Days of Our Lives - Mon. Feb. 18, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, February 18, 2019

It is still Valentine's Day in Salem, as complete replay of Chad/Abby conversation about getting back together, and their kiss. Door slams, Jennifer is home, learns Charlotte back, and for a reporter asks no details, but rushes over, picks up doll in a blanket, ooh, aahs, etc. She does now hear that Jordan is the one who took her, there IS a squad car outside, but Chad asks if he can spend the night, will sleep on sofa. Sure, fine, Jen takes Charlotte upstairs & will check on Thomas. Chad will get a blanket...Nope, Abby wants him to come upstairs with her. They talk a bit in the bedroom about being apart, but are soon kissing, removing clothes, down on the bed, and have a very romantic Valentine's.

Over at Eric's apartment, they debate about eating the dinner, since Rex is with his mom, Sarah asks for plastic containers, or bags to store the dinner, Eric is all out! Offers to go get some, no, no, they Sarah figures they should eat as Rex wanted them to, and they do. Sarah is imbibing wine like going out of style, tells a tale of last Valentine's day, when it was a snowstorm, fellow nurse Marcy was having trouble with her car in the parking lot, Rex went to help, making sure Marcy got home, but road so bad, he stayed at a motel. And being Sarah, her mind runs off, with how it was probably a lie, he slept with Marcy, blah, blah. She calls Rex, Eric talks her out of that, being he is at hospital, with mom who had been drugged and nearly killed. So, Sarah instead decides to call Marcy. Eric fails in attempts to stop her, she is all long time no talk to her friend, who had always been so sweet to Eric, and to her, was thinking of her, and last Valentine's, when Rex helped her with her car, the storm, the bad roads, and then she accuses Marcy of sleeping with her boyfriend. Ooops, I am so sorry, I wish you and your wife the very best. She hangs up, takes her foot out of her mouth. Knows she had it all wrong, light bulb goes on, Marcy was sweet to her, because she maybe was sweet ON her?? She & Eric talk a bit, Rex returns.

At the hospital, Kate is talking to Rex over what happened, and how Chad evidently told Jordan he had killed Ben to get her to turn over Charlotte. Rex recalls the woman he ran into saying her brother had been killed. Kate insists on calling the police, Jordan must be around the Pub somewhere. She makes Rex go home to Sarah.

Replay of Ted kissing Hope, her pushing him away, don't ever do that again. Rafe arrives, hugs with Hope, he explains about Kate, they get the word about Jordan/Rex, she orders security footage, and cops to search area. Ted gives Rafe a hard time about not being there when his wife needed him, he tells Ted his reason for going to Europe none of his business. Rafe wants to see Ciara, Hope tells him to go, room 401, she will be along in a couple of seconds. With Rafe gone, Hope lays into Ted, is appreciative of all his support, but Rafe is her husband. Ted seems to think they have a special something, Hope denies it, now comes police report and she tends to it, Ted thinks they have more to talk about, no they do not.

Replay of Jordan coming in and knocking out Ben with the tray. Ciara asks what the heck she is doing, Jordan says protecting you, I saw he was attacking you. No, he was not, but Jordan has pulled out another of her trusty and handy hypos, and going to stop Ben once and for all. Ciara jumps out of bed, Jordan is kneeling besides Ben, ready to stick that hypo in, Ciara jumps her, they struggle quite a bit. Jordan has gotten the best of Ciara, knocks her down, and says she is going to finish what she started, ready to jab Ciara with the hypo. Ben comes to, grabs Jordan off of Ciara, and now they struggle, He finally manages to get the hypo out of her hand, in comes Rafe, who grabs Ben. Jordan immediately talks of him attacking her, arrest him. Ciara has gotten up, tells Rafe that Jordan brought the syringe in there. He releases his hold on Ben, talks of taking them both in, Ciara vouches for Ben, leave him here, trust me, I will be o.k. Rafe tells Jordan she has to come with him, Jordan is still talking of saving everyone from Ben who is dangerous. Ciara closes the door, Ben is upset, gasping. They embrace.

Over at the Horton house, Chad & Abby have come up for air, are covered with the blankets, declaring their love for each other, kissing, and...apparently, right into round 2.
Between replays and flashbacks there are very view new scenes. Still am not a Chad/Abigail oh they are soul mates and a super couple so I skipped their bedroom scene. Ugh.

I didn't hate Sarah before but now I think I do. She seriously called the woman she thinks Rex slept with last Valentine's day. Who turns out to be a lesbian and did I miss something because when Eric was complimenting her he said that someone like Marcy could be attracted to? And Sarah was looking like she'd sleep with Eric right then if he wanted to!!

So Rafe didn't see the kiss. Darn. Wonder if Hope will now fantasize about it?

Glad Ben was stopped but he can't beat himself up. Jordan was going to kill Ciara! He had to stop her!!
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Do the rooms no longer have a thing in the bed for patient to press in case they need assistance? That bugged me no end, as she could have pressed that the minute Jordan whacked Ben on the head, and then started yelling ....
But Poirot that "prop" would cost like $1.50 so they can't afford it.......
The last couple of hospital stays I've been involved with there hasn't been "button" but a large clunky thing that in addition to calling the nurses station, it controlled the Television and lights in the room, when you push the "help" button someone responds with how can we help..... so they don't even walk in they ask what you need before they come in...... saves trips I'm sure.....

Actually, there should have been an alarm going off if she got out of the bed unassisted, but I know they don't always turn that on. Anyway, here is my new theory - people are getting paid only if they have to learn new lines, as a cost-cutting method. For example, if Kate Mansi (Abby) says one more time, "You/He put Charlotte back in my arms," I am going to scream!! Add that to Hope's, "Ben did it!" and Gabi's, "I was beaten up in prison for a crime I didn't commit and now I can never have children" and Jordan's , "I have to protect you," you get the idea. They could be saving a lot of money this way!
Gosh, one would think since Salem's cell phones come programmed with every phone number of every person and business in Salem, their hospital might be able to provide something. After all, they do have doll in blanket available all the time. Should we maybe send them a TV remote we don't use any more? Sheesh!
Thank you, Poirot.

Sarah has got to go. This woman grates on my ever loving last nerve in every way possible. Her screeching has actually moved her to number one on my hate list ... above Leo and Stefan. Even Claire is a mild pinch compared to Sarah being like the horrible pain of my past spinal surgery. I hate to say it, but if she's on too much longer, I will have to be pretty hard up to watch on the days that she's on.
The entire Eric / Sarah eating the Valentine dinner that Rex prepared was stupid. Sarah should've gone to the hospital no matter what Rex said.

Am I the only one who noticed that Chad had on a thermal shirt today?!?! Boy, was I surprised. Someone finally got the memo (last summer) that February is cold in the midwest.

Are we close to the end of Jordan's stay in Salem? She should be sent off soon for a psych evaluation somewhere.

After Rex told Hope about suspecting it was Jordan he spoke to, Hope was posting a guard at Kate's room . Why didn't she already have one at both Kate's and Ciara's rooms? STUPID.

Ben saves Ciara again today! It'll probably kill Hope to have to thank him again.
Especially since she was so lax as to NOT post a guard there. This woman claimed constantly to be so worried about her daughter, find her daughter, etc. etc. Her daughter is found and saved by Ben, was nearly burnt up in another fire, the perp is on the loose, and NO Guard! Ugh.
Wretched excess was the order of the day in Salem.
  • Ted: Today, the shameless shyster was the perfect embodiment of being careful about what you wish for. He actually wished that Rafe had seen him kiss Hope? Hasn't anyone told him about how Rafe bounced EJ all over the Town Square after the future mummy had the bad judgment to take a swing at him. Ted's fate might have been even worse.
  • Sarah: Maggie's idiotic daughter actually called a woman to angrily accuse her of shacking up with Rexy a year ago? It was poetic justice when the object of her instant wrath turned out to be a lesbian. Frankly, Rexy (who's no prize himself) ought to pack his bags and head back to Chicago, all the while thanking God that he's escaped from Sarah's clutches.
  • The Writers: After all the efforts they've made to rehabilitate Ben, did they have to show him in an extended struggle with Jordan, ending with him about to stick her with the lethal needle? If cruelty to Ben was a criminal offense, the writers would be Hope's jail.
  • Eric: Most of what comes out the the sourpuss's mouth is instantly forgettable, but he really outdid himself by actually saying that Maggie's awful daughter "leads with her heart." Hasn't he been paying attention? In reality, she always leads with her big mouth.
Finally, some kudos are in order.
  • Doll-in-Blanket: The brave doll is always sparing Salem's infants from unpleasant experiences. Last week, this intrepid stand-in saved Baby Charlotte from experiencing batty Jordan and the smoky cabin. Today, it saved her from having to listen up close to Jenny's blathering.
  • Roman: So, he's expanded his Pub menu yet again -- now offering coconut cream pie and donuts covered with powered sugar. Either of those would be a fine conclusion to a meal consisting of Brady Burgers, Wanchai Ferry, or garbage-can nachos.
Did get a kick out of Eric taking a bite of that powdered sugar donut, and nary a speck of powdered sugar landed on his clothes, his lip, his cheek...even his hand. Amazing donuts.
As to doll in blanket....not only has saved baby Charlotte from smoke inhalation, but also from being smothered to death in blankets, that cover body, face, head.
While Ben's grip on Jordan seemed almost beyond his control, it did seem, once again, he was saving/protecting Ciara. Jordan was trying to kill Ciara, kill her! Ben was not going to allow that, no matter what. He could have easily shoved that hypo into her, but did not. However, he definitely is upset with himself, and what he almost did.
@redsquirrel, I totally agree about Sarah. When I first read the recap today, I wasn't going to watch, but, alas, I did. I just wonder if there are other boards out there where people actually like this character? It doesn't appear that she is too popular on this board, but I don't follow others. Also, are the writers aware of just how badly they have messed up with this character?
I said exactly the same thing, gramcracker....maybe that is why we don't see her practicing as a doctor. The character, as written is just annoying, irritating, jumps to conclusions entirely too quickly, plus has a tendency to overdo when it comes to alcohol.
Knows she had it all wrong, light bulb goes on, Marcy was sweet to her, because she maybe was sweet ON her??
Get over yourself. Just because your bio dad was a lothario and your eggsibling was a sleazoid doesn't mean you're hot tamales.
Grandma Caroline's blueberry pies
But just HIS grandma, he's not sharing with Rex! LOL

How was this a sweeps episode.