Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 31, 2012


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, Dec. 31, 2012

Gabi is talking with Father Eric, telling him she has something she wants to tell him. And just as she is about to tell what it is, in bursts Sami, wanting to talk to them both about the wedding. She is all bubbly, and absolutely refuses to take no for an answer, sees Gabi seems upset, accuses Eric of saying something, assumes perhaps that Gabi cannot be married in the church, and just goes on and on. Gabi is claiming she is worried about Nick not being there, Nick rushes in, Sami still refuses to leave, Gabi is telling Nick they have to tell Father Eric, can no longer lie. Finally Eric firmly users Sami out the door.

Kate runs into Will, tells him about his cousin Nick being offered the job, turning it down, trying to play her against Sami. Will is surrprised, talks of the baby, Nick needing a job, etc., wanting to support his family, etc. Will leaves, & goes to the church. But next we see Kate at the Kmansion with Adrienne, who is apologizing for the way she thought of Will , he's a nice young man, yada, yada. She even looks forward to eventually having a wedding for them. Kate accepts the apology & departs.

Sami is indignant, just as Will comes into the vestibule. She tells him of Eric kicking her out, Gabi being upset, talking of having to tell something. Will tries to rush in, Sami stops him, babbles, wants to know what is going on. He says none of her business, turns away, sends a text message to Gabi. Inside, she is telling Nick they have to tell, then gets the text message (how rude to have her phone turned on while talking with the priest in the church, and doubly so, that it is out on the pew right next to her).
Out in the vestibule, Sami suddenly decides she knows what is going on, and yes, she bursts back into the room. Eric is not a happy camper, Sami pulls Gabi aside, talks of how she promised Rafe to look after Gabi, and wonders if she is worrying about when her pregnancy really began. Isn't this nice...she gave Gabi her out. Gabi says she would rather tell Father Eric herself, not Sami, and Eric once more escorts Sami out. She is indigant, telling Will she is going to talk to Eric later about this.
Meanwhile Gabi confesses to Father Eric that she is further along than he thinks, got pregnant practically right after they met, hopes this won't be a problem. Nope, Father Eric got their baptismal certificates this morning, the Bishop has approved, and he will marry them right there.

Out in the vestibule, obnoxious Sami is listening at the door, with Will warning her they will be excommunicated if Father Eric catches her doing that. Sami is finally gathering her things together to take off, asks Will if he & Sonny will be celebrating the New Year, he says yes, she wishes them a Happy New Year, admits she is going out herself. She is a bit hesitant, but confesses it is with EJ, Will says fine, no lectures from him, he kisses her on the cheek and departs.

Lots of different flashbacks today, which use up some of the time. Marlena sits in the park, I guess, flashing back a lot, and finally to sending John to Brady's office. She tries to stop him, calling him, goes to voice mail. Hope appears, Marlena tells her all, Hope cannot understand why Marlena has not already told John, what is holding her back. Tis complicated says Marlena.
Meanwhile, John has comes into Brady's office finding them going at it on the desk. He awkwardly begins talking of wanting to share their table for 4 on New Years Eve with Brady & his date. Brady tries to stop John's words, as both are attempting to get dressed, telling him to stop playing games. John makes a crack about what his definition of games is, perhaps after Brady zipping his fly, rages something about manners, and storms out. Brady grabs his shirt, tells Kristen to wait here, he'll go talk to him, and he follows John.
Kristen is elated, comments it wasn't supposed to happen this way, happened! Yay.

Hope leaves to get Marlena a bottle of water, and along come smirky Kristen, who doesn't tell Marlena what happened, but certainly gives her infamous Cheshire cat smile...she is sure happy about the outcome. kristen leaves, Hope arrives with the water, yes, that was kristen, and she tries calling John. He answers, she asks if he went to Brady's office. Yes he did, and they will talk later.

Brady caught up with John, who is still super angry, reminding Brady how Kristen nearly killed Marlena, and was almost his step-mother. He knows this, claims that when he got between her and the muggers is when he began to change the way he regarded her. John is giving Brady what for, but Brady tells John he is one to always fight dragons, but Brady is a drug addict. John says he has lost a lot o battles, but Brady has remained sober. They go back and forth, Brady claims he could see how Kristen was trying to change, blah, blah. (Actually, these ARE very good scenes!) John figures Brady is being naive, Kristen seduced him, but Brady says no, it was all him, she tried to stop it, but he wanted it. He is sorry for the way John found out, but is glad that it is now out in the open. Brady leaves, an exasperated John sits on the bench, gets the call from Marlena.

Brady rushes back to his office, Kristen is gone, he knows not where. He is trying to call, when Marlena marches in. He has no time, she tells him to make time....and insists he tell her what exactly is going on.

In her hotel room, a gleeful Kristen is shedding her shoes, wearing just a sexy slip, is so very pleased with herself. She shakes her hair, pours herself a glass of champagne from the convenient bottle sitting in a bucket of ice. Happy New Year, she toasts herself, taking a sip. She picks up her phone, sees Brady is trying to call her. Knock, knock. Hmmm, can't be Brady. She slithers over, glass in hand, opens the door, smirks seductively as there stands the still very upset John Black.
With Brady ensnared in Kristen's sensual web and Sami playing footsie with EJ again, makes me a little sad that Megan Hathaway (Stefano's daughter) isn't still alive to seduce Eric away from the priesthood. Then Eric could start sleeping with her and tell everyone (especially Hope, who Megan tried to kill), "but you don't understand, Megan has changed". :sarcasm:
I honestly gave it my best shot today to watch because GH was a re-run, but when Kristen started acting like a teen around Marlena today, it made me sick to my stomach. The DiMera clan has away of doing that to me! So I turned my TV off and listened to music instead very enjoyable and relaxing!
Was that really a dress??? Oh, my gosh, her bosum was falling out of it, she looked (in that closet) like she was undressing, just thought it was a slip....
I'm pretty sure it was a trashy looking dress since she was wearing the black lace bra and half-slip in Brady's office.
For me, yesterdays episode was intense! From the moment John walked into Brady's office it seemed Brady and Kristen were waiting for John to explode. I loved that the writers chose to use sarcasm and humor to get John past this moment. I even felt at times John channeled 'bad' John to deliver his message of distain for what he had just witnessed. All the while the two love birds scrambling to get their clothes on and not doing such a good job. Kristen actually looked concerned that John walked in on them, until Brady left that is. Once her head cleared and she shook the cobwebs from her brain as to what just happened, it wasn't exactly how she wanted it to go down, but accepted it for what it was. Then her taunting Marlena outside the HTC, what great actors these to are Deidra Hall (Marlena) and Eileen Davidson (Kristen), I was waiting for one or both of their heads to spin around. But it was Kristen's scene in her Hotel Room as she dawned her green dress and sipped her champagne in celebration of her accomplishments that sealed the deal for me, her elevator does not go to the top floor and there doesn't seem to be a ladder for her to climb to the top. She could move into very spooky in the near future. Can't wait for Stefano to return and see what Daughter dearest has been up to, not to mention how is EJ going to handle her, all her actions are bound to affect his plan to hook up with Sami.

Kates conversation with both Will and Adrienne were also terrific. Kate and Adrienne's timing and interaction was impeccable. Two terrific actress's and characters way under used.

Now our Samantha Gene at the Church. For me the writers went to far in her disrespect for Gabi's right to confidentiality with Father Eric. The first interruption was Sami being Sami and Eric took care of that by escorting her out finally. The second interruption was two much, as was Sami peaking through the door watching Father Eric with Gabi and Nick. Ok enough said on that. Happy New Year Everyone!
Thank you for posting Poirot.

I enjoyed the scene with Adrienne and Kate too.

How long has it been since we saw the woods in Salem with a bench? Is it a new Benchie?
Poor thing it sure got an earful with John and Brady.

Interesting observation lovin_safe. Kristen acting like a teen with Marlena. I guess she's
really happy her plan is working, sort of or is there another reason she acts giddy around Marlena.