Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 27, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Possession Day.

Hortons: Julie gives Eli ornaments for Jules and Carver. (Doug and Lani are in the kitchen.) Julie wants to hang them together, right away. (We see both babies.) They place them by Zack's ornament.

Eric’s: Allie and Tripp coo over Henry as they recap. (Henry’s on-screen.) She gets a text from Johnny.

Bedroom: Johnny and Chanel are in bed. They recap about EJ/Sami. They plan to see Allie.

Interrogation Room: EJ is cuffed to the chair. Nicole visits. (Holly is at Maggie's per grandparent request.) She asks if he did it. He claims innocence. They speculate. He settles on Rafe; Nicole suggests Lucas. More speculating as they recap Lucas’s exploits. After some chat, Nicole thinks it could have been Sami herself, or even perhaps EJ. She’s not sure what/who the new EJ is.

Townhouse Living Room: Sami worries about Marlena. Lucas arrives. Sami is focused on Marlena. They recap and fret. Lucas is shocked about EJ’s cancelling their divorce. Their quibbling is interrupted by crashing.

John & Marlena's Bedroom (the weird closet doors tricked me before, my mistake): Mardevil cackles as John recites magic words. There’s crashing booms and flashing back to the last exorcism.

Square: Paulina and Abe run into one another (figuratively) in the Square. She tells him about Johnny, her new son-in-law. (She's been shopping, Ballistix which amazingly still exists was open until noon.) She figures some DiMeras are good, since Theo is part-DiMera. Lani and Eli happen by, Lani is cool, they have to get back to the twins (wow this editing is bad). Paulina grasps at straws, which works for 20 seconds. Lani wants to send her brother-in-law (Johnny, not Scotty) a present. Paulina has a present for the twins, her grandbabies, that is a Price family tradition (pictures in a kaleidoscope(?)).

Outside Eric’s: Chanel frets about Allie’s reaction. Inside, they exchange gifts (Henry is sleeping) and recap the EJ/Sami situation. They quibble about EJ’s motives. Johnny drops the discussion (you imagine that they had to have had these fights 1000x). Chanel says that they’re married. Allie says it's the biggest mistake of Chanel’s life. Allie knows Johnny’s romantic moves, and Chanel reacts as if she’s experienced them.

John & Marlena’s Bedroom: Lucas and Sami walk into the spectacle. Sami pleads with John to stop as "Marlena" begs for help. John shoos Sami out. Mardevil needs to talk to Horton.

Townhouse Living Room: Sami weeps. She brought Caroline's rosary to help, but couldn't take the scene. They worry about the kids and then Sami notices Lucas is gone.

John & Marlena’s Bedroom: Mardevil tells Lucas that she planted the idea to kidnap Sami in his head, but he did it himself. She begs to be untied. Mardevil promises that nobody will know what he did (re: Sami) if he helps her. Lucas touches the ropes, Sami enters. Lucas lies, Mardevil calls him out.

Eric’s: Allie wants to talk to Chanel privately, so Tripp takes Johnny to see Henry. Allie remembers Chanel's exploits. Johnny re-emerges and snipes, eventually settling on Allie’s unquenchable lust for Chanel.

Townhouse: John is still talking to the lord in the living room, hoping he can save Marlena again. There's a knock on the door. Eric is there. END
If Lucas participates in setting Mar-Devil free, I might be done with the character forever. I’m so over this. They’d better not ruin the character anymore than they already have. If he’s going to keep lying, he should totally say the Devil made him do the kidnapping. Setting her free makes no sense AT ALL! I really want this to be over. I hope Eric’s arrival is a good sign.
Loved Mardevil screaming as John sprinkled holy water on her, repeating " cast out" over and over. Only saw small part of the show, so thank you, Jason, for the recap. Interesting how John prays for a sign that he will be able to help Marlena, and knock, knock, there is Eric! Dressed as a priest!

If lucas even thought for a second of untieing that demon, he is more far gone than we know.
Hate how this headwriter throws so many characters under the bus, changes their personalities, etc. Isn't Ryan Quan supposed to keep him in check? (Ryan has been with the show several years now, at least knows the characters.)
Ron seems to be free rein, in charge, no matter what. We are supposed to just believe in him after he destroys so many historical storylines and characters. This has been the worst assassination of characters since a large majority were "killed off" then miraculously resurrected and sent to Melaswen. Tripe and more tripe. Insult upon insult. We are morons and he knows best. Sick and tired is too trite to explain the malaise of most Days fans.
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Lucas was trying to untie the ropes when Sami came in the room.

Before he did it, he said that if he untied MarDevil’s hands, she could do whatever she wanted to Marlena And Sami would hate him. MarDevil told him that everybody would hate him anyway when they found out what he had done, so “you’re screwed!”
Normally, Lucas would be the aware character who would crack a joke about what people get away with in this town. There are two rapists and a murderer running loose about the town, the former commissioner committed a crime in which the current commissioner was an ex-post facto accomplice, etc.

The story's not challenging, exciting, or anything. It was simply plooped down to explain the actress's absence.
Jules & Carver: They were looking solemn today. Have they realized that their mother is hard-hearted bad cop Lani?

Allie: She's another one with a nasty mouth. Sure, the Johnny-Chanel marriage is almost certainly going to be a train wreck, but did she really have to run her big mouth now about how bad it will be. What good does that do?

Lucas: The writers are doing their absolute best to ruin this fan-favorite. You know they're out to get him when he's portrayed as being as dumb as EJ says he is.

Eric: Usually, the appearance of the fallen father is a cue for the audience to fall asleep, but if his appearance means the end of the Mar-Devil plot, I for one will give him a hearty welcome back to Salem.

John: He was really rocking the house today with his holy water. It's too bad that he didn't have it handy to use on such past personifications of evil like Orpheus, Yo-Daddy, and Stefano.
Julie gives Eli ornaments for Jules and Carver. (Doug and Lani are in the kitchen.) Julie wants to hang them together, right away. (We see both babies.) They place them by Zack's ornament.


Thanks, Jason.

It's interesting to learn that Salem has stores open on Christmas Day. Some stores close early on Christmas
Eve in my town.

Allie needs to start singing another tune when she sees Johnny and Chanel. All she says is that Johnny goes out
with girls and then dumps them.

So, the devil suggested to Lucas to kidnap Sami. I wonder how many other people of Salem have done something
wrong because they got the suggestion from the devil.

Nice scene with Julie and Eli putting the twins ornaments on the tree.

I laughed when the devil said Lucas was the boring one.

So, EJ thought Rafe had Sami kidnapped and Nicole suggested Lucas. Will EJ figure out who really did it to save himself?

I enjoyed the flashback scenes with John and Marlena of the last exorcism he did.