Days of Our Lives - Mon., Feb. 24, 2014

Line of the day Jen to Dan "we're not gonna go round and round"
It made me think of all the things we posted here going
around and around.

Will Dan and Jen get together? Will it stick this time? I just
want it one way or the other and stop the merry go round.

I wonder if Anne is at the hospital wondering where Abby,
Jen and Theresa are since they aren't at work :)

I guess Roman did a disappearing act since he was no
longer seen at the pub from Fri.

I laughed at EJ and all the things he said to Abby.
Brady is so arrogant, I want to stick pins in him and deflate the alcohol-soaked balloon his ego has become. The way he egged on JJ was appalling.

JJ was the man of the hour today, and he is definitely redeeming himself little by little. He was trying to be an adult, a decent human being, and hold out an olive branch to Theresa, let them get on with their lives, but she prefers being the petulant brat we know her to be.

True to form, Sami jumps on Marlena "It's Nicole's fault" bandwagon. Eric made the decision himself, although I think he definitely rushed it along. He didn't even wait to hear what the Church decided.

Loved it when Nicole called Marlena "Mar," but "Mar" did shrink Nicole. She sees right through her without knowing, for a fact, what Nicole did, that she destroyed the evidence needed to clear Eric. Even though I hated that Nicole did this, I'm still hoping it can be turned around, but if she destroyed everything, I don't know how.

Even though Abigail knew what she was doing from the start, it was despicable how EJ treated her. Okay, true that she can't have expected a blissful romance when EJ is such a visible presence in Salem, where could they really go to carry on their affair long term? He wanted to repel her instead of simply pushing her away and making it very clear that it was over. When you think about it, they only had four encounters, and one was interrupted: twice in the cabin, once in the storage room (interrupted) and once in the shower. So it ended before it really ever got started. Let's not forget that video out there, which can still destroy both their lives, even if the affair was over and done. I hope we find out soon about that and not have this drag on and on.

Wonder if Abigail dropped her credit card in the board room, and as luck would have it, Sami will find it and wonder how it got there, or even better, EJ will have found it, and Sami sees him with it.

Wonder what older man JJ thinks Abigail is seeing? The same professor Will thought it was?

So, Sami is going to take down the DiMeras? A one-woman vigilante? Sure she is.:rotfl:

It sure looked like Daniel was going to kick Jennifer to the curb once and for all, but old habits and all that rot. I wouldn't have minded them together initially if they didn't have all that back and forth, but that just got tired.

Things are different now, with Jennifer knowing all. There is strength in numbers. If only this was true in the past with all the trials and tribulations they endured. Now they, and JJ, can have a united front against Theresa and Anne. Maybe even Brady now, since he seems to be on Team Theresa.

If EJ and Abigail hadn't broken up (at least for now), I was thinking how fun it would be if they found themselves face to face with Jennifer and Daniel in the cabin. Now, that's what I'm talkin' about!:clap:
@Kat I was hoping for an "Airplane" themed caption today:). Did anyone else think of "Don't call me Shirley" when Marlena said "Don't call me Mar" to Nicole? Great delivery by both ladies!

I too am ok with Daniel and Jennifer if they stick together permanently, even if Jack ever returns. No more flip flopping. I was glad to hear Jennifer own up to her mistakes but I do wish he had a waited a little longer to forgive her. I also wanted him to tell her how badly she hurt him with her words. Nonetheless, I did see shades of old Jennifer today. And I saw shades of Jennifer in Abigail. Maybe that's why it felt Jennifer dominated the entire episode. Why is Jennifer borrowing wardrobe from Kayla now?

Why is everyone except Sami in some type of bun?

EJ/Abby: As I said last week, I think this is a typical roller coaster for a couple having an affair. EJ definitely seemed upset at the end about what he said to Abigail, even before Sami came in. I think she made him feel worse. I was curious about the credit card too. Does she not have a wallet?

Also, how many black leather skirts does a mid-20s PR assistant need?

The only thing I enjoyed about Theresa today was her "so what" reaction to Eric. That was exactly what I was thinking and then she said it. She could care less about Eric.

Re: eric telling theresa, I felt the same way. Why did he even feel the need to tell her?
She doesn't give a rat's booty about anyone in the family. Well, maybe the teeniest, tiniest, itty bitty smidgen about caroline--that's a big maybe.
I think I am skipping this episode to watch, thanks for the great write up!

As far as Jen and Dan - it wasn't just her treatment of him, it was everyone else in town so concerned with them - Maggie, Maxine and heck, I think even Brady at one time told Daniel to go talk. In my head I was thinking - People!!! sometimes couples just need a few days apart to figure things out. All this urging of talking was so irritating to me!
And now, Jen is supposed to keep her mouth shut, and do you honestly think she will be able to do so, with the needling and comments that will be eventually coming forth from hospital employees? Maxine, Anne, young nurses, interns, etc. etc.
Abby could have lost a bracelet, a pendant, even an earring, but they already did the lost earring with Sami, so instead.....a credit card??? Really? Even the hospital ID badge would make more sense.
And now, Jen is supposed to keep her mouth shut, and do you honestly think she will be able to do so, with the needling and comments that will be eventually coming forth from hospital employees? Maxine, Anne, young nurses, interns, etc. etc.

I was wondering about that too. Promise or no promise, this happened right after Jen told Kayla she would never forgive Daniel for his supposed indiscretion. Everyone who is all in their business all the time is not only going to want to congratulate them (except for Anne of course) but is going to want the scoop on how it happened. Except maybe Brady who will drunkenly say something stupid about hoping JJ doesn't destroy it this time. :rolleyes:
I wondered about Abby's credit card too. Maybe she just
bought something with it and left it behind. Was this the
day she talked to Nick before she saw EJ?

Heather, I do captions before I watch show. When Nicole
called Marlena, Mar, I thought of March since it's starts this weekend.
Brady is so arrogant, I want to stick pins in him and deflate the alcohol-soaked balloon his ego has become.
Yes, Brady is an arrogant, alcohol-soaked egotist, but he did one useful thing in this episode. By returning to Club TBD to retrieve his gloves because it was cold outside, he confirmed that despite the repeated sight of sleeveless Jen, it is indeed winter in Salem. Could it be that Ms. No-Show either can't feel the cold or her fury at the Love Doctor, dislike of Anne Milbauer, and constant lecturing of poor JJ have been keeping her warm.