Days of Our Lives - Mon Jan 21, 2013 (fiction)


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
OK I realised I really don't like writing dialogue, so I decided to this as a "summary" with some dashes of characterisation, dialogue, etc., as appropriate.

DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2013 January 21 (Monday) Wherein the denizens of Salem learn that although Stefano is gone forever, his misdeeds are still affecting their lives in profound ways....

Will is working at the Brady Pub when Sonny comes in to ask Caroline for a job. Caroline’s not there, and Sonny was unaware that Will was working there. Will misreads Sonny’s intent; Sonny flees quickly. While watching listfully out the window, Will sees Gabi, toiling at cleaning smudges off of the HTS White Sofa. They later catch up while she is on a break from her community service. She laments her actions towards Melanie, which have cost her her friends (Abby, Mel, Chad, and Cameron). Even Rafe has lost faith in her, and is keeping her on a short leash. Will is working for Caroline now that EJ is in prison.

Justin tries to get Sonny his coffeehouse back by pushing a rezoning ordinance through the City Council. Sonny doesn’t want any special favours, but eventually his dad convinces him that it’s OK to try to bring back the coffeehouse they lost because of EJ and Will. It’s not special treatment, it’s correcting an injustice. Justin gets a call from an unseen Commander Carver, who is informing him about a recent drug bust on the pier. Sonny overhears and is relieved that the infamous Marconi gang is being brought to justice.

Sami has received a mysterious package in the mail with an elabourate wrapping. Believing it’s from Rafe, or perhaps Lucas, she opens it. Inside is a digital photo frame with a sticky note, “Play me.” She goes to plug it in, but then decides to look for a card or more information. There’s nothing. She hesitates, unsure of the sender or his intent.

Lucas meets with John at the Basic Black offices. They discuss the freezing of DiMera, Inc., by the SEC, pending investigations into EJ and Stefano’s numerous felonies. They also discuss the recently revealed information that Johnny was also Lucas’ child, and that Stefano blackmailed Nick Fallon into changing the test results. They worry about the impact this will have on young Johnny’s life; Lucas asks did he cope learning he wasn’t Ryan Brady?

[opening sequence]

John tells Lucas that he had a harder time accepting he was the son of Colleen and Santo than learning he wasn’t their son. Lucas laments the fact that their power play for DiMera was blocked by EJ, who somehow shadily obtained a court order demanding that John’s lineage as a DiMera be verified before allowing him to run the company, which the board narrowly supported. All were shocked (except EJ) when it was revealed that John wasn’t a DiMera after all, as his DNA was incompatible with the late Phoenix’s or EJ’s. However, it turned out EJ was a DiMera, and it appeared he was about to get everything back when the SEC froze the company’s assets.

Kate is waiting tables at The Road House Cafe, picking up plates while complaining loudly about the lazy busboy who’s break should have been over 10 minutes ago. She drops them in the kitchen and is returning to the floor when Roman enters with a smile. He asks if Kate has a minute to talk, and since it’s in between rushes, she invites him for a cup of coffee at an unused table. Roman has a sly grin as they begin to talk.

Will tells Gabi that playing with EJ was the biggest mistake he’s ever made in his life. He fell for the lure of power and tried to beat the evil *bleep* at his own game. Gabi says that he still has the car and apartment, but Will points out that now he has to room with Bryan and Mateo, both of whom he has grown to dislike (Mateo likes throwing his money around and Bryan enjoys flaunting his sexuality), in order to afford the apartment. He can’t bare going back to Sami, and Lucas’ apartment has only three bedrooms (one for Allie, one for Johnny, one for Lucas).

Justin and Sonny have a mildly repetitive talk about the loss of the Coffehouse, which is sitting empty. Justin is sure they can persuade the council to reverse the ex-Mayor’s action. Sonny tries to change the subject when Will’s involvement in the loss is discussed; he is very relieved as drug runners were starting to be visible in Horton Town Square. As Justin prepares to head off to the meeting, Sonny admits he’s having a hard time forgiving Will for what he did.

[ad break]

Sami continues to contemplate whether or not to use the digital photo frame. Her inner monologue reveals that she’s not ready to resume a romance with either Lucas, who recently jilted her over her unending flirtation with EJ (seen in flashback form), or with Rafe, who asked her to stop divorce proceedings last August so they could work on their marriage. She wraps the package back up and places it in a drawer.

Caroline is out on the town...well not really, she’s dropped off some lunches for her boys at the station, when she runs into Justin. She expresses her concern to the mayor about the drug dealers who have taken up in the alleys behind the pub. She even suspects one of her now-former tenants was a drug pusher, but she couldn’t prove it. Justin says that the department is building a strong case against a major drug trafficking operation that moved in after EJ’s operation went south. Justin mentions he was just on his way to the pub for a bite to eat, would Caroline like to walk with him? She says she has more errands, and that Will is running the place. Justin scowls.

Back in the pub, Will is behind the counter when Gabi enters. She wants to talk some more, and her hours have been logged for the day. Will is willing to talk - he’s in the same boat as she, no friends left after his misdeeds with EJ. He tells Gabi that he knows Sonny stopped by because he wanted to see him; Gabi thinks her friend is setting himself up for a fall...maybe Sonny really did just want a job, after all, the Coffeehouse closed because of Will. Will gets upset at this, and Gabi apologises; Will admits his misdeeds and says Gabi shouldn’t apologise, he should.

Kate wonders what Roman’s smiling about. He admits that seeing her at the diner is a side of her he likes. The humble, hardworking Kate. Kate shrugs her shoulders, clearly displeased. Roman chuckles and reminds her that this is the Kate he once loved. Kate glares at him, growing impatient. She reminds him that she’s in no mood for romance; she just lost two men she loved. Roman apologises, explaining he was just taken aback by her. But he came to talk about the wedding; she still hasn’t responded to his invitation.

Sonny meets with Dustin (who had gone away for the summer but when Fall semester started, their romance rekindled). Dustin wants to know why Sonny’s been waffling on moving in together; Sonny claims he’s been through so much, that he just can’t fathom such a big change right now. Also, they’ve only been dating a few months. Dustin says they’ve been great months, and with the semester change, it’s a convenient time to act. Sonny continues to dangle. Dustin lays it all on the line; he dated another guy during summer break...did Sonny?

[ad break]

John and Lucas have just finished up a rather large lunch. Before they get back to business, Lucas wants to know John’s advice on telling Johnny the new truth of his parentage, especially given that EJ just went to prison and Johnny’s still having a rough time with that. John tells him the right time will present itself; Lucas is afraid of waiting too long. They return to the story of John, who rehashes being Roman, then Forrest Alamain, then Tony’s half-brother, then Ryan Brady, and finally learning through a recent DNA test the full truth (his bio parents are Daphne and Leopold Alamain, and Philomena unwittingly adopted her husband’s own *bleep* child). It hasn’t changed who he is, just who he’s related to. He told Belle and Brady, and Belle even made a point to sail to Europe and visit her cousin, Nicholas. The extended family he gained is worth the trouble he went through tracking down DNA samples and records of his past. But it hasn’t changed who he is, or whom he loves. This last line causes Lucas some trepidation.

Sami is picking up Johnny’s trucks when the urge to discover what’s on the photo frame overcomes her. She packs the trucks in a box and shoves them in the closet; she opens the package and plugs it in. We don’t see what she sees, but it causes her some great distress.

Later, Sonny tells Dustin of his job search. He’d be a great manager for the Brady Pub, Dustin assures him, but why not stick closer to the community - perhaps the Unicorn Highway? They recently had a major overhaul in the management. Sonny will consider it, but wanted something more daytime-appropriate. He’s not sure about the club’s late hours, he alleges. Dustin convinces Sonny to apply, and they head off to the club together. Will was watching them from the pub’s window, and gets caught by Caroline.

Kate waffles a bit about Roman’s invitation. She asks him if she will be going as the mother of the groom, or the date for the father of the groom. Roman says he wants her there, and he would accept either. So would Rex.

Caroline wants to know what’s bothering Will. He admits it’s about a guy he likes, and she doesn’t want to hear it. This makes Will uncomfortable; he leaves. Justin comes in and orders supper, admitting to Caroline that the greaseburger he had for lunch is disagreeing with him. She laughs and says that his job as mayor probably already gives him enough digestive problems, and she’ll make him something nice to settle his stomach, if he likes. Since Adrienne is out of town with their son Alexander and Justin is on his own, he readily accepts Caroline’s offer.

[ad break/halftime]

Gabi gets a knock on her door at Rafe’s loft. Expecting Rafe has forgotten his keys again, she opens the door and finds Will. He wants to hang out; his annoying roommates are home and he can’t stomach spending time around them right now. They decide to order a pizza; they talk again about their mistakes. Gabi is thankful that Melanie was physically unharmed, and can’t believe she started the chain of events, and failed to stop it. She was so scared, mainly for herself but also for Melanie. She claims that she knew deep-down Andrew wouldn’t hurt Melanie; Will’s not so sure. Will thinks Gabi should talk to his grandma about these recent events.

Kate is talking with a coworker, Jolene, about her past with Roman. She explains how Rex was created, and how their relationship developed. Roman returns to the diner and Kate begins to squirm uncomfortably. Roman apologises for being so confrontational earlier; he has grown comfortable spending time with her, even though it resumed during their awkward questioning sessions following Stefano’s murder. He’d really enjoy it if she came to Rex and Mimi’s wedding.

Sami is attempting to call Lucas on her cellphone; she leaves him a voicemail (and has been calling him all afternoon) and looks at the pictures on the digital frame. They clearly depict Lucas and Sami in bed together, and the digital stamp reads 2008 May 19, the night of Sydney’s conception. Sami does not remember this, and wants to know what Lucas has been up to.

As they head toward the elevator, Lucas asks John if he’s relieved not to be a DiMera. John admits he is, but admits that young Johnny only has good thoughts about the DiMeras, and is too young to understand their despicable horror. Lucas has asked Sami about changing Johnny’s name, but she’s not willing to budge just yet, not until Lucas agrees to resume their romantic relationship. John asks when that will be. Lucas looks crestfallen.

Kate says she’s worried about going to Rex’s wedding because they haven’t been in touch lately. She’s not sure she wants to be a mother to him. Roman reminds them that although they were unaware of the twins’ creation, they are the only family that Rex & Cassie have. Kate reminds Roman that she has a track record of going “off the rails” over her children, and Roman reminds her that he doesn’t need reminding. Roman says he’s forgiven Kate for her past misdeeds to Sami, since Lucas has and he was harmed as well. And he can even admit he sees why Kate would worry about having Sami as a daughter-in-law, and be protective of Lucas. But Rex doesn’t need that. Kate still waffles on the answer, but Roman gets an important phone call and has to excuse himself.

After finishing up his hearty supper, Justin gets a drop-by from Roman, who is touting a recent warrant for some warehouses on the docks. Justin is pleased; he hopes they have the goods on Marconi and that they’ll stick this time.

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After finishing off their pizza and a double dose of movies, Gabi asks if Will wants to go out, like to a club or something. Will isn’t so sure; Gabi cajoles him a bit, saying they both need a bit of fun and to make new friends. They can atone more for their misdeeds to-morrow. Will suggests The Oasis, but Gabi doesn’t want to go to a college bar...nor a straight bar. She’s done with boys for now, she claims. She’d prefer The Spot. Will says Sonny goes there, and he doesn’t want to run into him or Neil right now. So that leaves Unicorn Highway. They decide to go.

Sami attempts to call Lucas again. She is getting furious and is sure this is some trick of Lucas’ or Kate’s. She has just left a threatening voicemail when there’s a knock on the door. It’s Lucas, here to tuck the kids in for the night. Sami is furious at him, and he checks his phone for the first time all day, explaining that rebuilding Basic Black has not been easy. If it’s as much of an emergency as it seems to be, she should call his business line or his BB cell phone. She shows him the frame, and he is shocked.

John runs into Justin at a cocktail bar, where the latter is about to meet with some City Council Members and the former is waiting on Marlena. They discuss the freezing of DiMera assets, the likelihood that EJ will weasel out of his 25-year prison term, and the death of Stefano. They also discuss Chad willingly disinheriting his ties to the DiMeras. Justin feels confident that when the SEC investigation is completed, John’s Basic Black funds will be returned to him; in the meanwhile, John is not worried, as business has been picking up and interest and sales for the spring line are rocketing above expectations.

Gabi and Will are enjoying themselves and even share a dance. Will was asked to dance by a handsome gentleman, but he declined politely, and Gabi is flattered. He spots Sonny and attempts to act casually, and avoid eye contact. Fortunately for Will, Sonny is too wrapped up in Dustin to notice.

[ad break]
John rejoins Justin at the bar of Chez Rouge; Marlena had an unexpected staff issue come up and couldn’t make their date, but he had a nice supper. Justin has just finished convincing the council members to grant a special permit to Sonny to continue operating his coffeehouse despite the zoning inconsistency. John thanks Justin for his help in keeping his name out of the papers in the recent death of Ian McAllister. Justin reminds John that although John was the one who bloodied up the evil Scotsman, Madison was the one who pulled the plug and ended his miserable life. John reminds Justin that Ian had gotten Brady hooked on drugs again, and he got off easy as far as John was concerned. Justin says thankfully both Ian and Madison and the trouble they caused the town of Salem are in the past; his check arrives and John excuses himself. As Justin is paying the bill at Chez Rouge, he gets a call from Roman. Something big’s going down on the pier right now!! Justin wants to be apprised as soon as the deal is done, so he can hold a press conference. Behind him, a shady character is taking notes on the call.

Sami and Lucas are flummoxed by the photos that depict them in flagrante delicto on the night after Sydney was conceived. How could this be possible? Lucas tries to get more info on the pics by hooking the frame up to a computer. While digging about in the file folder, Lucas discovers a hidden movie file. After some friendly fire, Lucas and Sami agree to watch it together. Their jaws stand agape at the sight on the screen.

Kate and Jolene continue to discuss Rex. Kate tells her that she and Rex had something of a friendly relationship before he left town. She compares her other filial relationships with the twins’ and expresses regret over being so distant with them. She says that she was at one point willing to be Rex’s mother, and she is again, but her natural instinct is to attack Mimi for past misdeeds, which Kate enumerates to Jolene.

Sonny and Dustin are over to Dustin’s apartment after having a few at the Unicorn Highway. Sonny is worried about an Econ exam the next day, but Dustin assures him that he always does well. As they head the few blocks to Dustin’s apartment, we see Will has been keeping pace with them. He watches them as they enter their apartment building, then hustles back toward the club a few blocks away. His inconspicuous return is disrupted because Gabi had noticed his absence and located him in his stalking spot. She worries about her friend, and his inability to accept that Sonny doesn’t want him. Will adds, “Yet.” Gabi rolls her eyes.

[Today’s Cast: Caroline, Gabi, John, Justin, Kate, Lucas, Roman, Sami, Sonny, Will] [Dustin, Jolene, Myles (the shady extra)]

Kate fantasises she is still a wealthy DiMera as she consternates over her decision to attend Rex’s wedding
A tragedy on the docks will spell trouble for a Brady
Sami and Lucas search to uncover Stefano’s deception
Nicole and Brady get shocking news
Caroline seeks Justin’s advice on a personal matter
Abe, consumed with the drug bust, asks Cameron to help with Theo and the offer is very readily accepted
LOL, Jason, cannot tell you my knee jerk reaction at seeing the date. Bless your heart for writing the word "fiction". Thank you!
Love how you rectified all the wrongs and made them right.
Oh boy!! A new story, can't wait for the next installation!

One question Jason...wouldnt Lucas know how it felt to learn that someone else is your father? Why would he have to ask John? Not nickpicking...just curious.

Great job!
Well my first read on Lucas as a youngster was he didn't know WHO his father was, but then learned it was Bill Horton.

I myself thought one man was my father for a portion of my life, and then learned it was someone else. My cousin didn't know his father, and when he learned who it was, his coping path was totally different, because he wasn't replacing anyone, etc. Whereas young Johnny thinks EJ is his dad, but According to My Story (trying to make sure this doesn't get taken out of context later!!), he's not; but Lucas never knew a father and then learned it was Bill Horton. Does that make sense?? (Also frankly I needed a way to retcon the horrible John is a DiMera b.s.l. LOL)
DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2013 January 22 (Tuesday) Wherein the police score a victory, and couples once torn asunder find ways back to each other....

Kate is scrubbing down a table at the Road House Cafe as Jolene is counting the registers. After Kate has finished with a particularly nasty ketchup stain, she glances over at Jolene to announce she’s finished. She sees Jolene rifling through the bills as she counts them, and she begins to drift away...

Kate is sitting in the DiMera Mansion, legs up; she is sipping on expensive champagne. She is decked out in expensive jewellery and she is admiring her rings. She feels that there’s something missing, and gets up to go shopping. She stops at Stefano’s portrait, and says, “I miss you, my love, but I’ll take good care of our money.” She walks out into the foyer and calls for a servant, Mary, Harold, anyone? Kristen enters, her face sooty, her hair unkempt and clothes dishevelled, and looking generally like an extra from Oliver Twist. “Yes, Ma’am?” she asks as Kate snickers.

Roman and Rafe are quietly discussing the details of the bust that’s going to go down in a few minutes. They are obscured behind some crates in front of a warehouse on the old pier, and their undercover man was just contacted to make the buy on the docks. Roman states that they have to get this right, there have been too many screwups lately. Rafe assures Roman that there’s nothing off the books about this bust, everything is strictly by the book, etc. Rafe also vows to clean up the Salem P.D., which should be an easy task now that the DiMeras are no longer a threat. Five uniformed officers come near them, and they give them instructions. Roman tells Rafe that Volkman, the undercover officer, has moved into position. The uniforms disperse. After a few bodies move past their hiding spot, Rafe and Roman move away from each other, so each can cover an additional escape route, cutting off the criminals’ escape route. Volkman looks nervous, in fact terrified, as a man approaches out of the mist, followed by three other men (including yesterday’s shady fellow).

Abe is in his office, listening to a debriefing on the Marconi drug bust. He tells his dutiful officer sidekick, Officer Martine Kent, that this drug bust will essentially end the last major crime family, now that the DiMeras are defunct. Kent is not so sure, but has confidence that this will greatly reduce the drug trafficking which has been rampant for months. Abe remarks that as more people began hanging out in the Horton Town Square, other areas were neglected (wink, wink), and crime increased. But that’s going to change with him as Commander. And tonight’s bust is the first step toward that end.

Sami and Lucas are sitting at the computer in Sami’s apartment, mouths agape. Sami says she can’t believe what they just saw. Lucas can’t, either. He wants to watch it again. Sami’s not sure why watching it again will help, but Lucas wants to hear the words again. He needs to know for sure. After a few clicks, a video appears with Stefano DiMera, grinning like the Cheshire cat. He says, “Hello, Samantha.”

[opening sequence]
Stefano’s talking head informs the shocked Sami and Lucas that he set them up in the same bedroom shortly after Lucas returned from prison and hypnotised them, and he is sure they were intimate. He needed to do this so that EJ would not learn a horrible secret about himself, that he was unable to father children due to the way in which EJ’s brain was reprogrammed to make him think he was the son of Stefano & Susan Banks. Stefano almost sounds a bit sad as he reports using a drug that ended up sterilising his own son. Lucas and Sami look at each other, and then the computer screen as Stefano continues to talk.

Volkman hollers to his contact, “I thought we said we’d come alone!” The man walking in front of the group responds that he got a tip that the Salem PD thought something was going on on the docks tonight, how could that be? Volkman’s eyes dart about nervously as he laughs he has no idea what the other man (whom he refers to as Marconi) is talking about. Roman has moved into a position with a good vantage point of the scene, but out of eyeshot of the gangsters, who are casting steely stares at Volkman. Volkman assures them that he’s got the money. Marconi informs him there’s been a change of plans.

In the Kitchen at the Diner, Kate is staring at a soapy sink, continuing her reverie.

Kate tells Kristen that she’s going to New York for lunch and some shopping, and that when she returns, she wants to make sure her bedroom redecorating is done. If it’s not, Kristen will be sorry! Kristen assures Kate that she’ll help the painters and make the bed up by supper, no later. Kate tells her to burn the old bedding, and leaves for the limo to take her to the DiMera Jet.

Jolene jolts Kate out of her fantasy by telling her she’s reconciled the tills and locked the safe. Kate, a bit shaken, tells her she’s gotten the dishes done and is soaking the broiler’s grease pan. Jolene says that they can go, would Kate like to join her for a drink? Kate hesitates, but accepts after Jolene says she’ll treat.

Roman is watching the scene below intently, as it becomes clear that Volkman is in danger. He looks to the officers stationed closest to the action; one is concealed behind stacks of freight, while another is well hidden behind a burnt-out lamppost and the back of a truck. The officer behind the truck looks at him, Roman makes a hand signal which causes the officer to draw his gun. Ditto on the other officer.

Down on the dock, Volkman continues to attempt to assure the gangsters that he’s on the level. They tell him the price has gone up; if he wants the goods, they’ll have to get another $200k from him. Volkman says that’s not fair; Marconi assures him that since the Salem PD has been cracking down, the demand for a diminishing supply has caused the price of drugs to go up. Volkman says he might need time to get that much more money; Marconi says that every day, the price goes up more. Volkman appears to think for a second, then agrees to the price. This startles Marconi. Volkman explains that he’s not stupid, he knows how much the goods are worth. He brought extra. He brings out his briefcase; Marconi orders one of his men, Mayne (the shady mobster from the last episode) to get it. They inspect the money, which adds up to the adjusted price with some change. Marconi tells Volkman that it was a pleasure doing business, and orders another of his associates to give him the goods. Before he can, both officers leap out of their hiding places, guns drawn, and order the men to freeze! Rafe moves in from the side entrance, flanked by two officers, says they’re under arrest for drug possession, possession with intent to sell, & attempting to distribute a controlled substance. He quickly begins to read Marconi and his thugs their rights. Roman begins descending the steps toward the action and draws his gun; Rafe cuffs Marconi, while the officers who accompanied him each take a thug and cuff him. The first two officers have their guns trained on the threesome in the forefront and the fifth officer has moved out of the shadows and is about to cuff Myles when Myles pushes him away and reaches in his pocket....

[ad break]

Nicole and Brady are sitting on a couch in a modest apartment. There are numerous boxes visible, some open, some closed. She has her feet draped over his legs, and is reclining on a pillow. She’s exhausted and thanks Brady for all his help since the baby’s been born. She can’t do it alone. Brady says he’s happy to help, and glad she agreed to move in with him. Nicole tells him she was reluctant at first, but recognised that Brady has always been there for her when she needed him, no matter how she treated him. Brady tells her he wanted her close to him; he recognises that his relationship with Madison was so hasty because he was hurting over Nicole’s rejection of him. Nicole tries to explain that she didn’t pick EJ over Brady, really, she picked Sydney over Brady. Brady tells her that’s in the past, and they’re going to move forward from this point on.

Roman, who has moved closer to the action, spots Myles reaching for his gun. The other officers don’t appear to notice. Roman stops and orders [Myles] to stop, but Myles continues to grab for something inside his coat. In a flash, Roman crouches and, having a clear shot, fires a single bullet toward the man while the officer whom Myles knocked over is also moving to draw his gun. The shot was clear, and the criminal is down. He falls to the ground, and a gun falls from inside his coat as his grip is lessened on it. Roman is shaken, while Rafe and the other officers return their full attention to the remaining criminals.

At the police station, Abe is pacing while Kent is going over some mundane reports. She tells him he hasn’t been listening; Abe admits he’s concerned about the operation on the docks. Kent assures him that the Commissioner and the Captain are both handling it, and everything will be fine. She puts her hand on his shoulder, and he stares at it. She quickly pulls away and apologises.

[ad break]
On the main road away from the site of the shooting, Roman is still visibly shaken, while three of the officers have loaded up the three remaining criminals each into a separate squad car and have radioed headquarters about the bust and the shooting. Roman has turned his gun over to Rafe, who continues to assure him that this was by-the-book. Roman wants to check on Myles again, but Rafe assures him he’s dead, there was nothing that could be done. Besides, the forensic photographer is down there with Hermes and Conrad, documenting the scene of Myles’ shooting. Roman adds, “for the IA investigation.” Rafe’s face is stoic.

Nicole is getting tired, and Brady suggests she go to bed. She’s unclear as to where she should sleep; the baby’s in the second bedroom, which is still basically Brady’s workout room with a crib in it. Nicole says she’ll sleep on the couch, but Brady insists she sleep in his bedroom. Nicole remains unclear - if she’s in the bedroom, where will he sleep?

Sami and Lucas have finished watching the video, according to Sami for the sixth time. Lucas tells her he needs to see it again; he can’t understand how Stefano could do something so vile. Sami reminds him that they are talking about Stefano DiMera, and lists some of his crimes, including his actions against Roman, John, Marlena, and even his own children. Lucas says that brainwashing his own son into thinking he was someone else, even another of Stefano’s sons, is a bit far-fetched for even Lucas to believe. He also wonders if that means that the information his grandmother had about EJ was really about Susan’s baby. Sami guesses that they’ll never know. Lucas thinks there may be a clue in the video, so she agrees to watch it again.

The picture focuses on Stefano; initially it is a shot as though watching on a computer monitor, then the camera comes closer, and we are with Stefano as he records the message. He had to protect EJ from the truth. He knew the drug he had used was experimental, with many potential side effects, but figured if his son thought he was Elvis DiMera, he could move about Salem more freely, as he was the child of a rather well-liked (if misunderstood) woman. That is why he ordered EJ to “impregnate” Sami, since she was already in a relationship, with a little financing, EJ would have an heir. Stefano throws in a jab about Samantha knowing how easily one can change a DNA test as he chuckles. Stefano stops the recording and looks off into the camera, thinking about how it was necessary to test EJ to-day by telling him he wasn’t Stefano’s son, to test his loyalty as he prepared to retire.

Flashback to the EJ-is-not-Stefano’s-son-scene of 2012-05-02.

Stefano sighs, and admits disappointment that his son has failed the test. He thinks of how ironic it is that he programmed his own son to think he was someone who turned out NOT to be his son. I have had so many children, he thinks, but you were one of the few I knew as a baby. Stefano enters deep thought as he recalls the fake EJ’s birth.

Stefano looks much younger, and is embracing a young woman whom he addresses as Delana. They are holding a baby boy, and the love in their eyes is clear. Delana worries about the baby’s safety if her husband Ian should find out about him; Stefano assures her he can protect her from anyone on this earth, and he will protect his son, as well. Delana must go back to divorce Ian, so they can marry, and he will take care of the baby until she returns. Delana is afraid to go back, but Stefano assures her it won’t be for long, and he will protect her.

Stefano has a tear in his eye. You are such a *bleep*, Ian! You killed her!

Stefano recalls that Ian murdered Delana a few days after she asked for the divorce; she and Stefano had been briefly separated, and Stefano found her, bleeding profusely. When he asked her who did it, she said, “Ian...Ian tried to kill me...,” before dying. Stefano was unable to prove that Ian committed the murder, due in part to his own felonious past. At least I protected my son, he thinks to himself. Until I needed him for something bigger.

Stefano thinks, Then I did something that may have been as bad, my son....

Stefano is talking with a labcoated man, who warns The Phoenix against using this drug, which is still being tested for use on the psychotic. A calendar behind the man’s desk reads April, 2003. Stefano gives the man a briefcase full of money and reminds him that they’ve never met. The man swallows hard, and after Stefano is gone, scurries to grab several items around the office. The man thinks I can’t let that man find me again, I’m leaving town tonight! He moves to pick up his nameplate, Dr. Marvin Michaelak, but decides that can’t be his name anymore. He opens his office door, and Stefano is waiting for him. It was wise of you to try to leave, Doctor...but I still haven’t tried to find you, have I? The scene fades, and we see Stefano entering a room where the man we know as EJ is sitting in a chair with his arms strapped down. Stefano asks, “Giorgio, my son, are you sure you want to do this?” The man responds in the affirmative, insisting that he will do whatever it takes to get revenge on the enemies of the DiMeras in Salem. Stefano reminds him that he will never be the same; that in fact, he will have no memories of his real life. Giorgio/EJ says he is ready to perform his mission, he is a loyal son. Stefano is pleased, and prepares to inject the drug into Giorgio/EJ.

I made my beautiful son into another man, Stefano thinks to himself. A man who was really a young boy, living in England, and was supposed to be my son. He recalls reading Alice’s letter and the revelation that brought a tear to his eye: That little boy was not his son.

Sami looks at the camera and says, “Well Lucas, do you know enough now?” Back in a regular two-shot, Lucas frowns. “No, I guess we didn’t learn anything from that.”

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At a mildly rough bar, Kate and Jolene discuss Rex’s upcoming wedding, and Kate enumerates some of Mimi’s offences. Jolene says nothing sounds that bad, and what is bad is probably none of Kate’s business, if Rex can forgive Mimi. Kate assures Jolene that she just doesn’t understand and Jolene looks stymied.

Cameron is playing with Theo, playing a “helping game” and cleaning up the supper dishes. Theo asks Cameron if they can go to see his Daddy, and Cameron reminds him that Abe has very important work today, but will be home as soon as he can. Theo accepts this, and quickly moves on to another task. Cameron’s cellphone rings, and he sees it is from Abigail (but his thumb “accidentally” covers her picture). He sighs, and silences the call.

Sami and Lucas discuss what this means. Lucas is still trying to figure out how Stefano could do such a thing, when it dawns on him that he must by Sydney’s father. How can they be sure? Sami gives him a funny look as she says, “Well, duh!”

At Brady’s apartment, Brady tells Nicole to sleep in his bed...alone. He’s not ready to move into another relationship after Madison. And after EJ and just having EJ’s baby, Nicole shouldn’t be, either, no matter how good the two of them might feel together.

[ad break]

Abe and Rafe are discussing the details of the case, the shooting, and the evidence seized with Volkman while Hermes and Conrad are led to separate rooms. Roman is in an isolated room, talking with an Internal Affairs officer, Shabin, with Officer Kent also present. The officers feel Roman’s shooting of Myles was justified; if he hadn’t, someone else might have died, probably Volkman. Abe wants to know how Myles was able to reach for his gun, and Conrad informs him that Portez as he attempted to cuff him, and there wasn’t an officer providing cover because Myles had moved away from the others. Portez couldn’t reach him as quickly because he had moved. Abe is disappointed, but acknowledges that the team acted in the best way possible, given the circumstances.

Behind closed doors, Roman has recounted his version of events to Shabin. Shabin asks a series of questions, which Roman answers calmly. He then instructs Roman to take some time off pending review, and instructs Kent to escort him out, and ask Rafe to come in. Roman looks concerned.

Kate and Jolene are finishing their last round before heading home. Kate hasn’t stopped talking about Rex, and how terrible Mimi is. Jolene silences her, saying that she needs to worry less about the women her sons get involved with. Jolene points out that that was Kate’s very attitude just about three drinks earlier. Kate chuckles and insists once more that Jolene doesn’t understand. Jolene tells her she went through something similar with her own son. Kate is shocked; you never told me you had a son, etc. Jolene points out that Kate never asked, and leaves.

Cameron is attempting to put Theo to bed, but he won’t go until his daddy reads him a story. Cameron tells Theo that he’s read him four stories already, including his favourite. Theo says he wants one read by Daddy. Just then, Cameron’s phone rings. He checks the caller; it’s Abby and he ignores it again. Theo asks him who’s it his Daddy? Is he coming home from work? Cameron reminds him that Abe is working late, and gets cut off by the phone ringing again. He checks it while muttering that Abigail is getting a bit desperate, only this time, it’s Abe. He answers it, relieved, and gives the phone to Theo, who announces that Daddy’s going to read him a story.

[ad break]

Lucas and Sami are discussing the revelation in the film clip as well as the possibility that Lucas could be Sydney’s father. Sami has called Marlena, knowing she might have an insight into Stefano’s mind. Marlena, not surprisingly, wouldn’t put anything past Stefano. Sami wants Lucas to get a DNA test; Sydney’s never had one. Lucas agrees it’s the only way they’ll know. He’ll call Nick. Sami’s not sure they can trust Nick, but agrees when Lucas points out that with Stefano dead and EJ in prison for 25 years, there’ll be no undue DiMera influence on the test. He takes out his phone to dial Nick at the hospital, knowing he’s working the late shift.

Kate has enjoyed another round of drinks and is trying to pick herself up to leave when Roman enters. She smiles at him; he smiles at her. She tries to get up, but falls into his arms as he says, “Whoa!”

Brady hangs up the phone; Nicole is concerned because his expression has become long, dumbfounded. Nicole asks who it was; Brady says it was Marlena, she got a call from Sami earlier about Sydney not being EJ’s daughter, because EJ was sterile. Nicole says that can’t be, they thought he was Johnny’s father, and she herself got pregnant by him twice. Brady reminds her that Nick Fallon was blackmailed into changing the test results, and that Lucas was actually Johnny’s father. Nicole is certain that nobody else could be the father of her baby. Brady looks at her and has a flash.

Brady is wiping away tears in Nicole’s eyes as she talks to him about finding EJ with Taylor. They embrace, and kiss....

Nicole snaps Brady back to reality. He reports his odd flashback; he doesn’t fully remember it. She also doesn’t remember it, although she does remember looking for him the night she found EJ with Taylor. The rest is a blur.

Abe, Portez, and Conrad are discussing the case and what the IA might find. Portez and Conrad don’t like the IA guy one bit. Hermes, Shabin, and Kent leave the isolated room; Shabin informs them that he’s going to review the available evidence and should have a decision soon. He is emotionless, and will not discuss the issue further. Portez asks what’s going to happen to the Commissioner; Abe admits they’ll have to wait to find out.

[JDS Note: I excised a scene from this portion and placed it into the next episode, due to its being an island unto itself.]

Cast Notes: Jolene (Kate’s waitress co-worker) is played by Catherine Hickland. At least that’s how I picture her while writing. Maybe she’ll stick around?
Delana is a one-off appearance in coordination with Bell Productions by Leslie-Anne Down. (Hey, it’s my fantasy.)

Correction: I have learned that the character’s name is spelled Matteo, not the traditional Mateo. He is Sonny’s moneyed friend who is currently renting a room from Will, who dislikes him.

Cameron unsuccessfully attempts to avoid Abigail, as their relationship is fizzling; she fails to get him to make love to her again
Will and Nick discuss their past misdeeds and Nick’s prospects for romance among the admittedly narrow non-Horton population of Salem’s ladies
Carrie stops by Salem for one day only
Maggie and Victor have a fight over Daniel & Nicole’s relationship, and he crosses a line
Hope makes an unusual offer to Rafe
Roman is cleared to leave the city for his son’s wedding
DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2013 January 23 (Wednesday) Wherein family ties are strengthened and simultaneously tested

Justin is pacing at the Brady Pub, while Caroline is behind the bar serving coffee. He gets a call from Adrienne and they talk about Sonny; she is trying to set up a day for them to have dinner with Sonny & Dustin. Justin tells her to pick a date, whenever, he’ll make it work. He also tells her that he’s certain the council will find in their favour concerning Common Grounds. Caroline is paying attention to the call and Justin’s reactions. Justin grabs a coffee after ending the call, and heads off to work.

Daniel is setting up dishes at his apartment when there’s a knock at the door. He opens it, and is surprised to find Nicole leaning against the door frame. She lets herself in, despite his objections; she says she really needs his help right now. He sighs as he closes the door.

Nick is having coffee at the Pub when Will enters for his shift. Will asks Nick if he can join his (second) cousin, he had to get out of his apartment because he can’t stand his roommates. His shift doesn’t start for two hours. Nick accepts and Will sits down.

Cameron is making a call to his mother, explaining that he slept in the guest room at the Carvers’ (which has been happening a lot), and is en route to the hospital. After the call ends, he is putting the phone back when he gets another call from Abigail; he mutters, “Really Abby? Three calls by 9AM?” On the other end of the line, Abigail is concerned that Cameron hasn’t taken any of her calls since yesterday afternoon.

Hope stops over at Roman’s house and they talk about the Internal Affairs investigation. Roman is sure he’ll be cleared, but for now he has to remain in town. He’s stymied by this, because he’s supposed to leave for Rex’s wedding this afternoon. Hope is shocked; she thought the wedding was tomorrow. Roman’s heading up early to help set things up, even though it’ll be a small affair, it’ll still need some work. Roman mentions that Mimi asked him to walk her down the aisle, and he agreed. Hope wonders if Shawn-Douglas knows that Mimi and Rex are back together; Roman’s not sure. He gets a call from Eric, who is already with Rex, having just thrown him a bachelor party. Hope bids him good-by as she heads to work.

[opening sequence]
Rafe is working at his desk in Bo’s office. Kent comes in, and she tells him there’s still no response from Shabin, he must be ducking their calls. Rafe wants to move forward quickly; he doesn’t want an IA investigation clouding their attempt to prosecute Marconi and his gang. He asks Kent to send Hope in, and is shocked to learn that she’s not there yet. Kent will send her in as soon as she arrives.

Victor gets a call from Brady; he tells his grandson to stay away from Nicole, and is shocked when he discovers that Brady’s asked Nicole to move in with him. To make matters worse for Victor, Brady is hunting down Dr. Baker on some errand for Nicole. He hangs up his phone and wonders how he can keep Nicole’s claws out of Brady.

Maggie stops by the Brady Pub, sees Nick and Will, and invites herself to sit with them. As they make room for her, they make chit chat about their jobs. Nick’s feeling frustrated as an assistant in a lab at Salem U, but Maggie assures him that his hard work will pay off again. Will is happy to have an honest job after the debacle working for the mayor. After a few more minutes of idle chitchat, Caroline brings Maggie a small box of pastries, Maggie explains she’s going to meet Daniel for breakfast, and excuses herself. Nick asks Will if he feels the same way Maggie does about him, given everything that’s happened. Will hesitates a bit.
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Roman gets a call as he’s watching television quietly. He answers it and is speaking in hushed tones; he explains to the caller that he met up with Kate, and she’s sleeping off a large hangover in the downstairs bedroom. He asks the caller if she needs a ride in from the airport, and the caller responds that she doesn’t, in fact she’ll be at Roman’s house in a few minutes. Roman is glad and says, “See you soon then, sweetheart.”

Nicole is standing in Daniel’s apartment uncomfortably while he attends to some mild cooking. When he can break away, he demands to know what Nicole wanted. Firstly, she wants to apologise for the way things ended with them. Daniel doesn’t want to talk about it; what else does she want. Still standing awkwardly, Nicole tells him about the call from Sami, and EJ’s (“EJ”) sterility. She wants to talk about the paternity test Daniel ran. Daniel admits he didn’t do it, never even sent it to the lab; he had a buddy print a fake report since Nicole tampered with the samples. Why does she care? Nicole explains that if EJ is really sterile, she can’t have gotten pregnant by him twice, and she had to know the truth about the paternity test’s actual results. She’s disappointed that the test wasn’t run, but understands Daniel’s decision; she’s also relieved EJ still might not have fathered her baby. There’s a knock on the door, and Daniel lets Maggie in. Maggie is shocked to see Nicole and asks if she’s interrupting; Nicole says she was just leaving, and thanks Daniel through Maggie’s icy stare.

Justin is talking to his secretary, Oliver, dictating some letters to be sent. He then directs him to get in touch with Council member MacAbee, one of his most trusted allies, to feel out the issue concerning the Common Grounds, off the record. He then asks Oliver to have Dana in the records office to update him on the zoning records review; he wants to ensure nothing like what happened to Sonny happens to other small business owners. Finally, he dismisses Oliver. A moment after he leaves, he buzzes back on the intercom and informs Justin that there’s a call from Adrienne. Justin picks it up and agrees to meet Adrienne, Sonny, and Dustin at Chez Rouge for lunch tomorrow. He hopes he’ll have some good news for them.

Nick and Will are talking about their jobs and prospects for Romance. Will admits he’s hung up on someone, and not ready to move on. Nick says he’s not looking for a girlfriend right now; he wants to focus on staying sober and readjusting to life on the outside. Besides, since they’re related to nearly everyone in town, dating gets complicated. Abigail shows up at the Brady Pub, hoping to find Cameron. She chats briefly with her relations about how Cameron has become more distant lately and hasn’t answered her calls since yesterday afternoon. Nick speculates that he’s probably busy helping Abe; Will updates her on the heavy case his great-grandma said Roman was working on, probably kept Abe busy, too. Abigail is still fuming; she doesn’t like spending so much time apart from Cameron. Outside, Cameron is about to enter the pub; he stops when he sees Abigail and hightails it in the other direction.

Hope enters the police station, and Officer Kent instructs her to see Rafe ASAP. Hope puts her purse in a drawer, hangs her coat over the back of the chair, and then goes to see Rafe. Rafe says hi, and stares at her awkwardly. Hope thinks she’s in trouble; Rafe reminds her that she left a message on his voicemail about a meeting. Hope had forgotten, and then drops the bombshell: She’s leaving the police force, effective immediately. Rafe stops dead in his tracks.

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Maggie and Daniel have finished up a good breakfast as he tells her he’s got the whole day off; she admits she’s been keeping quiet, but can’t any longer: He must stay away from Nicole, she is bad, bad news. Daniel assures her, Nicole was there asking a medical question concerning something confidential. Their weird pseudorelationship is completely over. Maggie beams at that revelation, and apologises for sticking in her nose to his affairs. Daniel laughs and says he’s accepted that she wants a place in his life, and meddling doesn’t bother him that much. Sometimes people on the outside of a relationship can see things more clearly than either party within the relationship. Maggie agrees. As they are cleaning up the dishes, he asks for her help shopping for a gift for a friend whose son is getting married; she is going shopping for a gift for Sarah’s daughter, and would love the company. They leave.

Nicole is fumbling with her keys and a big bag of diapers when she is accosted by Victor, who snuck up on her. Victor orders her to move out, he even offers to buy her off, just stay away from Brady! Nicole says Brady’s help has been very important to her, and she isn’t interested in pursuing a romance with him; Victor doesn’t believe her. She continues to say she’s staying there for the baby, and Victor asks where the baby is. Did Brady take him along to visit Dr. Baker in jail? Nicole explains that Brady hired a nanny to help out, he insisted in fact. This makes Victor fume.

Cameron is working at Salem U Hospital, and is finishing up the morning’s paperwork. Maxine tells him that one of Dr Jonas’ patients is here for an appointment; apparently there was a mix-up and the appointment was scheduled for his day off. Cameron moves toward the exam room, but is intercepted by Abigail. Abigail wants to know why he’s avoiding her, and he says he’s just been busy with work, and Theo. The hospital still hasn’t recovered from the loss of Lexie, nor from the loss of Dr. Johnson, who was helping out for awhile, as well. It’s Dr. Jonas’ day off because he’s working the week-end, and Cameron is very busy. He barely lets Abigail get a word in before telling her he’s behind schedule. He steps aside her and enters the patient exam room. Abigail stands alone, dumbstruck.

At the police station, Rafe is attempting to get Hope to reconsider. She can’t quit, needs to give notice, etc. She reminds him that she has multiple weeks of vacation coming, and she’s going to use those up as her notice. Rafe tries to tell her she can’t do that, but she knows he knows better. He tries to make her another offer, but she says it’s not the same on the force without Bo. Rafe understands, and accepts her resignation.

Roman has taken Kate some breakfast in bed, and is closing the bedroom door when there’s a knock outside. Roman races to the door, and a big smile crosses his face when he sees his oldest daughter, Carrie. He gives her a big hug and says he’s very glad to see her.

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Roman pulls Carrie into the house and immediately demands pictures of his new grandson, Frederick Augustus Reed. Carrie has a bunch of them, and reminds Roman that she’s posted several online. Roman prefers the real thing, and luckily Carrie has extra copies just for that. She talks of how wonderful her little boy is, how she misses him like crazy, but he just isn’t ready to fly. Roman asks about Austin, and Carrie says they’ve never been happier. She has realised it wasn’t Salem, it was her own restlessness, the lack of adventure, a lack of drama, that led her to act so foolishly. She’s grateful that she & Austin were strong enough to make it through; she’s found a job as an assistant in a legal firm, and he’s been working full-time for the ISA, crunching numbers and tracking down international tax evaders. Luckily Austin was able to take time off work to take care of Freddie while Carrie came to Salem for Rex’s wedding. Roman’s thrilled she’s here, thrilled that things are OK with her & Austin, and can’t wait to see his grandson in person. He might even take some time off of work to visit him.

Hope has packed a few things, and is going over some case files of ongoing investigations. She wants Rafe’s consultation on who should assume some of the cases. They discuss a few cases she’s already suggested to some other officers, he approves them, and gives her tips on who should receive which case. Hope says it was a pleasure working with him; Rafe agrees. Hope then breathes deeply, and asks if Rafe would ever leave the force and work with her. He’s definitely taken aback. She tells him about her plan to open a private investigation agency, and work cases on the down low like in the old days. Rafe admits enjoying his time as a private investigator of sorts, but likes the stability of the force. Besides, with his likely reunion with Sami pending, he needs to be a responsible husband financially. He wish he’d thought about that before his ill-fated adventure with Carrie. Hope admires this, but asks him to consider it anyway. She likes his style, and she thinks he’d make a great employee. They share a laugh, and he heads to his office.

Victor & Nicole continue arguing in the hallway. She doesn’t want her son to hear. Victor scoffs, but Nicole is serious. She had a rough pregnancy and has been through too much. Victor is briefly taken aback by this stronger Nicole; normally, she would be cowering. Nicole is done caring what Victor thinks. She’s been through too much with EJ, Rafe, Daniel, Brady, and now her son is her #1 priority. Victor half-chuckles in disbelief. Nicole continues to stare him down and hold her ground. Victor backs off a bit and says he came here to talk business with her. Nicole is shocked, but keeps her icy glare. Victor says if her son is really her #1 concern, she will accept his offer and leave Salem. Nicole asks, “What offer?” Victor says, “If you leave Salem tonight, I will give you $5 million, and every month you stay away from Salem, I will pay you another $25k.” Nicole’s eyes grow wide as she considers a response.

Will is munching on a sandwich on the white couch in the Horton Town Square while skimming through something on his phone. He glances up and sees Justin approaching, but Justin hasn’t spotted him yet, so he jumps out of sight by hiding behind a pillar. Will watches as Justin enters the Pub, and moves back toward his couch, and runs headlong into Oliver. Their phones and lunches go flying.

Caroline is slicing pickles in the pub and making a large sandwich order. Justin enters, and she says his order is almost ready. She calls a young female worker over to finish making the last two sandwiches, and asks Justin if she can speak with him privately. He says anytime, and then comes to the realisation that she means now. He helps her to a quiet booth in the back, and she stumbles around verbally for a bit, asking about the noise of streetsweepers and garbage collection. Justin wants to know what’s really on her mind; she tells him she watched him on the phone this morning, and was wondering how he deals with his gay son. (She whispers gay, even though nobody’s around.) Justin isn’t sure what she means. Caroline says she knows Sonny is gay, and she has accepted that Will is gay, but Will won’t talk to a priest or try to do anything about it. Justin says he’s never tried to change Sonny; Caroline worries that what Will is doing is wrong, that’s what she was raised to believe and has believed all her life. Justin understands that, but he disagrees with her. Caroline is visibly upset; she wants to help Will, and love him and support him, but doesn’t know how to do that. She uses the example of Will discussing some young man he likes; Justin admits he can’t help her with the religious issue, but tells her to be honest with Will. Will has been honest with everyone, and that was hard for him, and even though it may make things difficult for her to tell Will how she feels, Justin says in the long run, it will make things better between them. Caroline, near tears, nods quietly.

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Roman leaves Kate’s room and tells Carrie that she loved the pics of her newest grandson. Kate thinks it’s funny that her oldest and Roman’s oldest have their youngest grandchild. Roman has some things to do before they leave for the wedding, will Carrie be all right? Carrie says yes, there’s somebody she needs to see anyway. She’ll take her rental car and be back in less than an hour. Roman looks worried, but she assures her dad that nothing’s amiss. He says OK, see you in a bit. He goes upstairs and she leaves.

Rafe is driving home when he decides to divert to visit Sami. He parks the car and thinks about everything that’s come between him & Sami in the past year, most recently his faking being the father of Nicole’s baby. He flashes back.

»»Rafe is in the hospital with Nicole; he is holding her son, wrapped in a green blanket. They talk about naming the baby as they admire him. She wants to honour the men who helped protect her, and name the baby after him. Rafael Walker. Rafe says that his father’s name was Rafael, and he doesn’t like being called Rafael because it reminds him of that. He says he’d prefer his middle name, Alejandro. His father’s was Luis. Nicole likes Alejandro, Alex. Rafe asks about the middle name; she says she wants to use Jonas, but has to ask Daniel. Rafe hands the baby to Nicole; she asks if he would consider being her son’s godfather. Rafe gets a huge smile; he accepts.

Rafe exits his car and wonders aloud if Sami can accept this connection with Nicole in the future as he heads up to her apartment.

Maggie is walking around the front rooms in the Kiriakis manse, looking for her hubby. The front door opens and she calls out to him. He responds, “Honey, I’m home!” and they have a hearty laugh. Maggie tosses her arms around Victor, and kisses him. She tells him of her talk with Daniel, and how they went shopping for Sarah’s daughter Emily’s birthday present together. She’d like Daniel to meet his sisters and admonishes herself for not introducing them yet. Unfortunately, Sarah can’t get away from the studio, and Melissa is similarly occupied with commitments. Maggie continues to gush over her son, and Victor is allowing her to silently. She finally takes note of this, and asks what he was up to. He says he had some errands, and moves quickly to down some booze. Maggie senses something’s up, and asks him what he was doing. Victor says it was a personal matter, she needn’t worry. Maggie refuses to accept that, and points out that there are to be no secrets between them. Victor sighs, and says he tried to pay Nicole to leave Brady & Salem forever, and she refused. Maggie admonishes him; how dare he do that to Brady, Brady needs Nicole to support him, especially after losing Madison so painfully, twice. Maggie fears another relapse; Nicole might just send him there on her own, Victor fears. Maggie comments that it’s better for Nicole to stay away from Daniel. Victor is shocked.
Rafe is outside Sami’s apartment; he is about to knock on the door when he hears Carrie’s voice. He can’t hear Sami, but it’s clear they’re talking to each other. Through the door, we hear Carrie apologising for chasing Rafe, and asking Sami to forgive her for it. She’d like to go back to their healed relationship from the time of Alice’s funeral. Rafe can’t hear Sami’s answer, but he hears a door slam. Rafe enters the apartment and sees Carrie. She’s startled; Rafe is, too. They both talk over each other; finally, Carrie speaks, apologising to Rafe and admitting that she used him. There was really nothing between them; Rafe agrees, and wonders if he used Carrie too, to anger Sami. Whatever it was, or wasn’t, is now in the past. Carrie shows him some baby pictures, and he shows a picture of Alex. Carrie has to get going, but she’s glad they could have this talk. They shake hands, and she leaves the apartment. He heads to the back bedroom to talk to Sami.

Will finishes his shift at the Pub and gives Nick a call, asking if they can hang out. At the college, Nick is working on re-running some experiments for his boss and won’t be out for awhile. He plans on just hitting the sack. Will is disappointed, but accepts and says good-by. He’s walking along the square for awhile when he spots Oliver. He thinks for a moment, then tells his phone to call Gabi; they agree to meet up at Unicorn Highway in a few hours. He heads off to his apartment.

At Salem University Hospital’s parking lot, Abigail is waiting by Cameron’s car. She moves just out of sight as he comes out of the front door, and when he clicks the doors open, she slips into the passenger seat quickly. He gets in, too tired to notice, until she speaks. He starts, and yells at her. She wants to know why he’s avoiding her, does he not love her anymore? Cameron tries to explain that he’s been busy, but Abigail begins touching his leg, and kissing his neck. Cameron gives in, and they begin making out.

Hope is packing boxes at the police station, a bit past her shift, when the call comes in about Roman. She is stoic, and agrees to deliver the news herself, as Roman wasn’t able to be reached at home. She is grabbing her purse and coat when she turns around to see Roman entering the station. She beams as he approaches her desk. Roman is encouraged, and Hope announces that he’s been cleared of any wrongdoing in the shooting. They hug; Roman is ecstatic. Now he doesn’t have to worry about anything when he heads up to Rex’s wedding. He wants to rush home and tell Kate, and Hope is taken aback. Roman explains they ran into each other, she needed him, and he let her sleep it off in the downstairs bedroom. Hope arches her eyebrow, and Roman insists it was all perfectly innocent. She still hasn’t agreed to come to the wedding with him. Hope says she’s not going to judge, it’s been awhile since Roman has had a lady in his life. Roman chuckles at that, and gets going. Hope returns to her packing.

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At Cameron’s apartment, Abigail is making herself cosy on the couch. Cameron comes into the room, hesitantly. He apologises for not calling Abigail; there’s something he’s been meaning to talk to her about. He wanted to have the talk in the car, and he’s sorry he made out with her; Abigail says she wanted to make out with him, and is glad they’re together now. Again, Cameron begins trying to tell her something important, but she slinks over to him and begins trying to distract him by kissing his chest. They begin to make out again; Abigail is pushing him to the bedroom, but just before the door, Cameron stops her, and says they need to talk, now. Abigail demands to know why he won’t make love to her again.

Roman and Carrie talk about their errands; she knew he’d be cleared, and he’s glad she talked with Rafe. He says he never tries to meddle in his kids’ lovelives, but it was especially hard to watch the train wreck she was trying to make of her life, Austin’s, Rafe’s, Sami’s, and the baby’s. Carrie apologises to him, and admits her infatuation was based on a lack of adventure. Sami made so much drama for them, for so many years, and without that or the challenge of school, things became so routine. Roman scolds her for trying to blame Sami; Carrie steps it back and says she didn’t mean it that way. “No, Dad, I take full responsibility. I hope Sami can forgive me; I’m glad Austin has.” Roman says they better get going, Kate’s in the car already. They exit.

Daniel is wrapping the present he bought when he notices the scent of Nicole’s perfume in the air.

»»Nicole is holding her baby in the hospital shortly after giving birth. Daniel enters sheepishly; she asks him to come in and take a look at the baby. He wasn’t sure about coming; Nicole apologises for what she’s put him through, but wants him to have a part in the baby’s life. They talk about Parker and the pain he’s experienced in losing him. Nicole says it won’t be that way with her son; she wants to name him Alejandro Jonas Walker, if he will permit it. Daniel is touched; then Nicole asks if he would be the baby’s godfather. Daniel accepts readily, and she tells him that she hasn’t any female friends to be the baby’s godmother, so she’s asked Rafe to be godfather, too. Daniel thinks that’s appropriate, and asks to hold the baby.

In Brady’s apartment, Nicole is thinking about Daniel’s acceptance when the phone rings. It’s Brady; he wants her to rush to Statesville Prison. Dr. Baker has important information he will give only to her. Nicole asks if he’s been cooperating, and Brady apparently tells her that since Stefano’s dead and EJ’s in prison, Dr. Baker has become very helpful. She agrees to rush down, if she can convince Mrs. Boukeadis to stay late with Alex.

Justin gets a frantic call from Oliver; he just got word that the zoning ordinance has been considered. The conditional use permit originally offered to the Common Grounds, revoked by Mayor DiMera, has been reinstated. In fact, the council wants to consider rezoning that entire subdivision to include food service locations, as it had in the past, prior to the rezoning to allow for the Horton Town Square. Justin can’t wait to tell Sonny, and tells Oliver he’ll see him at work the next day.

Nick is walking away from the physics building when a carful of girls stops and tells him he looks sexy. Nick smiles, and they ask him to come with them for a party. He’s not sure, but he agrees when the lead girl gets extra flirty. He gets in the car and they drive off.

After supper, Victor and Maggie resume their tabled argument. She thinks Nicole is stabilising for Brady, with which Victor vehemently disagrees, of course. He doesn’t think this meddling in Daniel’s life is like her; Daniel’s a grown man, and he’s known her AND DANIEL longer than Maggie, and even though he despises Nicole, she is better suited to the Doctor than to his grandson. Maggie continues to go on about not having known Daniel, and not being able to bear the thought of Nicole & Daniel is too much to bear. She wants better for her son. The argument continues in a brief circle, and Victor shouts out that Daniel is not her son!

Casting Note: Nick Palatas is Oliver, Justin’s secretary at the Mayor’s office
SOON ON DAYS OF OUR LIVESNick’s been ditched!
Will tries to forget Sonny with a night out with Gabi +1
Lucas begs Nick to perform a DNA test on Sydney, and has forgiven him for his weakness; Nick reminds him he has no hospital privileges
Kristen cooperates with the SEC in their investigation of DiMera, meanwhile trying to counsel a Salem resident
Rafe and Sami continue to work on their marriage
Victor owes Maggie a big explanation
Sonny returns to work at the DA’s office, which leaves him in a spot when the Common Grounds is allowed to be reopened
Abby continues to have numerous troubles
Gabi makes an appointment with Marlena
Dr Baker gives Nicole a bombshell
Follow along, if you will. I have plans, yes, but they are secret. :)

Seriously I have thought about posting "FICTION Spoilers" because these take so darn long to write-but I don't want them taken out of context, even though I would love if the show stole my ideas. :)