Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 9, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 9, 2018

The verdict is in, Gabi is found guilty, and she pitches a fit, jumping up, yelling she is innocent, she did not do it, they are wrong. Justin tries to calm her down, she sits down. Judge dismisses the jury, says he will sentence in a month. Justin wants Gabi free, but Trask jumps up, and in her snide manner, insists that Gabi is a flight risk, that she isn't a good mother being she has already killed 2 men, and that because her brother is a detective, she might get special privileges at local jail, wants her locked up in Statesville. More uproar, Gabi rushes up to judge, protesting, yelling, order is finally restored. Judge orders her to Statesville, Trask smirks & leaves the room, Justin promises to work on appeal and the sentencing, leaves. Rafe promises to find real killer, Gabi wants him to go, tell Arianna, Chad offers to stay til they take her away. They talk a bit about Abigail, her damning testimony, and how she is so different since returning from Hong Kong. He promises to help find real killer.

Marlena is calling Abby, who has not shown up for her appt. Kayla arrives with some paper for Marlena to sign. They talk about Abby, Kayla realizes Marlena is treating her, Marlena does not indicate her diagnosis, but admits she is, that Abby came to her asking for help. Kayla has to leave to see a patient, departs.

Sonny is talking to Leo, wanting to know about this job at Titan, Leo brags he is executive assistant to the CEO. Sonny replies that he is looking at his boss then. They go back and forth, with Leo claiming he did not know Sonny was CEO, paid no attention to last names, blah, blah, blah. Sonny is having none of it, wants the truth. Now Leo says he applied thru HR, who interviewed many, chose him. He admits he knew Sonny worked for Titan, but not CEO. They go back and forth, Leo needs this job, blah, blah. Sonny finally says o.k., but we are through personally. I learned from my uncle, no sex in the workplace. We are done. Leo is not a happy camper, leaves, will see him in the office.

Meanwhile, Maggie & Victor are playing cards, she mentions Adrienne telling her Sonny is dating, Vic is not really interested. In swoops Vivian, the snarks are exchanged, good ones! She wants to talk to Vic alone, Maggie is not leaving. Viv is claiming she wants to make peace, not be at war. She doffs her coat, makes herself at home, mixing up a drink. Vic & Maggie are not cordial at all, don't believe her. Viv claims she doesn't want business mergers, just that they end the animosity, forget the past, live in harmony. Fat chance. When she is gone, Maggie & Vic note that they have to watch her like a hawk, don't trust a word she says, or anything she does.

Viv meets up with Leo in the park, learns Sonny dumped Leo, but was not fired. Perfect purrs Vivian. He did exactly as I expected, according to plan. Leo seems surprised. What do you want me to do. Oh, you know, just do exactly what is expected.

Stefan is talking to Dr. Laura, who is not going to let Gabby come out. She has to protect Abigail. Stefan is trying to convince her, but no way. Then the headache strikes, Stefan starts talking to Gabby, telling her to come out, don't let Dr. Laura beat her, she is strong, yada, yada. (and if you thought Stefan creepy before, this episode makes it signed, sealed & delivered). Momentarily, Dr. Laura holds her own, but the headache comes again, Stefan is urging Gabby to come out, and bingo, she does. Oh, he missed her, she missed him, kiss. They talk of Dr. Laura, of Abigail. He wants to go to some new hotel, she wants to go to his room. No, not here, not in this house. Abigail's love for Chad is very strong, and she might return again. Gabby says she did already.

Later, he is dusting off a bottle of champagne, Gabby walks in, dark wig, sexy, low-cut black dress. He likes it. The champagne is because of her victory in getting past Dr. Laura. He tells her about Dr. Laura testifying, as Abigail, sealing Gabi's fate, who will be put away in prison. They talk of Abby going to Dr. Evans for help. And making another appointment. She checks her phone calendar, yes, lots of messages, it was for today, Stefan tells Gabby to call Dr. Evans, make up some excuse, tell her ….......and in walks Marlena. Don't call, why not just lie to me in person.
Soooo how long before Trask is persona non grata in the DA's office? Seems no one but Hattie gets prosecuted and stays in prison. Trask is beyond unpleasant. She's vengeful not lawful.

Evidently we need John to the rescue for Marlena. Maybe Patch can use his heightened other senses to crack the case of "Abby does Gabby" since no one close to her can figure it out. Come on. Tired of being treated as a stupid viewer.
This was an excellent episode, really got things moving along!

I am definitely curious on what Vivian's plans with Leo are next. Somehow I feel we might be looking at a sexual harassment storyline, seeing how Leo and Sonny slept together while he was temping at Titan. Leo seemed angry with Sonny for dumping him.

Glad to see Marlena finally caught on, catching both Stefan and "Gabby" together.
They go back and forth, with Leo claiming he did not know Sonny was CEO, paid no attention to last names, blah, blah, blah.
When Leo said he was working for the temp agency and saw that "Jackson Kiriakis" signed his checks, I wonder if that's how it works with temp agencies these days? Back in the dark ages when I worked for a temp agency, my paycheck came from the temp agency, not the companies I temped for. Those companies paid the temp agency. Then the temp agency paid the temp girls. that was who you worked for, the temp agency. If Titan HR hired him as a temp employee, it would be different. In addition, he said to Sonny that he had quit the temp agency, so if Sonny fired him, which he was going to do, then what would happen to him. So.....unless Titan owns the temp agency (doubtful) it did not make sense.....but then, what does?

From the Salem Brain: So good to be used again. Thanks, Marlena!
Thanks for the summary. This was indeed an amazing episode. Lots of movement. Still, it's really hard seeing Gabi suffer yet again, while Stefan0 continues being a creep, Trask continues being unprofessional, and Abby continues annoying the heck out of me.

The Vivian and Leo storyline intrigues me, and it was good fun having her in the same room with Maggie & Victor. Also like Marlena catching onto Abby.
I have to say that I am actually into the Vivian and Leo story. I think the fact that Leo is clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer kind of makes him endearing. My guess is Vivian is going to want him to file some kind of lawsuit against Sonny. I can't completely take credit for the theory as I saw it suggested on another site, but I definitely think it makes sense.

My feelings about the trial and its outcome can be summed up thusly:

:cry::cry::cry::cry: *blows nose like bullhorn* :cry::cry::cry::cry:

By the way, in reference to my original post on this thread, I went ahead and got extra strength Kleenex and two pints of Rocky Road. *burp* Oh pardon me. *sniff*
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But Sonny did not fire him, he let him keep his job, but they will no longer be involved personally. As Leo told Vivian, he dumped me, and Viv was sooo pleased.

I figured she might have been planning to threaten to bring a lawsuit of some kind, which would not do Titan any good, thus bring them to their knees. Inasmuch as Sonny broke things off, don't know how it could be sexual harrassment, unless we have a great deal of lying bandied about.
Thanks, Poirot.

Troy, I'm so sorry Gabi was found guilty.

I can't believe the judge listened to Trask about keeping Gabi in jail until
sentencing and now she's going to Statesville. Poor Arianna.

So Stefan helped get Gabby out and now Dr Laura is lost in Abigail's head.

I'm surprised Marlena didn't tell Kayla that Abby has DID. I guess if Kayla really
wants to know what's going on, she can look at Abby's medical records.

So Sonny broke up with Leo because Leo got a new job at Titan. So what
is Vivian's plan now? Will Leo tell everyone he and Sonny had sex?

It took Marlena awhile, but she finally figured out Dr Laura played her when she
couldn't find her glasses.
Thanks, Katmouse, we all have have our burdens to bear I guess, but we persevre and move on LOL.

I actually wasn't surprised that Gabi remained in police custody given what she was convicted of, but being sent to a maximum security facility before being sentenced? Yeah, that was harsh.

Since Trask seemed to be practically drooling at the thought of separating Gabi from Arianna, that would have made me refuse that request for humanitarian reasons if I were the judge. Which of course, I wouldn't be, since I know this is just a soap opera. LOL

Though I have to say after the way Trask got in Gabi's face and openly mocked her, which of course in the real world prosecutors always do, :rolleyes: I don't think she deserves to have any public service job. I wouldn't even hire her for clean up duty at a dog park.
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He admits he knew Sonny worked for Titan, but not CEO
I'm surprised Sonny had anything else to say about himself. Meanwhile what a lame twist. Leo, who is clearly a hard-working go-getter, should meet up with that young new employee at Salem U Hospital, Derrick. The self-aggrandizing, overly entitled mini-Kiriakis formerly known as Sonny doesn't deserve him. (Also it's a little hard to swallow- even in Salem -that an Exec Assistant wouldn't be hired without at least an interview or meeting with the Assisted.)

Unfortunately, my episode was cut short by the appearance of StefanNo. Coaxing a mental patient because you have a crush? Jeez, this man is pushing 40 at the least, has he never had feelings for another human before? I make my stand here. This far. No further. (If I wanted to watch a sleazy rapist as a "romantic" lead on Days, I'd use my time machine and travel to 2013.)
Back in the dark ages when I worked for a temp agency, my paycheck came from the temp agency, not the companies I temped for. Those companies paid the temp agency. Then the temp agency paid the temp girls.
That's how it worked for my "temp" jobs too (although that was as a licenced professional), and for my ex-roommate's "call in and find out if you have work today" temp job. Another "Not Even In Salem" moment.