison after a round with her.
I'm done with Psychic Caroline.
Hear! Hear!

But I'm so tired of hearing the "B" word. Today, what was it ? At least four or five times ? But what got to me, was when Deimos actually called Caroline, an elderly woman, by that horrible word/name. Really, I find it very, very offending and I wish people would stop using it.
I'm done with Psychic Caroline too if you want to call her that. Funny how she only has visions of Bo and Victor.

Maggie annoyed me today as well. Sami levels of annoyance.

No need for Summer today on this Winter day in Spring for many of us,

I agree about Deimos being out of line calling Caroline the b word. Did David Cherrill write today?

The Nicole/mystery woman thing has me intrigued. I'm guessing it is Helena and either Victor will be in a coma for a while or he will claim there is no resemblance. I think I could get behind Nicole/Deimos though. I see chemistry there and lots of angst possibility.
I enjoyed snarky Nicole too. FYI, Daniel's picture has disappeared. It's no longer by the couch.

Deimos and Kate annoyed me. It was funny when Kate looked out the window and wondered
why the ambulance was there.

I enjoyed Theresa and Maggie. It was interesting to learn Theresa changed because
of Maggie. I didn't realize that.

Was the flashback with Caroline and Victor shown before? I didn't remember it.

I wonder how long Maggie and Victor will have to stay in the hospital since
they can't live in mansion.

It was interesting when Caroline knew Victor had his attack on the couch. Then she knew
Deimos was in the house. Did she get another psychic vision or smell him :)