Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 19, 2010

I think I know where the whole Madeline/Chad/Kate thing is going...
it's so obvious! Which... if I'm right... and without saying what I'm thinking- in case I am right- and therefor giving it away (even though it's speculation) then I don't like it.. one bit.

:confused:........ LOL! ya need ta spill yer guts in yer own thread dabnabbit....curious minds wanna know! :)
Great writeup! Thanks...I love NT Hope...and it'll be awhile before the salem brain comes back to Bo...

I think the writers may be trying clever with the Chloe slipup...I think the baby is Daniel's, otherwise, Philip has some powerful stuff- if once done is the charm...of course as many flashbacks as we've gotten of the scene, maybe it is the flashbacks that got her pregnant...

Ciara is a doll and I can't wait to see her cute little self spilling the if you want to know where to go for the Salem brain- Ciara's got it!

I think the baby will be Daniel's too, but I think Chloe is going to spill the beans about what happened before they find out who the daddy is.
I think perhaps Chad's dad knows that he is not his son, and that is why he has always acted meanly towards him. Maybe Madeline was pregnant when they got together. Time to reveal Stefano as the daddy?...:idea:

If Madeline was pregnant when they got together. Maybe she got pregnant by the dead congressman that Stefano and Kate was setting up. This could lead to Stefano and Kate feeling guilty because they killed Chad's real father and they will take Chad in to live with them when DA Woods kicks him out.
Hey guys, if you are gonna speculate there are already threads posted in the Crystal Ball about these things. Probably in Daily Days, too.
Awww! I knew it!! Iknew it- 'Rew tricked me into posting my specualtion in the wrong place! I knew it- nad i knew it wouldn't be good.
Too funny!

Please oh please don't yet this baby be Daniel's. I would hate for that poor kid to have to go around Salem with a name like Ichabod but then again it can't be any worse than having Pocket for a name. I would love to see Victor calling this child Ichabod. This poor child is going to need a lot of therapy after it is born.
Oh no not the flashback scene again and why oh why does Melanie keep bringing up having a kid with Philip when they said they were going to wait to have one. Is she trying to give the poor man a nervous breakdown?
Did anyone else figure out that Lucas would be trying to sell his house just as Philip and Melanie need to buy one?
LOL Mel and Phil are probably going to be moving into the house that Lucas built for Chloe. Oh the irony.
I hope this is a hint by the writers that the child is Phil's since Chloe did say she was having a child by Victor's "son" and not "godson" but if it is the writers are being way too subtle about it.

You should be one of the writers for DAYS.....We'd be laughing our asses of if you were...I'm sure!
Thank you for the HAHa's
Doesn't seem to me that Chad's father the illustrious D.A. gives a damn for his wife who just died either. Where is his GRIEF?! Instead he attacks their son Chad which is ludicrous.

I don't see it a ludicrous. Anger is one of the stages of grief. Chad and his mother were arguing before she died. Given the adversarial relationship we’ve seen between Chad and his father, I would have be surprised if the D.A hadn’t reacted with anger towards Chad. Hopefully he will calm down soon and apologize and try to mend fences.
Regarding the name Ichabod: Victor could call the baby Icky-B....sort of like his nickname for Isabella!
Dr. Baker and Hope

In today's episode he called her "Hope" a couple of times. Did she already know that he knew her name??? I don't remember her being aware that he knew who she was. Did I miss that scene????
He's known her name for a while, but little by little, Baker is learning her connections to Bo and to the Hortons. It was Alice's picture he saw in the paper, and I believe Hope was listed as one of the "she leaves behind" grandchildren.

I absolutely loved today's episode. I loved the Philip and Melanie scenes, the Philip and Chloe scenes, and laughed out loud at the end after Melanie said babies will wait, for now it's just us, and Philip looked up to heaven and said "that's all I want." That was comical.

I really enjoyed the scenes with Hope and Baker when Baker told Hope he's falling in love with her and you could tell Hope was giving it some consideration.

Yuck to Nathan and Stephanie. He was such a klutz pouring that wine.

I liked Hope's speech about the house she lived in being so full of love. Can you believe that Bo still keeps the pictures of him and Hope on the mantle? Carly is very tolerant. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow after Bo has come upon Hope in his house.

I just realized why I liked today's show so much. No Carly. No Sami. No EJ. No Rafe. Plenty Philip. If only it could always be this way. I'd be in Days heaven.
He's known her name for a while, but little by little, Baker is learning her connections to Bo and to the Hortons.

Yep, I knew that he knew her name. BUT I didn't think that SHE knew that he knew her name. I thought she was trying to keep her identity a secret from him.
I loved philip and melanie today. they are just so damn perfect together. I love them. I'm with you kpatch yuck to nathan and stephanie. I wish they would just go the hell away. and I am so sick of them treating melanie like dirt. In my opion melanie is more class than stephanie will ever be.
No Lil0, she knows he knows. In fact, they stood outside her home and she told him that Bo Brady is her husband. He said Bo Brady the commissioner? And she confirmed it. That was the night Ciara saw Mommy hugging a strange man outside the window.