Days of Our Lives - Mon. , Dec. 12, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 12, 2016

Rather slow going today, but, Nicole is napping, Daniel appears, obviously a dream. Actually, he is there to tell her he will always be there for there, and knows she loved him, but she has to move on, find love, and if she thinks she found it, go for it. She wakes up, tearful, looks at her engagement ring, is twisting it around, tears falling.

Replay of Jen bumping into Eve, about to leave, but stopped by Brady who noticed the pill bottle she was carrying. He talks to her privately, asks about the pills, she claims with all that happened to her, she got her mom to prescribe these anti-depressants. Brady looks at the bottle, realizes they are mild/non-addictive, apologizes and reminds her if she needs to talk, he is there for her, anytime. Eve returns, she & Jen exchange a few nice comments, with Eve wishing Jen well, and good things to come. Jen wishes the same for her.

Chad is at the cop shop, fills Rafe in on what Harold told him about Stefano, the gun, etc. & that Harold is willing to testify. Chad knows the kind of man his father was, and realizes that he set his death in motion purposely, intending for someone to do him in, but not necessarily Hope, as he did not know she was coming over. Rafe figures this certainly will help Justin with the appeal for Hope.

Roman has come to see Hope, talks over the appeal, in comes Hattie, who calls him Mr. Roman, is all flustered that he is there. Hope is smiling, as Hattie goes on about how good looking he is, etc. She asks him if he ever tried speed dating, then relates her experience, meeting the "handsomeish" guy, and dating for a while, until the millions disappeared from the company she worked for, as did he, while she ended up here. (Fun stuff here). She leaves, Hope grins, Roman doesn't know if he will be able to help or not.

Eve & Brady return to the Kmansion with Tate, greeted by Nicole, who is happy to see Eve. Brady goes to get Tate some snacks, while Eve and Nicole talk of their losses. Eve did not suspect a thing about Theresa going back to drugs, talks of still missing Paige, as Nicole still misses Daniel, they hug, with Eve offering for Nicole to call her anytime. Upstairs, Brady talks to Tate about doing without his mom, but the two of them will make it together. He gets a call, is startled.

Chad meets up with Jen, telling her about what Harold said, she wants an interview with the paper, but will hold it til Justin says it would be o.k. to print. She & Chad sit and talk of Abby, he is ready to do what Father Louis suggested, and do the memorial for Abby, so that Thomas will have something to remember his mother by. He even wants to do it sort of like the one for Alice & Tom there in the Square. Jen is startled, tries to tell him to wait a while, think about exactly what it should be, don't rush into it, etc. etc.

Chad then goes to see Hope, tells her the news, and he is sorry she is behind bars. Hope protests that no matter what Stefano did, she still is the one who killed him. Nope, Chad is not angry. He knew about Stefano before he ever learned he was his father. The lying, stealing, manipulations, vendettas, and in the end, he managed to take a Brady down with him. His final vengeance.

Deimos arrives where his goon is holding Philip. He dismisses the goon, and starts questioning the very groggy, out of it, Philip, who really barely says a word, finally muttering "Chloe". Deimos hops on that, is asking about the secret that Philip mentioned to Nancy, but is getting very frustrated at Philip's lack of response. He keeps asking about Chloe, Philip talks of loving her, first love and all that, wanting to tell her. Deimos is at his wit's end, pounding questions at Philip, who mutters "embryo". Deimos gets angry, figures he did not get enough truth serum, starts filling the hypo to give him more, yammering about not knowing what the heck Phil means by "embryo"....when he stops, light bulb goes on. He figures out what Philip probably meant, starts questioning him again.

Brady bursts in, what the hell are you doing. Deimos is caught up short, Brady is having a fit, how could you kidnap and drug your own nephew. Deimos is sorry, calls his goon back in, as Brady is untying Phil, and tells the goon to take Phil to another area, let him go when he wakes up completely.

Now Brady is facing off with Deimos, who is silent about the why. Brady figures he is calling Victor to come out of retirement, because Vic certainly did not make Deimos head of the business to have Deimos be a kidnapping pirate with a posse of thugs. Brady overheard Deimos saying something about Chloe & Nicole...what was that all about. Deimos says it was personal, Brady retorts that since Chloe is his ex-wife, and Nicole his very good friend, it is personal for him, too. Spill it. Deimos finally caves and tells his theory. He overheard Phil talking to Chloe's mother about a secret they cannot let Nicole know, and he thinks that Chloe is carrying Daniel & Nicole's baby.
This one was pretty hard to stay tuned for between the violence with Deimos and Philip, Rafe obsessing over Hope, and the constant Daniel worshipping. Very painful episode. Pretty clear it was written by David Cherrill from the get go.

I did enjoy the Toys for Tots box at the Salem PD. Nice touch.

I wonder if Jennifer is going to end up confiding in someone about Abby. She seems ready to explode.

Shocker Brady remembers he was married to Chloe. When is the last time he acknowledged that?

Hattie and her Mr. Roman were very cute, as was the red bow in Hattie's hair.
LOL at Jennifer telling Eve not to talk about JJ.:rotfl::rotfl:
I made a comment a few weeks ago about Dena liking to write repetitive stories at the same time. Well now we have 2 doppelgänger "love" stories. Nicole/Deimos and Hattie/Roman. Both women are doppelgängers for other women the men have loved in the past.
Stefano didn't have to goad anyone into killing him. Watching this episode would have done him in. First, there was another return by Salem's own secular saint, Dr. McScruffy. Why can't he do something useful for once and tell Nicole to run as far from Deimos as possible? Speaking of Deimos, the Kiriakis family circus reached new lows at the Salem Inn today. If Victor knew what was going on he'd toss all the participants in today's farce out of the family. Elsewhere, there was faith in the only-in-Salem "he-made-me-do-it" defense for Hope, and a woman inmate came on to "Mr. Roman." Sami wouldn't like this. How long will it be before Hattie gets one of her patented "I-HATE-you" tweets?
I actually liked the episode. I really like Hattie, and think she provides a bit of light-hearted humor in an otherwise dark show (well, dark for the time being). I also enjoyed Eve being on (please make her a permanent character) and interacting with Brady, Nicole, and Jennifer. As for the Nicole-Daniel dream, I'm also tired of the constant Daniel worship, but the scenes made sense in a way, and I didn't find it to be too unbearable. I like that Deimos is getting to the bottom of this and that Brady is going to be involved too, from the looks of it.

As for the Chad-Hope stuff, as usual it was the weaker part of the show, but not awful to watch.
because Vic certainly did not make Deimos head of the business to have Deimos be a kidnapping pirate with a posse of thugs.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Mr Goodie-two-Red-Shoes Victor would never have an army of thugs. Neeeever.
She wakes up, tearful, looks at her engagement ring, is twisting it around, tears falling.
Upstairs, Brady talks to Tate about doing without his mom, but the two of them will make it together. He gets a call, is startled.
I'm so mad about the idiocy of this storyline. Sooo mad. Jeannie T could have sacrificed herself without deceiving Brady. Brady could have helped in the deception; she could have willingly gone with the druglord (Mateo? I can't think of it at the moment) and faked fights in public with Brady. If (and I assume she wasn't killed off so that she likely will) Jeannie returns, Brady will have the right to hate her for this torment, and to hate Kim & Shane for their part in it. If he'd been in on the plan, we could have had several tender good-by scenes (since we were supposed to care about them as a couple) and he could still feel torn up about being a single dad.

In short...GRRR!! LOL

Eve & Jen are a must watch. I enjoy these two acting maturely. And again, I am disgusted with Nicole/Daniel. She's literally been mourning longer than they were together. How dare she even think to compare that to losing an adult child.

Hattie + Roman = WIN. Almost as Much as my new favourite pairing, Chille/Julie. *swoon*
Great stuff with Mr Roman and Hattie. I hope she'll get out of jail soon and
looks him up. Would he call her Marlena by mistake?

I noticed the Toy for Tots box too. I'm glad they remembered that when they
filmed the scenes so long ago.

Would the real Daniel be ok with Deimos? Deimos has lied about Xander and
today he abusing Philip. Ghost Daniel needs to look around Salem and
see what's really going on with Deimos :)

I enjoyed the short scene with Eve and Jen. Eve was being nice, but Jen's daughter
isn't dead like Paige is.

I'm surprised Deimos told Brady about Chloe's baby might be Daniel and Nicole's.
I wonder why Brady doesn't already suspect something since he has
Daniel's heart.
Brady found Summer that way.
I think if there was anybody on today's episode who deserved to be called the "bees knees" (I've never understood that expression I mean even if a bee had knees what would be so great about them? But I digress) it would definitely be Hattie :love:. I would love if if there was someway we could still get Hattie after the prison story is over. I see all kinds of potential for a Hattie/Mr. Roman pairing. :)

I think it's a real testament to just how dark the show had become when they had to resort to a prison story to lighten things up. LOL

I also love how when the prison rules say "Inmates are allowed four hours of visitation a month" what they really mean is "Stop by at any time!"
I never mind having Daniel visit Nicole in her dreams, or to recreate a new scene. The man is nice to look at, but it makes sense to me as Nicole loved him so very much and you don't get over a great love 1,2,3. I never lost a great love, but I did lose family members and to this day, years later, I still shed a tear when I think of them. I also though wish Daniel had said to run away from Deimos ASAP!

I also love Hattie. She brings the light heartedness which is much needed nowadays. Love the Mr. Roman!
Thanks I only got to see the first half, had to run out quick!

I liked Hattie and I liked Eve. I felt for her when she was asking how Jennifer was about losing a child. I see some backlash from people when Abigail is revealed!

The two infants on the show have had their moms leave their lives and both mothers are alive and well.
The man is nice to look at, but it makes sense to me as Nicole loved him so very much and you don't get over a great love 1,2,3.

Funny how she seemed to get over Eric rather quickly after they were locked in the furnace and right after she had claimed he was the love of her life. Nicole has now been mourning Daniel longer than they were actually together as a couple. I don't consider that a great love but I know we all have different views.

I see some backlash from people when Abigail is revealed!

When I saw the spoiler photo of Jen and Eve together, my immediate thought was that Eve was going to blow up at her as soon as Abby is revealed to everyone.
Funny how she seemed to get over Eric rather quickly after they were locked in the furnace and right after she had claimed he was the love of her life. Nicole has now been mourning Daniel longer than they were actually together as a couple. I don't consider that a great love but I know we all have different views.

My dad & stepmom were only together as a couple and married a little over 2 years. She mourned his death for years after he died. So there is a time limit on mourning? As for the furnace, they thought they were going to die. It can make people do things they normally wouldn't do or say in instances like that. Yes, we have different views and I knew I would get negative feedback as to all the Daniel bashing in this forum. I understand this.
Mourning for long periods of time (or a lifetime) in real life is normal. But Daniel has been given a mourning period in Salem not afforded to other characters. Characters that had been around much longer or had stronger ties to the community. Even newbies with strong ties to the Salemites barely got a second thought. Like Paige. She's the granddaughter of Shane and Kim. Yet no one is seen grieving her death (except for the brief scene yesterday with Eve).

Will. No one seems to mourn him very much.
Baby Grace is rarely mentioned.
Bo. We hardly get a mention of people still mourning him (except for Thanksgiving this year).
Arianna the First. She's rarely mentioned by her family or Brady
Dead DiMeras, like Renee, Megan, Benjy or Tony. Who mourns them?
Madison. Brady never mentions the pain of losing her.
I do like that characters who ordinarily don't interact together, or rarely are in a scene together, are doing so. Brady & Deimos for instance. Dario & Abby, Chad & Rafe, Roman & anyone. LOL