Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 19, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, July 19, 2010
Episode #11,377 Taped 5/12 Director – Albert Alarr

Replay of Chad & his mom arguing, him running up the stairs, she following, grabbing his arm, him pulling it away and her falling down the stairs. Chad stares, then is at her side, kneeling, holding her, telling her to hang on, and that Dad is coming. She is barely able to get a few words out, and Chad doesn’t quite understand. We hear sirens.

At the hospital, Kate is arguing with Stefano, who wants to leave right now, upset that they have a “Madeline” problem. Kate assures him it is no problem, and they are not leaving til he gets his new prescription. Finally, Lexie arrives with it, wants to know what is wrong, Kate insists it is nothing.
A bit later, out in the hall, the EMTs have brought Madeline in on a stretcher, Lexie sends them to #6, calls for an OR. Chad is distraught, Kate & Stefano come out having had the prescription filled, see the dejected Chad sitting, worried. Kate asks him what is wrong, he just about gets out, “my mom”, when the DA comes in. Chad jumps up, happy to see his dad, who wants to know what happened. Chad starts to tell him how he & his mom were fighting, she fell…and the DA jumps on him, hollering and scolding him. Chad is trying to say he did not push her or anything, when Lexie comes in. Kate & Stefano are standing back, quietly taking it all in….(and just watch the pros when they have no lines, excellent!). Lexie asks both Chad & his father to sit down, sits in front of them herself, and sadly tells them that Mrs. Woods did not make it. She is gone. Chad’s face is dissolving.

Daniel & Chloe sit on the sofa in their apt., he is throwing out very ususual baby names. I can’t even spell the rather long one for a girl, but then he suggests Ichabod for a boy. Chloe is not too happy, he apologizes for jumping the gun again, too early for this, but wants to tell the world. Thinks her parents will be so happy. She agrees, then says but when Victor finds out…another story. He won’t be happy I am having a baby with his son. Daniel corrects her …”godson”. Oops (guess those flashbacks do a number on Chloe, as yes, …another one). She claims that is what she meant, Daniel talks of how much he respected Victor, until he saw how badly he treated Chloe. She says she is used to it, no problem. Daniel is leaving to pick up their order at the Pub….(gee, another Salem woman who cannot ever cook!) and takes off.

Over at Maggie’s, Philip comes in to find Melanie making a list. She wants to throw Chloe a baby shower. Philip talks her out of it, wayyy too early. Melanie does realize those things don’t get done til near the end of the pregnancy, will have to put this off for 7 months or so. She talks of the failed picnic she arranged for Brady & Arianna, how a bowl & spoon of Maggie’s got left behind, she knows where they should be, will be right back.
And over at that very popular one and only spot near the lake, Nathan & Stephanie have had a swim, dry off with their towels, he gifts her with a bracelet to celebrate her promotion at work (wonder if this means she gets an office, lol). She claims it is just a new title, more work and no raise in pay. Doesn’t take them long to get into a playful mood, kissy kissy on the ground, Stephanie rolls on top of Nathan…and here comes Melanie looking for the picnic stuff. Stephanie accuses her of stalking them, not hardly giving her a chance to deny. Melanie leaves, Nathan & Stephanie go for another swim, return, dry off, talk about being hungry, but lay down on the ground, looking at the stars. She talks of him coming over to her place and helping her with something or other, as her roommate is moving out to a different city & job in the a.m. Gee, what a co-incidence. Nathan has to find new digs, as Lucas is putting the house up for sale, seems the Hong Kong thing is turning out well, & he figures he will stay with family or friends when he comes into town. So, gee, she needs a roommate, he needs a place to live. How very convenient. They seal the deal with a kiss.

Philip takes the opportunity to once again knock on Chloe’s door, having seen Daniel over in the Pub parking lot. He just wants to make sure Daniel bought the story. Yep, all is well, she mentions Daniel learning how Vivian paid off the nurse and motel clerk to lead Chloe astray. Philip has a fit, because none of this would have happened between them if not for that. He also learns that Chloe told Father Matt about her indiscretion, but assures him Father Matt won’t tell anyone what he heard in confession. Phil finally takes his leave, coming in the back door at home, as Melanie comes in from the living room. Kissing all around, and then afterglow in bed. She talks of someday doing this, making a baby, and how he would be a wonderful dad. But not yet, for now, just the two of them. She turns around, he holds her, kisses her head as he agrees, and sleep time.

Meanwhile, Daniel has run into Father Matt at the Pub, glad to see him, still wants him to marry him & Chloe as soon as the annulment is straightened out. Father Matt explains to Daniel there is no problem with the annulment, and he should talk to Chloe. He leaves. Daniel returns home, tells Chloe about seeing Father Matt, etc. Chloe claims that everything has straightened out NOW, but she has changed her mind about having him marry them, she & Father Matt don’t see eye to eye on some issues. Daniel is insistent, wanting to know what exactly, but she only claims she wants a civil ceremony now.

Bo has invited Roman over, explaining to him how strangely Hope has been acting, he is worried. He talks of how Hope raked Carly over the coals for public displays of affection, then runs into in the park, praising her for killing Lawrence. He mentions what Adrienne said, wonders if Roman has noticed anything. Roman says no, but thinks Bo should go easy on Hope, take a few steps back. Roman leaves, Bo tells himself he has to help Hope and he leaves going to the K mansion. He tells Henderson he wants to see Mrs. Brady, but Henderson says she retired very early. Bo insists, Henderson goes upstairs. Ciara comes in, happy to see Daddy, hugs, Bo talks of Mommy being a bit upset over some things with Ciara…..who insists Mommy was hugging that man. No, not Uncle Justin, a different man. Bo is puzzled, but Ciara claims she SAW them. He wonders who the man is, Ciara says maybe he is the one who took her treasures. Henderson has returned, Bo tells Ciara they will talk more tomorrow, she scampers off, and Henderson informs Bo that he was mistaken, as Mrs. Brady is no where in the house.

And there she is, talking to Baker in his room, berating him for not getting everything on her list….as yes, she does intend to kill her husband, tonight. He tries to talk her out of it, suggesting they mug him, Baker will give him a shot to knock him out for a few hours, giving them time to clean him out financially, checking, savings, maybe a few bonds/stocks, and then they take off for Europe, Monaco, Paris, a few other playgrounds. Have fun. Hope has realized Baker cares for her, he denies it at first, then admits he is falling in love with her. She admires him for not lying to her, being honest, only wanting to go have some fun. However, she will not be swayed. He needs to get the rest of the stuff on the list. Baker leaves. And in a couple minutes, Hope does, too, grabbing the paper bags of stuff he already bought.

Next, Hope is entering the Brady house with her key, talking to herself, as she looks around. “Home sweet home, a safe harbour, love all around.” She looks at a picture of Hope & Bo standing on either side of Alice Horton. “yeah, right. a prison. Hell on earth inside a white picket fence. And Bo is the devil.No happily ever after for me. Nothing but abandoment, misery.” She has picked up a shirt of his, holding it, even bringing it up to her face, smelling it, but then tosses it, murmuring that all that is left is destruction...and she goes into another room. She later is returning, taking off gloves, telling herself that all she has to do now is get the rest of the things..and create a little hell on earth. She opens the door to leave, and runs right in to a returning Bo.

I am not sure if the show thinks the viewers are really dumb or if they think they are being clever...all the flashbacks, slip ups by Chloe, the sudden baby talk by Mel..I feel like I am being hit by a mighty big hammer.

And lol oooo Ciara is telling...

Thanks for the write up.
oh wow..... caught in the act!!!! Bo please have the Salem brain today and figure out what the heck is going on FAST before you become a Bo-fritter! :)

So sad that Chad's ol' man shows no compassion for his son. What a *bleep*!

Thanks for the write up always....brilliantly crafted! :)
I really wish Bo would make some time for Ciara... He needs to have a god talk with her, but he always is in a hurry to go somewhere..
Please oh please don't yet this baby be Daniel's. I would hate for that poor kid to have to go around Salem with a name like Ichabod but then again it can't be any worse than having Pocket for a name. I would love to see Victor calling this child Ichabod. This poor child is going to need a lot of therapy after it is born.
Oh no not the flashback scene again and why oh why does Melanie keep bringing up having a kid with Philip when they said they were going to wait to have one. Is she trying to give the poor man a nervous breakdown?
Did anyone else figure out that Lucas would be trying to sell his house just as Philip and Melanie need to buy one?
LOL Mel and Phil are probably going to be moving into the house that Lucas built for Chloe. Oh the irony.
I hope this is a hint by the writers that the child is Phil's since Chloe did say she was having a child by Victor's "son" and not "godson" but if it is the writers are being way too subtle about it.
thanks for the great write up barb. cant wait to see the show.
The Ichabod as a baby name cracked me up for it made me think of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow which is how Days has been lately --- sleepy, sleepy sleepy. And maybe instead of the headless horseman, it's a premonition of the "legless Philanderer"

Great write-up as always!
Maybe after the baby is born Chloe, Melanie and Stephanie will realize that they no longer need men in their lives to satisfy them and they can all become lesbians living together. Now that would definitely be a way to bring in more male viewers. Philip, Daniel and Nathan could move into Lucas's house and raise the child together after Chloe decides she doesn't want to be a mommy. This could be Days rendition of Three Men and a Baby since the writers seem to be going the comedic route with this storyline. LOL
OMG thats hilarious.LOL. I would pay to see that.
Sounds like a great episode. Thanks Poirot!

karebr - Love your comments. I never thought about Philip and Melanie moving into Lucas' house, but it makes perfect sense. Then Melanie can fantasize about Nathan while she is sleeping in his old bed. Wait, they can afford to buy new furniture.

How funny that Chloe slips and says she is having a child with Victor's son. So much for promising Philip that no one will ever know it was him she slept with. Remember that survey I posted in Crystal Ball asking who will reveal the sexcapade? It's no wonder Chloe was in the lead.
Sounds like a great episode. Thanks Poirot!

karebr - Love your comments. I never thought about Philip and Melanie moving into Lucas' house, but it makes perfect sense. Then Melanie can fantasize about Nathan while she is sleeping in his old bed. Wait, they can afford to buy new furniture.

How funny that Chloe slips and says she is having a child with Victor's son. So much for promising Philip that no one will ever know it was him she slept with. Remember that survey I posted in Crystal Ball asking who will reveal the sexcapade? It's no wonder Chloe was in the lead.

By the time the baby is born everyone in Salem except for Daniel and Melanie will probably know that Philip and Chloe slept together because Chloe can't seem to keep her big mouth shut.:)
I think I know where the whole Madeline/Chad/Kate thing is going...
it's so obvious! Which... if I'm right... and without saying what I'm thinking- in case I am right- and therefor giving it away (even though it's speculation) then I don't like it.. one bit.
Great writeup! Thanks...I love Nightime Hope...and it'll be awhile before the salem brain comes back to Bo...

I think the writers may be trying clever with the Chloe slipup...I think the baby is Daniel's, otherwise, Philip has some powerful stuff- if once done is the charm...of course as many flashbacks as we've gotten of the scene, maybe it is the flashbacks that got her pregnant...

Ciara is a doll and I can't wait to see her cute little self spilling the if you want to know where to go for the Salem brain- Ciara's got it!
Thanks for the great write up Barb. Though, in a way I wish I'd waited until Monday to read it, because now I have to wait all weekend to find out how the confrontation between Bo and Nighttime Hope turns out!
oh wow..... caught in the act!!!! Bo please have the Salem brain today and figure out what the heck is going on FAST before you become a Bo-fritter! :)

So sad that Chad's ol' man shows no compassion for his son. What a *bleep*!

Thanks for the write up always....brilliantly crafted! :)
I think perhaps Chad's dad knows that he is not his son, and that is why he has always acted meanly towards him. Maybe Madeline was pregnant when they got together. Time to reveal Stefano as the daddy?...:idea:
What a show!

Doesn't seem to me that Chad's father the illustrious D.A. gives a damn for his wife who just died either. Where is his GRIEF?! Instead he attacks their son Chad which is ludicrous. NEVER liked that D.A. Woods. He's a *bleep* bag and worse.

Bo has been drinking Salem Stupid Juice too if he couldn't figure out that something is definitely wrong with Hope. He knows her THAT well after all these years and he can't figure out something is dreadfully wrong?!

Brady needs HIS head examined too bothering with the likes of Nicole.

Sami, it goes without saying is brain dead. WHO bothers with ANY man who RAPES them?!

What is wrong with these people?!