Days of Our Lives - Mon Jan 28, 2013 (fiction)

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Jan 20, 2012
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DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2013 January 28 (Monday) Wherein Hortons face romantic challenges as DiMera secrets continue to flood out...

Replay of Abigail talking to herself. (Because she’s crazy.) She will make Cameron love her again. She won’t feel well until she knows he still loves her. She is startled by a noise in the kitchen; she sees a shadow approaching and realises she’s been overheard. She grabs a heavy lamp and holds it in a defence posture, as her phone begins to vibrate behind her. Laura Horton comes through the door, and asks her, “Who’s Cameron?” Abby gasps, greeting her grandma, and drops the lamp.

Replay of Kristen and Hope in the DiMera basement. They unlock a door and it swings open. Both women gasp.

Caroline is scrubbing a pot in the kitchen at the Brady Pub when the door to the restaurant swings open. Caroline, without looking, assumes it’s one of her workers and begins telling her to go to the stockroom for more mushroom soup. The camera turns to see a tall, elderly hispanic gentleman standing in the Pub’s kitchen, and he clears his throat to get Caroline’s attention. She is startled, and demands to know who he is. He introduces himself as Hector Ramírez.

Abby is talking about how great Cameron is, and how much they love each other, completely ignoring the shattered lamp on the floor at her feet. Laura is watching with concern, and asks if Abby’s all right. Abby says she is, because she has a wonderful man who loves her. Laura clarifies that she was talking about the cut on her foot. Abby looks down; she’s bleeding. She passes out, but Laura catches her.

We finally see what Kristen and Hope are seeing; it’s a room that looks like a morgue. There are drawers all along a back wall. Hope and Kristen exchange glances; Hope nods, and Kristen moves to one of the doors. She opens it and screams.

[opening sequence]
It’s morning in Salem. Adrienne is sitting outside Abe’s office. Martine exits the office and tells her that Abe will see her now. Adrienne has a few file folders and a briefcase, and she quickly picks them up and hurries into Abe’s office. Abe is sitting at his desk, and is apparently talking to Roman on the phone. Abe assures Roman that everything will be under control, and they’ll talk tomorrow when Roman comes back to work. Roman doesn’t take enough vacation days. He says good-by, hangs up the phone, and offers Adrienne a chair. He asks what Salem’s first lady wants with the Police Commander. Adrienne says she was looking over crime statistics, which are generally trending downward, except in one area. Abe agrees and says, “Rebica.” Adrienne looks puzzled. Abe explains that the district of town from Reynolds Avenue to the river between Bingham and Corsica Streets is referred to, unofficially, as “Rebica.” Adrienne gets it, and admits that she was thinking of that area. Abe’s aware of the situation, and they are working on a plan to reduce the crime in that area. Adrienne thinks that’s wonderful, and she would like to help. Abe appears shocked.

Kristen is in Hope’s living room. Hope comes in with some tea and sets in on the coffee table in front of the couch, then sits near Kristen and pours some tea. Kristen thanks Hope for letting her stay the night. Hope says it was no trouble; with Bo...ahem...“on the road,” it was nice to have some adult company. It’s getting a bit much to be a single parent to Ciara, which is what she has effectively been since Bo started his “security detail” with Titan. Kristen admits she couldn’t even think of spending the night at the DiMansion, after what they found in the basement. Hope nods, and asks what they are going to do next. Kristen admits she’s not sure. What do you do when you find 20 dead bodies in your basement?

At the Common Grounds, Sonny is tinkering with his cappuccino machine and Dustin is moving tables, having apparently mopped a large section of the floor. Dustin cracks that he can’t believe how much dust and grime accumulated while nobody was in the shop for nearly three months. Sonny is similarly taken aback by the effect of the disuse on the various machines. He finally gets the machine working properly, and asks Dustin if he wants to take a break. Dustin agrees, and pulls together some chairs and a table. Sonny makes their drinks and they sit down together. After Sonny cracks a joke about the price of Dustin’s drink, Dustin takes his hand and says he’s glad that he could arrange his schedule to be here for Sonny today. Sonny thanks him, believing he wouldn’t be so near opening without him. Dustin remarks that the grand re-opening is making the buzz around campus, so they’d better be ready for tomorrow. Sonny worries that he won’t have enough help; Dustin pulls him close, kisses him, and tells him that everything will be fine. Dustin has a surprise for Sonny for later. Sonny grins his sunny grin, wondering what Dustin could mean.
At the hospital, Maxine is busily ordering orderlies and nurses about the floor. She wants everything to look perfect before the new Hospital Assistant Administrator arrives. An orderly cracks that they shouldn’t get so worked up over an assistant; Maxine reminds him that the Assistant Administrator will be the top executive at the hospital, even outranking the Chief of Staff. The Hospital Administrator is based out of Denver, where the headquarters of the hospital’s new owners--Allbright Industries--is located. The orderly slinks away and Maxine turns around to see Stephanie Johnson. Maxine is shocked, and a bit surprised. She asks Stephanie what she’s doing here; of course, Stephanie explains that she’s been sent from Denver to run the hospital. Maxine does not appear pleased.

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Will is heading toward the Brady Pub when he catches sight of Oliver, who is sipping a frappy mocha on a bench. Oliver is looking at him coyly; Will turns to look at him and smiles. Oliver invites Will to sit with him; Will is intrigued, but says he’s in a hurry. Oliver looks a bit upset, but smiles when Will says, “I’ll see you around.” As Will enters the Pub, a smile crosses his face.

At the Brady Pub, Caroline is washing a load of dishes from breakfast. She exits the kitchen and is flummoxed to see Hector waiting patiently at the bar. She goes to him and asks what he’s doing here. He immediately apologises for barging into the kitchen last Friday; he was upset, and he is used to a different neighbourhood, one where neighbours helped each other and frequently entered their kitchens/staff areas and even shared workers. Caroline tells him they don’t do that here, and to keep himself out of her kitchen. She apologises that his trash cans were filled with garbage from the pub, it was one of her employee’s honest mistakes. Hector again apologises, explaining that he is new to the neighbourhood, but is eager to run his restaurant in this new location. Caroline is surprised.

Adrienne enters the police station, and is greeted by Martine. Martine asks how the morning’s research went, and Adrienne says it went very well. She talked to a few business owners in the Rebica district, and several landlords, and many policemen who’ve patrolled there. Martine cocks her eyebrow and wonders if Adrienne spent any time with the individuals who actually live in Rebica. Adrienne looks dumbfounded; she did talk to the business owners, after all. Martine asks where she spoke with them; Adrienne says she had brunch with one of them at the Country Club, and coffee with another in the Square. Martine informs Adrienne that the real problem is that the people with the power in Rebica don’t live there; they just profit from those who do. Adrienne is mildly disbelieving, and goes to one of the folders she was carrying this morning (which had been sitting on a desk on the side of the room) and pulls out a sheet of paper. Her eyes light up, and she realises her conceit. She shows Martine the paper, which lists seven names as the owners of 90% of the properties in Rebica. She looks at the addresses and realises none of them live anywhere near that neighbourhood. Abe comes out and asks what’s going on. Martine and Adrienne look at him and discuss the need to “hit the streets” of Rebica. Abe thinks it’s a great idea; he’s just found the name of a major player in the neighbourhood, a well-respected citizen whom most of the residents admire. The trio leaves after agreeing that’s a very good place to start.

Abby is lying in her bed with a washcloth on her head, dozing. Laura enters quietly, and is about to leave when Abby lets her know that she’s awake. Laura comes into the room and sits on the edge of the bed; Abby wonders how long she’s been out, she has a class at two. Laura tells her she’s not going to class, she needs to rest. Abby protests, but Laura insists that Abby email her professor. Abby agrees reluctantly; she then wonders what Laura’s doing here. Laura tells her that Jennifer called her; Abby wonders why, and Laura says, “because I’m worried about you. Very worried.” Abby frumps.

[ad break]

Will is wiping down tables in the pub, getting ready for the lunch rush. He gets the last table well wiped, disposes of the cloth, and looks around. After fiddling with some napkin holders, he decides he’s ready for the rush. He leans back on the bar, and has a flashback.

»»2011-09-06(alt): Will is reading casually on his couch, as Bryan is getting ready, shirtless, for a date with Sonny. He tells Will that Sonny will be there in 15 minutes, and he’s going to take a shower. He leaves; fade out, and in, on Will’s magasine and we hear the doorbell. Will answers it; it’s Sonny, looking dapper. He’s early, is Bryan ready? Will says no, and offers Sonny a seat on the chair. Sonny sits on the couch about a foot from Will. Will is mopey. Sonny asks what’s wrong, and Will makes it clear that he feels like Sonny didn’t give him a chance. Sonny explains that Will is still figuring himself out, and Will doesn’t want to hear it. Will gets up, flustered, and Sonny gets up to try to explain. He grabs Will’s arm, Will spins around while trying to pull him away. Sonny holds tight, trying to calm Will; but he only succeeds in pulling Will closer to him. They share a look, and kiss.

Will breaks out of his reverie, and mutters to himself that things might have worked out if he hadn’t been so stupid. Before he can finish the thought, a small office group comes through the door and moves to the counter.
At the Common Grounds, Sonny and Dustin are continuing to toil. Dustin finishes up stacking boxes and glances at his watch. He tells Sonny it’s time for his surprise, which is up front. Sonny is curious, and Dustin is jumping out of his skin to show him the surprise. They walk hurriedly to the front of the store. It’s empty. Sonny wonders where his surprise is. Dustin laughs and says he forgot it in the back. He moves back toward the stockroom, then reappears a moment later with Chad Peterson-Woods right behind him. Sonny doesn’t notice, as he’s looking around the front area for clues. “Need a little help?” Chad asks. Sonny turns around, shocked and surprised.

Back at the Pub, Hector and Caroline are seated at a table for a quick break. He explains that he waited for months to get a spot near the Square, and was dismayed to have to leave the location he ran for the last 20 years on Cross St. Caroline softens a bit, explaining that she’s stressed as she has two workers out with the flu. She admits that she threw the garbage into Hector’s trash cans, she was too busy last week and missed garbage collection, and her cans were overfull. Hector tells her it’s really no big deal; he wants them to be good neighbours. She apologises and he says she can rectify it by attending his grand opening later this week. She says she’ll try to make it. Hector says in his old neighbourhood, neighbours helped neighbours, and he’d like to help her if he can. She nods, but doesn’t acknowledge or accept the offer. After an awkward moment, Hector says he has to go, but re-invites her for a free serving of arroz con habichuelas; Caroline laughs and says she’ll have to take him up on that offer once he’s open. Hector leaves; we hear Caroline wondering (in her head) why the name Ramírez sounds so familiar to her.

Stephanie is sitting at a table in the Horton Town Square, sitting across from Abigail. Abby is complaining about her grandma coming back to town and prying into her life. Stephanie expresses her sympathies; as Abby continues to drone on, Stephanie begins fiddling with her phone. After three minutes, Abby notices the fiddling and asks what’s up. Their lunch orders arrive, and after the waiter leaves, Stephanie says she’s been trying to reconnect with old friends since she came back to Salem. She’s reconnected with several of them, but has been having trouble reaching her friend Ian. Abby starts at the name; Stephanie reminds her about her computer-nerd friend Ian Burnett who had a little crush on her, and makes a gesture indicating his long hair. Abby remembers, and says she’s pretty sure he’s still in Salem, working for a computer company that works for the hospital. Stephanie gives up to eat her meal, and has packed away her entrée before she notices that Abby hasn’t touched her food. Abby explains that it sounded good, but it looks terrible. Stephanie says it looks delicious, but Abby isn’t up to eating it. As she pushes it away, she has a flash, and asks Stephanie if Ian was her friend’s first name. Why? Stephanie wonders. Abby says she had a class with him, and was pretty sure that he used a different name in college. Stephanie’s surprised by this, and Abby quickly explains that she was taking a 300-level class her freshman year, filled with mostly Juniors and Seniors. Stephanie nods, and thinks for a minute; come to think of it, Ian was his middle name, although he preferred using it. His first name started with a D, but he hated it and never used it. Abby begins talking about Cameron and how much he loves her, while Stephanie daydreams, flashing back to her and Ian hacking into the hospital records. Abby is continuing to talk as Stephanie comes out of her daydream, shouting “Devon!” Stephanie apologises to Abby, and says Cameron sounds like a great guy. Abby says he’s been a rock for her, through losing Lexie, and then her father’s breakdown, her mother leaving, etc. Stephanie congratulates Abby, who congratulates her cousin on the promotion at the hospital.

Kristen and Hope are seated at a table enjoying coffee; they talk about the horror they found in the DiMera basement. Kristen says she can’t believe what kind of a man her father was. What were those bodies for? Hope notes that the bodies looked like Stefano in a few ways; build, skin tone, hair, dentition. With the number of times he faked his death, he probably needed...spare parts. Kristen shudders. What should they do next? Hope says she’s called Marlena to update her, and get a message to Bo. Kristen says that’s fine, but shouldn’t they call the police? Hope notes that there’s no evidence of a crime, but it might be a good idea. Kristen disbelieves that Stefano could have acquired those bodies legally. Hope is about to make the call, but then pauses and tells Kristen that since she’s the one who lives in the DiMera mansion, she should make the call. Kristen grimaces.

[ad break/halftime]
At the Brady Pub, Will is carrying a tray of dishes back to the kitchen. He drops them by the sink, and returns to the front. He tells the unseen cashier at the end of the counter that he’s going to take his break; he is untying his apron when Oliver walks in, and smiles at him. Will shoos the other cashier away in order to take Oliver’s order. Oliver orders a sandwich and a chocolate mocha, which Will quickly rings up and hands over. Oliver asks if Will was about to go on break, Will laughs and says he was. Oliver offers to share his sandwich with Will, and Will accepts. They walk out to the square, and have a seat on a bench. They chat about their jobs, but Oliver is vague, saying only that he works as an office assistant despite having a bachelor’s degree in marketing. That’s the economy, laments Will. Will explains that he’s still in school, and has been working for his family. Oliver is shocked - you’re a Brady? My mom is, Will replies; my Dad’s a Horton. Oliver’s eyes go up - a Horton? Like, Horton Town Square? Will, a bit embarrassed, answers yes, Alice and Tom were his great-grandparents. Oliver is impressed. His phone starts ringing; Will insists that he answer it. Oliver looks at the number - it’s Salem’s area code, but he doesn’t recognise it, so he silences it. He apologises and asks Will what it’s like being a Horton. Just like being anybody else, I guess, I’ve been a Horton most of my life, it’s just me. Oliver is intrigued - most of his life? Will laughs, and says it’s a long, looong story. Oliver wants to hear it, he’s got a full hour for lunch and he’d love to spend it with Will. Will is a bit shocked - but he agrees. Let’s go for a walk in the park, he suggests. Oliver disposes of his trash from his lunch, and they walk off together, with a big goofy grin plastered all over Will’s face.

Outside the Horton House, Stephanie and Abby are still talking about what a super guy Cameron is. They come to the door, and Laura opens it before they can unlock it. Stephanie greets her with a “Hi, Dr. Horton,” and Laura sweetly returns the greeting. How was lunch? Laura asks; Abby glares at her. Laura thanks Stephanie for taking Abby out; it was Stephanie’s pleasure, of course. She needed a chance to catch up with her cousin. Abby enters, and invites Stephanie in. They sit on the couch, and Stephanie notices a piece of glass on the floor. Laura picks it up and says she knocked over a lamp earlier and thought she’d cleaned it all up. Stephanie asks if Laura’s staying with Abby, and as Abby rolls her eyes, Laura says she is, but just for the night. Abby gets angry with her grandmother, and tells her that she knows Laura asked Stephanie to take her to lunch. Stephanie and Laura attempt to protest, but Abby won’t hear about it. Laura tells Abby she’s worried about her; she hasn’t fully grieved for her father yet. Abby says she doesn’t need to grieve; her father’s not dead. Stephanie and Laura exchange worried looks. No, Laura counters, he’s not dead, but he’s not the same man anymore. His experience in the elevator after the tunnel explosion led him to have a complete breakdown, and he is no longer himself. Abby doesn’t want to hear it, and storms upstairs. Stephanie gives Laura an exasperated look.

Abe is working diligently at his desk when Adrienne enters his office, explaining that Officer Kent let her in. Abe asks her if she’s had any luck with the residents in Tribeca, finding the address of the mysterious Mr. Ramírez. Adrienne nods, and says she spent several hours in his bodega on Cross Street, in the heart of Rebica. The locals wouldn’t give her any information, but from eavesdropping she did learn that he recently opened a new location in the Horton Town Square. Abe is startled at her methods and then remarks he hasn’t noticed a new business in the Square, where is it? Adrienne smiles and states that it’s right next to The Brady Pub. She’s on her way there now...would Abe like to come along? Of course, he states, and they leave his office together.

At the DiMera Mansion, Hope and Kristen and some extra officers are milling about the basement. The officers are tagging and collecting the dead bodies, all of which resemble Stefano to some degree. Kristen looks ill, and Hope remarks that they don’t have to watch this. She finally convinces Kristen to leave the room, but she stays back when an officer approaches her. She tells the officer that she knows she’s no longer on the force, but she wants to there anything criminal going on here?

[ad break]

In the park, Oliver and Will are strolling casually. Will is telling Oliver about a really tough course that he took last spring, and how he almost failed due to his working for EJ. Oliver says he understands what it’s like working for the mayor, Will realises of course he does. Will was really working for EJ personally, not exactly for the mayor’s office. Oliver has heard a bit about the DiMeras since coming to town about two months ago, just after finishing college and taking a job at City Hall. They chat some more about Justin as Mayor/Boss, and Will working for his great-grandma, and the classes that Will’s taking at Salem U. As they are walking, Oliver’s phone beeps; he says he has to go back to work. Will agrees, realising how long he’s been gone from the pub. They stop before parting to go their separate routes, and there’s an awkward moment before they share a friendly hug. Oliver tells Will he’d love to see him again, could they exchange numbers? Will says he had a great time, but he’s not so sure he’s ready to date. Oliver looks disappointed, but understands. He starts to move away quickly, and Will looks a bit shaken. Will moves toward Oliver, and says he hopes to see him around again. Oliver is gone. Will returns to the Pub, thinking, Why can’t Sonny like me that way?

At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen is talking on the phone with an unseen Nicole. They are apparently reviewing the happenings of Friday and Kristen, after expressing her continuing disbelief at the horrible acts Stefano committed, requests Nicole keep her updated. They exchange good-bys before Hope enters the room. Kristen asks if everything is all right. Hope gives her a worried look.

At the Horton House, Laura gives Abby a warm glass of cider and insists she drink it. Abby agrees, reluctantly, after a brief near-miss argument. Abby drinks it while Laura watches intently. Abby wants to know what’s wrong. Laura tells her that there’s a mild, gentle sedative that will help Abby sleep in the cider. She’s been entirely too highly-strung lately. Abby is briefly furious, but finally accepts that Laura is looking out for her. Abby admits to being very tired, and trying to force herself to do more than she is able. She begins to drift off to sleep, and Laura leaves the room with a worried look.

Abe and Adrienne are looking in the windows of Hector’s restaurant, but are unable to make anything out. It’s not open yet, Abe muses; Adrienne says it will be nearly impossible to catch him, then. Abe cocks his head to one side, and she explains that Sonny is so busy with his grand re-opening that she can barely catch five minutes with him. Abe appears to understand, and they head to the Pub for a refreshment. A few moments after they enter the Pub, Hector approaches his front door and opens the lock, shifting his gaze around as he enters his restaurant. He bolts the door behind him as he enters.

At the Common Grounds, Chad is telling Dustin and Sonny about the great time he and Melanie are having modelling in Europe. They’re doing a big shoot in Madrid next week and he had some free time, and wanted to come help Sonny out. Melanie’s spending the week with Carly and Nicholas in Casablanca. As they talk, they are polishing up the cups and saucers and stacking them neatly behind the counter. Chad said getting out of Salem was the best thing he and Melanie could do after Andrew, and Gabi’s deception. Dustin is awkward as Gabi is trashed by Sonny and Chad. Chad remarks that their group of “so-called friends” has fallen apart, except for Chad & Sonny. Sonny gives him a look, and Chad says that Will turned out to be a little sneaky, too. Sonny really doesn’t want to talk about it. Dustin looks nervously to Sonny, who is attempting to get Chad to can it. Chad asks if Dustin knows what Will did to Sonny & Brian. Dustin, still a bit spooked, nervously (and comically) shrugs his shoulders while making a “baoknow” face. Sonny makes it clear that Will is not a topic they will discuss; Chad drops it. After some fumbled attempts at conversation, Chad tells Sonny that if there’s anything he needs, but he can’t reach [Chad], Sonny should talk to Kristen, who’s helping him manage his finances. Even though he has rebuked any claim to most of his share of the DiMera monies (and even changed his name), he still considers Kristen his ally and they’ve partnered to bring the DiMeras a good name. Sonny agrees, and tries to apologise for the way their earlier conversation ended. Chad brushes it off, says it’s no big deal. Sonny is grateful that Chad is twenty per cent owner of the Common Grounds. Dustin looks puzzled.

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Chad explains that he invested in the Common Grounds, with Sonny, but they couldn’t raise enough money until an anonymous investor ponied up some more dough. Who is the investor, asks Dustin. Chad and Sonny exchange looks. Sonny admits he doesn’t know. Sonny explains that it was Ian McAllister, but he was killed by his wife in September. All of his fortune was transferred to his heir, an illegitimate son. McAllister’s lawyer has been looking for him for months. The conversation lulls awkwardly; Sonny looks around and congratulates the guys on a job well done. They’re finally ready for their grand opening tomorrow. He thanks them, and invites them out to dinner at Chez Rouge. Chad says thanks, but no thanks, he has plans to meet up with Kristen already - but he’ll catch up to them later if he can, and see them at 7AM sharp for the grand re-opening tomorrow. He and Sonny hug, and Chad shakes Dustin’s hand and the trio depart.

Stephanie is in her office going through her rolodex; she’s removing some cards and writing on new ones. Maxine enters and asks if she’s doing all right; Stephanie says she is, but she’s a little peeved that the temp agency hasn’t sent over a secretary for her yet. Maxine sympathises, and says if she finds anyone slacking, she’ll send them over to help her get organised and settled. Does she have a secretary yet? Stephanie admits she does not; there was one assigned, but she left with the former administrator at the last minute. Maxine again extends her offer of help before leaving. Stephanie picks up a list of numbers from her desk, scanning it. “No Burnetts,” she muses. She finally gives up and calls the IT department. She identifies herself, and then says, “I’m looking for one of your contract employees, Devon Burnett? He may be going by Ian, as well.” She then waits patiently as the voice on the other end of the line sets about assisting her.

Laura looks in on a sleeping Abby. She quietly closes the door and goes down to the Living Room. She picks up the telephone, and after a moment, says, “Hello, it’s Laura. Laura Horton. I need your help with Abby. Right away. Can we meet? Good, I’ll see you in the Square tomorrow morning.”

Kristen is working in the DiMera office; there’s a knock at the front door, and a few moments later, Hope enters. Hope tells Kristen that she’s glad to see Mary stuck around after Stefano’s demise (although we don’t see Mary). Kristen looks at her, too filled with anticipation to speak. Hope informs her that there’s no legal trouble over the bodies. Hope has vouched that Kristen had no knowledge of the bodies. Whatever Stefano did to obtain them, however illegal it may have been, cannot be rectified now. But the police are going to try to identify them, in order to inform the families of the situation. Kristen tells Hope to make sure the police know that she will help in any way possible. Hope nods, and asks if Kristen wants to spend the night at her home again. Kristen shakes her head, and says she feels OK now that the bodies have been removed. She wonders aloud if she can stomach learning any more of her father’s secrets. Hope assures her that whatever Kristen decides, she will honour her choice. Kristen looks dismayed.

Will removes his apron as he leaves out the back door of the Pub, grabbing a bag of garbage as he leaves. He dumps it in a can, then cuts through the alley toward the other end of the Square. As he is leaving, there’s a spring in his step. Will emerges onto the main path, and is about to turn right toward the main square, when he spots Dustin and Sonny jokingly jabbing at each other as they move some plants in front of the coffee house. (We can hear Dustin joking about how they were supposed to go home, he needs overtime for this, etc.) Sonny trips, and Dustin catches him; there’s a brief moment as they catch their breath, then they kiss. Focus on Will, moping. He flips open his phone and dials a number. You have reached the office of Mayor Justin Kiriakis, we hear in Oliver’s voice, please leave a message after the beep. Will leaves a quick message, asking Oliver to call him back at this number. He’d love to go out with him...very soon.

Note: Henry Darrow is the actor I imagine as playing Hector Ramírez. My Stephanie is Shelley Hennig. Laura Horton is Jamie Lyn Bauer.

Marlena reaches out to Sami & Rafe
Jolene has a secret connection to Salem, Kate learns
Maggie calls Victor to tell him she’s bringing a guest
Nicole and Brady have a luxurious dinner but can’t avoid a few touchy subjects
Daniel wonders about his future in Salem
The Common Grounds re-opens
I say good for Caroline! She needs something to do, beyond cooking and taking care of 38 grandbabies!
:wink: Will just cannot cut a break with his love life... Perhaps Oliver will be kinder to him than past heart throbs... Sonny sure get in entanglements with some interesting thugs....

With all those arms and legs and what ever,,, Stephano should have no problem putting his best foot forward.....
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