Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 20, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 20, 2020

Ben is having a bad nightmare, Jordan in a wedding dress, telling him he ruined her life, she loved Rafe, would be married & raising David together. Ben says Evan is the one who killed her, Jordan says if not Evan, would have been you. She digs at him about being the necktie killer, that he will do the same to Ciara if he gets mad at her. He is insisting, never, she is holding a very long tie, saying he will put it around Ciara's neck, drawing it tighter & tighter. (Ugh to these scenes). Ben wakes up in a sweat, breathing heavy, calls Marlena, has to talk to her right away.

Marlena had been doing something on her tablet as happy Claire talks of Ciara being the most beautiful bride, Marlena says she is most wonderful maid of honor, Claire scoots out, taking the wedding dress with her, off to see Ciara, will see Gramma at the church.

Ciara is asleep on the sofa, Hope calling her to wake up. She does, and immediately is off to the bathroom to throw up. She feels awful, no, did not have too much to drink, only had one. No she cannot be pregnant, she is 100% sure of that. Now Hope says it may be something you ate, Ciara says “oh, God”, Claire comes in all cheery, but notes Ciara looks like hell. Hope is going to drug store to get something to help, leaves, & Ciara lets Claire have it, figures she put something in her drink or the snacks for her. She is angry, Claire is denying, Ciara fires her as maid of honor, tells her to get out, never wants to see her again. She starts to be sick again, Claire snatches the dress away, & we hear Ciara puking, as Claire lays the dress down (it is in a garment bag) & leaves.

Marlena has come over, Ben tells her of his nightmare. She is kind, calm and reassuring, proud of him for his determination to stay on the right track. Takes his meds, does his therapy. Ben is grateful, but fears that the old Ben Weston, the one buried deep right now, is still there, that he won't ever be able to be rid of him. Marlena again is reassuring, Ben asks if o.k, to hug her, she thinks that would be great. He does, thanks her, really has no family, & she has made him feel like he has sort of family. She smiles, says she is sitting on the groom's side at the church. He warns her she will probably be all alone. She is gone, Jordan appears again, still smiling, throwing digs at him.

Jake wakes up to knocking on his door, tis Gabi, who hates to tell him this, Vivian is dead. Seems she collapsed at the police station. (Yes, folks, and the Salem P.D. never even tried for an autopsy, lolol). And Ivan has arranged sore sort of wake for her. Amazingly, she already is at funeral parlor, in the coffin. Closed. Kate is there, swilling a drink, ranting and raving at the coffin, hoping Viv suffered, she gloats a lot, then remembers Viv would easily stage her death, so is going to lift the lid, in comes Ivan. She gloats to him, hoping Viv suffered, Ivan explains how the EMT's worked on her for 20 minutes to no avail. Claims about 20 witnesses that she was dead, but since Kate wants proof, he opens the lid, there is Vivian.

In comes Jake and Gabi. More jabber about how she died, how Jake had just met her, Gabi leaves, Jakes stays, Kate eventually leaving with him, gonna tell him all the background of his mother, and evidently recites all the shenanigans, including shooting Kate, dumping her into a grave. She even includes how Lucas almost gave her heart to Julie Williams. Jake doesn't want to hear any more. Kate leaves him with a bottle of champagne. Along comes Gabi, surprised the memorial was already over. Jake says no one there, Ivan said a few words, Kate filled him in later on his mother. He asks Gabi to share the bottle, he makes a toast to Vivan....Gabi says Alamain, they both take a swig of champagne, down the hatch.

Claire gets back to Marlena's, very angry, telling her about getting fired, Ciara thinking Claire put something in her drink. Marlena tries to note why Ciara might feel that way towards Claire, who now has a big meltdown, everyone accept that Ben has changed, no one will believe I have. She storms out.

Hope returns, has some pills, gives a couple to Ciara, who tells her mom about Claire. Hope figures things will work out o.k., She will be fine, but she is calling a doctor. Ciara calls Ben, tells him what happened, & she fired Claire. He says that was good. But Ciara is still sick, and is afraid they may not be able to be married today.
Ooops, after Kate left, Ivan is apologizing to the casket, must have been hard to hear all that. Up pops Vivian, boy, it sure is hard to play dead. He offers her a drink, they talk of Dr. Woo's herbs, and how glad he did not retire. They have a drink, toasting to her deeds, she smiles, it won't be the last of them. It never is.
I really enjoyed Marlena and Ben together. Wasn't sure she was going to accept hug though. Honestly doctor/patient probably shouldn't. Surprised she made a house call though. It was nice to see Jordan. I like the actress and wish she was still on. It is time for Ben to be exonerated for being neck tie killer. I like him a lot too. Character and actor.
I felt sorry for Claire because I believe she is innocent. But geez, who could have predicted Ciara getting sick? :sarcasm:

It would be nice if the writers could come up with something that we don't see from a mile away. Knew Ciara would get sick. Knew Vivian wasn't dead.

Watching Gabi and Jake - just give it time.
Marlena: Doc gets kudos today for kindly helping Ben. She really does stick by her patients, unlike Sarah who probably yells at them when they don't recover on schedule.

Dream Jordan: Even by Salem standards, she was really nasty. Whatever happened to Rafe's mousy therapist?

Ben: He really has awful dreams. Why can't he be more conventional? E.g., he's at the repair shop, but no matter where he looks, he can't find the motorcycle that needs repairs ASAP.

Claire: She may or may not be guilty of wedding sabotage, but she committed the unpardonable sin today of blaming Ben for Ciara's suspicions. Doesn't she know that blaming Ben for everything has been out of fashion since Hope and Little Trippy were on a crusade against him.

Viv: Her revival wasn't a surprise. She looked awfully good for a dead person -- so good that Kate should have jabbed her with a pin to see if she was really dead.

Jake: He thought that he'd spoken to Vivian for the last time? This shows how new he is to Salem. Somebody who'd been around longer, would be thinking of what to say to her when she comes back to life.
As soon as they said Vivian was dead, I said I bet she isn't.

If Claire isn't the guilty party, who is? I can't stand her.

Why shouldn't Jake become a DiMera? He was cheated out of it all from birth. Although, why anyone would want to be part of the clan is beyond me!

Ben's dream is beyond me.
Probably means they are arguing about an increase in rates....
A shame this happens........and it does......all over the country......
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

Since Ben was seeing Jordan when he wasn't dreaming, has someone tampered with his medication?

Was Ciara drugged? Did the same person drug her and tamper with Ben's medication too?

Poor Claire, no one believes she didn't do all the bad things against Ciara.

I laughed when Kate told the closed coffin she almost skipped all the way there. And why does
everyone believe Vivian is really dead? Even Gabi should wonder about that.

Poor Jake. Ivan had Vivian's obituary say his name was Jacob.

Anyone else think Ciara might have COVID :)