Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 17, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Pub: Chloe is startled by Nancy's arrival. Nancy says Craig is cheating on her. Brady looks on with a dopey expression. She discusses the evidence. News Flash: Joy is in GRADUATE SCHOOL and Parker's in boarding school. Chloe talks about their strong marriage. Nancy delivers more evidence. She wants to confront Craig at his "conference" in Dallas. Brady stops her and recaps the Philip-crazy-thinking-Chloe-was-cheating plot point, in an attempt to illustrate that Nancy should take a minute. Nancy gossips about Brady and Chloe. She has been convinced to take a minute to cool down, goes to splash water on her face. Chloe has a plan.

Court Hallway: Kate and Lucas are talking about the frame-up. Trask overhears. They confess to everything - just kidding, they cover. Trask wants to put EJ away.

Court Multi-purpose Room: Replay of the "EJ" coming on to Abigail scene. Abigail gets assaulted. Chad sees. Abigail pushes "EJ" away. "EJ" claims she wanted it, angering Chad. Chad gives "EJ" the evil eye as the assaulter stalks out. Chad comforts Abigail, who can't understand "EJ"'s actions.

Empty Courtroom: Belle is confident Chad will come through for EJ. EJ is not as sure. Belle thinks Chad is fundamentally good.

Court Hallway: "EJ" emerges as Trask and Lucas/Kate are discussing the case. "EJ" steps out, Johnny returns. Devil-Johnny (voice in head) thinks now Chad will send EJ to prison. Trask reiterates her plot point, scoots away. Kate and Lucas continue conspiratorial talk. Johnny emerges and engages in dialogue chicken with Lucas about Sami's kidnapping.

Square: Gabi and Jake speculate about Johnny's interest in Dimera; they speculate he'll be EJ's puppet. NEWS FLASH: Johnny came of age between board votes for Dimera. They conspire to corrupt him to their cause.

Courtroom/Trial: Chad testifies about the transaction, demands EJ be locked up. Belle is angry, Trask is victorious, Chad is dismissed. The judge leaves. Johnny yells at Chad. Chad tells him off for what he did to Abigail. EJ is stymied. Chad and Abby stalk away. Johnny butters EJ up, plans to protect the company. He has to scoot to the lawyers. Meanwhile in the cheap seats, Lucas tells Kate to leave so he doesn't have to look at Kate's beady eyes while he perjures himself. Lucas starts to testify, Belle accuses him of kidnapping Sami. Lucas plays it cool. Belle fishes. Lucas claims he was with Philip when Sami was kidnapped. EJ threatens to kill Lucas. The judge calls a recess. EJ is angry, Lucas puts the screws to him before leaving. EJ is angry, Belle is flummoxed by Chad’s change of heart.

DiMansion: Chad and Abigail talk about whether or not EJ is innocent. Abigail is haunted by what "EJ" said. They plan to shower. Abigail goes up to check on the kids. Kate arrives (she rings the bell) and asks about Chad's change of testimony.

Square: Gabi and Jake tent their fingers and cackle about their plan for Johnny, who comes upon them. Johnny remarks he last saw Gabi when he was "running around in an eye patch and your brother's police vest". Johnny meets his "uncle" Jake. They discuss Dimera shares. Johnny's on board. Later in the behind-the-business area, Devil-Johnny (voice modified) talks about how hot Gabi is. END
Nancy flew all that way just to have a conversation about Chloe's allegedly cheating dad (nice to drag your child into unproven marital business) and then declare she's going to fly to Dallas to check on Craig? And poor Parker. He's bound to come back to town a little demon due to childhood neglect. That said, the scenes with her and Chloe were the most watchable of the day.

Glad for the summary because I fast-forwarded through all the rest once Johnny poked at Lucas. The constant devil-induced mayhem is unwatchable.

I just hope Abigail and Belle compare notes about EJ being in two places at once. Seriously, how is no one already suspecting Johnny is possessed? It's been ten minutes since that exorcism and he's acting so strange.

I love when Gabi when she's well-written, but Jake might be in the lead for the most confusingly written character on the show. I no longer have any idea who he is or why he wants to be CEO of anything. Their pairing has turned boring. I'm sure Devil-Johnny hitting on his older brother's baby mama will spice things up. :rolleyes:

This storytelling smells like the leavings of a large farm animal.
Belle: Mocking her legal abilities has been one of my favorite pastimes, but today she really outdid herself. (More on this on another thread,) Where's Ted Laurent when you really need him.

EJ: He's the client from hell with his absurd outburst. Any attorney should think twice before agreeing to represent any DiMera.

Johnny: So the little creep does remember what Rafe did for him. Why hasn't he dropped by the police station to say hello?

Gabi & Jake: These two aren't always the sharpest knives in the Salem drawer, but they appear to have enough smarts to run rings around little Johnny.
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I did like that Johnny referred to his eye patch (for those who don't know, Johnny lost an eye when he was a little kid, so has an artificial one know, like Columbo...& he admired Rafe so much, so Rafe got him an FBI vest in little Johnny's size, exactly like the one Rafe wore back then).
And also was very happy to hear where Sydney & Parker are currently. Now we have to have it mentioned, when she is not on screen for a few days, that Chloe went to visit Parker.
I had the pleasure of watching this farce..... and I wondered why.... outside of knowing Joy was under pressure at her mythical school and Parker was shoved into boarding school.... those must be big on the east coast...... and HORRORS.... Nancy found condoms in Craig's brief case or luggage it changed during the conversation......since no one in Salem knows what a condom is I'm surprised Brainless Brady didn't say what is a condom and why did you find it upsetting.......

Thank you Jason for the summary......
who he is or why he wants to be CEO of anything
He’s a cheap imitation of Stefan. They’re not even pretending he’s a different person anymore.
Speaking of the DiMeras
Did they address who had control of the shares for Megan and Renée the last time there was DiMera board "intrigue"? I forget.
Thanks, Jason.

I didn't realize Joy was old enough for grad school. Poor Parker he's in boarding school because no one in his
family wants to be with him.

demon EJ gave a devilish grin when he realized Chad was mad and probably wouldn't tell the truth after all.

Will Belle talk to Abby about Chad's change in testimony? Will they figure out something odd is going on
in Salem? Probably not.. odd things happen all the time in Salem.

Will Kate talk to EJ kissing Abby? Maybe he'll figure out then there's something rotten in Salem.
rs, I hope it was easy snow you had to move.
I am a big classic rock fan so I liked the little nod to the Rolling Stones' song "Sympathy for the Devil" when Johnny told Gabi and Jake that he was "a man of wealth and taste". LOL

Sympathy for the Devil​

The Rolling Stones

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long years
Stole million man's soul and faith.....