Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 6, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 6, 2018

Not too fond of people yelling or talking over their indecisive misery…..however….Brady is yelling at Victor, repeating over and over how he lost his son because of Vic’s arranging for planting of the drugs. Eve finally tries to calm him down, Vic’s heart was in right place, but Brady is having none of it. Cannot even look at him. Vic has not implicated Eve, claiming only Arturo, who contacted the Child Services guy, etc. Lots more of the same thing, Brady leaves, pulling Eve along with him. She stops in the foyer, left her purse in there, her car is out back. Brady says will see her at the Inn. She goes back in, asks Vic why he did not implicate her, he says no point in having Brady mad at them both, but of course he wants something. Get Brady to forgive him. Eve claims she just tried, he says try harder, or….you will lose Brady, as I will tell him about your part in all this.

Adrienne wants to know more about the lead on Bonnie from Steve, Lucas arrives, he does, too. Steve tells how Bonnie had these lots of land in the desert, convinced some rich Texans that they were on the border with Mexico, and the government would be eager and pay big bucks when they build the wall. They fell for it, paid her big time, she skedaddled, the land is worthless, she is in hiding, they are looking for her. Steve has no idea where she is, but will find her. He takes off, Lucas apologizes for butting in, but he wants to find her, too. Adrienne understands, after what Bonnie did to him, he fell off the wagon, wound up in bed with a dead body. She apologizes for the way she treated him after she got back (from the prison) but he said tis o.k. he is with Chloe now, and you belong with Justin, always have, always will. Hugs.

Eric comes into the club looking for Julie, who is not there. Chloe fixes a drink for them both, congratulates him on engagement, they talk of Nicole, the past, how happy he is now, how he used to be addicted to the drama that went with Nicole, and if she walked in the door, he’d be happy to see her. But, he would still be with Jen, they are in a good place, and he is happy. Chloe mentions Lucas, (who has come in unbeknownst to her) and how she doesn’t know where they are going. She says she was kidnapped, he seems different, and all the while she was gone she only thought of him, and Parker. Her mother adores Lucas. Eric figures it will all work out, leaves, Lucas comes up to Chloe, says he heard what she said, and if he has seemed distant to her, he is still dealing with his sobriety issues, lots of baggage there, she doesn’t need that, she is smiling, kisses. Happy.

Sonny & Will are worried about getting the 2nd note, yakking about it, along comes Ted, replay of yesterday, and yep, he knows all. Actually, he accuses them of murdering Leo. Says he was being bothered by Leo’s attitude, had him followed. His guy trailed Leo to the Kmansion, Leo went in, never came out, but you two did, drove off in Leo’s car. He tailed you, told me where the car was, I went, and when I opened the trunk (where did he get keys?) found Leo with a head wound caused by blunt trauma to the head. He says they murdered Leo, the guys explain how it happened, Ted thinks it a good story but won’t be bought by cops or a judge. Actually he believes it, but tis lame. Why not call police for help immediately. He proceeds to issue his blackmail, he lost his 1/3 of whatever Leo would get, still wants the big bucks. None of them want the news of Leo being dead to get out. He will get in touch later.

Jennifer sits with Kayla, telling her of her dilemma, how she knows something, learned from the person she trusts least in the town, but it is all true. She does say that Nicole still loves Eric, that Brady forced her to leave, but cannot tell Kayla how. She talks of how Jack was the love of her life, and how it has been so long, but she is happy with Eric, still gets weak in the knees when he kisses her. She hates keeping the secret, but thinks perhaps Eric might not stay with her if he knew this. Plus, he & Brady finally have made up, both going to walk Marlena down the aisle, and this could cause them problem again. Kayla admits she has kept secrets, too…..(Cue long flashback of her lying to Steve about Stefan selling the company and how she may be able to get him on the trial list to try it out, and then when Steve is able to see, and they rejoice) She continues that sometimes one does that for the person they love. Right now she has a huge secret she is keeping, that would upset Steve if he ever found out. Jennifer’s eyes move, Kayla turns around, there is Steve.

He comments they looked intense while talking. What is going on. Kayla makes some small excuse, Steve smiles, says does it have something to do with that ring on your finger. Jen laughs, yep, the gals pretend it was wedding plans, Kayla walks Jen out, says everything will be o.k.

Jen is waiting in the square, Eric arrives, she jumps up smiling, he twirls her around, dancing with her a bit, big kiss. He is happy, she is happy, embrace, but over his shoulder, she has a worried look.

Eve returns to the Inn, tells Brady she tried to talk to Victor again, starts in about Vic trying to help, etc. She is going to call her daddy, have him convince Theresa to do the joint custody thing, etc. Brady doesn’t want to talk about that, has news, Jen & Eric are engaged. Eve is happy Jen said yes, admits she saw the ring box on the table yesterday, but no idea what was going on, so said nothing. Pretty soon they are kissing, Brady glad she is in his life, more kissing.

Kayla comes back in, says she & Jen just did wedding plan talk, Steve is all smiles, she goes to get them something to drink. He turns somber, flashes back to coming into the Pub, overhearing Kayla telling Jen about the secret. He stares ahead, …. mutters, what is it you are hiding, Kayla.
I love how Steve was all the way at the door but apparently heard what Kayla said. Usually they are right behind someone and don't hear a thing!

It's hard to picture Adrienne and Lucas together now. I always thought she would too old for him. He and Chloe are good.

Sonny and Will were so stupid to not call the police when Leo was accidentally killed after he tried to strangle Will. He tried to strangle Will!! Could have been explained! Not so much now.
Here are a few suggestions for assorted persons.

Big Boy Sonny: He really should enroll in Salem University School of Law's quickie J.D. degree and become a lawyer by Halloween (or even sooner). If he knew more about the law he could have laughed off Ted's nonsense about first-degree murder charges, a "brutal crime," and "Burrito Leo." In fact, the Big Boy could have threatened to expose Ted's blackmail scheme, which would get Kate's new boyfriend disbarred ASAP.

Big Boy Sonny: He should remember the true nature of his Kiriakis family. He has on his side Grouchy Victor, who could arrange for Ted and his nasty little schemes to leave Salem or this life rather quickly.

Brady: He ought to give up yammering at Victor. Sure, the old grouch messed up, but Eve's boy toy should be concentrating on developing some new plan that would return Tater Tot to Salem.

Steve: Instead of getting his shorts in a knot over what he might have over heard, he should remember that his Sweetness always acts with his best interest in mind.

The Writers: They should wake up and realize that Days viewers want more of fan-favorite Lucas and little or nothing about perverted Stefan Zero.
I love how everyone on this show just suddenly finds themselves in love. Chloe and Lucas had what, two dates before she was kidnapped? Even with their past history that makes no sense.

This show has five hours a week where they could actually develop stories. Shows with one hour a week do a better job somehow. Lucas with Anne would have been great if they took the time to do it right.

Also what ever happened to Chloe's little sister? Maybe that's someone they could bring on the scene that wouldn't be related to everyone else.
Joy Wesley (Chloe's sister) lives with her parents in New York. Occasionally Nancy would mention her the last few times she was on. (comments like "Parker had a good time at the park with your dad and Joy." or "Honey, I have to get back home to your dad and Joy.")
He says they murdered Leo, the guys explain how it happened, Ted thinks it a good story but won’t be bought by cops or a judge. Actually he believes it, but tis lame. Why not call police for help immediately. He proceeds to issue his blackmail, he lost his 1/3 of whatever Leo would get, still wants the big bucks. None of them want the news of Leo being dead to get out. He will get in touch later.
Call me crazy, but I'm still holding out hope that Leo is alive. I want Will and Sonny to fry and Leo and Ted (actual competent, likable people) to get their payday. (And forgive me if the scene completely belies this - I have removed Days from my DVR as I just don't have time to watch this week.)

Oh, and also, even if they show his body being cremated, it still might "not take." LOL

The Writers: They should wake up and realize that Days viewers want more of fan-favorite Lucas and little or nothing about perverted Stefan Zero.
Hear, hear.
references to Joy.
For no productive reason, I recently began sketching a fan fiction with Joy as a rival in Claire's singing career. I'm a big fan of the idea of her returning. (That means it will never happen.)
Thanks, Poirot.

After watching today's show, I wish we didn't learn earlier that Ted was involved
with sending the notes. i think letting us know when Sonny and Will knew would
have been better.

Ted told Sonny and Will they needed to talk some place private instead of on
Horton Square. Are there signs at the park to let people know to "stay away
private secretive conversation in progress"?

I wish Brady was smarter. Victor looked over at Eve when Brady asked if anyone
else was involved.. Then Eve looked at Victor.

It was interesting to have Steve know what Jen and Kayla said when he wasn't
close. Maybe his hearing got better when he was blind.

Line of the day goes to Ted "rolled up in a rug like burrito" I laughed out loud.
Call me crazy, but I'm still holding out hope that Leo is alive. I want Will and Sonny to fry and Leo and Ted (actual competent, likable people) to get their payday. (And forgive me if the scene completely belies this - I have removed Days from my DVR as I just don't have time to watch this week.) Oh, and also, even if they show his body being cremated, it still might "not take." LOL
I too would prefer that Leo is alive. That said, his competence is open to question. He did managed to fool Sonny (no great feat), but then he tied himself to Kate's lethal apron strings, which is never wise. Also trying to strangle Will in a fit of rage demonstrated poor impulse control. As for Ted, he's certainly competent in the courtroom (he made hash of bumbling Justin at the custody hearing), but he too has made questionable moves. Sure, the Big Boy looks like an easy target, but lurking behind him is ruthless Victor with his army of thugs (calling Xander). He's also crawled into bed with Kate, which is always a dicey proposition. As for cremation not being permanent, that's certainly correct. Surely, Rolf has concocted some magic elixir that could be sprinkled on the ashes, and which would quickly reconstitute the dearly departed.