Days of our Lives Mon., Jan. 30, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of our Lives
Monday, January 30, 2017

Jennifer is at the Police Station, JJ spots her, warns her about not saying anything about GDR, that he is telling her nothing, and Lt. Raines would go ballistic. Raines comes out, wants to talk to JJ, learns the case is at a standstill, then wants him to go talk to the goon that Nicole knifed, even without a lawyer. JJ comments then whatever he says will be inadmissible, Raines doesn't care. Meanwhile, Jen sees Brady, learns that Nicole posted bail, and left, Brady is going after her, says he has to get there before they kill each other, but doesn't say why. Next, Jen is trying to get a statement from Lt. Raines about the docks situation, but all he has is NO Comment, about 3 times.

Nicole stands outside Chloe's door, wanting her child, they argue, but calmly, until finally Chloe lets Nicole in. They argue some more, mostly we have heard the back and forth already, Deimos is a monster, a mobster, Nicole is going to marry him, would Daniel want his daughter brought up by a mobster, in a house where murder is normal. Nicole says Chloe went back on her agreement to give up the baby when born, and they just go back and forth, until knock, knock. There is Brady, who really does referee the melee. Holly wakes up but settles right back down, Nicole is near tears because she cannot hold her baby, Brady finally gets her to leave with him.

Deimos is at the hospital, visiting the goon who tried to kill him (gee, no guard??). He threatens the man, telling him to call Roman, say he is not going to press charges, and if Roman says the DA will do so anyway, tell him he will not testify. He threatens the guy & his family.

Chad is on phone with Abby, nice conversation, will be home in a bit, promising to bring home a bottle of champagne to go with their dinner alone. Gabi is listening, Chad spots her, hangs up, chit chat about his presentation, color blocking outfit, blah, blah. She can see he is happy, is happy for him, he hustles her into Club TBD to talk. She stops him, figures he & Abby are good in their marriage, is glad.

Raines is still giving JJ a hard time, JJ mentions being short handed, and guess what? Raines has managed to get help from another dept., someone to partner up with him, and in walks Lani! Not exactly dressed for a detective, but...seems Raines contacted Miami (no idea why) and since Lani was visiting in Salem, they asked if she would help out. She tells JJ she did not realize they were going to partner her up with him, or would have said no, she can still call Miami and cancel. Nope, tis o.k. They talk of GDR being owned by Eduardo & Dario, Gabi not involved, he doesn't want her hurt, yada, yada. They go for coffee.

And of course, they go to Club TBD, are still chatting about what happened before. Lani wonders if Gabi will be upset, JJ notes they broke up, would have worked it out, but Chad got in there. Lani knows Abby is back, and they are together, but JJ says it is over for him & Gabi anyway. He spots Chad & Gabi sitting, goes over to ask if Abby knows they are together, Gabi tells him none of his business. Chad mentions he is going home, finishes his drink, leaves. JJ leaves, but Lani comes over to see if Gabi is o.k. When she gets back with JJ, he tells her that he talked to Roman, the goon won't testify against Nicole, he figures someone got to the guy, also figures he knows just who that was.

Abe & Valerie are strolling in the square, run into Theo, who complains about Claire taking the longest hot shower in the history of mankind, the steam set off smoke alarms, she used all the hot water. Abe says Theo looks a bit worried, Theo talks about the lab work, dissecting a crayfish, next a fetal pig, he hates it all, but had to take a lab course. Val is making dinner for Abe tonight, invites Theo to come, tells him to bring his books & notes, and after dinner, she will try and help him a bit. She has a luncheon date with Jen, so leaves.

Abe & Theo talk, Abe glad he is getting along better with Valerie. Yes, she is o.k., fine. But he does mention hearing Valerie call someone sweetie on the phone, figured she had another guy. Abe says it could have been her son. Theo concedes that is possible.

Valerie & Jen sit on the park bench..evidently basking in the warm, January weather, :)sarcasm:)as they talk of the great lunch they just had, being able to relax a bit, small talk. Jen eventually asks if she found out who put the bug in her purse, Valerie says yes, someone who was concerned about a secret Valerie has, which she says is a private matter. Jen sympathizes, talks of how her daughter had her keep something secret, it affected a lot of people, but she loves her daughter, made a promise. Valerie leaves.

Later, Jen is sitting at a table in the square, a waitress comes to take her order, recognizes her as working for the Spectator (Jen says she is editor) and has a scoop for her. Seems the boyfriend works down on the docks, something shady going on down there. Jen pulls out her notebook, is writing. Tell me more.

Brady & Nicole are back at the Kmansion, talking over the situation with Chloe. Nik thanks him for getting her out of there before she really made things worse. They talk back and forth, Brady promising Nicole will get her baby, has to be patient. He mentions trying to talk Belle out of being Chloe's lawyer, to no avail, but Chloe would just get another, anyway. Nicole is very grateful that Brady has her back, he notes he will always be there for her, knows how she feels now, had somewhat of a similar situation with his son, knows how she feels. She thanks him again, glad he was there for her. They hug, Deimos walks in, stops abruptly.
I hate the whining, crying person they are portraying Nicole to be. Where is that strong, determined woman she used to be? Now, she's just close to whackadoodle. I understand that she wants her baby, but geez! On a personal note, I would drop any guy like a dozen hot potatoes if it meant getting my baby. Nicole's blind faith in Deimos is disturbing and frightening.
I agree with all you said, Designing Woman. I've always liked Nicole a lot but I'm not feeling as sympathetic toward her as I ordinarily would.

Thanks for the summary, Poirot. I had to laugh about Theo being troubled by Claire's long, hot shower. Theo, that will be the least of your problems if you keep hanging out with this spoiled bratty girl.

Maybe Deimos will get jealous and turn hostile toward Brady and that will finally open Nicole's eyes about him.
So, not to make this too simplistic, but, once Nicole is out of jail, why can't she stage a break up with Deimos, get her baby back and then get back together? If that is the only reason Chloe is holding on to Holly, wouldn't that take care of it? Not that anyone would fake a break up on this show. Oh, wait...
I like JJ but the way he went after Chad and Gabi had me saying "Whoa, you need to hold your roll there, Sparky." I mean the the two of them were sitting at table in the middle of a public place; there clearly was nothing clandestine going on. I think he let his injured ego get the best of him there.

As far as the Chad and Gabi scenes went, I'm glad she shut him down. She's known all along which way the wind was blowing. She didn't need to hear him explain yet again why he wasn't choosing her. At this point I just want them to move this along So Gabi can "find somebody to Loove!" (Yes, that's meant to be sung like the lyric in the Queen song. And for the record the Queen song I'm referring to is "Somebody to Love" and not "We Will Rock You.")

JJ told Lani he thinks he knows who got to the hit man but then he doesn't say who he's thinking of. I suspect he's probably thinking Dario.

Valerie and Jennifer: It's nice to see two adult women have an actual friendship. I like Valerie, she just seems like a genuinely nice person and her relationship with Abe is certainly pleasant. :)

But the problem is so far her storyline hasn't exactly been "Must See TV". The most we've gotten in the way of drama is Theo and Claire doing their junior James Bond and Mata Hari (a real life female spy) routine on her. It's time to kick it up a notch in my opinion.
Regardless of what is going on with Nicole and Deimos, I'm supposed to hate Chloe now, right? I mean, that was so wonderful and selfless and blah blah blah for her to carry Nicole and Daniel's baby, but that was just an emotional setup.

I really want to try and like Chloe, but I can't. I just can't. I hate her behavior, because it's clearly unreasonable. I get that she's on the birth certificate, because who else would be (considering the circumstances of Holly's birth and Chloe being in a coma), but how everyone knows the truth, just finish this already and give Nicole her baby.
Thanks for the summary. A great show, in my opinion.

I do agree, I miss the old and firey Nicole, but I'm still rooting for her. No matter what I or anyone thinks of Deimos, what Chloe is doing is despicable, and it's not her place to do so. Since she keeps bringing up WWDT (What would Daniel think?), she should ask herself what he'd think of her doing this. As if her affair with his son-in-law in 2010 or her conniving three years later to split up him and Jennifer wasn't enough. I do also think the writers are setting the stage for Nicole and Brady to become a thing again. It won't bode well for Deimos. Yet for some odd reason, I can't help but pity him with this situation.

Abe/Theo/Jennifer/Valerie was very nicely done. I'd just love to see some more scenes of her and Abe WITHOUT Theo or any of the teens, and definitely more of her and Jennifer. And kudos to the writers for showing Jennifer working and tying to the storyline.

This JJ/Gabi mess has got to end, and it's got to end fast. Have him temporarily move on with Lani, even. I'm still rooting for Gabi and Chad, as well as Abigail and Dario, for the time being.
No, not Lani, in my opinion. But yes, he needs to have someone else on which to focus his off duty attention.

Can anyone tell me when Jen quit/resigned her hospital job? I do like her back into newspaper work, but cannot remember her mentioning leaving the hospital. Did I miss it?
It's black jacket/coat day in Salem. I counted at least 14 black jackets.
It's difficult to count the people in background since they move around a lot.

I enjoyed Jen and Valerie too. Interesting Valerie she had a secret, but Abe told Theo
Valerie was probably talking to her son. How long will it be before the whole
town knows Valerie has a son? :)

Should we surprised Lani is a temporary partner for JJ? Will they do "it" again?

The waitress was funny. She told Jen there was something going on at the
dock and it was three words. Sha di ness. I'm surprised the waitress
didn't tell Jen all the other gossip she must know since people talk so much
on Horton Town Square.
Troy, you amaze me at times, you know Mati Hari, so do I, and then, Queen, and I have no idea.

O.K. I listen to radio all day, hear lots of songs, no idea who is singing, don't care. Thus, not aware of who sings what. May have heard names, but no idea of "hit songs". LOL, There are songs I really like, maybe know the words, could not tell you who sings. One exception, ....and only one, and because I looked it up, since I like it so much. Train singing "Play That Song". LOL
What can I say Poirot, I guess I'm just a guy of many interests. LOL

As far as music goes I'm not as current as I used to be. I know the names of current hot "artists" but I couldn't identify what they sing, It all just seem to be hip hop and wanna-be divas nowadays, *sigh* I pretty much have to rely on youtube to listen to the stuff I grew up loving.
Tis days past, one could instantly identify Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Tony Bennett, Frankie Laine, Doris Day, Jo Stafford, Andy Williams, The Ink Spots, Everly Bros., Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Beatles, but currently, it is not the case. (LOL, never even heard the name TRAIN until i wanted to know who sang the song.

I really miss Days using current or even past music on the show. Back, some years ago, I remember a scene where Bo & Hope were in a bar, and there was a stage, & an act being introduced. It was Michael Buble' who was making his American debut, (he was from Canada). He had just released his first American album, and I bought it immediately, loved his voice. I was doing Early Edition at the time, and Linda, who also did it, also bought it. I still have it. On it, Michael sings Always. !!!

Do any of you now run out and buy the record of some artist who sings a song one never heard before? Just curious.
A few questions for Salemites:

Color-blocked Chad: Why did you have to buy a bottle of champagne for your little party with Abigail? Didn't Father amass a large stock of the finest vintages? Have Harold and cook guzzled it all down in his absence? Also why do you patronize Slimy & Son's Club TBD? They are the enemy. Shouldn't the money that you spend on drinks go into Caroline's coffers?

Dr. Grant: Why are you so forthcoming with prying newspaper editor Jenny? How will you like it if the Spectator now runs a headline that says: "Local Doctor Hot for Mayor."

Chloe: What would Daniel want? Did it ever occur to you that he might just say: "Deimos? If Victor is OK with him, then so am I."

Theo: Why do you hate biology so much? Lots of students find it interesting. You're starting to sound like the bored, bored, bored Claire.
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A few questions for Salemites:

Color-blocked Chad: Why did you have to buy a bottle of champagne for your little party with Abigail? Didn't Father amass a large stock of the finest vintages?
This was so Gabi could hear and know Chad & his wife were VERY back together, of course. Days would not miss an opportunity like that. I also wondered what happened to enormous wine cellar with it's never ending supply of brandy, whiskey, scotch, vodka, gin & champagne. LOL

Theo: Why do you hate biology so much? Lots of students find it interesting. You're starting to sound like the bored, bored, bored Claire.
Again, Days has to make an excuse for Valerie to offer to help, Theo to accept, and Abe to see how well they are getting along now. After all, Abe probably did not notice it before...:sarcasm:

Those writers just insist on filler scenes which do absolutely nothing for story or the viewers who are watching. And agree, Theo did sound like the bored, and increasingly boring Claire. A little of her goes a long way these days, and I really did like her when she first appeared.
I hate the whining, crying person they are portraying Nicole to be. Where is that strong, determined woman she used to be? Now, she's just close to whackadoodle. I understand that she wants her baby, but geez! On a personal note, I would drop any guy like a dozen hot potatoes if it meant getting my baby. Nicole's blind faith in Deimos is disturbing and frightening.


Also enjoyed the Jennifer-Valerie "lunch" which conveniently took place right after her "morning walk" with Abe.:rolleyes: However, I agree that there needs to be more excitement in this Valerie stuff and it doesn't help that she airs every 2 weeks. She seems to be on the same schedule as Adrienne and her sidekicks. For me to care, they all need to air more frequently.

Can Jennifer please hire Gabi as her stylist? Good grief. I can accept the camel suede coat but would have preferred dark jeans or even black pants with it. And quit putting her in bell bottoms. They are not in style anymore. And I would like to see her in brighter colors instead of neutrals all the time. Some of them wash her out.

I kind of didn't hate Jennifer and Lt. Raines. If we're not going to get Jack back...

I didn't hate JJ and Lani either but still would like to see him and Gabi get back together. I feel like we were cheated out of that entire relationship. I also didn't have an issue with JJ being overprotective of his sister and his mom.
This was so Gabi could hear and know Chad & his wife were VERY back together, of course. Days would not miss an opportunity like that. I also wondered what happened to enormous wine cellar with it's never ending supply of brandy, whiskey, scotch, vodka, gin & champagne. LOL
I have a couple of theories on that:

1 - Andre drank it all

2 - No one drank it fast enough, and the wine got "corked", and that whole tunnel collapse that happened a few years back caused enough shaking that the spirits somehow got oxygen exposure and started evaporating.

3 - They're aging the whiskeys longer so that they can sell them at auction

4 - Someone has decided that drinking straight spirits isn't fashionable at the moment, so they're ignoring that.

5 - While they have money, Abby and Chad are young. They don't have money (because of the siphoning of all the DiMera fortune), and this is to indicate it's a special occasion. Besides, most people don't keep bottles of champagne in their wine/spirit stock (at least, not the people that I know, and I only have one bottle because it was a gift and I don't ever know when I'm going to open it)

6 - The writers have forgotten (or don't care) that they have that huge cellar (which is the most likely option)